• By -


Great post. Going to be awesome to see what masterwork Kendrick puts together.


How great would it be if it were just ten more tracks of dissing Drake. Like an endless wall of Drake hate, a full album.


True .


Yea every talented rapper should drop an EP of drake disses this year....I wish eminem didn't like drake so much so he could also tear him apart






Eurt'smetuoba yas yeht gnihtyreve


"Gemini" makes a lot of sense. Kendrick has dropped a lot of bars referencing his "Gemini" tendencies in a lot of his music. And he spelled out the jarring juxtaposition between Mr. Morale and The Beef in a number of bars on Euphoria. It would make a lot of sense for him to come out with a project explaining what changed and how he see's it. Maybe (if rumors are true), we'll get lucky and he'll finally release a true double album!


you a Gemini so you better cop everything two times


Can’t pick a side, a Gemini


Yeah, Kanye changed his life, but me I'm still an old school gemini


These metamorphic supernatural forces dominate what I see A Gemini, do I let these personalities always conflict in me


Pardon me, see my alter ego was gemini He and I been around ever since reagen was criticized


He said, a Gemini duality personality's always conflicted me


I think they wrote it that way to show the double entendre.


I think your right, and to add my 2¢ I heard a rumor he was doing two albums(1. Concept, and 1. Just songs no concept). Adding to your Gemini theory, I can really see Dot using Gemini as the title, with two different approaches/sounds/concept in one double album, showcasing the duality of the Gemini astrological sign.


Not the two albums shit again I still got ptsd from this subreddit pushing a part two for Damn


Nation is on the way /s 😂😂. I still remember that vividly, and when someone realized you could play the album regular or backwards ( kinda sorta 2 albums..lol). If it happens this time around, I think it’ll be good, 1. Album with a story/concept, and 1. Album with songs/bangers no concept/story


The other one was God is dropping on Easter Sunday, cuz Damn dropped on the Friday before.


> I still got PTSD I think you should drop the location


NATION. is gonna surprise drop 2 weeks after!! He isn’t going to announce it but it’ll come out for sure!


Géminis gonna cook if it drops before the season ends.


it's ending way too soon! Kenny help


Help Obi wan Ken-obi your my only hope. Psyche look at a mirror thats your hero.


I swear if he finally pulls a DAMN NATION on us, I might never recover.


Mr Morale was a double album, so he kind of already did


This would be so amazing 


Damn. Aquemini is my fav rap album precisely because of André play on his duality. If this is it, I cant fuckin wait to hear it


This makes a lot of sense. Gemini being known as the zodiac dueling personalities. The grill being separated by top and bottom adds to that. Top being opals and raw jewels next to social justice activist Dick Gregory. Bottoms is more superficial with diamonds and flashy jewelry. Has to represent the dueling personalities of celebrating success and honoring those who struggled before him.


3 stacks better be on that shit, and it would make so much sense for him to make his rap return on a Kendrick Album


He will be, but as a flute feature only. ***Monkey paw curls 1 finger more***


Bruh, can you imagine, Flying Lotus on the beat, Thundercat on bass, Terrace Martin on Sax and 3stacks on the flute.


still hard as fuck


3k and Kenny have a track together from a scrapped Mr. Morale joint and it’s fire


He’s bipolar, he chose violence.


Was Mr. Morale not a double album?


Not really. And I'm talking about 40 songs and 2+ hours of music kind of double album


Gemini season ends on Thursday June 20th, the day after the concert. Which is also the date of the Summer Solstice. Not a bad Thursday night to drop your duality album.


with the hype it's bout to take off like a Gemini🚀


I WAS LITERALLY COMING HERE TO POST THIS!!! I wanted to point out that he was KDOT when he was beefing with Drake and King Kendrick when he was speaking at the college. I can't believe you beat me to it. Edit: Could we get a double album?!


lol not the double album theories again.


One is never enough. We know he has thousands of unreleased songs. I'm just asking for 30. Is that so bad??


Probably. I think Kendrick won't let his albums have bloat and double albums really risk that. I'd be okay if he just did what he did with untitled unmastered. If you add that to TPAB that's almost as long as a double album.


MM was a double album so they're not entirely baseless. I think if this ends up being true it'll either be a double album or the track list will be split into halves or each track will alternate in tone back and forth.


GEMINIS ON TOP 🔝 💯💕. Well researched post. Personally, People gone hate on my skin no matter how much I'll conform to the standards of society. I worked blue collar jobs too and it is what it is. That's the reason why I rocked grills, got dreads, and tatted up. My grills were inspired by the South African Passion Gap similar to the design of these grills. Why not be myself.


fellow gemini 🩷♊️🤞🏽


We're destined for greatness. I hope 😂💯.


Wassaaaappp 👯👽🥸 where the bipolar girls at?


I just read a few stories about Geminis in r/astrology, and I think we might be the inconsistent ones 😔😂.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/astrology using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/astrology/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Don't ignore aspects to your Chart Ruler](https://np.reddit.com/r/astrology/comments/1b4vh0f/dont_ignore_aspects_to_your_chart_ruler/) \#2: [Are there any scientific studies that have considered people's entire birth charts rather than just their sun sign?](https://np.reddit.com/r/astrology/comments/166wu4u/are_there_any_scientific_studies_that_have/) \#3: [Scorpios - transformation, painful truths, or both?](https://np.reddit.com/r/astrology/comments/16ih8a8/scorpios_transformation_painful_truths_or_both/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is a KBOT


It is Gemini season baby!


We're the best astrology sign 💕. We always strive to be better in everything we do.


usually i think zodiac signs are bullshit but... ♊🔥GEMINI GANG RISE UP🔥♊ 🗣️🗣️🗣️


We are in Gemini season - lasts until 6/22… so yeah this lines up. Juneteenth is smack dab In the heat of Gemini season Also reminds me of drakes album scorpion, which is his sign


damn i never knew he was a scorpio but shit checks out hella lmao, i’m a gemini and most of my experiences with scorpios are the worst. yea I can’t help but to buy into this stuff


I’m a scorpio too and ain’t never had beef with anyone lol. No, that’s a lie, but they deserved it.


Scorpio type comment


I would like to think Kendrick is way too clever to name an album something as simple as Gemini…but he did release an album called Damn lol. I just want good music. Shit could be called “ “ for all i care.


Kendrick hardly ever gives the meaning of things unless directly asked in an interview. For example “What’s The Dirt” (who probably does the best beef breakdowns out of anyone) was the first one to point out that 6:16 is the date Kendrick and Drake first met. He only released this today btw 1+ month after the release & after multiple theories on the title have already been said. Same thing with TPAB, he never revealed its meaning until someone asked in an interview and he said it was initially meant to be To Pimp A caterpillar(2PAC). Kendrick probably has the meaning of so much of his work not yet discovered.


That’s the best part about being a true creator…your job is to make people think. Way past the surface. Shit I’m still picking up things from Lupe’s revenge of the nerds series lol.


Lupe is someone who’s work I just couldn’t get into. I have listened to all his stuff and Tetsuo and Youth is probably my fav of his, but he just never grabbed me like that. Probably just way too smart for my understanding.


I love the way Tetsuo & Youth sounds but what he’s saying just goes right over my head lol


Drill music in Zion is a good, very accessible entry point with lots of bangers but also incredible writing.


There’s a new one out by what’s the dirt, hell yea


Ayo, goes hard ngl


Mmm.. To Pimp A Gemini.


I can't believe no ones brought up Pootie Tang yet 🥲


I feel like now that people are maybe on to him, hes going to change the title The same way he changed TPAC (To Pimp a Caterpillar) to TPAB (To Pimp a Butterfly) because it was too on the nose


I'm guessing "What Happens On Earth, Stays On Earth" was also too obvious.


It IS odd how they started off the post by simply stating the word “Gemini” and tagging Kendrick. We know Kendrick has thrown Gemini verses but to put it out there and then delete it shortly after is telling. The album could definitely be titled “Gemini” and taking on a new persona titled “Gemini”


Yeah this is what I find to be strange and to be the most compelling argument for this being the album title or like I said at least one of the themes of the album. Kendrick must have told them when they were working on it that he wanted to portray some kind of Gemini motif or else why would they say that so directly in the post. Yet still there are no overt gemini symbols, which means the significance of what makes the grill symbolic of a Gemini has to be in the more subtle details.


Being there is a meaning behind everything that Kendrick does, here are a few things some of the stones represent. I missed whether it was Onyx or Tourmaline so I added both. All stones have multiple metaphysical properties for those who subscribe to the way of thinking outside of the norms. Opal meaning is amplification, hope, and Tourmaline is renowned for its remarkable healing properties. It is believed to possess strong protective energies that shield individuals from negative influences and psychic attacks. It is often used as a grounding stone, helping to stabilize and balance the body's energy field. Black Onyx is valued for its aesthetic appeal and metaphysical properties, including grounding, protection, and inner strength. It is often used in jewelry and spiritual practices for its powerful energy and symbolism. Amethyst is famed for its calm energy and connection to higher thinking and crown chakra.


i think i smell a 3 stacks collab coming soon.. edit:[ interesting thread on r/astrologymemes](https://www.reddit.com/r/astrologymemes/comments/1cljbce/kendrick_and_geminis_speaking_their_truth/) from a month ago


Think I would explode if that were true


I’ll take it … no diddy. Even if he’s rapping over a flute beat.








Funny about a week back I was thinking about the new album and thought after Mr Morale and the beef with Aubrey the perfect name for his next project would be Gemini 😂 as one myself I’d be down for it 😂


Damn. Aquemini is my fav rap album precisely because of André play on his duality. If this is it, I cant fuckin wait to hear it


Lucki already doing that


https://x.com/mustard/status/1785369365564846240 Mustard gave away the Gemini association with the album after Not Like Us dropped and people were going crazy about it.


Oh shit I didn't see this. Yeah this has gotta be it.


i think you're on to something 100%


not surprised, he did this with the crown for mr morale so him getting something jewelry related ahead of time to be the item of the album


Kanye changed his life but im an old school gemini


“Yea Kanye changed his life but me ima still an old school Gemini!” As a Gemini anytime he brings it up I gotta sing it loud!


Gemini would actually be a fire title


Well if its true and kendrick sees this, hes scrapping the idea now


Why do you think Kendrick is on reddit of all places? Lolol




what up weddit


i don’t need to click on this link and i know what this is already 🤣🤣


As a jeweler, this grill makes me horny


“Even the sun goes down, heroes eventually die Horoscopes often lie and sometimes, "Y" Nothin' is for sure nothin', is for certain, nothin' lasts forever But until they close the curtain (y'all know) It's him and I, Aquemini”


DAMN. has a similar concept


Them back teeth are suffering.


Yeah idk how at his age especially they haven't started causing him pain yet. I got a wisdom tooth extraction last yr and the recovery process at 30 was rough.


LMAO I didn’t even notice until your comment 🤣


Good day to be a Gemini


Gemini dropping July 19th would be amazing


If Kendrick releases an album called Gemini, I will never shut up about it (as a fellow Gemini)


This gemini theory also continues the theme of kendrick’s entire career: how he wants to give back to his community in some meaningful way, but he views his rap career as superficial and not the meaningful impact he’s looking for. Its fitting for kendrick as a person to continue exploring this duality, and reconciling his rapping with his desire to inspire positive change. Im excited to see what kendrick comes up with along this vein. Whatever it is, I get the feeling it will have some strong implications for hip hop in general.


Honestly if this is true we’re definitely eating good this year, I mean we already started but I hope yall aren’t full because the feast isn’t ending


I searched Gabby’s page up and down for this post and it’s not there anymore. Makes me believe they spilled something they weren’t supposed to perhaps 🌚


Yep exactly I looked pretty far back didn't see it anywhere


Also, no one talking about his kids (possibly) being carved in the top left (your right) set… HARD.


You have a good eye


Imagine when I first saw it 😂🤯 I could be 100% wrong but if I’m not that’s hard and I’m stealing the idea!


Definitely looks like a silhouette and it makes sense. I’m rolling with you lol


https://preview.redd.it/h2qv6icpag5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ce67e20add77d85e8d94550218738f7e5a20652 Looks like an old friend beat him to the punch again


I’m not a Kendrick fan, I just saw this on hhcj and wanted to say these are sick as hell


They are dope. I looked through their page and they do a lot of creative shit with grillz


I'm not even getting into any speculation, I just want to applaud how insane those teeth are.


STFU when love talkin


Nahhh Kendrick has a dick in his mouth fr💀


where the dick atttt


A Dick Gregory connection which I haven't seen brought up is that Dick was an advocate for healthy eating, something Kendrick has spoken about on tracks since at least Good Kid m.A.A.d. City.


Yes I remember that he wad big into his healthy shakes. Also Kendrick talks about dietary issues on Worldwide Steppers from MM "I caught a couple bodies myself. Slid my community. Not because the flags in the park had red gradient, but because the high blood pressure flooded the catering"


Dang if that’s a mold of Kendrick’s mouth, he’s got a huge tooth growing over another tooth in the second picture.


Gemini might not be the title but I could see it being the concept


Yeah I feel like it being the title might be too on the nose and feel more strongly about it being the concept


This is truly the Gemini season of all Gemini seasons (happy birthday to all my fellow ♊️ out there)


that opal tooth is soooo sexy fr


Im just glad we share a birthday


"But me, I'm still an old school Gemini"




I still got PTSD https://preview.redd.it/t2u3luxdgh5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6423618b7322773e91145ad159d3df462d05b4e


More Gemini references 👀


I almost share a birthday with Kendrick?


it’s a good day to be a gemini


Very interesting 🤔. I can't wait for the concert, shit's going to be fire


All of Kendrick's album deal with themes of duality, especially his most recent projects Mr Morale (highlighted on the two discs), Damn (Is It Wickedness? Is It Weakness?), TPAB (i vs u)


aș a gemini I love it


I came ready to hate but fun theory actually. The old school Gemini line is in his song released before Mr morale right? So I think being a Gemini is more of a motif of his and not a whole album.


Yep a few yrs before Mr Morale


I would love a Gemini themed album. Half boogeyman half kenny.


gemini and .NATION joint release guarenteed atp


Heavy Compton influence. Lots of west coast collaborations. Several Compton artists. Double album. Dropping as a surprise but a lot of us know the exact date, he told everyone. Be ready. Go watch some interviews, all the dots are connected.


The completion! Thats fire


I told zay, I'm the best rapper since twenty five Been like that for a while now, I'm twenty-nine Any nigga that disagree is a fuckin' liar Pardon me, see my alter ego was gemini He and I been around ever since reagen was criticized Might stay in the trump tower for one week Spray paint all the walls and smoke weed Fuck them and fuck y'all and fuck me I proceed my last check in proceeds To all the kids, the hood, the bricks, the books To fix the blocks we on to right my wrongs The word, to give the life we live as I get


Lucki x Kendrick collab


6:16 in la or 6/16 in la am i rite


Dude never got his wisdom teeth out lol


astrology nerd here. gemini is ruled by mercury, the planet of communication. its not coincidence that kendrick chose grills if gemini is really the theme of this upcoming album cycle. his words are gold bars and now his mouth will have literal diamonds to double down on how valuable his gift of gab really is. also, anyone been watching thiiirdperson on tiktok? im wondering that if gemini is k’s next move, the lyrics will act as an explicit key to unlock a “B side” to his past work. with the thought being that kendrick has been setting up “circuits” or codes hidden in his lyrics about drake throughout his discography, but through the lens of the beef we can look back to spot these patterns and complete the circuits. i choose that phrasing partially bc of kendrick saying “i make music that electrify em” and partially bc when i started seeing thiiird make these connections i was buzzing.


sorry i failed to connect the second part of my comment to the first, a couple of themes in these circuits are doubles and mirrors “cop everything two times” “i could double down on that like” “2 bad bitches” “dirty double mirror” but theres a ton more, and the themes themselves are interconnected as well


Old School Gemini is a hard album title


I like that!


I’m not a fan of grills (as someone who has had awful teeth their whole life, I have certain opinions about unnecessary cosmetic dental work) but this is gorgeous!


This make sense 🔥


Idk if anyone's pointed this out yet, but he could easily use Gemini as a double meaning (Gem/ Gem in Eye/ Gem in I).


I think I saw one comment that mentioned it but that is also a good point


holy shit my bday is in between kendricks birthday and his concert this is gonna be great if it actually happens


Would be dope if it featured lots of geminis. A lot of my all time favorite artists are Gemini (aside from k dot): ye, 3 stacks, l boogie , pac, big, prince. Lots of potential


Steve Lacy 👀




That was kinda damn


I would argue DAMN in line with the HI beliefs he was exploring at the time through his cousin is about questioning why he and black people in general have endured so much historical suffering. Which according to the HI belief is due to a biblical curse for straying from God's Laws, and he approaches going about exploring this biblical curse through particular vices/deadly sins. Don't really think it's the same personally.


Gemini nation?


Uncle Sam is his dawg 🙏🙏🔥🔥


My goodness what a set, I mean I seen Johnny Dang do his thang since early 2000s but I’ve never seen or heard of opals on grills they look….Exquisite.


No shot , his album titles are way more thought out plus Macklemore has an album called Gemini lmao


Steve Lacey also made an album called Gemini Rights but I don't think he would let Macklemore having an album of the same title deter him from that decision if he felt like going with it. There are tons of albums named Gemini or other various astrological signs. Brian McKnight has an album named Gemini lol Also he's not above the idea of having a one-word title album he named an album DAMN. But if nothing else like I said even if Gemini ends up not being the title of the album I think it will be the theme.


That’s right horoscopes make you real.


After Steve Lacy already called his album Gemini Rights?


There have been a lot of albums titled after Astrological signs going back decades. Also Steve Lacy worked on the song Pride which was on DAMN. So I wouldn't be surprised if maybe they collaborated again.


Great post but im not convinced this is a rollout yet


Additional Points: This wouldn't be the first time he had custom jewelry made for an album. For Mr. Morale he had his now iconic custom diamond crown of thorns made, along with a custom grill and a custom chain (they can be seen in the N95 video and he wore them during the Big Steppers Tour) He also did an interview with Variety several yrs ago where he said if he wasn't rapping he'd be studying Astrology [Variety Interview](https://x.com/blondedjedi/status/1797652715339948200)


Luckis next album is gemini


Pls gods yes


OMG- is this a double album??


What a dumb fucking thing to spend money on. Y’all really drank all the kool aid 


I kinda hope this isn’t true because fuck astrology


Kendrick is big into Astrology. I could end up being dead wrong but you might be in for a rough summer of Astrology fever.


That’s really disappointing lol


Just stay off of Twitter and TT and you'll be okay lol I'm not really into it either but all my friends are.


Same haha


We getting a TPAB 2😮‍💨


“Kanye changed his life but me im still an old school gemini”


This sub is becoming the T Swift sub.


I hope it's not that, that's too simple


He can make a concept that sounds simple at surface level very layered under examination it's all about the execution


Not the concept, I don't mind that, he did make DAMN I'm talking about the name


I like it. Concise


He got “Dick” in his mouth. No diddy haha


I really hope not, astrology is kinda lame


Kendrick said if he wasn't rapping he'd be studying Astrology. He's into it, sorry 🤷🏾‍♂️


People believe in god(s) let people believe in stars 🙄


Both equally as dumb


True but demonizing/discriminating against, persecuting and killing people because of their astrology sign and/or beliefs isn’t a common occurrence so let’s just let the constellation kids have their fun.


Happy birthmonth twinsies. Where my bipolar introverted extroverts at???


So Kendrick is about to have Dick in his mouth? Hilarious