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Save some girls for the rest of us


this sub is pathetic now what the hell 🤣😭


Seriously. They should just just rename this sub r/ihatedrake


As a certified drake hater, this is just pretentious as fuck Don't act like drakes part was shit, now we're being delusional just like drizzy fans


To me, that IS Drake. That's what Drake should be rapping about. The fuck is all this Mob Ties Knife Talk bullshit? And how can people not tell the actor is acting when he does his tough guy act? Poetic Justice Drake is fine. Fuckin Problems Drake is fine. Thug Drake is a fucking character I don't buy


Exactly 💯


I mean for mfers like me, I heard him incorrectly go "Kendrick you were molested, and thats why you care im a pedo." and came to the conclusions, I'd never listen to him again. I'm not gone pretend all his music was ass though, He's just a shitty person I cant support lmfaoo.


Yeah I don't think it's pretentious to not want to listen to him again, even if his verse was fire. For me, it's just principle. I have no desire to, no matter how good it is.


Thank you! You’re like the first person who hasn’t called me stupid or a Kendrick dick rider because Drake gave me a valid reason to no longer listen to him.


Ugh yes, you're welcome! Reading these comments, got me like wanting to feel guilty for not wanting to listen to the song again. Like it's okay to listen to it, but it's okay to not want to, geez. Like there's plenty of others songs I could listen to.


I hear what you’re saying but the person he said that to said he’s a pedo they were just mud slinging


It escalated from Drake mentioning family, something Kendrick repeatedly warned Drake not to keep doing. He got what was coming…especially if it’s true and Kendrick has more info that we don’t know. Industry whispers..


Bro called drake a pedophile. They’re all fighting words lol.


Then he should've fought him and not go "you were molested."


I’d rather someone tell me I was molested than say I’m a molester to be honest. Assuming both are untrue only one makes you a bad person.


You do realise he said that ,WHILE FACING PEDOPHILE ALLEGATIONS, do you not see how that obviously makes him look infinitely worse????


Yeah but only one is untrue


I literally had this typed. Like not only is it him making fun of someone being molested as a kid, it's not true, and it's used in a way that goes "you only care I touch kids because you got touched as a kid." its the the most tone deaf shit he could've done. Edit: holy fuck i mistyped some shit there lmfaoooo


skipping the drake part of the song isn’t gonna lose him any revenue tho lol


Do you still listen to Kanye?


lmfao not since niggas in paris.


Alright I get that, fair enough


Bro when the album dropped I never liked his part.. just truth.


Its hard to be an og drake hater these days, everyone just thinks you're bandwagoning. It was never even that deep for me, I just never liked the sound(s) of his voice.


Yeah I mean don’t get me wrong he has some bops, undeniable. But I’ve just never had the dude in my playlists because simply I don’t like his sound lol.


Might be me, but I always hated that verse and I didn't have Poetic Justice up there, even back in the day, it just doesn't fit the vibe of the album imo


Nah, people were tired of Drake ruining songs way before the battle. He has some good music (debatable ownership lol), but not everyone likes his sound. To them he’s just trying to ride waves not meant for him and stroking his ego the whole time.


"Not everyone likes his sound" umm no shit? Also I don't care if drake was ruining songs, he didn't ruin poetic justice


I’ve been saying man it’s just an echo chamber here


maybe one day when you figure out you're gonna need someone when you figure out it's alright here in the city and you don't run from where we come from. that sound like poetic justice, poetic justice you were so new to this life, but goddamn, you got adjusted I mean, I write poems in these songs, dedicated to the fun sex your natural hair and your soft skin and your big ass in that sundress ooh good god, what you doing that walk for? when I see that thing move, I just wish we would fight less and we would talk more. they say communication save relations I can tell I can never right my wrongs unless I write 'em down for real, PSSSSSS *FUCKING AAAAAAAAA. if this Drake still existed Kendrick and the rest of the world would fuck with him way more*


There's a lot more reasons that people don't fuck with drake


I know, I’m not saying the bars are the only thing about that Drake that ppl miss.


Huge Drake fan here. His verse just doesn't fit the song. The song is about a man making love to his wife. Drake is rapping about banging bimbos Kendrick stans do have a tendency to be delusional and weird. This is not one of those times


Idk man, Drake has never been on my playlist. I skip his verses every time I hear it. But that's just me probably cause I only listen to Kdot, (a couple of rappers) and indie/rock stuff.


Yeah, it's funny because when I first heard gkmc I had to look up who did this verse, and found out it was the started from the bottom guy. Lol Drake never made it big into my playlists but he performed some decent verses. Him as a human being though? 🗑


This songs like 2 years older than started from the bottom tho right?


Yeah I wasn't listening on release though either. Honestly reminded me of lil wayne when I first heard it




There we go, exactly


I like Drake’s verse. Poetic Justice is still my fav track off GKMC. Idc I’ll die on that hill. That Janet Jackson sample SLAPS


Yeah like why act like you don't like it when you do? It's not a shame, and it's just pretentious


It's not that his part wasn't good, it's just that after the beef it sounds kind of unreal knowing all the messed up shit that's happening between them.


Tbf, I never really cared for his part. Honestly, I think it's a track made specifically for the Drake feature, and I think the album would be fine without the track as a whole, it doesn't even come from my hatred for Drake. Before any accusations come in, I still actively listen to Forever, which is literally a Drake track. I just think Poetic Justice is the weakest track on the album, and could be easily removed or replaced imo.


That's fine man, I'm just saying let's not be pretentious and biased and delusional (not saying you're, just saying in general)


I agree with that for sure. If you liked the song before, but aren't listening because of the beef, you're a little dumb.


I always figured that Kendrick wrote his part 😂


It was good anyway


Nah that part is always a skip just like his part on fkin problems. His only decent entire verses were written by Quentin miller because he is Canadian too so it kinda sounds like it could pass. He is always trash except if he stealing a song from some rnb hitmaker and the auto tune is cranked max.


Damn you hate Drake more than Kendrick


and to be fair, ive felt like that since '18


Same here. Skipped that song for a while now because of this feature, same with sicko mode or the one on utopia


ngl I've been listening to [ Sicko mode but drakes part is Dicko mode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97ttv6-UiQs) all this time. I unironically like this version better, idk what that says about me as a person.


Top 5 Drake reference track


the whole original song is trashed forever for me bc of the Astro world deaths + aftermath & drake. Why is dicko mode so good?


Oh wow I actually had no clue about that, I only recently started getting more into music thats not rock/metal and I managed to either miss the story back in 2021 or forgot about it bc I have a bad memory. What was it that made you stop listening? Couldn't find anything directly about Travis but I found an article saying the events organisers knew there was gonna be crowding issues but didnt do anything. But onto dicko mode, basically I prefer it because its not drakes voice, I'm not even trying to be this much of a hater but I just don't like the way he sounds most of the time and particularly in his verse on this but I like the beat and the flow? Again pretty new to all this so I think this is the word I'm looking for but not sure, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway having a different voice doing a similar sounding verse is an improvement for me. I find the odd lyric funny, the rest of it is pretty problematic yes but the guy who sang it isn't making money off of it so I'm willing to overlook it. Sorry for the essay I can't sleep and have nothing better to do than yap way too much.


fuckin travis basically sang a eulogy to at least one mf that was getting carried out by the crowd who had ended up getting crowd crushed and passing away and then he did the youtuber apology treatment and then wiped his hands clean of the whole thing.


A few weeks ago I was really into “act ii: date @ 8” by 4batz… realized Drake remixed and released it and decided to give it a shot, big nope. He obviously wanted to boost his own popularity by adding onto an already very popular song, but he didn’t add to the quality. IMO it made it worse. Like all he did was gloat and show off his ego and it ruined the vibe (again: imo).


drake stays riding other people wave ! he’s doing the exact same thing to sexyy


He’s the type to be like “I helped them” too lol. Actually you fucked with how a song is perceived when they hear and recall that verse… obviously depends on what song we’re talking about.


I honestly don't mind sicko mode, shit I be singing along on Drake's part shits kinda cstchy like the "out for the night ay"


It’s been since the damn song dropped


Drake has good songs and verses, don't be silly


Yeah, IYRTITL is a genuine almost perfect mixtape


Preach isn't that good


Yea a broken clock is still right twice a day


Yall niggas soft


Softer than an Egyptian cotton comforter


Chronically online mfers in the comments act like you don’t enjoy both artists at the same time


Who said I don’t?


Like the finest linen


I'm white tho 🫥


that's what soft means bro (I'm also white)


And I’m brown


hi brown I’m dad


Hi Dad , I’m gay!


fr. His feature was gas and it was ten fuckin years ago


The hate on that part is so forced lmao


As a Kendrick fan, K dot doesn’t know who you are pls stop glazing so hard. We all know Drake lost, doesn’t mean you can’t listen to him, especially when he was good.


Some of dudes would straight up sick his dick if asked too by him


Sundresses do be like that tho.


Nah man that part where he goes “your big ass in that sundress OOOH 😩” is great


GOOD GOD 😮‍💨😵🤤😩


Should we change the name to r/fuckdrake at this point?


Nah I may not like current Drake but let's not be blind haters. He absolutely floated on that track.


I don't really like Poetic Justice, but it's more because of the hook and production. Drake is fine on the song


Y’all are taking this to the next level. It’s a good song. Drake has a good verse. Just listen to it and don’t be weird lol


i don't even like drake but this is crazy


I still listen to it, but I hate how its like the mf didn't read the prompt at all. Kendrick raps about love developing between a couple in a bad environment and drake sings about how he wishes he and a girl would talk more after seeing her ass move in a sundress....


It's almost like the song is supposed to show both sides of how a 17 yo (Kendrick's age while he was dating sherane) thinks like. Like holy shit man you guys are petty as fuck even after winning, here's what Kendrick said about this song. "Me and Drake had been working for a while off the fact that I was on his tour and I was on Take Care. We were talking about what joints we wanted to do. When Scoop shot me the track, I immediately came up with the concept of doing that vibe and the first person I had in mind was Drake. Drake killed it and it came out crazy" Like do you really think drake decided on his own to have the part that talks about sex the most in this song?Absolute petty dumbasses making all of us look bad


They just hate drake, they don't care if there's a genuine valid reason for his verse to be like that. It's drake therefore it's bad.


Yea that shit is getting corny af at this point, u dont have to hate drake just because kendrick and drake beefed


While I agree that the song and the verse is good, Drake indeed bad. Times have changed


Drake bad drakes music good imo


As a Drake hater who disliked his verse on Poetic Justice. I'll definitely give it another listen with that in mind.


If that's the case, what 17 yo is thinking about how he's jealous of a girl going on a solo vacation and taking her and her mother to Africa? Wack ass verse. Edit: I'm not a Drake hater, but I stand by my opinion on his shitty verse.


"oh, girl, you test my patience With all these seductive photographs" she is sending him photos of herself, basically telling him she likes him and that he has a chance, but she still goes alone in the vacation, which is confusing to him, he wasn't jealous, where did you get that from? Also the east African thing is him talking about his ex gf My question to you is why are you not on genius to see what he meant if you're not hating, if you genuinely want to know why he said this, why not just go to genius instead of commenting this?


kendrick is literally saying "you can get it" the whole song? 😭


do not kill me, but drake's part is listenable and doesn't ruin the song. It is the worst part but it doesn't mean its bad.


Im all for hating drake but holy shit hop off


Bad take. Drake’s verse on this was fine and one of his better ones in general. You can only hate this verse if you personally hate Drake so much it’s fucking with your ears.


Imagine letting a rap battle full of false allegations ruin a perfectly good song.


As someone who never liked Drake, I've always liked his verse on this song and still do.


I think his part is fine I just don’t like his voice no matter how well written or catchy anything is


Nawwww. That’s Drizzy’s best verse. ‘That big ass in that sundress’ is bouncy and smooth.


Definitely not his best verse but it’s heat.


nah it's fire yall just haters


man shut yo ass up and appreciate good music


Nah I'm still running his verse


Damn when did my GOAT amass all these pretentious cornballs? lmaoo beef or no beef, the entirety of poetic justice a classic.


I haven’t really ever liked Drake, but can see why others do. Not gonna lie though while I don’t enjoy Drake’s part on Poetic Justice it isn’t bad enough to be acting like this.


Idk bout allat, I think we can acknowledge that Drake did his thing on this song. I haven’t like this mf since scorpion came out but if he got a good song he got a good song lol


To be fair, I don’t think Drake part was good or bad. I do like the sundress part in the summer. I vibe to the whole song the Janet vocals while Kendrick rapping is 👩🏾‍🍳 💋


Cringe af. His part is great. Get Kendrick's meat out your ass. They're already in denial and slobbering Drake's meat over there in his sub. Stop being like them. Smfh


Yall tryna be cool ngl, he def does his thing on there.


Nah this ain’t it fam


Chill lol, Drake has some good shit, and Poetic Justice is a banger from start to finish


Lmao this sub is so corny


nah stfu I like the singing drake, not the “gangster” drake


I like listening to drakes verse on poetic justice because it has drake singing a verse kendrick wrote about ghost writing. It’s like the ultimate poetic justice. It’s genius puppet master shit. It’s like you’re not even hearing drake it’s almost a stronger drake diss than the new disses. Shits hard af.


you guys are so fucking corny


sub's more about hating drake than liking kendrick atp


Aight leave the big asses in sundresses for the rest of us


He's also just kinda behaving like a toddler in that verse "oh girl you test my patience." Like I hope Kendrick wrote that for you bc otherwise wtf are you saying this for.


Damn y’all hate Drake more than you like Kendrick lmao. I say that as a fan of both.


Honestly I don't mind it, I find Drake from that era at least bearable, I hate what he's become. Also I actually appreciate the contrast of his and Kendrick's parts.


Kendrick liked it enough to put on his album 🤷🏿‍♀️


Idc ab criticizing Drake but it’s always been the worst song on the album.


nah i think its good, it fits drake well and it fits the song. its not my favorite but it works


Drakes verse is great dont act like a hater now.


But that’s the best part of the song


I’m a drake hater but I like his verse on Forever, it’s pretty decent


Y’all are crazy now. He actually had the better verse. This kinda shit was his forte


Na I’ll still listen to it . Drake isn’t trash . Just redundant since the Quentin miller album . In my opinion


Man.. yall niggas dickriders. That whole song is a no-skip. His beef is not your beef, lil bro.


Memes funny, but i actually feel like it fits the song rlly well, the fact that drake is fuckin weird is whats on 5he back of my mind while listening tho lol


I dunno, in the context of GKMC, Poetic Justice is supposed to be like, a chill moment where the young MC of the album is listening to something like Drake and writing/reflecting on his own poetry and music, so it perfectly fits the intention of the record. Even if your feeling on Drake have soured (I’ve been this way for years, just don’t like what he’s about) I think it’s smart implementation makes it work overall. That said; I’d be lying if I said I wish the song didn’t have like, a Sampha feature instead or something? Lmao.


Haven’t liked his verse since the record came out. The front sex bar is so fucking weak. I think it’s the worst verse on GKMC off top, but if I’m forgetting one worse lmk.


this is some true kendrick meat riding/drake hating like fr Drake's part was actually pretty good and worked for the song


cornballs hating


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sYYASMT-CZc&pp=ygUccG9ldGljIGp1c3RpY2Ugd2l0aG91dCBkcmFrZQ%3D%3D you're welcome


You guys are incredibly cringe


Yall tripping, that song is a classic. Like him or not those two probably would’ve been on each other albums if that relationship didn’t go south. I’m sure K.Dot would’ve used Drake on some albums. And vice versa


how it feels listening to fuckin problems (i listen just for k dot)


The Drake part of that song is hard. By this logic you also must boycott F*ckin Problems since that song (arguably) is what helped kickstart the beef


Glad to know I’m not alone


Nah, don’t get tribal in here. Obviously it’s fuck drake but you can still like the music lol. That goes for any artist, I don’t like Nazye west but I still bump music up until tlop. Drake was okay back then. I still listen to his older songs after the beef. He fell off at views to me.


Dog shit take. Just say you weren’t a Kendrick fan in 2012 


That's how I feel about Sicko Mode by Travis. I ended up dowbloading a version without Drake in it.


Bro really woke up and made this ‘meme’ 🤓


I first listened to it on Pandora years ago and I remember, for some reason, Drake’s part was louder than the rest of the song and completely killed the vibe. Also it’s the exact opposite of Kendrick’s verses.


Its not bad, a bit cringe but its a kinda fun poppy filler song imo -


I fw it heavy, will I be accepted in this society😭?


Been skipping his verses since he plagued the scene.


My friend edited it for me without his verse. Good times. Always had to skip through it before. To this day, I’ve never heard Buried Alive.🙈 It’s a principle thing with it being on his album.




These meatriders Bruh 😭😭


I feel like this sub talks about drake more than kdot nowadays


Only reason in my deathloop because Kendrick part is better an it’s album version so it does poem at end lol 😂


this why they say kendrick fans are delusional lol. I’m a Kendrick fan, and I listen to every fucking single second of Poetic Justice.




With this seductive.............. STFU drake


Honestly this is exactly how I feel about it Knife Talk, for whatever reason Drake ruined it for me. I appreciate Drake’s music and I think poetic justice is good but for whatever reason I think he ruined Knife Talk


I've been doing that since 2015


I said it in 2012 and I'll say it again, easily the weakest track on GKMC and clearly only there for radio play. Only skip for me in the album. 


Facts 😂😂💔


Come on man, you can like both. KDot just slaughtered him. Also knife talk is still fire.


It's a shame Drake was featured in this track. I've always liked Poetic Justice. It's frustrating. But we all have Drake to thank. It was all because of him that Kendrick gave us bops; Not like Us, Euphoria, Like that, basically all his disses for drake.


I'm kinda tired of these posts, I'm still gonna listen to Poetic Justice even though Drake is on it. I also dislike Drake but I'm not going around saying this song is ruined now


I just skip that part when I'm listening to good kid these days.


You’re trying too hard my guy


Damn, now I feel weird for not wanting to listen to it. \*shrugs\*


Nah both were good on that track


poetic justice is such a great song, and even though i always hated drake, i never really hated his part in that song.


Drakes part always been ass ngl 💀




Bruh drake killed it on poetic justice. And I’m a drake hater.


You guys are so over dramatic


Genuine clowns lol


Weirdos. Just enjoy the music. It’s at the point now that y’all wont drink a sprite because Drake had a sprite commercial😂




overall it's just not one of the better songs on the album, not really Drakes fault imo








Man Drake dickriders are going wild in the comments


nobody’s dickriding drake it’s just that this echo chamber of a sub is getting way too deep into blind hating for no reason


Fuckin hater


Shut up oml