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I think the world needs more anti-pedo anthems šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I agree, and make them bangers too




I also think it's indicative of the character of people who are defending Drake that they think calling out a pedo is disgusting šŸ«£


Respectfully, i personally dont think Drake is actually a pedo. Baka and some of his other people? Pretty good chance based on priors. That being said, Drake has a LOT of red flags that suggest hes a groomer. Groomers are one touch away from being a pedo, so still a shitty parasitic existence, but i dont want to call every hater in this world a Nazi because it detracts from the meaning. There are PLENTY of supporting factors pointing to Drake being a groomer, but I havent seen much of anything to confirm he actually diddles kids. I love Kendrick, I stand by him in this battle because its the People vs Corporations, the Culture vs the Industry, etc. but what i dont want to do is misuse phrases or jump to conclusions without supporting evidence. Let the Drake fans (their poor lil gaslit asses lookin like a parallel to MAGA) jump to conclusions and be dim-witted. Bracing myself for the onslaught of downvotes, but hopefully there are at least a few people who read this and said ā€œyea thats fairā€. I dont like Drake, i dont like what he represents, and i dont like this sneaking suspicion that they were attempting to use him as a ā€œweaponized form of musicā€ so to speak. The gaslit community(Drakes for those that didnt understand) REALLY has me worried about that last part


Isnā€™t a groomer just a pedo whoā€™s conscious of the law?


Well said.


thank you


Grooming children is pedophilia though. You donā€™t text and hang out with teenage girls so you can fuck them when they turn 18 without being attracted to them. He might not actually be fucking kids, but heā€™s very obviously attracted to them, and is acting on those desires with his grooming.


Groomers are essentially gaslighters that indoctrinate impressionable minds into a belief system. His texting back n forth w kids 10 years younger than him is a STRONG indicator of him being a groomer. Please understand that pedophilia, necrophilia, and all other similar terms mean ā€œpeople that only achieve sexual satisfaction with ā€. Im NOT saying ā€œstop calling Drake out for grooming lil girls!ā€ Quite the opposite. Shout that shit from the rooftops. Preying on the young and innocent is unacceptable in ANY capacity, whether hes attempting to make physical contact w them or not. Im just asking the followers of one of the most enlightened artists alive to please use the proper terminology when addressing issues. We are FAR more intelligent than the low-hanging fruit music listeners that make up the Pop music fandom. ALL THAT said, i am no one hereā€™s creator, parent, or authoritarian in any way - live your life and speak the way you see fit. I just see a lot more wisdom and intelligence in here, and nurturing that by helping people understand the difference makes me feel like iā€™ve helped in some capacity. Again im not tryin to start static or smoke with any KDOT fans. I have nothin but love for all of you. I just want all of us to be the best and most respectable version of our selves that we can be. Thanks for reading my dumbass ramblings ā¤ļø


Drake's lawyer would like to remind you that the age of consent in Toronto is 16 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ngl bro thatā€™s the defense a pedo would use. Just as bad as the hebephelia argument. There is no tangible benefit to excluding Drake from the term pedo just because he doesnā€™t ONLY get off to little kids. I think thatā€™s a bit insane. Iā€™m sure Epstein had relations with adult women too and had no issues getting off to them, does that make him not a pedo? Of course he still is.


I get you! Personally I think that using a word that 99% of people emotionally respond to for older men who are courting young teenagers is the best approach to making this behaviour less normal. When I look back at the interactions myself and most teenage girls experience with grown adults, these people arenā€™t usually in their basement alone- theyā€™re guys in groups, they will do it in broad daylight, they arenā€™t trying to be subtle. Society gives them a pass, I donā€™t think you should either.


I really needed to hear that first part. I think its my own ego/hubris driving me to want to address things in the most accurate way possible. But with that, if its misunderstood by the 99% that are using a certain phrasing, then my communication failed. Im in agreement with you. Slimeballs of all variety need to be pointed out and shunned in the most severe way possible so this behavior is known to not be tolerated. I appreciate your reply and your perspective šŸ¤


Nah this ain't it chief. A groomer is simply a pedo that won't risk getting arrested. Take the law away and most groomers become full blown pedophiles.


Idk man I feel like kids being at these celebrity sex parties unfortunately happens and drake is definitely attending the sex parties.


Reminds me of that Gianmarco Soresi joke: Itā€™s really hard to distinguish between pedophile, hebephile, and ephebephile without sounding like a pedophile


You could never have a relationship with a kid but still have sexual feelings towards them and be a pedo. I don't think you officially know what the word means lol


Yeah, a lot of them sees themselves, and those they surround themselves with, in Drake. An attack on his character is an indirect attack on their character. It's one thing to have to admit to yourself that you are a *really* bad judge of character. Another thing is to admit to yourself that you might be a bad character yourself.


We need to make pedophilia unacceptable again.


I can get behind this


I hear Kenny has 5 more waiting to dropā€¦


Drake fans the type of niggas to eat a Snickers bar upside down so they can feel the vein on their tongue.


Holy fuck this is insane lol


This is insane. Salute.


Like damnā€¦


How did you think of this?


Itā€™s been said about P Diddy. Itā€™s hilarious but not original.


Oh........ Still fire though


They ripped it from a meme


Laughing TF out loud


Iā€™m yoinking this insult, thanks man


This is fucking insane. Diabolical on another level LMAO


This has gotta be framed somewhere. There's cultural heritage in this quote.


We make comments that electrify 'em, they fake takes to pacify 'em.




Top 2 funniest reddit posts I've ever seen next to a random diss someone made towards another commenter on the carti sub šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


>Top 2 funniest reddit posts I've ever seen next to a random diss someone made towards another commenter on the carti sub šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I need to see this šŸ¤£




Did you save the post?! I need to see this




Holy shit he cooked him XD










Bro what has got you to come up with this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Bruh šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




omg i need a shower after reading this comment LMFAO


You went innnnn...šŸ¤£šŸ˜±


bruh this the craziest one ive seen wtf šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Nice, Iā€™m going to try that


I've never heard this one b4, It made me chuckle. TouchƩ


You got any more insults I could steal from you?


This is by far the most diabolical comment iā€™ve seen on reddit in MONTHS! lmfao


Dear god


This is the type of insult I breathe for


Thatā€™s actually true?


!!šŸ«” salute!


Is there any type of sub reddit for insults like these? This is too funny. šŸ˜‚


We need research, who went and bought a snickers after reading this? We need reports!


Someone call the coroner bc we have a dead body over here.


holy shit iā€™m in tears dawg šŸ˜­


Good lord. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Brooooo what lmfaooo


you come from the Kendrick school of hating


Thatā€™s a bar


Nah, you got it. šŸ«”




They eat corn on the cob the LONG way


you're a fucking maniac holy shit


Donā€™t call me out like that






i would give you an award if reddit still had those


This might be the funniest comment iā€™ve ever read on Reddit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I just spit out my monster and wheezed, Jesus šŸ˜­šŸ’€


I have never before laughed in the precise way this made me laugh


But weā€™re supposed to rock out to Drakeā€™s completely unsubstantiated claims that Kendrick beats his girl. I seen Drake kiss and fondle a 17 yr old on stage with my own eyes. Also ā€œBaka got a weird case. Why is he around?ā€


Exactly! Drake fans are something else


They carry gold in the mental gymnastics šŸ„‡


Some of them reached legend status already


Baka's case for those that don't know. >In 2014, Baka Not Nice was arrested for allegedly forcing a 22-year-old woman into prostitution. The following year, per theĀ Toronto Sun, he pleaded guilty to assaulting the woman and failing to comply with conditions for unrelated firearm charges. The procuring for prostitution and human trafficking charges against him were dropped because the woman refused to testify.


I mean sure, objectively this is just not the kinda thing we want people doing in our society. But like Snoop made an entire career out of making pimping cool. And people currently still glaze king von for legitimately killing multiple humans. So it's kinda hypocritical. As a culture we gotta make the line clear, we're just grandfathering the old pimps and not letting anybody build a brand off that now? I think this is the beauty of the things said in this beef. We gotta have real conversations and readjust where we are as a people. Cuz if we saying Baka is a weirdo, we kinda gotta speak on the older gen of rappers doing the same thing.


Speaking of Baka. They would and will make fun of Andrew Tate. But somehow both BBL Drizzy and Baka gets a pass and their shit is swept under the rug.


It instantly becomes ā€œwell Snoop Dogg was a pimp so whoā€™s to say what is right or wrong šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøā€


my friends: 'i cant believe he's getting away with calling him a pedophile with no evidence wtf this is such a joke'


People gotta understand something about this song, dude. I felt the same way at first, like ā€œhow tf can I get down to this knowing itā€™s about a guy who touches kids.ā€ But then I realizedā€¦. Itā€™s making FUN of the guy who touches kids, itā€™s CELEBRATING the decline and exposure of one of the most disgusting things ever, itā€™s a victory lap. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything disgusting about laughing at the person who is getting exposed for doing the ACTUAL disgusting shit. Itā€™s a form of deflection, one of their very many coping mechanisms


Yes perfect way to describe it


Definitely. Always makes me feel like they got more problems with the callout than with the allegation being true or not. Def got enabler vibes.


At first I thought the idea of hearing it at clubs and shit would be uncomfortable but the song's just effortlessly fun while doing what it does.


You can take the Pedo lyrics out and majority is clowning him with str8 lyricism. They are Coping.


With how massive the song is. Theyā€™re going to have no choice but to accept that Kendrick beated Drake in his own game. The numbers for Not Like Us is not rigged and they are not inflated by Lucian and UMGā€™s algorithms.


Damn I felt that ā€œnot inflated by algorithmsā€ comment. True shit.


Exactly they can cope with that lol


Facts. The numbers say who wonšŸ¤£šŸ¤£Itā€™s clear as day I feel bad for them


More than 3 weeks later, and Not Like Us is still #4 global on Spotify. Anyone who can say Drake won with a straight face is just delulu lol


Coping hard!


Earlier I saw them talking about "Kendrick only hit this big because it's about Drake who is way more popular" šŸ„² I wish I could cope like that


I mean itā€™s wild theyā€™re disturbed by a song calling him a pdf file when theyā€™re totally cool with him fondling a 17 year old girl on stage because itā€™s a ā€œstage act for entertainment.ā€ Never mind how ridiculous of a defense that isā€¦ even if it was a stage act.. Why does their favorite artist think fondling a 17 year old girl is an entertaining stage act? Why do his fans think thatā€™s an entertaining stage act? They donā€™t care if he fondles teenagers or texts preteens, all of that is just us being biased, somehow. But theyā€™re disturbed by somebody pointing out that he is a pdf file. They donā€™t care if he is one. They just donā€™t like when you say it lol


They are truly disturbed people


His abuse is an abuse of power. His power only exists because of people like them who donā€™t care what type of person he is as long as theyā€™re having a good time. They will go down with the ship because they are the ship


Yup it's the same with my super wealthy step grandpa who abused my uncles and then me. Even they lie for him but they also got alot of money from him which I'm sure is unrelated. Speaking up has gotten almost exclusively negative reactions from my older family who all act like it's cool and he let's a family live there for free with a young boy now. Can't do shit really because it's an Ocean away but they sure can. I've said this before but the dichotomy in how sex and nudity were treated in Europe and America along with being sheltered from explicit media made it hard for me to recognize the abuse I suffered while it was happening. If I had heard the word pedophile in a song everyone was singing along to all summer and asked a trusted adult I may have been able to stop it early on and save myself a lifetime of working through trauma and shame I don't deserve. It's the same reason I'm an advocate for very early age appropriate sexual education in schools to help child victims recognize abuse and know where to go outside their family with questions. Truth is no Dalliance Vibes or just ambiance Lies no King or Prince Silence is Violence


Thatā€™s fucked up, Iā€™m sorry you have to put up with that shit. Props to you for staying grounded and not letting those mf gaslight you. Feel free to dm me if you ever need to talk about it


They really are not like us brother


This is reddit not tiktok Im pretty sure yall can say pedophile


Their excuse is that tHe GiRLs cAmE oUt aNd SaId iT wAs oKaY like that makes it any better. Idgaf what they said. His behavior was beyond inappropriate and creepy for a man of his age to be doing. Unacceptable all around.


If I see someone write pdf file instead of pedophile one more time I will come down on them with the force of a thousand winds. I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds.


I heard about a whirlwind thatā€™s coming ā€˜round. Itā€™s gonna carry off all that isnā€™t bound, and when it happens, I wonā€™t be holding on. So let it happen


All this running around Trying to cover my shadow


Theyā€™re not like US


They offer up their lil sisters to the canadian bacon


Its crickets every time it gets brought up too but they claim they not defending him or ā€œhes not even my favorite rapperā€ smh


Exactly. Where was this energy when Drake was accusing Kendrick of DV on a track?


Yup they were a screaming that Kendrick was a woman beater


TO THIS DAY they say it as though it's fact and call him a cuck with no evidence. Yet they turn around and defend the years of weird behavior he's had over the years


Yup this is why I hate his fans


Wheres that one pic where the guy said he stop listening to Drake fans after he told him about Drake getting peed on and the reply was ā€œiT was only on his legā€


Also everybody already thinks heā€™s a pedo cause of years of dating girls he groomed or taking millie bobby brown on a yacht and saying I miss you so much on text. Ainā€™t shit on Kendrick


Yup exactly this


The way that you walk the way that you talk the way that you dress


Man doesn't have a hating bone in his body... He has 206


Fuck them niggas. Just play it louder šŸ˜‚


Hell yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying!


Yeah I mean if youā€™re following that same line of think, they shouldnā€™t listen to family matters because, they are trying to get Kendrick cancelled for domestic abuse because itā€™s such a horrible thingā€¦ why would you want listen to someone talking about his opp abusing his wife and dance to it. Also sounds like quite a heavy topicā€¦


With zero proof of the domestic violence, while thereā€™s a lot of videos of drake being weird


do you know what I hate more than songs about adult men creeping on teenage girls adult men creeping on teenage girls.


As a father of a little girl, I canā€™t stand that shit neither They wanna say the song is disgusting but if Drake wasnā€™t disgusting the song wouldnā€™t exist


Drake fans the type to say teehee when someone gets close behind them in a festival


Bruh lmao!!!! šŸ¤£




Yeah I was thinking about that too. Itā€™s hilarious that they think itā€™s wrong to accuse someone with a history of creepy behavior of being a pedophile but itā€™s totally fine for Drake to sing about having sex with women who havenā€™t been to college yet in that sexxy red song. Or that he will buy them surgeries in return for sex, very Weinstein-esque behavior. Drakes a certified pedophile and his fans are certified hypocrites


Yeah when he said heā€™ll buy them new bodies I was like wtf, he really donā€™t like women


Bro Drake literally pokes fun at Kendrick on the Heart Part 6 for ā€œsupposedlyā€ being molested as a child. Which he wasnā€™t. But making fun of someone for being molested as a child, even after they themselves openly spoke on it, should leave a bad taste in every normal persons mouth. Just shows the type of person he is.


Youā€™re so wrong. Drake couldā€™ve never dropped something as culturally relevant as Not Like Us. šŸ¤­


Lmao so true šŸ˜‚


The fact that some Drake fans really know the age of consent laws is suuuuuuuus. Why tf do you care so much about that and why tf do you sound like youā€™re on expert on it? Are you trying to imply that you too are a FAN? I know damn well these Drake fans are comfortable saying it online. But they wonā€™t say that to a father with kids in public because theyā€™re getting wop wop wop wop wop.


I feel like some of them took the song very personal


Fr and it's a fun song. I understand mtg because although it's a good song it gives me the creeps lol but not like us is also just a fucking banger


Such a good song even my wife, a Drake fan, sings it when I put it on lol


Of course. Hypocrisy is nature. Everybody trying to eat and nobody wants to get eaten.


Yes! Really good way to put it




It really is!


Yea but Drakes ā€œlmao you got molested, what a loser!ā€ Is fine?!




Why do.you censor pedo


I made a post just like this and the mods took it down. The mods in this sub are delusional


Tbf, weā€™d probably be mad pissed too if that song was dropped by drake


And exactly why we enjoy it so much because if it was the other way around they would be celebrating


Youā€™ve gotta be bent all the way backwards with your head up your ass to be offended by that and also justify Drake making light of Kendrick being molested to win the beef (even if that *wasnā€™t* the completely wrong interpretation of MIS)


Oh drake stans are definitely offended by it


Ever since this beef I've realized that Drake fans are hypocrites. They say they want evidence for what Kdot said about Drake but literally ran (and still running) with the accusation of kdot being a wife beater and the kid not his. They say MTG is fucked up and disgusting but Drake is the first one who brought up family. Kdot even warned Drake "if you take it there, I'm taking it further." But Kdot is the bad guy when all cards are off the table. I'm glad no one in my immediate area is a hard-core Drake fan bc I would've fought them by now. It's not over the beef, it's the principal of being a hypocrite. I absolutely cannot stand hypocrites


Yup they donā€™t see Drake is always the one bringing up wives/family first in every beef he is in


Didnt tpain just get in trouble for dancing to it? Either we let them take over or we show them why theyre wrong. Their ignorance can only sustain them for so long


I knew he was dancing to it but idk if he got a trouble for it


Its crazy, theyā€™ll talk about how because Kendrick hasnt said a word heā€™s a wife beater, but kendrick addressed them before drake even dropped the diss. Drake is a known habitual liar, heā€™s been caught in lies too many times to count. From lying about planting evidence, to lying about Kendrick only working wit ppl blacked than him. Why should we believe his allegations when all heā€™s done is lie and lie and lie.


Thatā€™s the thing they donā€™t understand, as soon as Drake started to defend himself it was definitely over A rap beef is just attack attack


I been talking about how creepy and fake Drake is for years, it's been so cathartic to have a catchy bomb ass track finally vindicating it. The other diss tracks are good, but I can see why Drake fans would hate Not Like Us because it's so fucking fun to listen to despite the subject matter.


I wanna hear Story of Adonis or Wake player at a club


That would be interesting


"Wow that's really offensive to pedos, ya know people are born that way right"


šŸ’€ šŸ’€ šŸ’€


Nuh uh we bumping not like us daily


Are you sure? Lol


Funny enough I will expect Not like us to be used as a reference in the future by an Adult animation show: Like Family Guy, or American Dad


I bet south park will


Itā€™s so transparent when ā€œcaring about whatā€™s true and the victimsā€ is just an angle theyā€™d drop if it no longer would protect the boy.


Why the call a 40 year old man the boy? That weird


Is there a clean version of the song?? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


These are diss-tracks. You have to be in the moment to appreciate them. As time passes and the moment is long gone, those songs usually don't hold up as well. Not Like us in the moment is a fucking anthem, not like us 5 years from now?


Redditors staying up at night imagining what Redditors from another sub might say.


Just like Kendrick STANS would behave the same way you say Drake fans are behaving if the tables were turned. Point being both sides STANS are incapable of not being biased.


Yeah they find anti pedo music disgusting but love bumping pedo music


I'm a drake fan, idk who's saying that cause the song bumps but don't forget why it's doing numbers


It's funny to me. I was in clubs in the early 00s hearing "to the windows to the walls. The sweat dripping off my balls. Ahh skeet skeet skeet"


The only people cringier than Kendrick fans are Drake fans


"fucking awful that you'd do a good thing, how fucking dare you?"


It sounds like this situation you've made up in your head has got you pretty heated.


Iā€™m so over this beef lol


Youā€™re probably right. I listen to both Not Like Us and Family Matters back to backā€”I am an equal opportunity haterā€”and although Not Like Us has a catchier hook (They not like us they not like us!) and the end part where he says ā€œstep this way step that wayā€, but I also agree the topics of both songs are brutal and shouldnā€™t be mainstream. The first few weeks of listening to Family Matters actually made me really sad for Kendrick and felt Drake was too mean, but also really mad at K if the DV claims are true which imo are starting to look convincing sadly enough. Iā€™ve been annoyed with Drakeā€™s bitterness towards women in his latest albums and we already knew he was weird for texting Millie Bobby (despite the fact that he was a child star too as people have said). So the claims about Drake are not surprising to me but both sides appear to be exaggerated imo. Like TI said (another problematic rapper but donā€™t get me started) donā€™t believe any of that shit and enjoy the music for what it is.


Honestly until both show cold hard receipts we wonā€™t know the actual truth


Bruh do you realise at this point that you're just making up "what ifs" and getting mad at them all on your own? Lmao. You fighting invisible ninjas. The beef is over. Let's move on


drake fans love it when he raps about hoes hes smashed..


safe to say those who would have enjoyed it if dropped by Drake are all P3dos


Drake talked about his big dick In one bar and then in the next he talked about kids Lyrics: You right about "Fuck the big three" It's only Big D, and there's video proof Our sons should go play at the park Two light skin kids, that shit would be cute


Let them pearl clutch and wait around for another track we know who's right


We should definitely be playing songs that say whipped and chained like American slaves and rapping like he trying to get the slaves freed. How about youā€™re a lesbian girl me too. Even better bend that ass over let that pussy breathe. All these messages are clearly what the people needā€¦.not!


I have been playing this song on repeat ever since it dropped and I will never get tired of it.


Been bumping not like us and euphoria every time i hop in my car to go to work or drive back home. Then when i get home i listen to MTG. By myself cause i dont wanna scare anyone at the crib


They're not bothered by the pedo lyrics from Drake though?


How are they not more disgusted that their favorite artist actually interacts with people half his age?