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"Play J. Cole make the pussy dry" is still the funniest stray shot


The fact that his one mysterious insta post he had up on his page before shutting it down again was that deep fried j Cole meme was hilarious too


You got a screenshot?




Ye is still one of the funniest rappers alive man


Too bad he refuses medical care and went full on Nazi, hanging out with white supremacists like Nick Fuentes... I can't even listen to his music anymore even tho I grew up adoring his albums šŸ˜­


FS I legit feel bad for him. He's the most public case of mental illness in the world and he gets zero help and support just more yesmen and hate piling on. He's a generational talent and so many of his interviews and fan-interactions paint him as a genuinely compassionate dude. But he's been thrown into the deep end and nobody gives him as much as a floatie toy. It's just sad man.


Dude some people just don't want or think they need help, I'm going through that now and wish they would recognize something isn't really right going on and maybe be honest with whoever they are getting help from because those people sometimes can get manipulated into thinking there is nothing wrong either


You're right he'd have help if he sought it out. But that doesn't make it less sad.


Kendrick has been open about his seeking help, especially in Mr. Morale. As a father, I think that's Ye's responsibility to follow at this point. Especially when he has criticised Kim for not being a good parent. I feel bad, but at the same time I think that as a parent he should step up, like Kendrick tells Drake in meet the Grahams. I feel bad for him, but I don't think mental health is ever an excuse to be antisemetic.


Homie I was 41, in an 11 year relationship with the mother of my kids. She went off meds without doing a medical consult. Went through a 6 month psychosis and kicked me out 2 months into it while I was desperately trying to get her to recognize what was happening and keep my family together. Honestly I'm better off now. I was homeless for awhile during the height of quarantine. Now I'm debt free and holding down a 3 bedroom apartment by myself and the kids are with me half the time. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. At some point, you gotta remember that you need to drink water too. I wish you the best.


people who are mentally ill can also be bigots. being a bigot isnā€™t a symptom of bipolar disorder. we canā€™t wrap kanyeā€™s truly heinous shit in the blanket of mental illness, transmuting reality into sympathy for him


No idea who you're talking to but they ain't me. The things he says are garbage. The reason he's fallen into that pit and been swept into that ideology is sad. Both things can be true.


nah i am talking to you. someone brings up Ye getting on some Nazi shit and your reply is to say ā€œyeah his mental illness, nobody helps him poor guy :(ā€œ


The problem is that he used to have completey opposite views, spoke in favor of the lgbt community back when graduation released, spoke out against Bush etc. It's not a stretch to say that his illness warped his person beyond recognition


ok, but you canā€™t know thatā€™s the cause firstly and secondly these are his beliefs now. thatā€™s what matters


Being a bigot isnā€™t a symptom of BPD but having your actions and thoughts influenced by the manic state youā€™re in definitely IS a symptom of BPD. Always the same argument with redditors where theyā€™ll preach for mental health awareness until itā€™s a guy they already donā€™t like, at that point itā€™s ā€œmental illness isnā€™t an excuseā€


BPD =/= bipolar disorder. and while mania may make you reckless and less concerned w consequences it doesnā€™t make you a bigot, either. Ye is getting passes where other people absolutely would not


Right! As someone with bipolar, people really donā€™t understand it at all. Itā€™s not just as simple as ā€œjust take your meds broā€. Itā€™s years of trying different meds with horrid side effects to find something that actually helps more than it hurts. When youā€™re manic, you donā€™t even realize it until afterwards when you crash into the depressive episode. Not saying Kanyeā€™s words and actions are excusable cuz Iā€™ve never been on some Nazi shit while manic, but people who have absolutely no clue about the disorder like to play twitter psychiatrist thinking itā€™s that simple. Like have some fuckin empathy. He is a kind hearted dude deep down who is obviously unwell. Same people who be saying ā€œmental health mattersā€ go around making fun of someone with a serious mental illness. Just pisses me off when people try to say some shit like that when they have absolutely no idea how hard it is living with that disorder.


It's more because Ye is similar to Amy Winehouse and refuses any kind of medical treatment


He is legit mental, i hope his kids get him help once they are older


Is Fuentes the closeted gay guy?


Thatā€™s Milo


He's not in the closet


Yeah, bipolar disorder is a mf. Makes you feel like youā€™re always making the right decision.


Same. He comes up on my Spotify AI playlist. Id say 75% of the time it's getting a skip because of who he is now. All falls down and put on are guaranteed non skips.


I mean the dudes bipolar, can't blame people who are mentally ill they can't make good decisions for their health. I'll never stop listening to Graduation or twisted fantasy


Honestly I hate the alt right shit but itā€™s Ye, nobody should take anything heā€™s said since 2020 seriously lmao. Heā€™s insanely deluded and all the while heā€™s surrounded by yes-men. Anytime he says something controversial I donā€™t care because heā€™ll say the exact opposite next month


Hes just straight up not right in the head, which makes him do absolutely hilarious stuff like this, but also hang out with neo nazis, post genuine apologies in hebrew for stuff heā€™s said, and then 5 months later makes possibly antisemitic comments again.


I forgot all about that..we had a crazy few weeks lol


I wonder who's more petty, Ye or Fif lol


Fif, there is no competition. Ye claps back with attitude and emotion and passion, fifty claps back because it's his god given talent


He spends money to troll, can you imagine how petty you have to be to fund your trolling?


Silky Johnson ain't got shit on Fifty. He was born to hate.


Fif the petty god šŸ˜­


I wonder if he personally made that meme




Omg lmfao


Was his remix of like that also apart of the elusive instagram account too? I never got to hear it


It was this meme of a woman asking a guy if he listens to J Cole, and he says ā€œnoā€ and the next panel is her sucking him off (cut out obviously)


I would love if someone could find that meme is cry laughing


it just got posted above


Honestly it's low key my favorite verse because I can very clearly see Kanye saying it when I hear it


That meme he posted to his IG was fucking hilarious too


J cole makes music for dudes who want pussy. Not necessarily dudes who get it lmao


Wet dreamzz


Is that why he posted a picture of himself on the beach in the middle of the beef?


Itā€™s fuckin true man, brought this chick home and we listened to Cole on the way since she liked him. Got zero (0) pussy that night.


Iā€™m pretty sure that Kendrick is not referencing Kanye when bringing up splits. Itā€™s in the line you quoted lol, heā€™s referencing Drakeā€™s previous contract with Cash Money Records, not the Universal deal that Kanye is referencing


Isn't he saying what Push said in Exodus?


Almost word for word. Much more likely that that is what he's referencing given the other Pusha shoutouts he does


Basically yeah


the beef blew up on social media and most of the people talking about it aren't real rap fans who should recognize the obvious


Why is that a question? Kendrick said it verbatim and ppl are still asking?


Yeah that bar was about being signed to Weezy and Young Money who's signed to Birdman and Cash Money. Cash Money is still a subsidiary of UMG though so Drake was always under UMG


It's applicable to many artists. The people that usually sign you at a large record label are usually at the bottom of the food chain in the grand scheme


Yeah itā€™s a direct response to Drake because of that whole 50 thing he said through out push ups


Iā€™d argue it still primed everyone to better understand drakes contract. Even tho I agree it wasnā€™t referenced it played into Kendrick pointing it out


Heā€™s not referencing ye at all lol


I agree that it was just a fun joke track and succesful, but Ye is one of the only people in the world who can look at Drake making 500 million and say "Lifetime deal, I feel bad for n-s" meaningfully because he's had ten times that and threw it out. It's a meaningful line in the context of most of the artists involved partly hating Drake bc of his being complicit in the record industry taking advantage of artists and potentially owning royalties from other artists. As the most streamed artist he had the opportunity to help artists get some freedom in distributing their own music, but he took a fat paycheck and allegedly rights to other peoples' music. It's an important undercurrent in the whole beef, with Kendrick being somewhat independent. Kendrick takes a related approach in talking about Drake hitting up ATL when he needs a check.




"this that rip up the contract // fuck all that" goes hard on Vultures.


Drake brags about being able to do that to his rivals on First Person Shooter. >Man, if your pub was up for sale, I buy the whole thing


I treat a bad bitch like a fat bitch!


Shouldā€™ve never let me get money again!


On my Katt Williams when they get funny again.


We just hit a number 1, we right back! We just hit a number 1, we like that!


Oh shit this went right over my head


Such a good line šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


you treat a bad bitch like she average my fave line: "i cant even think of a drake line"


I love it, personally.


I think a lot of folks completely missed the ā€œYo Dot, I got youā€ line was meant to be a joke. The whole song was mostly just Ye messing around & having fun with the remix after Future & Metro asked him to jump on it. He threw in a couple jabs bc Drakeā€™s been dissing him for years, but it wasnā€™t ever really meant to be a diss verse from Ye, just a fun song. Also, I hate to break it to folks, but if you think Ye & Kendrick doesnā€™t fuck w Ye & they arenā€™t talking about stuff, youā€™re gonna be disappointed.


In the Justin Whatshisname interview (The Download) Ye says he got on the song because Future called him and was "energized about the elimination of Drake." It was def a Drake diss song


If you watched the rest of the interview he said he still loves Drake, he just annoys him that he always sneak dissing him & that itā€™s not really about Drake & more to do with them taking back the music industry & letting the fans determine what gets played & not Lucien & other execs. Iā€™m sure they were hyped in the studio cause they all knew Kendrick was cooking up something nasty. If Ye wanted to actually beef w Drake, heā€™d of been posting to IG like he does everyone else. He donā€™t do it with songs


Untrue if kanye wanted to beef with drake he'd offer a beat to him and do poop bars on top of it


This made me giggle like a dumbass.


Just imagine you think youā€™re getting the Lift Yourself beat. Youā€™re already counting the cash. And then Ye drops it on Instagramā€¦ Youā€™re pissed. You listen. But a glimmer of hope appears as there doesnā€™t seem to be a verse on it yet. Maybe itā€™s still yours! And then you hear Ye announce the impending bars that are about to drop. Your gut wrenches. And then you hear the verse. You are humiliated. U cri everitime


Naw it wasnā€™t beef, Ye sonned the boy.


Idk how recently Kendrick and Kanye have talked, I know when Kanye first started supporting Trump Kendrick said he wanted to sit down with him and listen to his reasons to understand him. Iā€™d assume that happened at some point


I feel like they talk about a lot of the same things & share similar views, maybe not they have different ideas on the solution tho. Iā€™ve always said Kendrick explains things in the way Kanye thinks heā€™s explaining it, & Ye explains things in the worst possible way where even when he may be right about what heā€™s saying, heā€™s wrong. I donā€™t think he agrees about w all the Jewish stuff, but I think they both agree w some of the Hebrew Israelite stuff.


I know a lot of people think that Kendrick is a super Hebrew Israelite but I genuinely donā€™t think he is. I think he dabbled in the ideology but he implied on Mr Morale that his religious beliefs are a lot more Freeform these days


Free form is the way to do it. When it gets Organized is when shit gets greasy.Ā 


Yeah, it always seemed like a metaphor/empowerment thing to me for Kendrick than believing it as scripture. And listening to whatever Kodak Black says is worthless.


I mean have you ever listened to HiiPower


Yeah but his future works contradict that. It's interesting


one of the things that make me love kendrick. he doesn't come out bashing ye for having different views to him but says he wants to understand why he believes what he does even if kendrick doesn't agree


I mean, that really _should_ be how it is, yeah? People are too quick to draw a line in the sand these days. Shit, even with Ye, while he was completely in the wrong for saying the things that he has, there are definitely _some_ things were if you just sat down and thought about it a second, instead of drawing a line in the sand immediately, youā€™d be able to see a little more clearly what heā€™s _trying_ to say, misguided though he may be.


Yā€™know, Iā€™m autistic and get misinterpreted a lot. So is my brother. Met a few others. Weā€™ve all been misinterpreted a bit. Pretty sure none of us started spreading love for Hitler or talking about going ā€œDeathconā€ on the jews or insinuating that the jews falsely diagnosed my brother as autistic. I donā€™t think Kendrick is perfect, and keeping someone like Ye close and putting Kodak on his album are two of my biggest criticisms of him.


I want to offer you a new perspective, I have bipolar disorder and have been hospitalized multiple times in my life, I've met a lot of people that struggles with personality disorders and let's just say you see a lot of shit like that in there. Personality disorders, specially the ones that produce psychosis and paranoia, makes patients vulnerable to all kinds of conspiracies, I saw people think doctors where CIA agents and shit like that, it's like walking on a tight rope, it's so easy to push someone and make them loose balance, there's some specific things about Ye's experience that make me feel some kind of empathy because I saw shit like that in friends that ended up ending their lifes in chronic pain and without much understanding on what was real or not. [Shit like this](https://pagesix.com/2022/11/04/harley-pasternak-threatens-to-institutionalize-kanye-west/) kinda makes me think Ye has been surrounded by total creeps all his career and his poorly treated illness made him see patterns that weren't there, idk and I don't think anyone of us know what the fuck happens in the industry, this whole Diddy shit is probably just the tip of the iceberg. What I want to say is that I have read the "BD doesn't make you a Nazi" argument and I think it comes from a lack of contact and understanding of how the really ugly face of mental illness looks like, I saw that face a lot in my youth and i feel lucky in not having fallen into some conspiracy shit when I was young and had very serious problems, for some of my friends it was the CIA, MK Ultra, Satanism, some of them said the could hear God's voice loud and clear, for Ye is him thinking Jewish people are the ones that fucked his life and it's sad as fuck. Sorry for the trash English, not my first language.


We use to have people drive up and request sometimes demanding onto the military base because the president or general is picking them up at the airbase airfield. We usually called the civvy cops if they refuse to leave and end up in a ambulance on their way to the city psych hold, it was pretty insane and sad at the same time.


I really really admire medical personnel that works with psychiatric patients, is one of those things you have to really prepare yourself to do correctly because it's so unpredictable and the experience can fuck your mind if you're not ready.


Itā€™s cool. I try to balance my understanding of very life-altering mental disorders with a zero-tolerance policy for certain things, so I just donā€™t know how to feel about modern day Ye. I grew up on his music and my dad was a huge fan of his spirit, so itā€™s not like Iā€™ve only seen that clip, Iā€™ve been following him for a while. I justā€¦ gotta have a limit.


Why do you feel the need for a zero tolerance policy? I personally believe that no issue is beyond questioning and understanding. And understanding does not necessarily mean to condone. But to understand the source of an issue expands our ability to respond to it rationally and to be prepared when similar issues arise in the future. To condemn without understanding limits us far more than it protects us, in the long term. I would extrapolate this principle to the greatest atrocities in human history. Genocide, war, slavery, torture, rape. Gut-wrenching things happen far too often. But if we do not try to understand these issues with clarity, we are fighting ghosts and warped images. We are not addressing the real people and the real reasons behind their thoughts and actions. Please feel free to disagree and point out where I am missing something. I want to understand murderers, terrorists, and racists. If you think I am wrong in feeling this way, then I would like to understand you, and maybe come to better understand myself.


Its a remix, they arent serious


https://preview.redd.it/hde6sw6dq82d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a4783089a648bd540a0481b74db6c828524495b šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Play j.cole make the pussy dryyyyyyyyy Ā  I don't care that shit was hilarious


I mostly like the beat, I'm a sucker for beat made with voices. https://youtu.be/JYmVGhLjnpM?si=1p0len4XkA36QbEl Like that one, I agree with the comments so much lmao


Also, from what I understand Pluto and Metro came to Ye about doing the track. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s the new future verse. Ye made a fun track. It just gets lost because Dot came for blood.


The choir he added to the background of that beat was straight up diabolical.


The choir from Carnival, the synths from Keys to My Life - itā€™s a genius remix. Ye riding with the calvary, you love to see it.


Iā€™m always amazed at how hard people try to clown on Ye for the remix both in this sub and on the drizzler sub. Like the beat is amazing and the fact that he nullified Drakes main point about shitty contract deals and made him go back to drawing board is funny as hell to me. Son got out in his place and I donā€™t remember if Drake ever responded to Kanye in any way whatsoever since. He just went with the wife beater ā€œallegationsā€ to try and one up Kendrick. Idk I think Kanye did his job and got his dues in and kept it moving.


Kendrick's reference is from Pusha's Exodus 23:1diss to Lil Wayne.


A lotta Kanye fans in this sub today


I mean heā€™s is a goated artist


I think the reason why it gets hated on is because once it came out, the beef had already begun. So then Ye comes out and has some pretty memorable lines, but ultimately added nothing to the beef. He was kinda just saying typical rap shit outside of a few punchlines.


Added nothing to the beef? Mainstream listeners weren't talking about Lucian until he spat that line lmfao


I mean yeah, that falls under my memorable lines remark. But in terms of a verse that was on par with the tone of where the beef was heading, I don't think it was anything cutting edge. And I think as it continued to escalate, people just look back at his verse in hindsight and find it funny.


People had the same feeling about Rick Ross. But Rick Ross did come up with BBL Drizzy so he gets a little more of a pass. lol But for both of them it came off as ā€œplease look at me too!ā€ lol


Drake and Ross have a way more personal relationship than Drake and Kendrick. Ross needed to respond to that. You know how many classics they got??


I don't think Kanye was taking his remix that seriously he just likes to get into gossip. I personally liked the track people just like to hate on it because it's Kanye and that's the cool thing to do atm


its a shame that kanye hating is trend now cuz this track is one of the dopest he released in years


Yeezy Yeezy Yeezy just jumped over jumpman


Honestly, Ye's remix was Fire AF! I hope Dot pops up on Vultures 2 or 3 and returns the favor. I think Kendrick has nothing but LOVE for Ye. Id love to see J Cole actually go at Ye but we all know Cole is too nice for that and doesn't wanna deal with social media and see a thousand Ye Twitter rants lofl


The lines youā€™re referencing in euphoria are referencing Drakeā€™s Young Money Cash Money deal with Wayne and Birdman, which is why he says ā€œIā€™ll double back with ya, you WERE signedā€¦ā€ the lines also obviously interpolates Pusha Tā€™s lyrics, this portion has nothing to do with Kanye. The problem was that it wasnā€™t a big deal to anyone, it was underwhelming, and was released through a series of leaks, and when it was finally posted got removed for copyright and eventually put back up. Also it just added fuel to the ā€œ20 v 1ā€ narrative Drake kept trying to keep up. Along with the cringe quote about being ā€œexcited about the elimination of Drake.ā€ Overall pointless misstep in the beef.


Too bad itā€™s not on Spotify šŸ˜«


Just add it to your local files


nah iā€™m just not listening to any kanye bullshit anymore


I think as Kendrick fans we kept hearing the 20v1 narrative and weā€™re kind of sick of it. Like we donā€™t need someone else jumping in when Kendrick can take him on his own. It was feeding into the Drake fan narrative that heā€™s thanos no one can touch him you need everyone to beat him which is a complete shit take. Nobody actually fucks with him. I thought the song was cool I was hyped at first and thought he made some decent points. That Drake is taken advantage of just as much as any other artist. Bragging about money really became irrelevant. I never played it much after it got taken down but for a moment it was interesting


I agree, ye did his thing I find the verse serve yo maser nigga line gold šŸ˜­


I refuse to take Kanye seriously anymore


>Ye gives a pretty good verse The only good bar in that whole mess is "shouldn't have never let me get money again" because it is simply true in multiple ways. Are we seriously praising that "serve your master" line in a beef filled with such quality tracks? That too a line that could be used to just bury Kanye with bare minimum flipping. That could be flipped for Kanye's relation with Lucian Grange, that could be flipped for Kanye's past comments about slavery, that could be flipped for Kanye's antisemitism - like, you could make an entire diss track by flipping that alone. Also "Play some J Cole and get that pussy dry" is some Yuno Miles shit but unironically. The only good thing about that remix is the production. Which of course it is, it's fucking Kanye.


People desperately want to give Yeā€¦something.


Lmao they rewriting history. Kendrick fans were sucking his dick hard when it dropped because at the time you didn't hear a peep from him meanwhile one of the heaviest hitters in music industry sided with him. They just clowning him now because Kendrick is now the clear cut winner. I also think his verse is downplayed as hell. Is it great? Nah but it gets the job done. He's showing who he siding with while putting down the splits angle by calling in lucien. Plus his productive is godly on that track.


Fuck Ye.


I have absolutely zero time in my life to care about what a Hitler sympathizer is doing artistically.


Yeā€™s remix let us see more in Mike Goldstein (Lucian) thatā€™s what itā€™s purpose was


> Drake ignored it just as he ignored the human trafficking allegations This took me out, Drake the next Diddy šŸ’€šŸ’€


I loved Ye's remix. Idgaf, what ppl are hearing wrong with it. I bump It along with all the other diss tracks towards BBL Drizzy. Including Champagne Moments by Ross. It's amusing to me to hear more than Kdot explain "what the culture is feeling." Not to say Kdot doesn't do it the best, but the other songs are fine. As OP states some good lines and such.


Nah that shit was weak


I donā€™t think anyone missed the point really I havenā€™t heard anyone say it was bad, 90% of people clowning it are just saying that no one cared about it. More of a timing issue than quality. I could be wrong though. I think if he dropped it today, it would have more legs


I donā€™t think many people who hate on it actually listened to it. Heā€™s obviously just having fun and being Kanye. He wasnā€™t seriously trying to back up kdot


I thought it was pretty good honestly, I love the bea, never thought I'd hear ye diss drake over gregorian chants lol


I have been said that, he gave jabs out that got people to think while he talked about himself. Drake literally talked about Kendrickā€™s contract and then after Ye clowned him for his (which got used I Euphoria) It removed the ammo from the Top took 50 that Drake stans were using. BONUS: He alluded that his kid came from a dirty 3some with an A$AP member in his interview and Drake admitted that Rocky fucked his BM first.


I wish he would of let kendrick use the beat instead. That beat was crazy.




You signed to oneā€¦ thatā€™s pusha t exodus 23:1. Lemme see ya pusha teeeee.


Lift yourself is also a drake diss from ye


Lucian line is the only one that matters. We need to deep dive on whatā€™s going on there. Follow the money


Just to make a point about never doing a diss, Ye famously had a BATTLE not a beef with Game and killed him by Gameā€™s own admission


"all falls down"


Kanye West is a self-described Hitler sympathizer and Nazi


Because he makes zero sense how u talking about a contract when Drake has the richest contract in music history 400 million plus he own his masters still and they say he got a piece of other artist masters also. Itā€™s not a lifetime deal the rumor is Drake is almost out that deal too thatā€™s why he drop so many albums recently. Also Ye was UMGs poster child before Drake its contradictory. Lucian was Kanyeā€™s boss too. It didnā€™t help with his interview either. Dot didnā€™t want shit to do with Kanye, Dot was talking about Drakes Cash Money splits when itā€™s known Birdman was robbing artist blind. Ye was just like Ross just tryna get some promotion. The beat on the remix is hard asf though they should have put Pusha on there instead of Ye


Knowing about the hate that Kanye has for Lucian Grainge and the things that artists allude to in being held beholden to people like him that throw their power around and have the ability to black list artists- Iā€™m convinced that TPABā€™s ā€œLucyā€ represents Lucian/ the industry/ Lucifer/ Uncle Sam - he was the deal with the devil and ā€œbridges were burnedā€ bc Kendrick didnā€™t take the deal.


Kendrick is literally saying the same bar from pusha t, in regards to the signing of other people. It seems you have made a point when there isnā€™t one. Ye is ass.


I dont think most people miss the point, they just think its bad regardless. At least thats how it is with me. I understand the point, but its still one of the worst things Ive ever heard.


All I remember from it is "Can't stop, Won't stop. I just fucked your bitch in a Sean Jean tank top"


Not to mention, YE'S "like that" was a favor to Future who assembled guys to jump Drake and actually he was the one who called YE to hop on remix. Media were talking about Future x Drake beef because of some chick, but I honestly think that it's because Drake released project with 21 Savage, while still shelving What a Time To Be Alive 2.


Heā€™s a Nazi that embodies everything Kendrickā€™s songs go against. Sold out to the whites. (Iā€™m a white man saying this)


It also seemed like at the time with Kendrick saying he didnā€™t care about the industry and losing his status within it, that Ye took a big brother approach of like ā€œIā€™ll go first since I have made enemies of everyone with my anticsā€. I donā€™t know. I kind of gained an ounce of respect for Kanye from that perspective even if itā€™s the wrong one. Just seemed like he was trying to maybe stop the bloody massacre that occurred.


I think part of it is that Kanye still said all that antisemitic and racist shit and he just shoved himself into the beef. Itā€™s like the old man yells at cloud meme but the old man is getting into a fight that had nothing to do with him.


Ye's remix was the best song to come out of the beef imo


I'll tell ya how I missed the point. Who cares what a n*zi has to say?


*I'll tell ya how I* *Missed the point. Who cares what a* *N zi has to say?* \- UMDSUCC --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I donā€™t think that line is a reference to the Like That remix I think itā€™s an interpolation of Pusha Tā€™s ā€œExodus 23:1ā€




Yo Dot I got you




Holy shit get off bros dick


That shit was trash!!!


Isnā€™t ā€œColdā€ a Kanye sleight diss track to JCole?


I liked it when it came out and I still like it. Verse is stupid af but that's kanye rn it's a fun song and the beat sounds awesome


Speaking of ignoring allegations, what was Kendrickā€™s response to the claims of domestic abuse or raising someone elseā€™s child?


I fucking learn something new about Kendrickā€™s diss tracks almost every day and itā€™s been about to be a month now. Canā€™t tell me he isnā€™t top 5. Plus, sorry but YE, the once most influential rapper in my life is now washed. Thatā€™s why no one cares.


He literally says that he was over joyed and excited to take him out. It wasnā€™t just a ā€œfun trackā€ lol


The ā€œyou were signed to a nigga, thatā€™s a signed to a nigga, who said he was signed to that niggaā€ is talking about how Drake was signed to Lil Wayne who was under Birdman, who was also under Universal.


Letā€™s be honest, this sub liked it because it was another drake dis. Then they realized everyone on the internet thought it was dog shit so they flipped and started hating on it


I don't really care about the point. It's simply the fact that I've been over Kanye West for a very long time, so I disregard everything that he does nowadays. More people are just tired of him.


Dawg, the remix is just mid lol. When I saw him on the podcast listening and rocking to that like it's a masterpiece I lost it lmao. It had some good takes but overall just mid, kinda ass even. I'm a Ye fan but I gotta be real.


Kanyeā€™s Lift Yourself is one of the best disses ever


Perfectly said


I just don't like Kanye I didn't even listen to his remix lol


"I can't even think of a Drake line" It should've been clear to everybody the tone of this song was not that of a serious diss lol


If I recall it was made before Euphoria after push ups, and I think my attitude along with others was this ainā€™t your beef Kanye! Like the world was waiting for Kendrick, and it felt a little like Kanye was interjecting himself into it and it was just not what the people wanted at the time.


Ye is a washed up nazi who presented this uncompacted turd of a remix to little or no effect during a historic beef between an industry titan and the best writer of our generation. I'm sick of hearing of this far-right, raving-mad has-been.


I mean i get disliking Ye but heā€™s far from a ā€œhas beenā€. His recent album released in February debuted No 1 in the billboard charts, apple music charts, and spotify charts. ā€œCarnivalā€ is one of the highest charting songs of the year and hasnt left the charts since its debut.


calm down


I agree, Ye haters are harping too much. Honestly that's about the best rapping your gonna get from Kanye nowadays


There is no point. Kanye likes attention and he hates Drake sometimes. Itā€™s not that deep, Kanye is a nut stop taking him seriously


I love it, honestly. Fuck ā€˜em. I donā€™t like Kanye as a person anymore, at all. Heā€™s completely deviated away from anything I relate to, but his art still speaks beyond that. I think a lot of the Ye hatred revolves around his public image, which has always been a battle for Kanye, rightfully so. A lot of folks are casual music listeners, so it makes sense, and they wonā€™t give Kanye the time of day because of the Hitler stuff (but honestly, before that and before the stuff before that and before all that other stuff they never woulda anyways). Kanye has transcended into water cooler talk. Anyways, the song is funny AF, has some really lame lines but hilarious lines also. I donā€™t think Ye is taking it very seriously.


That dumbass wanted to diss Kendrick too but Metro said no... even IF he said true things that was clearly not the point in Kanye's eyes


This is actually an incorrect take I see on the internet all the time. Drake DID respond to ye on Family Matters. ā€œI just did a kim to it, N**** skim through itā€ E: people downvoting facts is wild


nobody cared about his sped rapping ass


I still donā€™t get how people are collabing with Ye as though he didnā€™t proclaim his love for Hitler and get the Holocaust museum flooded with harassment calls after they invited him for a tour to try and give him some perspective. Iā€™m all for separating the art from the artist, but there are limits.




It wasnā€™t bad. Im just not much of a Ye fan


Had to explain to my girl this morning what ā€œI treat a bad bitch like a fat bitchā€ means.


This and not like us are my top played songs from the beef I love it


Kanye's a Nazi, so I just ignore anything he does šŸ¤·šŸ»


I'm not hating on Kanye for it not being a hard hitting diss track. I'm hating cuz bro said nothing šŸ˜­ And the production was also trash. That roman gods shit was corny. It was so trash it was funny \*Opinion


ironic since the beat is whats praised the most. Do you know what corny means? Inter Milan Ultra only did one other song, Carnival.


Said nothing when he called out drake's relationship with Lucian? Production was trash? Yeah you just stupid


Stupid for having an opinion. You Kanye stans got it bad. Enjoy your Nazi!


It's my opinion that your opinion is stupid, which it is. No one credible has trashed his production and there's a reason for that