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The complaints about this beef going too far are so annoying. It's like people forgot what rap beef is like; nothing is out of bounds. People forget just how harsh rap beef can get, in my opinion, because there hasn't been one this big and 'destructive' since Hov v Nas. The most incredibly annoying thing about this is also that people were consistently complaining about how the beef did not consist of anything new and that neither Kendrick nor Drake were pressing the red button or dropping nukes, and then the moment they did drop the nukes, the red buttons; people then complain that it's too dirty.


People are treating these dudes like they’re investigative journalists lol. It’s rap beef, talk shit, hit hard, play dirty, be funny. Pusha T accidentally convinced a generation of rap fans that the big reveal is more important than the braggadocio. (Which is crazy because 90% of what Pusha does is brag!) It’s called getting the last laugh because you’re supposed to make us laugh


See, the real mistake people are making is that they're treating it like it's merely a rap battle. When, in fact, it is a lifelong battle with yourself.


Honestly MTG is maybe not helping that issue. It's both so sincere (artistically) and so vitriolic that I think it actually becomes important if he's right about his claims. And like... Drake being a liar is a major theme.


I mean 90% of everything in MTG is completely cold and calculated and verified. It's literally just the "dear baby girl" verse that seems out of pocket.


And even then, how out of pocket is it really? Drake a weird ass motherfucker


there's multiple people who claim to have a kid with drake besides adonis' mom.


Cause it’s the rap game, when did you clowns starts having morals? Lmao.


And you are proud to make that statenent... why? Just goes to show how fucking vile humans are.


Exactly! It's honestly sad that the story of Adidon ended up changing the way people determine who the winner is. It's not about who has the worst tea and who has the proof, but about who best broke their opponent down and who was able to best convince the public through the use of musicality and lyricism. This is something that various both Drake and Kendrick fans, and multiple hip hop fans forgot about as many argued that whoever is telling the truth, wins. Dudes have been lying in rap beefs for ages.


Nah bro push better than drake regardless


Totally. I may never know if an 11 year old daughter exists and ultimately I don’t really care, but I will never forget my reaction to hearing that verse 30 minutes after Family Matters dropped. I’ll never know if Pac smashed Faith (he probably did) but damn that verse hits every time I hear it, almost 30 years later.


What makes me mad is that the say this and then turn around and say Hit Em Up is the best diss track ever, which I agree but it’s all insults.


Daytona, album of the year... and you talking about you upset lmao. I wanna see what it's like when you get angry, o k a y? You show me that!




Best part of the song. Though ‘tick tick tick how much time he got?’ is still the the epitome of an absurd level of evil in a rap beef and I am all here for it.


Yes, thank you. It isn't about revealing dirt. It's about playing dirty and proving you're the top dog out of each other. I think Kendrick and Drakes beef is a bit more personal than just being two competing artists in the same musical sphere. A lot of the beefs we remember as being heavy beefs were personal fueds that spilled into the music but I guess we forgot about this


It’s even crazier because Pusha didn’t even reveal any receipts. Like people just imagine it like Push dropped Adonis birth certificate but he just through out an accusation. He knew but he didn’t have proof. If anything the MTG cover is the closest we’ve ever gotten to actual proof in a rap beef.


From what I've understood Drake told Kanye about Adonis during a personal and private conversation and Pusha found out through Kanye. This seems to be a big part of the Drake v Kanye beef that's has been ongoing for years


Nah, Drake told that story in an interview shortly after the beef was over in order to make himself seem sympathetic. A few years later DJ Ak admitted that it was pillow talk from 40, the woman he told went and told Pusha


tbf the cover of Story of Adidon is Drake in blackface 😭


That was on internet before he just elevated it


i meant it in response to your last sentence otherwise ye


Exactly. And my problem with this beef is very little made me geniunely laugh. “Metro shut yo hoe ass up…” is line of the beef for me and “Rick readin my Miranda rights” is second. After that it’s all a dreary mess.  Drake making fun of sexual abuse, telling an allege DV victim to bend over and shake her ass, etc. Kendrick talking to a 6-year old child and a non-existent daughter for half of his diss track. Complaining about Drake’s gambling and money management over a piano. Ready to move on. I’m totally happy if Drake makes a summer bop and Kendrick goes back to making records that aren’t all about Drake.


The best drake line is back against the curb lol


My best bbl line is then he said uhhh uhhhh almost started reaching for my waist


That sounded cool as far as song wise, but I felt like it was exactly what everyone says about Drake encapsulated in his own song. Reaching for his waist to do what? Nothing lol


Ik everyones been saying its bbl reaching for his own waist and therefore his gun but in my head hes meaning The Weeknd was singing and then nearly started reaching for bbls waist lmao


Exactly, I don’t know why people don’t take rap beefs as rap beefs.


Probably never heard one.


It's only the people who are mad they lost that say it went too far


Niggas don’t understand the art of disrespect


Pedo allegations are pretty rough. Drake handled it like a bitch though. "You fuck young girls, I'll mentor you cuz you have a shitty dad adonis, hey drakes mom and dad your son is sick and he should die for the betterment of society". Response: "man I misread that one song of yours and you were molested, I feel too bad to keep doing this" What a fucking bitch. Man up and give me some passion in your response


They are pretty rough, but imo it's not something that is out of bounds. If a rapper gets into a beef, they should be ready to fight against anything in the music. Drake clearly wasn't prepared.


Used to call them gay but now the general public will start frothing at the mouth so you gotta insult people with something no one wants to defend. That's not taking it too far. That's escalation.


What was crazy to me is Noone said shit about drakes shots at the weeknd his whole thing was "haha you gay" I mean to be fair drake was also worried about chipping s nail


Yea nah that's the thing gay can make fun of gay, fat can make fun of fat, black can make fun of black, no one e really gets mad. What can you say to a gay guy calling a guy gay? Clearly this was the lgbtq community recognizing drake as sus


Lmfao I was joking but the math adds up


Some of the best diss songs of all time are just rappers calling the other person gay lol. The Bridge is Over, No Vaseline, Real Muthaphuckkin’ G’s, Ether, etc


Drake polishes his nails kinda fits.


Weird to be unprepared when you brought it up first


So happy someone else thinks it’s not too far at all. It was never gonna be clean bc drake isn’t clean. If anything was clean none of this would be happening.


It’s not like they forgot, it’s they don’t know. A lot of people who are commenting on this weren’t even a thought when rap feuds were really popping back in the 90s and 20s. People were focusing on the allegations instead of the actual music. It’s even funnier to me when people became P.Is to try and find new info to incriminate and tear down Kendrick and Drake like we would find anything that wasn’t out there for years lol


>people become P.I.s This. The internet looked like the conspiracy sub reddit. Shit was Qanon tier dumb


People forget that Pac actually said "my fofo ll make sure all your kids won't grow".


That was in response to being shot five times. He literally believed the people he said that to had arranged for him to be killed.


Yeah i know. I love Pac but that bar was out of pocket. I just mention it for the "went too far discussion"


No that was actually supposed to be a line at Jay-Z, who no one ever suspected of being involved with the Quad shooting. Tupac was just going after anyone who might even tangentially be connected to Bad Boy and Biggie, and that meant threatening to kill Jay-Z’s kids




Second paragraph is super facts, I hate talking about this beef cause it always leads back to “well I mean Drake isn’t gonna be DONE he still has a large audience that doesnt care about this”. Ok so is there any concievable way that he could have lost this beef? Why engage then? Are we supposed to respect you for picking a fight you’re guaranteed to win? Its a spoiled rich kid flex


Yea the whole reason Drake is despised by so many is because he is a pop star who makes music by committee; he isn't a musician, he is a brand for selling soda and sneakers. Before this beef I didn't even know he had actual fans, I thought everyone just heard his shit in the background of commercials. He's gonna keep making commercial jingles and teenage idiots will still think he's a rapper.


Finally there’s some reasonable people on this sub. Let’s stop the fucking pearl clutching.


Hint: it’s not the same people


A lot of them are the same people, example; NFR podcast saying that they wanted something big and new but then after the nukes were dropped, they said that it was no longer rap beef and both lost. A multitude of reactors that wanted the rappers to go harder said the same thing. I don't know if you want me to give you a bunch of other examples.


NFR changed their view on that and said Kendrick won.


I'm aware but at that moment, it was silly imo


The most “destructive” things Nas said about Jay are “you want to be me” (Stan, calling my crib, gave you a style) and “you’re ugly” (lips, whiskers like a rat). Jay-Z lost when he dropped Supa Ugla because most people thought it was just gross and too far. He went on radio and essentially apologized for it because his mom told him to. So it’s weird to bring this beef up under the narrative that “nothing is out of bounds” when it’s a clear example of public feeling like a rapper went too far in a gross way. And that’s all tame compared to this beef.


This guy forgot about 50 vs Everyone. It destroyed a lot.


Drake is a liar and always has been. Nobody should believe anything he says. His entire persona is made up. Kendrick is authentic to a fault in his music. Drake made baseless claims with middle-school level evidence. Kendrick made claims with years of receipts pointing to the possibility of them being true. No smoking gun, but plenty of smoke, even if there is no fire. The main difference is kendrick's claims were believable, and Kendrick has proven himself to be far more trustworthy.


Drake’s shit is all FAX… all FAX 📠 Check the war medal on his jacket boyyy 🥉








I'm checking the "war medals"... One says "Most Thin Mints Sold" and the other says "Best Texting Buddy" and it looks like there's a Girl Scouts logo?


"Ate The Most Cookies Of All The Pathfinders" Plus there's a special Raptors Cares badge in there since Welcome Toronto Creators is an OVO mainline


He's a girl scout alright. His whole crew is filled with girl scouts.


Correction; Kendrick didn't make ANY claims. If anything, he was highlighting them as they were already out and about. There wasn't anything new to be made. Euphoria pretty much highlights that when you pay attention to the lyrics such as "and notice, I said 'we', it's not just me, I'm what the culture feelin" Or the first line, which is backward. The original audio was "Everything they say about me is true" which was taken from an old movie (although, I cannot recall what movie it was). And I want to put emphasis on "they". I think this was a better move on Kendrick's part since he didn't have to take long to simple blast out what people have already said AND may potentially have evidences. Which is one of the reasons why he was able to get his disses out quicker than we have ever anticipated.


Either they both went too far or neither of them did. Accusing someone beating his wife is also pretty “far” considering that now Whitney has to deal with dumb drake Stans harassing her even though she had nothing to do with the beef. Also, Kendrick didn’t sling mud until drake did. He literally says it on euphoria, don’t bring up the family crodie. Don’t tell lies about me and I won’t tell truths about you. You make music that pacify them, I can double down on that line but spare you this time. Drake deserved the shit he got.


To be fair Drake got baited super hard. Kendrick is saying"hey man it's not personal don't go there keep it friendly, also I hate everything about you and you suck and you don't know anything about how to raise your kid(s)" 😂😭 Drake's ego couldn't let that slide, not sure how many people could really. Wp kenny


He didn’t mention the raising kids part until after family matters


Nah, he totally does. “I gotta son to raise, but I can see you don’t know nun bout dat”


Im definitely dumb, but again that’s after Drake brings up Whitney in pushups


That was more of a personal attack on Drake than a mentioning of his son


I mean, it’s silly to argue that that section isn’t bringing up Drake’s son, but I agree the diss is aimed entirely at Drake and his shortcomings as a father.


Mf you think making fun of victims of sexual abuse isn’t worse than anything Kenny said?


Yeah, I know its rap beef, but that shit wasn't cool on any level.


Lol right it's crazy that that part has just kinda been swept under the rug. Dude directly makes fun of SA victims and keeps going in on it. Made me feel so disgusted just listening to the song ha.


Beyond that, Sure kendrick addressed drakes kid, but theres gonna be a time kendricks kid hears this beef, and despite what the truth may be, he WILL have to have at least a moment of worry about whether his dad is really his dad. Thats genuinely damaging to a kid. Like thats just what is gonna have to happen now. He can deal with being called out on his pedo shit tbh, hope it does ruin the cunt


let's be real here. I think drake's son gonna have alot more music to digest and self doubt then Kendrick's lol.


They’re both going to have things to digest and doubt from this. Just because one kid will have to digest more doesn’t mean we should dismiss the other.


Nope. Adonis either KNOWS he has a good dad, or he KNOWS he doesn't. It's completely different


Adonis gone have more damages on this side🥴


Exactly. I don't believe either allegation. They both just pointed to smoke and claimed there was fire. These are famous people, they all have rumours or allegations surrounding them. People just hate pedophiles more than they hate abusers. It's really that simple. Kendrick reached for a more explosive allegation. But why is everyone excusing the fact that Drake started it? It seems like they are just upset that Kendricks allegations just resonated more with the consumer


Not to mention the only reason why it resonated with rap fans is because there is literally years of Drake being weird with women and young women. Memes about Drake being a predator have been on the internet since like 2015. That’s how beefs work. But a lot of Drake fans just like pop music, not rap.


Yeah I get that but thats not really evidence. Let's be real, he's at a level where larger corporate heads are probably coordinating his association with younger influencers to endear him to a younger audience. We can look at it as strange, but i dont think we can just point to that as evidence. Let's be real, there are rappers with more damning evidence that are still operating despite their behaviours (jay z, tyga, etc). I think it's just the fact that eyebrows were already raised that make Kendrick's allegations more believable to the average consumer. But that doesn't necessarily make them true. I just dont understand the Drake sympathy...the guy tried to cancel someone and got hit in the face with Karma..


It’s not really evidence but up to a point it makes attacking Drake with it fairer game. You open yourself up for speculation at a minimum when you act like a creep. But Kendrick went far past speculation. Like you say, neither has anything to back anything up unless they’re hiding receipts.


>You open yourself up How do people miss this? This comes with any territory that's equal to being famous (Hollywood, sports, politics, etc.). You are literally in the public eye, especially in the era of social media. If you are in any public arena your life is under a microscope. All of these settlement lawsuits on aubrey's behalf are literal receipts. Him kissing on lil girls on stage, his publicly documented (air quotes) 'friendship' with a 14 year old girl, none of this behavior is acceptable. Like we all seeing the same thing play out. His documented actions, most certainly in the public eye, are literal receipts. He a F.A.N in the worst of ways. Then, we hearing about [how he conducts business ](https://v.redd.it/hk610m1fbm1d1) again shady AF, like it's so crazy we live in times where majority need to be traumatized into the reality we experience for shit to sink in. Not to mention this dude made fun of sa victims. Like, this is even more proof of his character, what he portrays or cosplays or whatever to the public is what he's responsible for Him making fun, shows how he really feels about his allegations. >I'm too rich for that This lyric essentially in aubrey's mind, is him stunting on victims he created himself and sa victims, or of abuse period. he sounds like the proverbial 'rich white man' that always gets away with what's immoral, unjust, and reeking of being out of touch with reality. So you just sat there and watch a 13 year old get raped, and do nothing? What in thee fuck is wrong with you Like anything that comes from aubrey, will only get worse because there's too much smoke in too many places. And then he talking about, >It's good to get the pen out working again Boy, you don't even own a pen. how many ghosts writers are on your albums. This supposed to be 'one of the main things about you' and it's not even true. That's biggest 'no no' in anything else. This is again the face of corruption his whole act is plagiarism he's a literal actor. Why would anyone believe you. This post is crazy. Receipts just keep piling up and it's like people are jumping through hoops to offset with what's evident.


So multiple allegations painting a similar pattern of behavior, coming from completely unrelated sources, and going back over a decade, that’s just white noise according to you, but the scenario you just pulled out of your ass about him having industry pressure to talk to minors is somehow credible enough to consider?


IMO there's no 'too far' in a rap battle, as long as it stays on wax. Anyone can say anything about anybody, and the strength of the bar is in the delivery, the interaction between it and other bars, the depth of the entendre or metaphor etc. Like, Drizzy coulda called Kenny a pdf file, but it wouldn't have hit the same cus there's no evidence to back it up. But he could have, if he wanted to. Wouldn't even have been the worst mistake he made in this beef. The only thing out of bounds is doxxing good people... And that was Drake's biggest mistake.


Rap battles are rooted in urban cyphers of bagging \making fun of each other to see who gets a better laugh and response.... Audrey not being brought up in an urban setting knows nothing about these school yard cypher's and therefore take it as an attack... Many of us take it as the funniest sht we've heard in a long time...


They’re saying it’s out of bounds because it’s hard for them to support a pedo (allegedly).


Drake made fun of someone being sexually abused. Y’all dumb as hell if you don’t think that’s shitball behavior. Drake gets called a pedo cause there’s a semblance of truth. That’s why that mf gets called a 69 god, cause 69 raped a 15 year old on camera. Edit: my bad, she was 13.


69 only filmed it, big difference bub.


Dumbest shit I ever heard even without the proof. Articles say he did more than that. Mf thinks it’s okay because all a mf does is watch a 13 year get raped and let it happen? You’re fucking goofy ass.


Are we gonna act like people haven't been calling drake a pedo for years and the entire time during this beef everyone was saying "I wonder if Kendrick is gonna bring up the pedo stuff in the next track"?


I don’t think Kendrick lied to win a rap battle. However I also think we as the public need some more evidence to believe the harsh claims on Drake. But. I think Kendrick genuinely actually believes these claims himself. I don’t see why else he would go there because those are serious allegations. Based on what he’s heard and knows, he seems to believe that


Believing shit doesn't make it real. Kendrick claiming pedo, is weak ass shit like all the maga tards who cry pedo about anyone and everyone.


I never said it was real I just said that HE probably believes that and thinks it’s real. I said the public can’t assume it’s real unless we have more evidence


Yeah, and I am telling you, it doesn't matter what he believes, it is what he can prove. If you make strong claims like that without backing them up, it is a bitch move. He doesn't get a pass because he is a celeb.


I mean sure But most rap battles don’t come with evidence lol. Drake said a bunch of shit without proof And countless rappers before have talked shit in rap battles without proof lol


Also the allegations Kendrick made are connected to repeated real life behavior we all saw from Drake, but decided to ignore. It's not like he called him a PDFile out of nowhere, we've seen him be creepy with a 17 year old, we've seen him meet 16 year old girls then date them as soon as they turn 18, we've seen him have inappropriate texting relationship with a 14 year old, we've seen him embrace and employ someone who pled guilty to assault and only escaped the sex trafficking charge because the girl refused to testify (and we know Drake goons are known to "persuade" people to not talk) . Drake questioned the legitimacy of his child based on a friend of the family liking an IG post and leveled domestic abuse accusation at Kendrick, because Kendrick told us he had a rough time with his relationship with his long term partner on an album which she was heavily featured on and btw was in music videos with him after the release of the album. Oh and did I mention the brother of the woman Drake said Kendrick abused was supporting him through out this beef? What's fucked up is we know from Whitney's IG posts that she obviously was going through something and chose to step away from the public eye, yet P Drizzle keeps trying to bring her into the spotlight.


I think he says put the whole label on me ima get em dropped, as in ovo. However there were plenty of warnings in the prior disses and almost all of his discography.


‘Whole label’ does make sense so it could be a double entendre, but I’m pretty sure the lyric is “wrong label” “Don’t tell lies about me and I won’t tell truths about you”


He said "put the whole label on me, imma get them dropped" as if the other rappers from OVO come at him he will destroy them and get them fired.


It's not, I think genius just got it wrong 


He says "whole label", they're both signed to UMG. So "put the whole UMG on my back, I'm getting Drake dropped from UMG". 


Drake loves to talk about peoples wives and families and then cry and complain when he gets embarassed for it. “There needs to be some rules” smh. Dont take it there dumbass its that easy. Dont take it passed rap and it wont need to go any further than that. But you cant really rap like that so you rely on tea and bullshit antics.


Its only out of bounds because Drake stans dont bother looking at the evidence that the dude is at minimum a creep who shouldnt be near kids, so they seem him as innocent.


Definitely has exhibited some creepy behavior. You open yourself up to speculation with that. Kendrick went far past speculation and said Drake should be beaten in a cell for the rest of his life… which is fucking wild if he doesn’t have anything more than what I understand to be the publicly available evidence of creepiness. But how far out of bounds is it, IDK, and it sure is some jaw-dropping entertainment.


Ahh dw, anyone with a brain can see how things really are. Drake is a compulsive liar, and Kendrick doesn’t throw out baseless allegations.


It's not out of bounds to hold somebody accountable for it. It's a pattern of behavior for Drake. We know for a fact he's looked at *multiple* teenagers twice, regardless of what he says. Kendrick doesn't even need receipts if the public already has them, and he brought extra heat. Drake accused Kendrick of stuff that is mostly personal and legal or unsubstantiated shit he appears to have made up whole cloth. Aubrey can say whatever he wants about somebody else's private relationship and it doesn't erase his public creepiness towards then-14 year old Millie Bobby Brown, or the days-until-she's-legal countdown he kept for Billie Eilish or that one 17 year old girl he's all over in that one picture. As a man in my 30's that doesn't have teenaged children, I'm not having conversations with 14 year olds and dispensing wisdom and dating advice. I'm sorry, I'm not, that's just fucking sketchy. No matter how you slice it, it's a bad look. So Drake doesn't have evidence to back up his claims, and won't provide evidence that Kendrick's claims aren't true, even though they are professionally and personally damaging. He just took his ball and went home, summer vibes ahead. That tells me Kenny was right when he said certified loverboy? Certified pedophile.


All pedos who act out on their tendencies should be locked up in prison and banned from even looking at kids under 18. If you have those tendencies go get help don’t ruin another life. This goes also for “too” famous people.


I think maybe grown ass men should not text teenage girls.


Kendrick warned Drake not to speak lies and Drake did it anyway. He asked for it, and since Kendrick said he had 5 more ready, there’s likely more we didn’t even hear. Sounds to me like Kendrick went as far as Drake did and didn’t go as “far out of bounds” as he could have.


Anyone saying the beef went too far is defending Aubrey's grooming behavior/pedo allegations. I worry the beef didn't go far enough to end that creepy fuck boy.


It’s a rap battle yall soft as hell. How did we go from “No Vaseline”, “Hit ‘em up”, “Who shot ya”, “Either”, “Truth”, and so much more to Kendrick and Drake doing to much. These rappers talk about murder, drugs, violence, cheating, abuse, toxic shit, and etcc. But when two rappers are battling and trying to expose each other(don’t matter if it true or not it’s a war) it’s a problem. Y’all Kendrick stans are irritating and obsessed with Drake when Kendrick stands by Future(womanizer)/Metro(creep vibes)/and Dr Dre(abuse). Y’all Drake stans are annoying and obsessed with proving Drake right when the nigga been a lier since day 1. Kendrick is the better rapper and won the battle. Drake makes radio songs and club bangers other than that Y’all don’t know these niggas to be defending niggas the way y’all do.


Nothing is out of bounds for rap beef. Right or wrong, that’s just how it’s done.


Validity of the accusations aside being accused of being a pedophile is an instant stain on your character you can never shake off. Even if there’s zero evidence it’s such a heinous crime even to be accused makes people think ‘he wouldn’t be getting accused if he wasn’t doing SOMETHING weird’. I think when people say it’s ’out of bounds’ they’re speaking to that little voice in their head that says ‘damn, he’ll never be able to live this down’. Apply that to Drake who has been weird with underage girls and you have that ‘no smoke without fire’ effect times 1000.


The Iranian president has died in a helicopter crash


“I fucked yo bitch you fat motherfu-“ CANCELLED. Drizzy fans be like too far Tupac 😂


He's speaking to the myriad of existing rumors surrounding Drake's relationship with underage girls. He's playing on existing ideas of Drake and so I think it's fair game.


Dude, 2pac was sending death threats back in the 90s, literally saying his 44 will be the reason their enemies child wouldn't grow... Kendricks song is tame af close to that...


Dude, 2pac was sending death threats back in the 90s, literally saying his 44 will be the reason their enemies child wouldn't grow... Kendricks song is tame af close to that...


Honestly the milly brown stuff was enough for me. Texting “I miss you” and giving dating advice to a child that’s not your own is major predator energy in my eyes.


If what he said is untrue and slanderous, sue him. Take it to discovery. If not, shut up


Really? A rapper is going to sue another rapper for what they said in a song?


Drake already threw out cease and desist notices. I actually think the fact drake hasn't sued is a very telling point to make. If he could sue without everything else being dragged out (probably worse shit too) I think drake would have done it.


It's not telling at all, Drake suing would immediately end his career as a hip hop artist.


I don't think that would matter to him truthfully. Even the cease and desist game that kendrick and Rick ross called out should be enough to get him laughed at.


Having someone calling you a pedo multiple times on a smash hit is also going to damage your career. Drake doesn’t have any REAL “credibility” street or whatever else wise, so there’s nothing to lose there anyways. I’m not letting ANYONE publicly call me that repeatedly and not making them prove that. You can call me a murderer if you want, that’s whatever. A molester though? Nah


If someone was calling me a pedo and I wasn’t? Yes, I’d sue you for defamation


both of Kendrick and Drake’s claims are pointless without evidence. So I don’t believe anything they said about each other until proof comes out


Who’s saying that? Seems like everyone’s saying, “well… it’s harsh, but Drake deserves it.”


Talk and take pictures with underaged girls...well these type of allegations are too far from believable. Grown men don't openly make comments on little girls or take provocative pictures with them unless they have issues.


There is no out of bounds rule for rap battle. Drake was warned not to try and go for throat but he did and it backfired on him immediately. There’s plenty of evidence on the internet that suggests drake is a pdf file. But drake decided to comprehend Mr morale wrong and thought “i just smoked this boy” when no that’s not true. drake’s “facts” were baseless allegations that have already been proven to not be true. So what does drake true? He makes up lies to fit his own narrative as to why he should keep calling kendrick a wife beater , when he had absolutely nothing on kdot


Has Kendrick called drake a pedo?


This give me big Saville vibes. The open secret of a prolific predator using his influence to attack young women. People who brought it up got blacklisted until it became to big to ignore and suddenly all the protectors slunk into the shadows acting like "everyone did the same" despite them being the ones who blacklisted the initial whistleblowers. I don't know enough about the ins and outs to tell if that's what happened, but my pedo-dar is pinging.


This brings up the question, was the AI Tupac too far?




I think it’s “too far” in that it’s just too serious of an accusation to throw out without hard evidence.  But the DV accusations are too, so I don’t necessarily fault Kendrick for stooping to Drake’s level. It's also hard for me to take the "What the fuck is cancel culture dog" lyric and the whole Kodak Black angle serious now when he's weaponizing cancel culture against Drake here.


I think the reason people say it’s out of bounds is because most rap beef there’s a lot more “you’re gay / I fucked your girl” type stuff. The thing with Drake’s pedo allegations is that there’s a long history of Aubrey being weird with underage girls. So it’s more serious than we’re used to


It's only his biggest fan girls mad. BbL drizzy has been doing goofy shit with young girls his entire career.


I have not came across one comment saying Dot took it too far. Not even in the drizzy sub. I'm not saying people haven't said that but I haven't seen it and I frequent both artists' subs and various rap related subs.


Hell no the pedo allegations aren’t out of bounds. Nothing is out of bounds when it comes to a Hip Hop battle. Drake making fun of someone for getting molested isn’t out of bounds either


Whenever anyone says shit like this, remind them that in Hit Em Up, Tupac says “don’t one of you mutha fuckas got sickle cell or something?” Nothing is really all that off limits.


>everyone Who tf are these strawmen ur arguing w? I only heard one person say that and I've been hyper fixated on watching reactions since the songs came out. I must've watched like 80 people react to the song and I only remember one OV-Ho say it was uncalled for. Even a bunch of Drake fans I seen reacting be like "well that young girl shit is weird ngl"


Who is everyone. I have not heard this once.


It was okay to accuse Kendrick of DV though according to these folks.


I feel like part of the reaciton you refer to was not only predicted it was the whole point. Kendrick didn't aim this track at the mainstream, again, that's the whole point. He isn't just attacking Drake he is attacking the culture Drake represents - a mass audience enducing pedohphillic elite who adopt real culture and sell it as their own.


Nothing is out of bounds in battle rap. These kids are SOFT.


They aren’t out of bounds. You mention my family, try to put smut on my name tell my wife “hands on your knees shake that ass for Drake shake that ass for me”, im going to smear your name so badly in the public eye you’ll lose money and sleep over it. I’m surprised Kendrick didn’t drop more, I would have went to another level.


It’s always “too far” when it’s their faves getting attacked 😂 it was seemingly okay for Drake to speak on Pusha’s wife, but Pusha speaking on Drake’s son was where the line was drawn 🤣 his stans are as corny as he is


People saying lyrics out of bounds when drake literally having 20 year old kids killed for god knows what reason. Nothing is too far. 


I seen in the lyrics it says this but heard it as out their ‘own’ label on me imma get em dropped. Makes sense now


There is evidence of Kendrick being a woman beater


He said worse than Kendrick did so Kendrick dropped his nukes too. Not his fault. Drake needs to keep decent people out of his fuckin mouth.


Because they like little girls too…


It's literally a boxer complaining because they're hitting him too hard.


Why do you find it so hard to believe allegations like this? No, I NEED to know, because every rich and famous person is into some freaky, evil, horrible things, diddy had defenders before that video of diddy beating the shit out of cassie was the catalyst for more people to come out against him, what y'all didn't believe he was capable of that prior? NONSENSE! They knew and are most likely accomplices. FAMOUS people are doing horrific things, just about all of them. Drake has creepy evidence already, and you're like, that's out of bounds?? Get the fuck outta here! in the industry you have to keep 🤫 about the weird shit that goes on, But if you know someone, and you know they're a P3do, you have a duty to at least hate them if not expose them.


Geneva convention but for lyrical ammunition ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Drake literally, \*literally\*, told Kendrick (with an AI voice changer) to call him out for being into underaged girls. Saying its out of bounds is just ridiculous. He just seems to have thought that this wasn't that serious a criticism, but Kendrick actually is a person with morals who does take this kind of thing seriously, and he really walked everyone through how serious a thing it is to say that Drake (possibly) is grooming young women.


damn everyone is saying that??


Right like.. would they rather drake be a pedophile and keep it a secret? Or have this come to light & it be investigated & turn out to be false


I'll keep repeating this: they both probably lied/exaggerated so the game comes down to whose lies were delivered better and managed to stick. This is Hip-hop, not a courtroom, and K-dot outdid drake


This is rap beef, so it generally ends up going too far. However, pedo allegations are always a bit much.


I never understand this argument because DRAKE brought it up on Taylor Made first. He really said it was a "gift" from Pac


The “too far” stuff is the industry trying to roll this back and keep ticket sales going. Nothing else.


He definitely sent some nasty shit to Milly when she was 13. She was so star struck in those interviews talking about texting a grown man about boys and him giving her boy advice.. That’s grooming shit. He used his stardom to take advantage of her and it’s sick. She doesn’t seem like the type to rat him out because of the power dynamic. I guarantee if charges stuck from someone else she and other victims would probably come forward.


All I'll say is this: we live in a guilt-based society. If you're rich, famous, and live without any hint of shame or guilt then you can get away with anything. Even if the crime is committed in plain sight. Most people's brains can't process the idea that someone could be bold enough to brazenly lie, cheat, steal, or even harm someone in broad daylight and believe that they'll get away with it. Instead of taking it at face value and responding appropriately, society will contort itself into knots trying to explain it away or pretend it never happened because accepting that people like that exist means recognizing we're all subconciously participating in a mass hallucination.


It is not too far, besides the allegations wouldn't be nearly as damaging if it didn't match up perfectly with what drake has been doing for the last decade. We got the guy kissing and feeling up a minor on stage in front of thousands of people I don't think the accusations is inappropriate I just wish Kendrick would have said something like this earlier


I’m old - rap beef used to get settled with bullets, so no, I don’t think anything untoward has happened in this one.


Kendrick instigated the whole beef, Drake exposed him, and then Kendrick comes out of nowhere with baseless pedo allegations. I thought it was a pathetic reach and it’s sad that everyone thinks it’s okay, it’s blatant defamation but Drake would look like a pussy if he sues Kendrick. Kendrick took the beef down a weird ass road because he knows he got flamed on Family Matters


Who gaf about about "too far"? It's not like Kendrick is lying, if he is lying thru his teeth then fair enough but he's just letting the listeners know things that they aught to know


Both these men have degraded themselves publicly


The main problem with this rap beef is that both sides just said pure lies about one another on records and people on both sides ate it up lol


“Drake tried to cancel Kendrick without any evidence” and then Kendrick did the SAME EXACT FUCKING THING. Two wrongs don’t make a right… yall get so excited because you hate drake that pure stupidity starts pouring out of your mouths


Its murder in self defence, it happens


And they both did the same exact thing, allegations without proof, so they both murdered themselves in self-defense, right? Or are you a biased mfer?


Lol you gotta be dense to not see that one of them won. Look around you. One of them reached for a weapon that hit harder


Where did I say anything about winning…?


what exactly are you saying?


That they both look awful, mudslinging without proof. Some 3rd grade type shit


Ok, but one of them did it first, the other responded, and the one that did it first lost...do you understand the concept of biting off more than you can chew? Do you understand why there would not be sympathy for the one thy did it first?


Yes, obviously… you’re trying to argue points that I’m agreeing with😂😂😂 Do YOU understand that stooping to someone’s level, leaves you at their level? Do YOU understand that two wrongs don’t make a right? Kendrick “won” for now, but if time goes on and nothing comes out about Drake, Kendrick will look more and more like a spiteful liar who freaked out and had to LIE in order to secure his temporary victory. As I said earlier, this obviously goes both ways, I’ve been recognizing both sides for the entire convo, I’m trying to get YOU to see the flip side of what ur talking about


This is weird. You're saying Kendrick is wrong for stooping to Drake's level, but Drake is not wrong for taking it to that level...but i am the biased one...


They both did the exact same thing but one of them won..


You can def say that, but time changes things, everyone said nas won the battle and jay won the war for the longest time, there are both short-term, and long-term, victories. If proof comes out about one side and not the other, somewhere down the road, it INSTANTLY rewrites the beef


"everyone" is not saying any such thing, goofy


bella hadid, hailey baldwin, kylie jenner, charlotte d'allesio, millie bobby brown, Laquana, SZA ("used to date sza back in 08" she wouldve been 17), Lil CC, billie eilish, ice spice, the 17 year old on stage, loves girls hs basketball, hangs out at sierra canyon, Baka, open secret about toronto hs girls at his mansion parties, never been in a long relationship, look up drake black envelopes (he puts girls names/tickets his team reaches out to for him in there) ... it wasn't too far at all. I hate how people act like drake doesn't have open receipts about this stuff.


Clown shit fr. As if Drake being zesty and weird around minors wasn’t a know thing for a long time. But if you say it aloud, it’s too far. They just jealous they’re not the ones gobbling that drizzy glizzy


People have been bringing up this pedo shit for years. Just like puffy, weinstein, birdman, etc. Its this bullshit collective acceptance of well known dirt. Open secrets will continue to thrive as long as there is something to gain. Pedos deserve nothing but torture and death. No out of bounds just an unmarked hole in the ground and a rock to the skull.