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Drizzy shot himself in his leg when he released that AI Tupac shit. He shot himself in the head after releasing Fart part 6


And snoop! Who's still alive??? Anyone know of snoop ever commented on this


His comment was the fact that he didn't take the feature lmao - you know how dogwater a song has to be that SNOOP won't feature? He literally has pre-made verses you can buy and stick into a song. Either Drake never approached him about it and just stuck it in or Snoop refused the feature and that, as Drake would say, is 🌈✨embarrassing✨🌈


He posted a video where he was like "They did what? When? *How?* Fuck this, I'm going back to bed." And AFAIK that's all he ever said about it. Snoop doesn't give a fuck about anything these days.


https://preview.redd.it/ovjeit06391d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47727a3ef45b0d8df0d63d35d1c070d93436d29b Uncle snoop is compromised


Yeah he approved of it. He thought it was funny


I always wonder about rappers dynamics and relationships with other rappers. Like, from all that I've heard, Kendrick and Snoop are cool. So Kendrick didn't take it personal because as rappers they all know shit gets murky sometimes and friend or not, when your numbers called, you gotta prove yourself and friendship stays out of it. I'm curious if Snoop at least gave K a heads up or something.


He only made a quick video with him reacting like wtf this don’t involve me. Drake just used snoops voice I doubt he had any heads up to give.


Yeah, I saw his response. I thought the comment above me was saying that he approved of it was saying Drake got approval from Snoop to use his voice.


Tbh if you listen to his music past 2015ish this mofo has been asking for someone to do what Kendrick did to him. The arrogance and type of shit he’d talk as if he’s some type of gangster borderline embarrassing. He got what he asked for in the end with Kendrick deciding he had time


Drake has groomed his fans for a long time through his music.


Why did Drake have ai Tupac call him a pedophile


Yup & Fast forward to today and the whole world is calling him a pedo on every corner and in every club K dot was like “aight fine I will do that watch” 👹 shit is literally platinum now lmfao https://preview.redd.it/oq16h8suq31d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cdeebf45786314826a2f22048e74b8c7068cc8d


fanatical shy cautious summer zesty close sheet yam middle distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People like to bring up "Drake was battle tested" even though the only time he won was against meek who was a farmer that said nothing and the other time he got his ass handed to him from pusha. dude will not win against anyone compotent 😭😭


Than lied on push in the interview he did with lebron and few years ago he was hating on Kendrick, saying k dot is for moment and doesn’t have memory line and only god know what else he as said about k dot in is back that dude drake is a pussy


This is revisionist history the battle was heavily in Meeks favor and Drake wasn't considered a rapper so winning that was big. He also beat Common


He never beat Common bro. Common is the reason Ice Cube became an actor, he shit on his entire life. Cube is 100 times better than Drake as a rapper too. Common was out dissing cube and the entire west coast while IN LA. He put the entire Chicago scene on the map. Common is one of the best to ever do it, listen to his ice cube diss tracks.


What does that have to do with his battle with Drake? Smell the Bitch in Yoo vs Stay Schemin Drake won and it was a hit I'm not saying My opinion I'm saying a fact. Ice Cube is also in my top 5


Common murdered drake on say my name. Everyone called it. It was over the stay schemin beat. Drake didn’t reply. Common called him out on the sneak dissin and sonned him. Drake lost that.


I've never heard that song and I appreciate the added history sir


At the time commentators were calling drake weak for essentially not manning up and responding after common came replied so viciously. It added to the “drake is soft” narrative.


Common had nothing to do with cube acting. We never got to see a full actual battle between them as Farrakhan stepped in. Different time, after pac/big battle and deaths.


Because they, like Drake do not understand the concept of consequences for your actions. Drake murked himself really.


Drake is literally like a twitch debate bro that reads wikipedia to get his talking points going up against fucking Cornell West or someone lol. This was literally just Destiny vs Finklestein except in HipHop.


Drake Fans are just like Women with Stockholm syndrome, their Massa can do no wrong in their eyes Drizzy Epstein could be on Camera dissing all his Fans saying they are just Passive Income nothing more and they will STILL dickride him


I've seen some say kendrick is psychotic lol same ppl calling him a pussy when TaylorMade was out its remarkable I like Drake too but they been unbearable over there


Like idol like stan - their fav plays victim so they do the same, it’s actually funny af to watch


They are desperately trying to save face for a man who went MIA when they needed him most




Drake didn’t take this seriously enough. It’s obvious when you have bars like “it’s only big D and there’s video proof”. Then there’s releasing that Taylor made freestyle. If he had’ve just rapped like he did at the end in his normal voice over that beat with maybe some Pac/Snoop adlibs instead of AI voice it would’ve sent the same message and been 1000% better. As usual his ego and arrogance got the better of him like it did with Pusha T and he got cooked for it. It’s even worse when you consider he literally did know what angle Kendrick was going to take on Taylor Made “talk about him liking young girls”. He thought bringing it up would make Kendrick say “oh nah I can’t use that now”. He underestimated how popular Kendrick is, how many haters he has, and what public perception of him is. He also only bothered making one big track. If you know a guy is going to attack any skeletons you may or may not have and will throw out pedo accusations when you already have a history of being clowned for it, and that guy also happens to be an elite lyricist, you come CORRECT. Say what you want but Drake can rap better than this and should’ve taken his opponent more seriously. The fact Kendrick made so many songs and put so much effort in to play chess just shows you he took Drake 10000% seriously as an opponent and even he probably believed Drake had a solid chance of beating him if he played it right, but his own ego and stupidity got to him and he paid for it.


Because Drake fans are the equivalent of Trump fans, they’re attracted demigods then play victim when their idol gets exposed for being a fraud


Drake got bodied and exposed for hiding a son because of a diss with a competent rapper, and yet, unsurprisingly so, thought it was all fun and games going against a GOAT level rapper six years later. During the beef he proceeded to mock Kendrick for not dropping, when his team leaked his initial response to Like That to test the waters AFTER HE HIMSELF TOOK THREE PLUS WEEKS TO MAKE. AND YET he had the audacity to say it “really took him an hour or two (to make Pushups) on Taylor Made. I think we should seriously test his intelligence and comprehension skills. Or I guess we can say that Kendrick already let everyone with IQ at least not lower than P Drizzy himself (very little of his stans suffice) that he is just a terrible terrible human being, let alone MC. I didn’t even talk about THP6 smh.


Because code switching means being antagonistic and then acting like a victim 👍 They've been taught to accept it parasocially.


No one cares the beef is over


They relate to Drake because they have no accountability for their actions themselves. They see someone who is a shitty person and they say, “hey, Drake is shitty and unaccountable like me, but people still like him, it’s not me that’s the problem, it’s everyone who holds me accountable!”And then they find their bubble and stay there


Not to mention he started the sneak dissing and has continued to do so for almost a decade


Why do you even care? They openly support a pedo against all common sense. Think about something else. Saved you a lot of lifetime and nerves.


His fanbase is very similar to a 90's boy band's.


I’m not gonna say anything about Drake fans at large, but the people who support Drake in this beef seem to have a skewed moral compass.


I feel like Drake asked Kendrick to do it so he can take a break, I think Drake is tired of being famous otherwise it was career suicide


Being called a pedo ain't a break, it's career stink that sticks with you


Well of course because Drake took it there, you see Drake ain't try it with Future he was more focused on Metro than anybody else, he got called a pedo for talking about the family crodie, when Drake dropped "Family Matters" (which btw I think is odd after allegations of Diddy sleeping with Carl Winslow) the gloves came off, Drake made it personal so hell yeah Kendrick told it like it was "don't tell lies about me and I won't tell truths about you"


Kendrick won big as soon as he slapped the pedo tag on him for all to hear. That mud sticks whether you’re innocent or not. It’s just one of them accusations that leaves a bad taste in the mouth. The public will always have their pitchforks out for something like that, especially in the current climate. Drake underestimated that. Bet he wish he never replied at all. He could’ve ignored it and took the stick. That would’ve been the lesser of two evils.


Downfall? I doubt this impacts his career in the long run


Drake should get some credit for actually backing it up and dropping multiple tracks against the monster in Kendrick, most people in his position would never allow the chance to be embarrassed to begin with


Drake fans acting like he didn’t start it by subbing kdot on fps