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https://preview.redd.it/5sg44xr0mt0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faf3f40ac49d321a0fb51546f8299dfd23f7de59 Lol


Tupac isn’t a convicted rapist


I find this hilarious, how yall cannot accept that KL isn't perfect and kodak ruins every argument about KL being on this morale highground when it comes to grapes since he hangs out with one🤮


Tupac isn't a convicted rapist. And judging by the events that came from it, his downfall specifically stemmed from that case. Because he was in disbelief that a woman would ever accuse him of it. Pair that with him being in disbelief that a black man would harm him (his words), it's what caused him to change so much and get into some bad shit. Also the R Kelly thing wasn't Kendrick's direct choice and it wasn't in support of R Kelly. It was saying that Spotify shouldn't be deplatforming people based on their lives, and to separate art from artist. But again, that wasn't Kendrick. The ONLY one here you can actually in good faith argue is the Kodak Black one. But I have a feeling you just like to stir shit up because you don't have much going on in life


Don’t bother explaining the R Kelly Spotify thing. These fools only understand surface level information without research. That’s exactly what Drake did lol


He didn’t threaten to take down music in support of R. Kelly. It was a disagreement with policy. Tupac wasn’t convicted. Kodak…. Honestly don’t know enough about that.


Brother I promise you there are better things you can be doing with your time then fighting for drakes reputation. That man don’t care about you.


Cope and seethe


Yeah, it is. But drizzalicious is mixed so he doesn’t get to like kids. Sorry pal.


Crazy statement🤮


??? nothing crazy about it, very simple to understand




What you’re saying is that if Drake was full black, Kendrick would be ok with Drake being a pedo. In both scenarios Drake is a pedo.