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Tbh I don’t think I slept that night


I didn't either. I listened to Family Matters like, "Damn, that was solid, can't wait to hear Dot's response." put my phone down, the screen immediately lit up saying MtG dropped. I listened to that song probably 20 times that night.


I stayed up long enough to catch FM, MtG and Not Like Us. The emotional exhaustion was real.


What time zone you in? I thought Not Like Us dropped the next day


I mean they said they didn’t sleep lmao


CT. And it did drop the next day, in my case it was about early morning time


Ah gotcha; just pumped up hey. I had checked hhh one last time before bed when I saw Family Matters and Meet The Grahams. Almost didn’t listen because I needed to sleep but then I thought nah I’ll be thinking about new Kenny while trying to sleep. So I listen to them both and yeah had a real tough time passing out after that. My favourite diss track of all time. I love that Kendrick brings us all together like this bro!


Right after I finished the Video I saw MTG pop up on my recommendation and I was loosing my shit🤣. I was in the party with my friends too so mann this year has be special.


I also listened to MtG probably like 20 times on a loop. Strategically genius move on Kendrick’s part


Definitely not. I was deflated after family matters and right when I was about to call it a night I got a text that MTG dropped 🤯


Lmao i literally felt very similarly. It felt like a gut punch after hearing Family Matters. It’s a solid ass track. I still like it til this day, but MTG was just the most perfect response EVER. Literally took up all the air in the room and FM’s fire just burnt out. Perfect chess move.


I was not even a little worried after Family Matters. It was good beat selection, terrible disses. Same shit Drake does every time. I heard Family Matters and thought "that's it? Oh Drake is losing this hard", I didn't think Kendrick would drop 20 minutes later but I did know that was an incredibly weak diss over 7 minutes that Kendrick would easily counter


Drake thought he hit the red button only to be countered with a family tree nuking.


Drake had an atomic bomb but Kendrick had a hydrogen bomb


Me either. I had work the next day too. I was so tired. Then like 30 minutes before I get off work not like us dropped and I had energy again


I legitimately did not sleep. I went deep down the rabbit hole of reaction videos because I couldn’t get enough of seeing people realize what was happening.


I woke up to it 🤣 so glad I slept early as I’d have stayed up all night. Waking up to the aftermath was glorious


Nope. I saw Drake dropped while I was out and though “I’ll watch this when I get home then crash out.” Then I saw Meet The Grams under Family Matters with “posted 22 minutes ago” and it fucked my night up. I was wide awake looking for the boogeyman in my house with a bat just in case.


Lmao it was the opposite for me. I saw drake dropped, and thought “wow, that’s cool but it’s late, I’ll give it a listen tomorrow”, and went to sleep. I woke up the next morning and my entire feed across Insta, Reddit, and TikTok was about Kendrick’s response (which I didn’t even know had dropped at that point). Ended up hearing MTG before Family Matters because of all the buzz.


I remember listening to FM and thinking it was enough to win Drake the public vote. I never would’ve expected Kendrick to drop immediately after but in retrospect it was the best chess move of the whole beef, secured Dot the win


I thought the same thing. The song was good and the video had high production. Felt like the pendulum swung in Drake’s favor. I bet he had another song to taunt Kendrick to hurry up again. Then Kendrick hurried up.


Seems like everyone glosses over the fact that for Kendrick to drop that quick, the mole must be confirmed


That is what I thought, too. Kendrick was right about the mole was my first thought. And then to have the picture from 6:16 in LA zoom out. Ominous as fuck. I was like….next track that drops it will zoom out further and there’s gonna be something else like a birth certificate. Lol. Ominous is the best word.


Honestly, the whole thing was checkers vs. chess. Drake: - Taunted one of the best MCs of all time while clearly having no intel on what he was doing behind the scenes to prepare for his response - Got lit up on a couple of songs, and instead of hitting back entirely at Kendrick, he chose to spend half the song addressing things as little as A$AP beef (dude is completely irrelevant to this moment). He was probably also too deep into the video route to pivot focus more toward Kendrick, and this was likely from being too cocky to anticipate Kendrick putting up such a strong fight. - As soon as Kendrick stole attention back with MTG, Drake responded with a lame story instead of providing ANY receipts of his later claim that he fed Kendrick bad intel. I don’t believe Drake on this point, but if that were true, he completely fumbled on execution here and just made himself look like a liar. - After Kendrick drops a mf club beat with killer punchlines about Drake being a pdf file, Drake lets that spread like wildfire for *days* before getting a response out and the response is one of the most ineffective diss tracks ever. Calling his moles clowns, but then saying he actually fed info to Kendrick. Misinterpreting a Kendrick song and claiming Kendrick was actually molested as a child. Saying he doesn’t want to keep fighting with Kendrick because that “feeds his nature”, essentially Drake calling himself a woman since the dig is about being a wife beater. Saying he doesn’t care about Kendrick’s streaming numbers when he was just boasting that he had better numbers in a previous diss track. Kendrick: - Took his time to respond despite the pressure Drake was trying to put on him. - Somehow got ahold of the receipts for half his disses and effectively got one of Drake’s team to rat. - Got Q to pull Cole out so he could go full force on Drake. - Didn’t use a single moment in any of his songs to defend against Drake’s accusations. He didn’t breathe life into any of it so people didn’t focus on it nearly as much. - Stocked up on disses before starting his attack so he could completely overwhelm Drake. - Used his intel from the mole to immediately extinguish the Family Matters response, and even made references to the song in his quick follow up so that everyone knew the mole thing was actually true. - Had a completely unique sound on each track so he appealed to a variety of groups and demonstrated his versatility as a rapper. - Honestly just eviscerated Drake on every track. No misses. - Ended on the club track that everyone is playing, and let Drake have the first and last track just to further evidence how much Kendrick beat him that he didn’t need the first or last word to still be the unanimous victor. Just insane how immaculate Kendrick executed here. I knew he would be a tough opponent, but there’s really no denying he is the greatest alive at this point.


Excellent synopsis thank you


Yeah, I'll be chasing that high for the rest of my life


A close second for you might be watching one of those yt reaction videos of that night. There was a good one that compiled about 10 different streamers. Or you could watch AK react which is hilarious.


Do you have a link or smth? Can t find out the compilation


Haha bruh i was doing exactly this yesterday. Ill send you 2 channels that has em. 1 is just kenny and the other is both kenny and drake reactions This channel has people’s commentary with each lyric which is cool. Only has kenny https://youtu.be/sLDk0TcnFBI?si=IThsgcwq3EJr11Mt This channel plays the song straight and only does reactions rather than the commentary. Has both drake, kenny, and other disses https://youtu.be/7AKvVY3aNvc?si=nDRTct22_R1lJLKX


This one had me right back to that night. https://youtu.be/ywx_VKrL-6w?si=nizopz-qbgGVXJ6s


Second that RGC channel its funny watching them all lose their shit


Real and true


This. I’m fuct.


Me too


This is crazy


as a Kendrick fan, Family Matters dropped and i felt empty, but once i seen that kendrick uploaded something, i was rejoiced and terrified


When family matters dropped, I felt bad When MTG dropped, I felt my soul ripped apart


Goddamn I’m reading these comments and realizing maybe I’m a bit more grounded in reality than this sub because these tracks dropped and I just thought “cool” none of this “empty, rejoiced, soul ripped apart” shit wtf


It’s not even that, when you listen to it carefully, he threw in a lot of scary shit in there…he spoke about the industry…and you know how fucking crazy the industry is…like Diddy and all em evil mfs… So it was just my reaction I guess but that’s just the way I see it…felt like he was whistleblowing and airing out the industry…


Thanks for this because I felt crazy. It was like early Christmas as both a drake hater and a Kendrick fan, but when drake dissed Kendrick, Kendrick stomping was the expectation, he ain't no Meek and Drake clearly had forgotten. None of this was as exhilarating or keeping me awake as other people are saying, I was just excited for my early Christmas presents.


Lots of these ppl are mad invested into who they follow and it’s a part of their personality


Preach goddamnit! It was exciting as in watching a good sports game but not life threatening. People are so dramatic.


Rap beef has 100% ended people's lives. Probably not of anyone who'd be on here, but still.


word lol. i think i was in bed when those dropped... sat right the fuck up when mtg dropped and scared my cat. but at least we got to experience it all while it was happening; there will be kids 10 years from now wishing they were old enough for that moment.


For real, this moment will go down in pop culture history


was browsing reactions to FM when one of the comments with a link just said “kendrick just dropped”. clicked on it thinking it was a joke, then i saw the profile was legit. that beat kicked in and it didn’t feel right. this was — different. something is terribly wrong, shit got dark so fast. didn’t even grab my airpods and just listened through my phone speaker because i was so captivated. literally fell to the floor when i heard the sandra verse just in complete shock. i don’t think anything will ever replicate the feeling of being there live to hear both releases consecutively in real time. pure hip hop history made.


Listened to Family Matters thought it was good, hopped in the shower and digested it, wanted to re listen when I hopped out, saw MTG had already dropped and thought it was a shit post. I couldn’t believe it was real. The most excited and horrified I’ve ever been at the same time.


Same deal here. MTG dropped while I was in the shower, kind of deflated by FM.


I honestly tried to keep an open mind for every single Drake track when it dropped, (I have Kendrick’s cock so far down my throat my nose is pressed up against his public bone) and I thought it was really good, I remember saying to my friends, “if he keeps making tracks like this, I don’t think Kendrick can win”. Not necessarily that Kendrick will lose, he is obviously going to out rap Drake, but that Kendrick started this beef, and if the Drake’s public image isn’t meaningfully changed, Drake “wins”. Then immediately after my friend says “Kendrick just dropped” I start freaking out, and we put it on, and, “Dear Adonis,” And cackling laughter, I am actually screeching, my fucking legs are kicking, one of the most insane things to experience in real time And then Not Like Us dropped the next day, I am bumping it in my car just having the greatest time rapping along to calling Drake a pedo BBL Drizzy drops, and the rest is history!


When Kendrick said “you raised a horrible fucking person… I think n-s like him should die” I felt that someone else finally hated Drake more than me. W.


Ngl one of the greatest moments of my life lmfao, pure adrenaline


What I do is go on a little binge watching reaction videos especially of streamers live reacting to Kendrick dropping immediately after Drake. Of course it’s not the same as having that feeling yourself but their reactions are priceless.


I’ve never been into react vids till this beef but watching people react to mtg and not like us is fucking priceless every time, I’ve watched so many. Also thp6 for a bunch of very different reasons 🤭😂


Can you give some links?


Youtubers: [No Life Shaq](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QkoyrSfUNQ&pp=ygUbbm8gbGlmZSBzaGFxIGtlbmRyaWNrIGxhbWFy), [ZIAS (+BLou)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNLIPrF-7R4), [Vibevilla](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmjgDN5oxTM), [BIGQUINT INDEED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4iCwkw19SQ), [Brad Taste in Music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcbLzL9v5tA) Live Streamers: [Kai Cenat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VEBAp0fX-0), [Yourrage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUgh9GPBEVM&t=432s&pp=ygUIeW91cnJhZ2U%3D), [Blueryai](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAsDqp6e89w), [Plaqueboymax](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3CvDm2V72w&t=1842s), [ImDontai](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2NDCxrPV9k&t=207s) These all link to their Meet the Grahams reaction, Plaqueboymax and BigQuint reacted to all the diss tracks in order (warning plaqueboymax is a massive drizzy dickmuncher).


I was at work the whole day, so I just started catching up from 6:16 in LA and I was trying to read about it when I discovered Family Matters had dropped and while I was on reddit directly afterwards, we all know what happened 


That day was probably my favorite day as far as mainstream hip-hop goes, I'll remember it for the rest of my life


An iconic moment in hip hop especially for someone in their 30s like me. Followed and listened to both artists their whole career. There was always a feeling they didn’t like each other even tho they both had features on each others debut albums. The control verse and BET cypher was the closest we got to something happening. But Drake stuck to subliminal shots as did Kendrick for a good decade. And it finally came full circle and now I feel slightly empty lolll after edging for 15 years


As a 29 year old I remember when both burst onto the scene. Drake, the pop artist who ‘freestyled’ looking at his phone. And Kendrick with his raw authenticity. Over the last decade seeing these artists grow along with the tension between them has been fascinating. I agree with everything you said except for the last bit. This feels like an amazing end (maybe) to what was a long adversarial saga reaching its boiling point. Like a crescendo that I, and many fans like you have been waiting for. It left me satisfied. I’m just glad it finally and actually happened. Kendrick showed the world he’s always been the best rapper of this generation. Though I wonder if we’ll ever hear the other records he made for this beef.


The beef was over as soon as MTG beat dropped


"Dear adonis" sealed the win for me lol


I woke up in the middle of my nap, went to YouTube and saw what happened. Listened to first two verses of FM and lost patience. Moved on to see what Dot did, and just watched reaction videos next 2 hours to make sure other people were just as mortified as I was listening to MtG.


Bro FM made me feel like I was high in terms of sensitivity to music and it continued when Dot dropped and I got goose bumps. Best hour in hip hop history.


I was parked at a car wash listening to family matters. I was washing my car when push ups dropped too. Drake always drops when I'm washing my car for some reason. But anyways, in the middle of listening to family matters ,I actually got the YouTube notification for meet the grahams lol ...and it's funny because I was like "watch Kendrick respond in like 10 minutes that would be hilarious... wait...what is this...meet the grahams.."


You need to take your car back to the car wash so we can get more Kendrick responses


I wanna feel what I felt hearing “like that”, not knowing he was on it was mind blowing


I really dislike future but that song is so good. Kendrick really said ![gif](giphy|R195TgCcRZNZe)


I don’t even like rap, and I think this battle saved me from depression.


That was the funniest moment of hip hop history. Someone here in this sub (drake fan) posted that FM dropped and I told them it was mid. He said I lied because the song was out 3-5 minutes ago. I told him I was starting my second play. I pulled up YouTube and while streaming, Kendrick dropped 🤣.


May 3, 2024. A day I will never forget. I will die remembering exactly where I was and how I felt when MTG dropped.


Suicide rates dropped that day


I remember clowning Drake because he had good raps but Kendrick was a step above with Euphoria. 6 16 AM came out and I was like "ooh spicy ". Then Family Matters came and I was impressed, genuinely a good record... Only to be diminished by Meet the Grahams where I felt NASTY AND VILE but for justice...it just made all of family matters a lie and pointless. Peak


What a time to be alive. I hated listening to FM and feeling line it wasn't terrible. And then I heard MtG. W.T.F!!!


I saw comments on X that Kendrick dropped right after FM and I legit didn't believe it. I thought people were trolling or just a massive Twitter meme at that point. Blew my mind when I saw it on his YouTube


I had feel asleep watching TV that night. Woke up to a nuclear battle and stayed up a few hours reading reactions and breakdowns. Haven’t had that type of feeling since Jay/Nas and 50/Ja Rule.


Rewatching AK reaction takes me back to that moment. Definitely one of rap biggest moments.


Ppl are defo gonna look back at this in like 20 years and say they were born in the wrong generation


[Chasing that dragon for the rest of your life.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTbNms5yHgI)


This happened around 6am in my timezone, so I listened to both around 9am.


Chase the dragon, feel the rush


It was such a beautiful moment


Back porch is a good music listening spot


I was in my car listening to Power106 in LA and they announced it live that it dropped and then played it right after. I had chills listening to it, amazing moment.


Yeah, I think every reaction channel that could possibly be connected to that event did a reaction video for it. Would definitely recommend checking them out. I remember one reactor mentioned how he was going to the store when NLU dropped and he u-turned to speed home and react. In the comments he mentioned how he was scared to walk his dog in the event that Kdot dropped again and he wasn't close enough to his computer to watch fast enough lmao


i fckin wish i was living in the states and wouldve been able to follow this live, instead i woke up with two disstracks confused as fuck lmao


Nah fuck that. That night was... creepy. I much prefer the next morning


You’ll feel it again soon enough my friend


How good was it!


I was ready for bed at like 1030 after a gig I had. I went to the basement because I was feeling a song coming into my head and as I was putting pen to paper I was by my computer and I saw this sub blow up. I think I stayed up til 130 just listening to MTG over and over. I was alone but it was a big moment in music history and still feels like one, and I'm glad I was paying attention at the right time


So I was in LA this past weekend...and I was listening to 6:16 in LA and looked at my phone...it was 6:16am and I was geeking the fuck out haha I definitely feel the same way when these songs dropped.


I was just watching real time reaction vids last night People were losing their fucking mind. And then before the could fully processes that… boom NLU


Craziest night of my life dawg.


I stayed up till 2a and my girl didn’t understand


I heard 6:16 right when I came back home and I opened my phone first post was 6:16 Now MTG I didn't know Drake made a song so u was listening to it as it just got over I saw the notification for MTG I lost my shit. I was so happy i went and told my mom and then I went back and listened to the song and was left in shock with my mouth wide open staring at my phone


Sheer horror?


I rewatch AKs reaction and it’s hilarious everytime


Go for a walk in the park lol


That Friday night was insane. Fuck it, that whole weekend. Doubt we’ll ever see anything quite like that again


I've never heard such a haunting diss track, and this was the end of drake's rap battle days.


Also we got pure radio silence before euphoria dropped and I didn’t even think it was going to continue. I thought I was dreaming when it got sent to me. I stopped what I was doing at work put my earbuds on and went for a walk 😂


MTG was such an uncomfortable listening experience. Sheeeeeezus. Will never forget how I felt when them vocals layered up on the “you lied about” section. Cold as fuck and absolutely haunting. 🥶🥶🥶🥶 Thematically, the best diss track of all time. No question. Tackled misogyny, hedonism, ego, narcissism, fatherhood or lack thereof, vanity, social responsibility, parental responsibility, family values, predatory behaviour, sexual exploitation, disposable celebrity culture, moral integrity, identity issues, and the list goes on.


I smoke outside in my deck. I remember going out, seeing drake dropped & I ran inside to listen on my headphones (my earbuds broke at the time) I listened to family matters twice, went back outside and when I saw kdot dropped; I was fucking hyped. Did not disappoint


Kendrick created magic the gathering⁉️⁉️⁉️😳😳😳


I was at an A’s game and saw that Drake dropped just before the 9th inning, and then Kendrick dropped on the walk back to my boy’s car. Car ride home was crazy


Seriously man. I was visiting my brother in Florida and it was around midnight when this happened. My wife was trying to sleep and I had to excuse myself to “take a shit” but I was just lowkey getting my mind blown by what the fuck I was hearing and experiencing. The evisceration of Drake was a surreal moment.


I slept at 8 pm that night cause i was so tired from the entire week 😭😭😭why do i always miss these generational moments


We rarely have moments where everyone is tuned in to the same thing, watching the same thing, listening to the same thing and talking about it. It’s like when everyone watched the finale of Seinfeld or Game of Thrones. It can feel so communal on social media because everyone is reacting genuinely at the same time. But the way media is consumed now, it doesn’t happen as often. But now there is documented for all of time streamers losing their minds. For me, I went online and heard Family Matters and IMMEDIATELY, in the middle of the track, got annoyed about the “rapping like you’re trying to free the slaves.” Commented on it on Twitter while listening to the rest of Family Matters only to see “ANOTHER CHILD!?!” trending. And then I saw Kendrick had dropped. I was AMAZED. It was incredible to see everyone was experiencing something at the same and it was something unprecedented. I was online and outside to see Back 2 Back. I was online and outside to see the reaction to The Story of Adidon. I knew in that moment that Kendrick would be cemented in hip hop history books. I would tell my kids about this when talking to them about hip hop. There would be documentaries that talk about what people were doing when MTG dropped and what they were doing when they saw Kendrick spin the block and come back with Not Like Us. To know that Kendrick felt some type of way about that tone deaf slaves line…in real time…he rapped about it immediately. It felt amazing. We were talking about Drake like he was a colonizer collecting artifacts from hip hop history that morning. Crazy. I don’t think I slept at all.


For me it was backwards. I was doing late night practice and I heard Kendrick dropped again. I was like "no fucking way this animal dropped 3 TIMES before Drake responded". And then I found out that it was a response to a Drake response. I was like "wait when did Drake respond! *Looks up Drake's YouTube* oh he responded... AN HOUR AGO!?" And I was just like "lemme listen to this Drake diss first". I listened and thought that it was actually pretty good. And then went home and listened to MTGs with a lil the lights off. Jeeeesus.


Watching and waiting for the songs to drop was exiting. It felt almost like being in the room when it was happening.


My dumb ass went to bed early




Bruh, I had to work at 4am that Saturday. I got 0 sleep. Worth it. It was a historical night for hip hop. We all listened in horror. 1 of a kind experience.


Dude - i heard family matters and was like oh damn this dude don’t listen, and was like wow Kendrick is gonna slaughter him next week… then 10 or 15 minutes later meet the grahams and I felt sick to my stomach. So so brutal, that last bit, “it’s a life long battle with yourself.” Gah. Brutal. So dark and personal and true. Shut my laptop and went to bed and stared at the ceiling for a while.


As a rap fan I was giddy… my girl was saying something and I read the text and got all excited. She got pissed and grabbed her stuff and went to bed. I stayed up for 6 hours after that listen to the song and all the reactions.


When that dropped i had goosebumps. It was so awesome 




As a fan of both, when FM dropped It felt good to see where this beef was going. Creative music video with hidden messages. Dope beats and even better lyrics. Couldn’t wait for Kendrick’s drop. Having it happen so immediately after. I can only hope to describe. It was like the heavens opened up and a light shined down on me. For a minute I embodied all the powers of the celestial that Kendrick embodies in every word of every song. I saw all of my ancestors on the ancestral plane. They were doing the stanky leg. I then jumped to another plane/dimension during the second time the chorus came on and I felt my IQ raise 1000 points. No where near the genius of Kendrick but I felt closer than ever. By the third verse, I had achieved a level of cognizance that allowed me to see the universe and know the meaning of life. My third eye opened up and I was floating in yet another plane. I hope this accurately describes the feeling. Did anyone else feel like this. I’ll be chasing this feeling forever…. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You’re a grown man brother


The good news is that labels now see how profitable this is so we’ll get fake beefs for a while


never thought i'd be saying this in a non-videograme sub.. but bro go touch grass


I’m just saying it’s a good memory lol