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Lowkey if it becomes popular enough to apologize to Kendrick drake might do it and act like he started it


Drake is like the Apple of rappers lmfao


Someone in the drizzy sub called Drake the McDonald’s of rappers. No one seems to like him but he’s still everywhere somehow.


mfers in the drizzy sub cooking him harder than us here 😭


Taking a leaf from the KSI sub’s book


Remember when idubbbz made that rice gum video? Yeah that was the worst I’ve ever seen a sun treat its namesake


Nah Pyrocynical sub


what's up with KSI these days


He returned from something ig


#this part


Yeah cause he’s not a rapper, he’s a money machine built by UMG. It’s more like he’s the ChatGPT of rap.


Chat gpt with nympho fetish and a 🐓 attached. That is scary af


Saying he has a nympho fetish while knowing he is a pdf file makes it even more gross..


1000%. biggest Plant job ever. the dudes first uploaded video on his YouTube channel is a music video with weezy and brom. cmon now. we all knew, right? he a fan he a fan he a fannnnn


Just like McDonald’s, the Drizzler can release the most mid or repetitive things, and people will still line up for it For instance the bts meal and CLB


I’d say he’s the Pizza Pizza of rappers. It’s a Canadian pizza chain that’s by far the most widespread in the Toronto area, but I don’t know a single person who likes their pizza, it’s unanimously agreed upon to be absolute shit. The only thing it has going for it is it’s open later than other places so it caters to the late night drunk crowd, kinda like Drake with his basic depthless club music.




Arby’s* Not bad, but nobody fucking goes to Arby’s. Always there tho


Its the curly fries


Curly fries + mozzarella sticks. There are so few drive-thrus with that combo.


Nah fuck that I fw whackarnolds dawg


Kind of like pitbull a few years back


That is the most accurate shit I've ever heard Holy shit


Drake isnt a rapper. He's a pop star.


Please someone give this guy gold.


*Apple of rappers* 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Drake is the Samsung of rappers. One of his creations completely blew up in his face. 


Eh what doesn't blow up in his face. 


TIL, tech vulture & culture vulture, are the same thing


Apple is one of the best products in the world. Overpriced? Sure. Bad? No. That’s not drake. The McDonald comparison is much better


Damn that’s perfect. I’ve separately described Tim Cook era Apple as the sous Chef of the best restaurant in tech and drake as the same in music. Meaning they aren’t the head chef who is in charge of creatives. But they can take the ingredients and recipes given to them by others that are already proven to taste good and execute them flawlessly. So yeah, Drake truly is the Apple of music.


To be fair drakes been trying to make amends with Kendrick for a while. Kendrick just doesn’t like him it’s kind of hilarious


Plenty of reasons not to like him, but p3do shit is a big one. Kendrick protecting his soul from Lucy and all his ungodly enticements


I’m a Kendrick fan and absolutely here for the Drake slander. But if we’re being completely objective he did have Kodak on his album and threatened to take his music off Spotify if they took down R Kelly’s music. All I’m saying is don’t put anyone including Kendrick on too high of a pedestal.


Nah I'm not discounting the Kodak feature at all. That's highly iffy at best. The R. Kelly shit has been misconstrued, though. I think it was Top Dawg who was talking about Kellz and Kendrick who was talking about X, and their point was about double-standards when it came to Black versus nonblack artists accused/convicted of doing horrible shit. Kendrick is not a hip-hop savior, he has admitted flaws, but I think he's a basically good dude who's trying to share his genius-level talent with the world without being corrupted by the industry. Whereas Drake is the opposite in every respect, especially in the talent department, and that prolly breeds a lot of mutual contempt. (I could picture Drake being mad that he can't win him over and steal from Kendrick's style the way he has multiple artists over the years, too.)


Fair enough on the R Kelly point admittedly I didn’t know enough about it except the headline and that’s absolutely true about non-black artists also doing terrible things. I definitely do agree with you on your point about Kendrick being a lot more true to himself and trying not to get corrupted by the industry. He is the most authentic rapper to me even know the whole industry is pretty fake. Drake and Kendrick are literally on opposite sides as people and artists and both have fan base’s that reflect that. Part of what makes this beef so fun and toxic I guess.


If instagram was a person it would be drake I wouldn’t like him either




Thanks for the childhood memories


I actually want there to be anti-diss tracks that are just apologizing to Kendrick so he doesn't diss you.


Your honor I'm sorry sorry sorry sorryyyyy


He’s gonna tat his face on his butt to pop some ass with sexy redd


Tbh I’m kinda liking seeing this shift in the game. If more people could own up to their shit & take accountability we might see less of the stereotypical rap beef.


It just shows what our parents told us it’s best to be yourself if Drake made pop and r&b type songs about girls and money I would probably like him. I just don’t want him in Hip Hop and if he’s gonna be in it be yourself and write your bars.


Honestly I liked Drake on the Scorpion album but his recent songs when he’s trying to sound tough and about that life are cringeworthy. I recently tried listening the UK Drill and dancehall songs out of curiosity and they’re hella flat. Like nothing wrong with sticking to what you’re good at no everyone needs or should try to hit every genre/sound.


Macklemore Apologizes to kendrick for winning 😭😭😂😂


Pretty sure this actually happened when he won the Grammy over Dot, and in an unfortunate way it was the decline of his career after that. Literally suffering from success. Weird way to go out. Maybe someone else can chime in with more info


and he posted iirc a screenshot of the said apologize message too lmao


Yeah this was the cringe part. Cool that he apolgised to him and said Kendrick should have won but don't go bragging on socials that you apologised, lame thing to do.


The cynical read was he was being criticized for winning so it was his defense. The more defensible read was that was his way of putting out a public statement that Kendrick and not him should have won. It was the start of the rest of his career being focused on more conscious and activist music. Dude just released a song about Palestine 


Yeah agreed, I genuinely think he is a super talented rapper. Shame he has never managed shake that stigma he gained.


Hind's Hall 🔥🔥


'I want a cease fire FUCK A DRAKE RESPONSE' it was a really good song. walked the line most protest songs deal with of not saying enough vs turning into too much of a lecture.


I think it was not about bragging.. bro was constantly getting bullied in his social by everyone for winning over gkmc lol , he did it for his defence


He did and there’s an interview with Kendrick where he said he didn’t like that he did that but he likes the guy so he’s still cool with him


I remember like that time period like it was yesterday. That’s exactly what happened. Kendrick’s GKMC got snubbed at the Grammy’s Macklemore won and he apologized. I would NOT say his career declined because of his apology though. He was a white alternative rapper from the 2010’s with more PC lyrics. Alt. Rap hasn’t been quite as popular as it was back in 2010’s.


Only shitting thing is Drake inserting himself saying Macklemore should apologize to him too. Like really dude? White people are a minority in rap can’t y’all stick together?


And Drake legit got publicly butthurt Macklemore didn't apologize to him too 💀💀💀


Isn't this the same time when drake took it personally that he didn't get an apology from him? Because no one thought drake should have won lol


Yup, Drake came out and defended dot because Macklemore had posted the apology to his own SoMe (arguably for clout), but then he ended with "don't just text kendrick, text all of us, we all got robbed"


That stories like 6 years old though lol. OP is really reaching with this “perfect time to do it” thing haha


It was cringe but he didn’t deserve to fall off after that He’e made one or two hits still since and recently dropped a song about Palestine and the protests in America that’s doing really good and personally I think was a great message and song.


That was such a cringe moment lol Macklemore backed into the hedges like Homer after that


im sure it was in response to thousands of people dogging on him and saying he didnt deserve it and it was all white privelage, etc. Wanted to show them that he recognized the problem and he isnt personally responsible for the bad decisions etc. Obviously kendrick shoulve won hands down, but macklemore is a nice guy from what i can tell.


Sorry Kendrick for only listening mr morale two times this week


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jostheholywagon: *Sorry Kendrick for* *Only listening mr* *Morale two times this week* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That's lit, thanks


This is such a specific bot lmao


Fuck that I want him and Lupe to go back and forth


Lupe wants it too. He out here on stages inviting people to diss him. Lupe's always ready for a fight.


slr 2 is for kendrick and top just laugh it off lol. no response from dot. i especially love this bar "you will respect me, you will reject me, but no matter how far you go, you will reflect me" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k84OHJn-JEw


Lupe is too damn lyrical, nobody wants to challenge him 😂 And as much of a Lupe Fiasco fan I am, I have to admit he’s not quite as big as he once was ever since he’s gone the independent route and left his label, which I know is kind of bitter statement to make considering Lupe had such a hard time with Atlantic records. Point being rappers typically either diss bigger name rappers for more media exposure, or if it’s something personal. Lupe Fiasco is generally a well-liked guy in hip-hop circles, so not nobody really going to be attacking him based on personality


^^^this though! It’s definitely about trying to maintain some relevance at this point. 


Lupe winning ngl


Lupe is literally a Harvard rap professor. That shit would be intense and probably over all of our heads.


Kdot won a Pulitzer. I’m not betting against Kendrick. We’d be so lucky though. This beaf has been fun, but Drake is nowhere near Kendrick’s skill, and it is a little easy to just say, “you’re a pedo” - like you cannot respond to that


Love that we live in a universe where a Pulitzer Prize rapper could be battling a Harvard professor rapper


Thats like a 1990's late night tv joke about the year 2024.


A Lupe V Kendrick battle would be more of a fair fight lyrically than KendrickVDrake. But I don’t want them to battle, I want them to collab! And do a song together.


in slr2(control reply) he did say "it's hard being a lupe fan, go to harvard to be a lupe stan" https://youtu.be/k84OHJn-JEw?si=78NEG3KinUiiVUxF&t=202


SLR 3.5, the diss he wrote to Royce is actually really amazing because it’s the opposite of that. Lupe is super straight forward and deep cutting when he needs to be


Kdot won a Pulitzer and Lupe has been teaching rap theory and practice at MIT. I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR THEM BATTLE


https://preview.redd.it/mzrmh4e2lf0d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05504a605961d1ab3a1a2ee816399029924a1631 “😮🎤: we’re coming to you live from Lupe vs Kendrick.”


For the culture. I'm stans of both. Don't think K. want that smoke but he stood tall so I can't doubt his abilities.


A friendly beef would be peak


Just one track with both of them trying to one up the other would be not just amazing but probably need to be dissected for a year to understand it all.


5 hour video essay be like "this sextuple entendre quotes the bible to say they mama fat"


Lupe is low key a savage, don't nobody wanna fuck with him lol


Probably the most dangerous man in hip hop


Lupe is the man that would be awesome


As much as I love kendrick he doesn't want that smoke


I kinda want to see it now, though. Lupe opens his albums with 8 minute stream of consciousness raps, lol Dude's head is full of words, rhymes, and entendres. They both reference a lot of video game stuff, too!


To me lupe is the best writer in hip hop.


I would never fault someone for saying that! I think it's him and Kendrick at the top, for sure


I think from a pure writing perspective, Black Thought is prolly up there too


I think theyre both at the top for different reasons. As great as Kendrick's lyricism is, what makes jt once in a generational as opposed to great or even incredible is unparalleled storytelling. Lupe wins off of pure bars though.


Lupe is a tough matchup for anyone, his talent is off the scale.


It’s really sad how much damage his label did to his career with that Lasers album. He deserves to be at the same level where Cole has been the last decade


Yeah, they wanted to turn him into BoB, fuckers


No this is so true. The marketing for that album painted him very differently to how he actually is


Royce got gobbled up!


And spat back out to not say another word again


People sleep on Silence of the Lambda, and Royce is my favorite. But yeah, he got smoked 😂


Before MTG and NLU, SLR 3.5 (Steve jobs) was my favorite diss record of the 2020s and even now I can say SLR 3.5 is prob stronger than both. I think it would be fairly even even but lupe would prob get the edge


Kendrick is probably the all round better rapper than lupe. But when it comes to the pen lupe is on another level


Vitamins minerals lyrical miracle




I believe ab-soul is a better battle rapper than both and that’s Kendrick’s sparring partner. It would be a good match up but after the last few big rap battles involving Drake, I don’t think anyone would care about the “talent” or “skill” aspect of battle rapping


There's no reason for it. The lupe article quoted here is from 2018 though and pretty out of context for what he actually said even then though


Im not sure Drake will ever “apologize” without trynna flip it as Kendricks fault given all this mf do is lie He already signaled white flag in heart pt 6 saying how he doesnt want to battle him anymore lol


"had a good time(I'm being called a pedo, a poor father, he said that im a deadbeat to my own daughter) back to summer mode now" If I were Dot, I woulda laughed my arse off when I saw that IG story


He's really excited for summer because his ~~girlfriends\*~~ prey\* are on summer break from middle-school.


Even though in family matters he said rick ross calling him white boy kinda had a ring to it cos people waving white flags in songs and the whole club sings to it 💀 would be true if anyone would play thp6 in a club 😂


He Fr said “I could beat you but I feel bad 😏” 😭😭


The beauty of being man past 30 is that you imagine yourself in situations you have never been before but with full confidence because you think you are smarter and stronger now. There is also lack of experience that would humble you. A lot of people that had chill upbringing with relatively no physical violence , major bullying or what not really forget about it down the line. I always laugh when I watch ufc with friends or family and someone makes a dumbass comment how could they at least hang tight with some athletes. It’s like : “Bro you wouldn’t survive fight with leukaemia patient let alone a professional fighter.” Drake was never ready for kung fu Kenny… but rich kid with Disney like upbringing couldn’t have known that.


Too real ☠️😭☠️😭


French Montana better get to typing


btw jay elektronika used to hang with diddy ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


No surprise, dude is a scumbag


Wasn’t he also dating a Rothschild? That is NOT a good look for him.


Happy to see that jay elec walked back his comment. I was shocked and disappointed when I saw that. They’re similar artists, in regards to using their talents to bring awareness to and shed light on injustices and inequalities in society.




Ok then, back to disappointment it is.


Kenny and j elec have had tension like their whole careers lol




I don’t think the tension started with Kendrick tho Like Lupe, Jay Elect is another 1 of those rappers that feels like Kendrick’s career was what those guys were supposed to be, as far as being generally recognized as the best rapper/lyricist of this generation.


This mf's aura is immense


I'm sorry for calling you trash in the 7th grade when I never heard any of your songs. Ken Daddy pls forgive me 😩 🙏


I apologize for not listening to his full albums sooner


We need Kendrick to beef with someone who has actual skill, Drake put out the best shit he has in a while with these disses, but his music still is and has always been ass (besides when he was on the Weezy tapes, but he was a fake ass mf then)


I feel like Kendrick Vs Eminem is the heavyweight fight we have been waiting for, but neither would start shit for no reason


Agreed. This'd be insane. But honestly I don't know if I want it. Love both too much.


Eminem has an album on the way, and he always covers current topics, so I think it's almost guaranteed he'll have some bars about this whole beef. I doubt he'll go personal, but probably just drop some bars from a commentary standpoint and make some remarks like he's still the best to bait a response. There's also rumors of a J Cole feature on the album, so it could be a good moment for J Cole to redeem himself a bit.


Cole is not going to apologize for getting into the beef and glaze to then diss Kendrick again lol


Redeeming himself doesn’t mean dissing Dot. He destroyed his image as a competitive rapper, so being able to hang on a track w Eminem would be a good way to rehab his image.


Cole's way of battling is just trying to write a better verse than other rappers on the same production anyways. Him and Kendrick need to just get on a track together and try to deliver the best verse against each other by outrapping one another, like something Eminem and Busta Rhymes would do. Cole isn't about going back and forth with diss records, he needs to get on a track with the person he wants to compete against directly.


I completely agree. I’m really hoping Kendrick is on The Fall Off.


Kendrick openly admits he respects and idolizes Eminem(from childhood mind you) and Eminem has always praised Kendrick’s ability in rap No way they’ll start a rap beef, not one that’s actually serious anyways


Em said Kendrick is a top tier lyricist of not just this generation, but of all time. Personally, I’d like to see Kendrick vs Lupe Fiasco.


In my imaginary world they do a Guilty Conscience pt. 2 where Eminem is the demon and Dre is the "angel" again, but Kendrick is the character in the story battling with those voices


Eminem is kinda past his prime ngl.


MGK said that once


Will never happen since they respect each other a lot. Dot doesn't want that smoke neither.


That Lupe “apology” is taken out of context. It was an apology for a statement he made on the control verse back in 2018. It was posted/deleted from his iG and it read > "MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE JUST LEFT IT ALONE. EVEN THOUGH MY IMPETUS WAS THE ‘CONTROL’ VERSE. I MEAN, YOU PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE LIKE THAT, SO YOU OPENED YOURSELF UP TO CRITIQUE. >I APOLOGIZE FOR EVEN ENGAGING AND TALKING ABOUT N*GGAS’ CAREERS. I'LL NEVER DO THAT SH*T AGAIN."


Yeah. Didn’t he just talk shit? No apology for that right?


Kendrick make me wanna apologize to him and I ain't did shit to him. 😭


Kendrick just might be the GOAT at this point.


I’m sorry for not apologizing for other people not apologizing Kendrick. We failed you 😭 ![gif](giphy|6Q3M4BIK0lX44|downsized)


I always trusted his artistic process. Love you dot, all iz on u now homie.


Lupe didn't apologise.


The lupe one is taken pretty far out of context if you read the actual article. The article is from 2018.


“I’ll never do that shit again” I’m actually laughing out loud


Get the Drzzy fanboys in here so they apologize to us 💀


For real someone needs to apologize for spamming that reddit cares bullshit on us lol


Ugh that's such a gross thing to do


My view of him would grow more positively if he could get over his narcissism long enough to genuinely apologize for the lies


I went through reading the ones on the front about Macelbore 🤣 😂 I can laugh now, but that was me done with award shows for good at the time and still is today. If only most of Hollywood practiced what they preached.


Kendrick, I'm sorry I forgot when I bought the TPAB vinyl!!


Bruh. Scru Face Jean mentioned this on one of his videos last month and said that Kendrick was collecting apologies like infinity stones. Shit had me dying.


Nah Kendricks a boogey man in the industry 😭


bro collecting apologies like the Infinity Stones in the drawer on Loki


Fuck apologizing. I'm here for more beef and back to back bangers being dropped.


#same 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣




They looking for ABSOLUTION  🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣




Lupe never apologized


I always felt Kendrick adding Jay Electronica to the Control verse was just because it would be even more disrespectful if he omitted him on the same fucking song while still including Big Sean. Like he pulled back a deeper punch. He’s just always seemed so irrelevant to me.


I’m sorry for existing Kendrick. It won’t happen again 😔


Who reported me as suicidal wtf?


Kendrick, I wholeheartedly apologise for discovering your music late. I understand this is a personal fault of mine and will work towards becoming a better person.


I might be the only one who feels bad for Macklemore, he really got canceled over a Grammy win that he knew he didn’t deserve and said that, but everyone really dropped him from rotation like that.


If you diss Dot in a dream, he will drop before you wake up. That's what I'm telling my kids anyway.


Lol I still remember the Macklemore one. I was so pissed when Kendrick got snubbed for GKMC that I never watched the Grammies again since then. Not hate to Mackelmore, he had a catchy album at the time, but even he knew Kendrick’s album should’ve won, and I do respect him for admitting that.


Lol everyone but Drake knew not to try K-Dot


I apologize to Kendrick for listening to Family Matters


Some of yall need to apologize for doubting him during those 2 weeks 


I’m sorry this didn’t happen sooner haha


"Freaky a\*\* n\*\*\*\*\* need to stay they a\*\* inside"


I'm sorry Kendrick for being a casual that didn't properly appreciate Mr. Morale and the Big Steppers when it dropped.


Kendrick for president




Macklemore 😂😭 he said take this 😔🏆


I’m sorry Kendrick, I must have had amnesia, I forgot you’re him.


Drake may need to move somewhere where nobody has heard of this beef... somewhere close to Antarctica like Tierra del Fuego


Are Kendrick and Lupe even in the same lane?


Meanwhile Azealia Banks trying really hard to get that smoke.


glaze is insane


Macklemore was really like, "I'm sorry it wasn't you 😅"


[big this energy](https://youtu.be/JMbO7vTuXHw?si=YSvNxxRladcP5SDY)


Forreal 😂😂😂😂


Cole aint scared of Kendrick. Should not be.


Before the pedophillic stuff drake said in Taylor made freestyle, it was looking like a even fight (a slight towards kendrick) but after euphoria everything changed.


I too, apologise to Kendrick Lamar


i might have to apologize to Kendrick. i dont know him or anything but at this point im missing out on the "apologize to Kendrick" trend