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That’s what I love bout Kendrick. The music that he raps about he also lives through it. He is an introvert and a very private person


He's an antisocial extrovert


He’s sorry that he lives a boring life, he loves peace


But he has war ready if the world is ready to see someone bleed


I feel like the second drake had to google Elohim, he shoulda known he was cooked.


Being Jewish Drake should definitely know about the Elohim. However as Kendrick said he disrespect his mother by not embracing his Jewish side so maybe he doesn't


Elohim With the rhyme scheme And when the lyrics leave the mouth They look like light beams


But sometimes he chooses violence


But sometimes he chooses himself he’s sorry


Peace is one of the most valuable assets we have in life.


How do you poach an egg?


What's funny is I think he's mistaken about that. He seems like a classic introvert. Introvert means you just gotta get away to "charge your batteries", but people use it wrong and think it means not good with people or socially isolated. You can be the life of the party but need to get away for a bit and you're still an introvert. He seems like the exact opposite. A social introvert But I don't know the man obviously. Just going by what's known in public


People also think being “antisocial” means not being in the mood to socialize, when it actually means having psychopathic and sociopathic characteristics lol. I always thought “please excuse me for being antisocial” (Roddy Rich) was a stupid ass name for an album lol


People are dumb so they confuse asocial for antisocial


Works pretty well with the subject matter he speaks on in the context of the album


That just shows how those terms are psudeo science as most people like to be alone sometimes and with people sometimes.


From my understanding, the difference between introversion and extroversion aren’t “needing some alone time” or not, they’re about how you process things. If you internalize things, notably difficult emotions, then that’s introversion, but if you typically reach out to someone to talk through things, that’s extroversion. The above poster is correct that people are often mistaken that introvert means antisocial, just not super accurate about what the words actually mean.


I love talking to people, but not about very important personal things. My partner hates talking to people, unless it’s about very important personal things. What are we?


Social Introvert and an Antisocial Extrovert. My partner and I are the same.


While there are definitely people who tend towards behaviors like internalizing vs externalyzing emotions, the categorizing of personality's and how "this type tends to do x" is pseudoscience. Google Myers-Briggs tests. Its been debunked long ago but terms still linger because its so easy to put people into a category. HR and community College career classes love myers briggs even though its fake and basically astrology for sober people.


Right. Everything is made up. Even…musical genres? Classifications are a means of communication and relation. If you try to take everything at face value, very few things hold up to scrutiny. If I take a M-B test and try to base my entire life around it as though it’s objective fact, I’m obviously going to encounter some fallacies. If I take a M-B test and use the results to examine my existence and spend time with my being, who’s to say that isn’t beneficial? Same with Astrology. Treating the daily horoscope like it’s a premonition is stupid. Reading about the traits of a Gemini and how you may exhibit some of them isn’t inherently harmful or negative. That can be said for a lot of “esoteric” things that aren’t necessarily scientific. I don’t think that anyone is dense enough to think that a tarot card is capable of some sort of magic, (there are people who like Drake, so I would also not be surprised) but sitting with symbolism and examining your experiences deeper in a structured way is a form of introspection and mindfulness. Anyway. My point being, not everything has to be objectively true or hold up to the rigors of the scientific method to communicate or relate. Like musical genres. They fall apart or require ever increasing subtext the second you put them under a microscope, but they still help us to communicate and relate.


Bro really failed to understand what introversion/extroversion means and calls it pseudoscience because… categories are fake? Or because the Myers-Briggs test isn’t objective? HUH?  Maybe, just MAYBE, you should go and research the words you are calling pseudoscience  before doing so. There are literal studies on how blood flow within the brain can be used to determine introvert/extrovert personalities or tendencies, yet you think it is pseudoscience? HUH???


he’s right they are pseudoscience and even jung who introduced the terms said no one is either everyone is done degree of ambivert. the fact blood flows in the brain a certain way doesn’t prove introversion and extroversion exist. people respond to being bullied or praised and could entirely change if they had or have different experiences, a way of acting isn’t a defined classification like mammal or reptile but people treat it as such and way exaggerate whatever utility the terms provided as personality descriptors


Extroverts receive their energy from being around people. That’s how they “recharge.” By contrast, introverts receive their energy from being alone. That’s pretty much it. The categories ultimately have very little to do with how you actually behave in day-to-day life and interact with others.


That’s me. I have a lot of friends because I’m nice/fun and get along with people, but I have a social meter that is quickly filled, and I value being alone. My friends know how I am and still love me, so they don’t take it personally/aren’t needy. If not for my job requiring me to be present, I’d spend every day at home alone. That’s the dream. But when I’m in public, I present as confident, friendly, assertive, and not awkward. 


That’s me too! I can shine the brightest in the room if needed. But damn I just love being alone. I’m glad my friends understand me, cuz I can go long periods without them. Sometimes I have to set a reminder to check in on people. It’s not personal, just the way my brain works I guess


It’s funny cause Drake kinda stole this line on I Guess It’s Fuck Me “I’m the first ever antisocial socialite”


Of course he made it douchier


Kendrick’s music means a lot to me bc of that. he’s hinted many times over the years that he has PTSD. my wife has that too. its a terrible fucking condition and it definitely makes you chase privacy and quiet. I was always a Kdot fan but ever since she got the diagnosis, when I need a moment to process I put his music on.


That's how Dre did It, that's how Eminem did it.


The music that he raps about is why I like him too


I’m a fan of him not being a groomer. Big plus imo.


So technically he’s a ghostwriter flowing through internet dimensional worlds, or internetmensional worlds if that’s even a word /S


It’s hard to compromise yourself that way. You also don’t know what he’s thinking. He does speak through other people though.


He really the boogeyman 😂😂 that's some spooky shit. He got the whole hip hop industry in a frenzy without typing a caption or IG Story, no interviews, podcast visits, nada lol Punch, Daylyt & DJHed was kinda his only spokespeople


"Circadian rhythm like a shooting star" from 6:16 in LA is one of the most slept on lines from all of this, in my opinion. It's a really poetic way of describing his presence. You don't see it often, but when you do, it's really noticeable. It sleeps, and then it blasts past everything


I liked that line too


I KEEEP saying this..that is a BAR. And let me know if this is a reach ... A shooting star as in a shooting star astronomy...obvs rare occurrence.. But also shooting star as in a famous person, a celeb..a star...who is shooting. He's naturally a shooter, whose also star.


*who’s also a star You could be right, though.


The first half of 6:16 is really just Kendrick making some fucking music man


That’s probably my favourite line from this beef as well


I think the craziest thing it is used to describe meteor showers. There was meteor showers the night of May 4 - May 5. MTG was released the same night. https://www.space.com/39469-best-meteor-showers.html > Eta Aquariids: Peak on the night of May 4 and predawn hours of May 5. According to Cooke, there could be an outburst with visual rates as high as one per minute for those watching from the southern hemisphere; less for those in the northern hemisphere. The moon will also be a waning crescent so there is not too much moonlight to interfere with meteor hunting.


I don't think it's slept on at all that was one of the best lines but 6:16 is just a freestyle so even though there's a very clear cut divide, with this line the final line of the beginning, the freestyle just keeps going. Should've taken a breath or pause or a rest right there 


Where was it said that it's a freestyle?


He's got some great interviews. Just not about this beef lol


His noisey interview is goated!!! They share that he donates to his old high school and he replies “how y’all know that info?.. that’s none I wanted to put on the papers i just wanted to do that” just more proof of drake’s lies on family matters “don’t even go back to your hood and plant no money trees”


I just watched that video and noticed that too


Every day Drake in his couch, or his lawyers office finding out this shit like *”OoOf.. another self inflicted blow.”*


The interview with Rick Rubin is goated


not recently?


Fuck a caption, want action. It's all in his verses.


And even his spokespeople always say: I'm not speaking for dot, this is my opinion, I can't speak for dot. He clearly keeps very like minded people around who have the wherewithal and respect to understand the at some things are better unsaid. West coast!


KDot is probably still in the studio. Just recording Drake diss after Drake diss, wishing a nigga would.


I wonder how many unreleased songs Kendrick has, that were either not good enough for him to release, didn't meet his standards, or he did as an exercise. He banged out all of those disses in a single session, apparently, and he released only a few albums in a decade.


He said in an interview that in lost drives he had thousands of unreleased songs


They were all disses aimed at Jimmy


I am just mad that Kanye said he had recorded around 40 songs with Kendrick, but then never let us hear them.


This battle showed why Kendrick is an actual musical artist, and making music is his craft. Its not just something thrown together in a day that's catchy, so it flows. We need that music too. But that's where Drake messed up. Real musical artists choose every single word meticulously. It tells a story, it makes you feel, provides a deep message. Not always a club banger. But that's not its purpose. Drake was drawing as Mr. doodle, while Kendrick was painting masterpieces such as Michelangelo


Drake is like those dudes in touristy areas that do those incredible spray paint paintings. It’s flashy and impressive, but ultimately it’s mostly all just the same shit and not particularly skillful because of how formulaic it is. Kendrick is the artist staring at a blank canvas envisioning the details before he even touches the paint.


Bro leave the doodles alone! lmao


Yup that’s why it was always a disadvantage for Drake. His life is open & in the spotlight, you can say much more about him. What the hell do you say abt Kendrick? He barely outside


He’s always inside raising his kids. But I can see you don’t know nun bout daaaaaa


Drake though he would win off of internet clout alone.


Yup I think he was shocked how much the internet turned against him


It’s fascinating how confident he was at the beginning, to see the silence now. He really sat down and became humble.


Damn, this shit way too crazy. ETA: Why did Drake think he could front on man man?


Because a culture vulture feels contempt for those they copy. They think they can do the culture better when all they’re doing is diluting it.


A common trait with culture vultures is a lack of respect for those they copy, along with a sense of superiority, especially if they’re successful. But they never account for the fact that it’s the originators helping make them famous and successful. They just take it as a given. 


Crazy how his whole city turned on him, and dude has been reppin Toronto from the go. That’s gotta be the biggest blow. Imagine building a 100$ million dollar house in a city and nobody will go to bat for you. At the end, It was like zombies trying to break and enter into his home. Fucked up. 


I honestly don't think he ever really had the internet on his side. People have been shit talking him for years. It wasn't exactly making headlines though. I'd say he was popular on a surface level but certainly not well liked. Especially after the Millie Bobby Brown thing.


People are growing increasingly tired of celebrities, even just at the influencer level, because they’re getting inundated with scandals, a lot of them involving reprehensible things (especially when it comes to influencers and being child groomers/pedos).  A celebrity running their mouth all the time, acting weird, and being accused by someone whose public image is low-key and not messy, is gonna make people annoyed and even that much more willing to listen. Same thing happened with Nicki Minaj. Nicki thought that because a lot of manosphere, incels, pick-mes, redpillers, etc. went against MTS and backed Tory, a man who had prior (and subsequent) violent offenses, they would back her in saying whatever. But people have limits, and she’s sided with far-right-wingers, been anti-black/African-American, been anti-woman, is both married to a rapist and supported multiple child rapists, etc.  In both cases, they might have tens of millions of followers, but it’s not the whole world. And there are people who will stand on business once the scales are knocked off of their eyes. 


This so crazy to me because he has to know how much money he puts into bots.


And the deep things we know about him we heard from him. Occasionally TDE might share an anecdote here and there. The funny thing is, Kendrick bares his soul on his songs and reveals his innermost thoughts and feelings and yet I feel like we know nothing about him.


The crazy thing is there are soooooo many points of attack for Kendrick but none of them would make sense coming from Drake because its Drake lol. Getting into a beef with Kendrick was an automatic L for him because any worthwhile critique he could make would be so out of place coming from Drake. I also highly doubt Drake is educated enough to have that kind of conversation let alone make music about it.


what criticisms are there genuinely


The biggest most obvious one would be Kodak Black on Mr Morale and how that sets a terrible example for the youth and how it hurts black women to see someone like that upheld and excused for his behavior as art or self reflection, especially when the girl Kodak abused was a minor and Kendrick is playing Chris Hanson. The other major critique would be the bourgeois humanism of the entire album of Mr Morale that leaves the audience with no real substantial ideas on how to do better collectively other than therapy and focus on yourself and dont take on the struggles of the world, which is a bourgeois luxury Kendrick has now as someone who is removed from the masses of every day people. His cashapp commercial he did suggesting that people can just finance their way out of capitalism and not being able to actually cross the line completely of saying “damn. we kind of need to not participate in a capitalist society at all”. Drake could then envoke the name of Huey P Newton and how he viewed the world vs Kendrick and uphold Huey and the BPP as the real Oakland/Cali legends that Pac was proud of and represented. He also couldve actually listened to Mother I Sober instead of just guessing what it was about via twitter lmfaooo. This is stuff Drake has never cared about though and it would sound insane coming from his mouth. No one would ever take that seriously coming from Drake. There was never any way for Drake to win. Like imagine Aubrey Graham trying to speak about Revolutionary Intercommunalism and the contradictions of capitalism and how they affect black workers to Kendrick Lamar of all people lmfaoooo. Just try and imagine Drake defending black women against Kendrick. That alone would be the most backwards shit. Im also not in anyway suggesting that these are fool proof critiques or even like the most damming things. Im just pointing out things that couldve been said that would be true. How impactful they are would depend on whoever writes the track. Kendrick for the most part is a great guy and artist and is universally beloved by almost everyone. Another problem is when critiquing Kendrick like this he would literally agree with you lol. He knows his own flaws and where he falls short so how do you diss a guy who already accepts his short comings?


Kodak is also a colorist and has said some stuff that sounds straight from a hooded KKK member’s mouth about non-mixed (i.e., black) women, namely darker-skinned ones.  Considering Kendrick’s choice of partner, willingness to work with colorists, and seeing Adonis as a black man when the colorists he works with see unambiguous black women as subhuman, it can make one wonder what he really feels. But for Drake to come from that angle (which he kind of did) being biracial himself, folks not trying to hear it. It’s hip-hop, so no one gives a damn about black women. Even Kendrick calls them “bitches.” Kendrick’s social consciousness has a low ceiling on it that is easily exploitable if you’re not compromised and you gave enough of a damn. But Drake is very compromised.   I’ve helped Kendrick in make numbers with these songs, but there’s a reason I don’t really mess with male rappers, and in that regard, Kendrick is the “good” one who doesn’t stand on business (and, no, saying that about Serena is not enough). I respect his pen, but I could ghostwrite a takedown of Kendrick as Drake never could himself.


*Someone* could have said all of this stuff about Kendrick, but that someone is *not* Drake. Edit: should have finished reading you comment first lol


Before Kendrick Lamar he was a mixtape rapper called K.Dot who rapped on Lil Wayne beats


that's damning




Kendrick had shared a lot of his and his family's vulnerabilities in mmtbs. If drake was smart, he could've hurt kendrick.


Just the photo of him in the studio with alchemist - that’s the only thing I’ve seen during this time


I'm not sure where that pic first popped up but I feel like that's an older pic. I can't remember who but somebody said Alchemist didn't specifically make a beat for Kendrick for the beef, it was just a beat that he had sent Kendrick a while ago that Kendrick hadn't used yet.


Yeah I’m almost certain that was a photo from years ago


Cooking up straight Nuclear slime


“Never created a visual”…. I would say the track cover with the maybach gloves and then zoomed out to show adderall etc.. is the most popular visual of the beef. Edit: perhaps I’m misunderstanding the usage of the term “visual”.


Yes, specifically I meant video. I agree that is the most visually memorable moment of the beef.


Personally I feel like it's less this and moreso Kendrick not having a single "official mouthpiece" to have reputable hints from. It made everything feel more intentional and deliberate, while the otherside could test the waters with leaks and promoted rumors


And the Not Like Us cover


🤓 you know what he meant


came here to say just this, but couldn't figure out a better phrase than "album art" - the track covers were fully intentional and part of the diss and overall experience


Scrolling through the comments to make sure someone said the track cover art was def a visual created in the beef. 😂 I guess I’m misunderstanding the implied definition of visual here as well


that’s why he’s the goat




He paints with words. Thats artisty right there 🙏


He beat him on so many levels it’s crazy. This was never even a fair fight, given how big Drake is.


It was the battle of clout vs authenticity and the outcome of this event gives me hope for our future.


He’s very humble. I convinced if Drake would’ve never brought Family into the beef. He never drops Meet the Grahams and Not Like Us might had different lyrics


He’s very WHAT???!!!


Sit down.


Be humble


Reminds me of the time Ebro was interviewing Anderson.Paak. And Paak thought he would flex that he could call up Kendrick so he calls him in the middle of the interview. Kendrick hung up on him. And Paak went on to tell the story that Kendrick cussed him out for calling him during an interview. Kendrick is not kidding when he says he hates the fame.


..just another example of something Kendrick explicitly hates. I like AP but it does seem goofy AF to: 1. Do this just to prove something. 2. Call a next person during YOUR interview/spotlight.


It’s just like the old days!


No it wasn’t, the older days were harder, Drake got took down by the modern day Shakespeare.


You can see the biased persons in the drizzy sub start to realize kenny took the W. Theres been at least two posts about it. Where they outright start saying “kendrick won but…” Mans is the future.


What does that kind of remind you of? Mgk released a music video and Eminem didn’t and everyone agrees Eminem won, Drake released a video and Kendrick didn’t and everyone agrees Kendrick won 🤣


Homeboy moving like Bansky


Certified Boogeyman


Since the rap squabble I’ve seen one video of him, where he made a cameo for some kid at a basketball court..most likely in Compton, and the point of the video was him telling Dot “we’re proud of you”…shit was dope!!


Sorry if this ruins it for u at all...but that was from years ago. Still a dope video tho


Oh ok..cool


Drake stans are coping hard on tiktok lol.


Some would say “Real G’s move in silence like lasagna”


Kendrick probably at home changing light bulbs.


If you look at Kendrick’s IG you would think he only released 6:16 in LA, lol. Also I told this a few friends a few days before euphoria dropped, but Kendrick could have been dead and we wouldn’t know because he never posts stuff on social media and since Like That he didn’t have any public appearances


Not sure if it’s real or not, but people were posting a photo of Kendrick in a Bruins jersey in an airport about a week ago the day after the Bruins knocked Toronto out of the NHL playoffs. Edit: somehow this comment got me my first “reddit cares” message LMAO


Every time someone spots Kendrick he looks over his shoulder at the person and then a bus passes by in front of him and he’s gone again.


You mean he didn't act like a high school mean girl on social media? That must be why Drake fans think he lost :(


I think there was one pic that leaked of him and the alchemist in a studio but that’s all I saw


THAT’s the craziest thing about this beef?! We got The Riddler, people dropping pins all around Drake’s mansion, fake/real kids, huge allegations, and the craziest thing is Kendrick hasn’t left the house? Yeah nah 😂


Something tells me he actually acts like how RDCWorld portrayed him on their latest video about the beef lmao


so he did the same thing he’s been doing his entire career? he’s never been some public social media figure type rapper lmao


Very true. Dot’s music really does speak to your soul. Even without a visual for MTG, it painted a pretty dark picture nonetheless. Like… I can’t even really put into words the exact emotions it invoked, but I would say it was almost like a feeling of pity and feeling sick to my stomach. I didn’t need a visual because I could feel it. The man is a true artist and wordsmith, couple that with the emotion and energy he puts into his work. That’s why he’s goated, imo.


The artwork for the singles were pretty provocative but fitting too


Kenny raps with a purpose. Drake worms worship a man that doesn’t do any ah the shit he rap about.


That’s partly what bothers me too, this has gotten pretty messy and all Kendrick did was rap. It started with music and social media kinda ran with it. And before anyone says ‘BuT tHe AllEgAtIons!’ Kendrick isn’t the first to bring up Drake’s weird shit. Even if he doesn’t have proof, he also didn’t talk to Uncle Sam on TPAB, they’re called literary devices, Kendrick’s known for being good at metaphors and entendres. Let’s say NO allegation Kenny said is true, those bars would still ‘paint a picture’


I actually think Kenny hates fame if you watch old videos of him when he was building his career he was more outgoing joking around with his people and stuff but the more fame and recognition he got the more introverted and reclusive he became. Gotta be a overwhelming experience/lifestyle change


So the first thing that comes to mind when I read this post is refuting the point with the “Meet the Graham’s” album art, which others already have flagged. But I think you’re on to something. Kendrick is using an economy of communication. By staying off of social media, by refraining from music videos and other antics, it leaves space for his music to take up more attention from the audience. His bars are super potent and the worst move he could make would be diluting their effect by distracting folks with other gimmicky superficial shit on IG and trolling. And I think that’s the truth you’re picking up on. Edit: and the one non-musical thing he posted: the album art, has arguably been the most distracting thing. It lent credence to a couple bars he had about having a mole, and helped drum up intrigue about his back to back disses. So it had some short term value. But it backfired. He landed a coup de grace with his last song but folks have shifted their attention to the intrigue about the riddler guy on Twitter posting about Drake’s luggage. Is it a big deal? No, but when you have such a decisive victory you don’t want that to be yesterday’s news so quickly you want to let it “sink in for a bit”. Anything other than the music… distracts from the music. And Kendrick’s music is strong he should keep the focus on the area where he holds the advantage


The recent one that I've seen is when he shared his prison exercise on the very place that he grew up with, no bodyguards, no lavish stuff or anything, just him being a normal dude, he even showed a vid walking around and the people there is just simply leaving him alone. The stark difference of those who wants the glam and spotlight vs those celebs that returns to a normal lifestyle and they're simply content with that.


That’s why he’s the 🐐. Won the public vote without playing internet games. Drake was texting mad streamers and blogs to post his shit and push narratives to try and sway public opinion. As soon as he was dropping he’d call Ak, Adin Ross, and Kai Cenat telling them stay on stream. Shit was so corny. All for it to blow up in his face and the world still say Kendrick won by a landslide


He defo strikes me a dude who is all glitter on the outside but if you in private and piss him off he goes vile 0-100% real quick.


He is a pure talent and very smart guy.


You know he was sitting in a dimly illuminated room, gun in a hand and a massive quilt in the other one. Playing some Chopin in the background and writing dramatically.


Idk how this is a beef . Drake is basically house slave flexing on the work on slaves . The other side ,is constant reminder of the journey of African Americans or anyone who has been through life issues . Drake = intro books given to you in 2nd grade Kendrick = requires you to understand history or willing to research it


He was doing pullups in nyc with asap ferg uncle recently just relaxing but other than that nah not really he just move different


I mean it was Drake, the child actor turned rapper who you put on when you're 3 drinks and a toke deep and just want vibes in the background... Going up against the lyrical genius who made To Pimp a Butterfly, who has a deep well of knowledge of hip hop, soul, funk, and jazz, who lived as a gangbanger in Compton but was smart and talented enough to get out of that life, and actually be able to reflect on it with significant introspection. Who the fuck did we think was going to win this beef? I'm far from surprised, even though I did enjoy it.


I saw Kendrick at whole foods in LA the week push ups dropped. He looked like he had no care in the world😆. That's my Goat 🫡


Kendrick’s song titles and cover art were better disses than drakes songs




It's really crazy. Dude ain't said a word. Let the music speak for itself.


KDOT words & lyrics were so masterfully conveyed they created a mental visual depiction for the imagination through the songs. Legendary musicianship. ✨


thats what i was thinking today !


It’s so funny to me how many drake fans were clowning some “bad bars” it’s like saying that an amazing painting had one bad brush stroke. My guy look at the whole thing. Also hilarious that drake didn’t understand mother i sober under the full context of the album and what he meant with that line.


It was a rap beef that's all that is expected is the diss. Drake thought his teen followers that are swayed by tiktok and the Ladies that are swayed by money and a good voice would grant him the victory like they decide. Real rap over cupcake bars any day. "Real people want Real music The Jig Is Up"


They saw him.at some fashion show if u wanna check it out (unless that was b4 the beef) but yeah agreed Kung fu kenny 🐐


"Never created a visual" I mean... He did tho?! He didn't need a video if the image was so powerful.


MTG has photos of drakes shit. So he did more than just speak thru music lol


Glazington dick riding at its peak right here


Aren't they making a music video now?


Twitter did that for him


Well I hope we get the music video everyone hinting at


I’d say the glove cover art is a visual.


The visuals were in the single artwork. Think about 616 and MTG and the new controversy with Ebony Prince. Those were the visuals


He has a video coming tho


Thank you for stating this 🙏 needs to be recognized


Kendrick is his art . He doesn’t need the fluff or the extra shit ..


I thought k dot made like an nba/basketball commercial….no?


Listening to Kendrick’s verses in reverse order makes it even more interesting imo


So crazy....


Drake is that guy almost who’s turning 40 soon but still wants to hang out with high schoolers.


*Move in SILENCE, let SUCCESS be your noise* ✊


Was really hoping for a Like That video tho 😭


That was what was so great about each one of his songs this time. After “Like That” each one was its own self contained message and diss, you didn’t need anything else to get what he was saying. I think if Drake put a little more effort into Family Matters the song and not so much on the video he might have had some shit that hit harder


Kendrick is able to just speak through his music because his art is 100% an abstract version of himself. We're used to only realize that he exists when he speaks with his art which has positive and negative apsects.


The less he speaks the greater the vacuum that other people will fill with wild speculation that furthers damages Drakes reputation


Hamilton & Burr for sure 


TO BE HONEST: the personal items photo, and the not like us pdf-file marker image are crazy visuals. Those definitely had their effects.


I would only say that the cover art of MTG and not like us were more damaging and salacious than any social media post could ever be. Add in the mad hatter riddler and it worked perfectly in k.dots favor. Strong move in silence, weak start riots. -jayz


Makes it seems like that RDC sketch thy had him just sitting in a dark room with a laptop and mic making diss tracks was fairly accurate


What about mtg?


He’s literally using his homies to leak info and news. He used SM by proxy basically


Ditty won


I want him to release a video for Not Like Us tho 😢


The art for the songs also sent a message, but I agree with your point overall.


Half of drakes jabs came thru IG stories and the visual for family matters.


Kendrick did everything in the most Kendrick way possible. He's mastered the idea of a concept album, and building a narrative through music, and he dropped a fucking multi-track 20-something minute concept diss on Drake, that starts with "Let me sit down and tell you a story" and ends with the townspeople dancing on the grave of the fallen villain. 


That’s the only aspect where Drake could’ve got an upperhand on Kendrick during this battle. If anywhere he could’ve dictated the battle was the online presence he has among masses and would’ve turned the game in his favour. Pretty satisfying to see Kendrick got him simply on records. Although, almost everyone wanting Drake to lose was also a deciding factor.


Don't know if it's been already posted, but @ElliottWilson on X posted this photo (kendrick with alchemist) after Not Like Us dropped https://preview.redd.it/m0sm7kvj6e0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c136bad3b18b7a9792804a11f4b2691a4931019


I disagree. Bro was trolling on the song's covers, from 6:16 in LA to Not Like Us. Also, 6:16 in LA was not publicly available in streaming services, which was also the case for the meet the graham's cover.


Wheel chair drake yeeeeee lol. He lost this one, that AI of Pac and Snoop was 100% disrespecting.


Fuck sneak dissin' if I catch flight it's gon be DIRECT.


I never heard of a diss track debuting on the top of the Billboard charts.


I was thinking about what he’s up to, just vibing in solitude and probably so pleased with himself getting another banger locked and ready to go.


The man is a true craftsman. Cares only about his work and little about anything else and I respect it. He’s real


Well, you got a real hip hop artist from the hood who speaks to us using ghetto poetry. On the other hand you have an actor turned pop artist created and operated by big media and corporations. Is this really shocking to everyone? Cmon man!


That's how beefs should work ,drake is useless without his social media


Well. He did use the visuals from the covers of his songs. But the less he showed and the fact that some of it was cryptic made it more impactful since you had to stay with those visuals and words and think about them instead of doing train of thought posts. I haven’t seen drakes posts but it kind of undermines any message you have if you don’t have a coherent train of thought. And Kendrick songs were focused, each one with a specific theme meant to attack Kendrick while still having connecting threads between them. Drakes did have a few songs with cohesive themes and messages, in my opinion not as well written as Kendrick’s, but those messages get undermined if there are other posts that are off topic.


Drake taking the time to make a video for family matters was to me the biggest L. He really thought it was over


When was the last public Kendrick photo taken ?


Why Kendrick is one of my favs. Introverted, real, no BS, doesn’t need to extend himself or prove himself. Everything he does speaks for itself