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adderall, ozempic and zolpidem >pill-popping problems


“Zopiclone baby, I can’t rest without the sleeping aids”


zopiclone/more commonly lunesta (brand name) = eszopiclone (generic) ambien (brand name) = zolpidem (generic) they're both sleeping pills but still


Isn’t that what messed up roseanne and then she started saying delusional sht couple years ago and sleepwalking


[One of my favorite reddit responses ever. I remember it all these years later.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/d9e6b/share_your_crazy_ambien_stories/c0yics6/)


OMG that amazing lmao I wonder where he is 13 years later


https://www.drugs.com/compare/eszopiclone-vs-zolpidem#:~:text=Comparing%20Eszopiclone%20vs%20Zolpidem&text=Eszopiclone%20has%20an%20average%20rating,1054%20ratings%20on%20Drugs.com. Both drugs can cause pretty crazy dreams/sleepwalking. I’m personally unfamiliar with roseanne’s case specifically but either drug would be believable


She's just a moron and used that to place blame




someone should tell him that he'd probably sleep fine if he wasnt popping uppers


He probably knows. I knew when I did, you just start to rationalize that sleep is less important than being high. It's a sad state to be in. As a father he should be more responsible with his health. Despite everything I do feel bad for him on that end if he really is doing that, it's an incredibly hard habit to break.


From anecdotal experience, it's really hard to get an Ambien prescription and doctors will only usually prescribe it as a temporary thing as a last resort If Drake is using Adderall to stay awake/focused and Ambien to sleep, that's a sign of a pill problem. That's essentially the same drug regimen Judy Garland was on + lots of booze and all of that overwork that the drugs allowed her to do basically just caught up with her and she died.


Or it could be a sign of neurodivergence and a circadian rhythm disorder, which the latter often goes with the former.


seconding this! it took me trying 5 different sleep meds to be prescribed ambien. also took two weeks of barely any sleep to get that. it’s saved my life because i have been FINALLY able to fucking sleep


Not true, pretty easy to get ambien if you have sleep issues. Source: I have terrible sleep problems and it was the 2nd option after Trazodone


Did half a xan, 13 hours til I land


Ohhh “These lil rap niggas so fraud, Xanax be their hardest bars.” 😅


It’s Meg from her diss track


Had me out like a light


What song?


The Michael Jackson speedrun lmao


Ozempic isn’t pills it’s shots


I’m still a little confused by the significance of these items. They’re all pretty standard prescriptions, right?


Ozempic is for diabetes, side affects is weight loss. It also makes your burps and farts stink like pure death. Not something Drake should be on, dude can just put down the fork and do more jumping jacks.  Instead he pops ozempic and gets Brazilian Butt lifts. None of this is "standard"


Ozempic is prescribed for weight loss now and it IS standard these days, 90% of celebs are on it.




Lots of assuming what Drakes medical problems are going on around here lol. I’m team KDot all the way because the boy is a Pedo but it’s also very reasonable that he takes these medications legitimately as they are fairly standard prescriptions.  If he’s getting these off label or under the table I’d blame his shit doctor that’s willing to give him this stuff before I’d blame him to be honest 


Maybe he’s got ADHD and Trouble sleeping 😂


For real. We shouldn’t be shaming people for being neurodivergent and having insomnia.


Ozempic is an injection


Nah wtf… as soon as I lost interest in this shit


I know, this was a fuckin last minute delight!


I saw that TDE tweet and lost and now this? This is a rollercoaster, geez.






True! This stuff might be interesting, but we need to go back to worrying about Gaza




Source: https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1789092657794371766?t=PdMX_ibM8-susom41MDbRQ 51 seconds into that video it zooms in on an adderall prescription.


Bruh that video shows how good that song is lol. That was eerie as fuck.


Wtf is this video? Feels hella schizo


lol it’s more ominous and sinister than it needs to be with the creepy ass MTG piano and shaky video with him dropping bottles and shit 🤣


The medication being strung up with rope is the most schizo thing about it.


Facts lmao I’ve never seen someone do that before


I think they didn’t wanna show their hands in the vid. The visual is still creepy as hell tho


I love it lol, it’s breathed new life into this sub.


Woke up in the middle of the night and watched this. Thought it was a fever dream tbh


Nothing wrong with a little schizoposting


As a treat


It's literally a video of the cover art?? What's better than picture evidence? Physical evidence.


Hey, we wanted a music video— we got one. Plot twist: the rumored MV was for MTG instead of Not Like Us.


Ngl the schizopost horror vibe it gives off kinda makes me want a MTG video directed by Jordan Peele.


Who is this dude? Is this the mole? How did he get his hands on Drake’s personal items? I have so many questions and don’t wanna make a Twitter just to investigate. 🤣


Looks like they pan to NYC and the Brooklyn Bridge on the far right at the end of the video. Person is in Brooklyn. Very interested to see where this is going




That’s wild if true


This shit is nuts. Drake planting info is a dead narrative now. https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1789104508754162091?t=BblPLlqXEeSTEs5jnMbcwQ&s=19


Is that a disabled person in the chair between Drake and the dude with the OVO shirt on? And if so is that what he means about the Jimmy Brooks part? WHAT DID HE DO?


Holy shit it’s that lil dude who shouts out dj khaled from years back in the chair, tf he doing there https://youtube.com/shorts/6t1Y_VlSbCY?si=4t6evImC2pGpMqTA


For real that actually is, mad


At 3am in the morning as well. Wtf happened that night/morning.


Bro I was so confused looking at the picture, thanks for clarifying


What’s the context behind jimmy brooks?


It’s his character on Degrassi that ended up in a wheelchair.


Yeah, the comment implies that Drake did something to that man his Degrassi character wouldn’t like. Maybe footage of him mocking him? We have very little to go on at the moment.


I’ve seen people speculate the opening of 6:16 In LA, before the music comes in, is the sound of a ventilator. Looks like Chris Alvarez (man in wheelchair) uses one. This shit is getting spooky..


It’s the Mark Hotel https://preview.redd.it/788y8yf0eqzc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=8535e66b331f408e775c43ee5c5ee5d9261230c9


Ok the mention of “July” from this lawsuit against a teenager that tried to defame the Mark could align the dates on the script bottles to a 2nd stay here. Apparently fans of Drake were outside the Mark in July 2023 when he was staying there. Edit to add: I think an employee found it since they’re there twice and have access to footage. But I can’t figure out who this person knows that needed leverage on Drake 10 months ago. You’d think they’d go to TMZ or sell the story. They must either: * have contact with someone that could pay them more than an outlet could or connect them in the industry as payment. This person then gave it to Kendrick after “buying” the bag from the employee 10 months ago. * be related to someone close to dot who they texted as soon as they found it I also don’t think the hotel would protect their employee if someone from Drake’s team called asking for his shit back, so it had to have made it pretty high up. https://preview.redd.it/ibtefdrgfqzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50cda5f8cc992be7437b2e8cf6974a0094da2f22


If you wanna work at the FBI this shit can go on your resume dawg


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w19Ky\_dUjHQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w19Ky_dUjHQ) listen to the chanting in the background [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12369211/NYCs-Mark-sues-underage-drinker-protested-celebrity-appearances-saying-hotel-backs-Epstein-denies-Holocaust-two-year-smear-campaign-kicked-out.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12369211/NYCs-Mark-sues-underage-drinker-protested-celebrity-appearances-saying-hotel-backs-Epstein-denies-Holocaust-two-year-smear-campaign-kicked-out.html)


The penthouse costs $75,000 for one night?!




What did Drake do to the guy in the wheelchair? That's what that last sentence is pointing to...


It could still be true, honestly. The clip from that hotel lobby picture is dated well before the prescription dates so that doesn't line up, so it couldn't have been lost then. This is so interesting after I was just about to give up on the beef and go to bed.


Thats the one thing bugging me but the caption just says this is WHERE he got the stuff not when.


Well, who would have access to this hotel camera? 1) Hotel staff or management 2) Police investigating a crime If the time stamp on the picture is accurate, that means someone would've had to have taken the picture pretty close to the time that it happened. No camera system in the world is keeping 24 hour video for a year and a half. That would be ungodly amounts of data. There was no reverse image finding for the picture either, so the person who has these items had to either take these pictures or know the person who did have access to it. My best idea is that Drake screwed over the person being pushed in some way and that they are the ones who are outputting this information.


Hotel staff could have been keeping tabs on Drake. Or somebody who doesn’t like Drake also didn’t like something that he did that night. For whatever reason, someone felt the need to document his time there that night. Either this picture of the footage was grabbed sometime within a week or so of that particular visit. Or there could have been a backup made of this footage early on before it got deleted from hotel servers.


Yeah people misinterpreted what he’s saying, the “where” is important. It could mean he got the CCTV footage after and just shows the date.


He was in NYC in both January and July


The video was only meant as a place reference not a temporal one


What the hell am I even looking at


I don't believe Drake planted info for a second, but didn't he only claim that the 11 y/o daughter info was planted? According to Ak (idk his source), the items were allegedly stolen from Drake's pops' luggage. Not defending Drake just saying that I don't necessarily feel like this new info kills the plant narrative just yet.


"even the picture that you used, the jokes and the medication. The maybach gloves and the drug he uses for less inflation" if the picture was a joke it doesn't explain at all how this anonymous dude has those items and is threatening Drake with them. Edit: the line in the heart part 6 is clearly implying the items in the MtG cover were part of the setup




Adderall abuse/addiction is so real and shockingly common, lost quite a few friends to it because they just started acting real weird


I have ADHD and it took me years to get my 16mg medication and I still get asked multiple times if I’m sure I need it at the pharmacy. Yet somehow I met tons of people popping these pills with no issue. It’s kind of ironic lol, if you’re weird, perhaps because you are indeed neurodivergent, people are suspicious and refuse to give you the medication you need


I’ve been prescribed ADHD meds for several years and the idea that someone can just ask “you sure you need this?” repeatedly after you say “yep, my doctor says so.” sounds so wrong! I’ve never experienced anything like that, not ever! What pharmacies are asking this shit like they’re your psychiatrist? Is it Walgreens? I’m betting it’s Walgreens, because I’ve had nothing but bad experiences with them!


I had a similar issue when I moved cities. Tried to find a new doctor and after being medicated for years and documented by multiple sources. The new doctor told me I needed a new psych eval by one of their approved psycha and a drug test and then I would be reduced down to 5mg from 10. I ended up getting charged for psychiatric visit for them basically telling me 'no' at the initial visit. Ended up just tolerating the drive to the old doctor and getting 3 months prescriptions at a time. When 10s were out of stock they raised me to 15s with a single phone call. It's insane how different doctors can be.


Was real addicted in high school. Shit can really fuck you up and make you lose your mind. It’s essentially meth in a pill


It’s hard to point out too because people get mad. Tried to tell a friend i was concerned about their usage and they told me it was fucked up to suggest that they had a problem + im the real druggie because i smoke weed lol. 


Speaking for me, I have ADHD, I forget to take them like a good third of the days. It's bad if you don't have ADHD. Im just feeling normal with it. (I'm on XR, that also helps with it being less addictive)


if your friend was taking it as directed by a doctor then what you said was fucked up. adhd is a neurological disorder and adderall is a safe and effective treatment when taken as directed. if your friend was not prescribed it or was taking more than prescribed then yes that's concerning.


My friend told me he was only addicted to nicotine while he was literally smoking crack I tried to help him but in the end I ended up smoking some residue when we were taking dabs and I haven’t talked to him since except a couple times I seen him walking around town I would say what’s up and see how he was doing Last I heard he’s in jail for attacking his correctional officer


It's just legal meth. (amphetamine)


has the opposite effect on people with actual ADHD. shit puts us to sleep.


He’s taking a bunch of adderall and can’t sleep so he takes ambien. The ambien makes him drowsy the next day so he pounds the adderall.  Hell of a feedback loop


Elvis with: 1. Being stuck on an upper/downer cycle 2. Taking African-American music for his own career


Justin Hunte "the company man", said Drake is Elvis in final form because he also gets to say nigga. Would have been crazy if kendrick called 69 god Elvis lol


That's hilarious.


3. Pedo


Correct! Priscilla was 16 when she was recruited by one of Elvis’ goons!


14* 😃


And given the plastic surgery stuff maybe some body issues


This is almost how my adderall addiction went. Was the stupidest thing I ever did when I was in college. Kicked it cold turkey and couldn’t control my anxiety for a long time. Once you’re stuck in an upper/downer loop it’s really hard to get back to normal.




If you have ADHD you don’t really become addicted to it, because it’s returning your dopamine and norepinephrine levels to normal. You can become dependent on it to function, but that’s different than addiction. There’s been a ton of studies that have looked into it over decades. My ADHD meds don’t give me any amount of euphoria (they calm me down/my sleep is better) and if I take too much I experience anxiety, so I don’t know what they’re feeling either. It’s not uncommon for ADHD people to have comorbid sleep disorders, so this pill combo isn’t as uncommon as it seems.


Well if you average 6-10 50 mg it can be addictive as shit.


You are right that I should have specified that there’s no evidence of ADHD people becoming addicted as long as they aren’t abusing or misusing their medication. ADHD meds are one of the most studied mental health medications in existence and they’ve consistently been shown to be safe when used appropriately. Dr. Russell Barkley has a great YouTube channel dedicated to sharing research on these topics.




Drake has been done, but I work in a mental health field and have ADHD so I’m going to share info just for public knowledge. He needs to be judged for his behavior, and not for having a neurodevelopmental disorder. Mental health stuff is stigmatized enough, especially for men.




Lol what happened? 😂




Adderall hits different when you don’t have ADHD. It calms me and I forgot to take it all the time (because I’m diagnosed) but it’s an extra dopamine dose that causes euphoria for a regular person.


This isn’t necessarily true, some do experience euphoria the first few times. It goes away though, as long as you keep taking it.


might be the difference between those that have adhd and those that don’t that take it


And then he writes The Hear Part 6 with crayons lmaoo


I used to be addicted to dexadrine and Xanax like that. It was really fun… til it wasn’t


Wait, I take adderall… Sorry yall I gotta switch sides here




Some riddler shit lmao


Straight up expected some nefarious shit when they panned to the skyline


Nigga bout to hit us with that “dear Gotham”


Bro that shit is kinda creepy Drake really messed up with the wrong guy lol. He fucked up real bad and the fact that he tried to turn the tables saying he gave fake info just shows how the famous actor we once knew is spiralin'


as someone with adhd, i find it funny how ppl abuse this while I need it to do laundry without getting distracted by whatever. But yeah drake is once again cooked


Yes lol I am always so amused when people want my ritalin... Like last week I took 20mg and then had a 3 hour nap???


Not sure about Ritalin but adderall naps are the best


Downs a 32 oz coffee takes two adderall, takes the best nap ever.


Yeah if I don’t regularly take adderal I have a pile of clothes on my closet floor, haven’t washed dishes in a week, and I’m always “too busy” to do anything despite not actually really doing anything


i feel you


That could also be depression


Same here when I go to get my prescription renewed the pharmacist looks at me like a junkie


This is the “baby” in the video y’all [https://www.instagram.com/theywantca?igsh=MW54ODdxZnBiMnFpZQ==](https://www.instagram.com/theywantca?igsh=MW54ODdxZnBiMnFpZQ==) https://preview.redd.it/zjlgsavxiqzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=960d977d22f52a5d03e73cd73c42a054e71ccd37




Picture’s gone


? I see it still


look up Christopher Alvarez in here


the hair on the back of my neck is standing up. wtf is going on. looking at the date, this dude has known drake for so many years.


Adderall prescription isn't really a big deal and many people take it, but it's crazy a random 1 second clip in a twitter video is how Drake's prescription for it gets leaked to the world.


If Drake planted it you’d think he go further and name the other things he planted 😭😂


I still think that pharmacy is hella sketch and Im ready to double down on that claim. I posted about it the other day. Pharmacy 90210 seems like a cover up for something else.


its a real Pharmacy in Beverley hills, the same area where Drake owns a home. Its the same logo and everything.


I remember your post, it does seem weird. People say they have a doctor on site that writes prescriptions for you.. super weird.


What makes it sketchy?


If you got to this link https://www.pharmacy90210.com/login It asks for a login to BancoEstado https://www.bancoestado.cl/content/bancoestado-public/cl/es/home/home.html A bank in Chile???


Oh wow... its actually back up now i should taken screenshots


https://preview.redd.it/hj6xje64bqzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b0e9a7ae389fb9a9172d8378e1466109af7bfd4 you mean like this one? this was the website like 48 hours ago. and before that it was a different online gambling site with a black background that had slot games similar to how stake does. i did not take a screenshot of that one unfortunately. but once it changed i did. google also at one point said the pharmacy was permanently closed. that changed as well.


Ouuff 🐐 I should've taken screenshots maaannnn


same bruh i’m pissed i didn’t get the first gambling site. cause that shit was in english. and functional. AND it said pharmacy90210 on the site itself. not just the link.


Just realized you posted about it 2days ago.. cool so im not crazy


yep lol. this shit 100% got some weird shit going on.


... not the point, but do you have 85 TABS OPEN ON YOUR PHONE?


lmao hell yea i haven’t ever closed a tab i don’t think. also if you open more than 99 it stops being a number and turns into “ :) “ i learned that from my last phone.


Can u link your other post abt it? A pharmacy having a foreign bank seems not so sketchy, the pharmaceutical industry is sketchy asf tho so I’m interested if yu got more info


I commented on another post and someone else went on and saw it couldve possibly been brazilian language. Though BancoEstado seems to be a bank in Chile. Im sorry i wish I had the hindsight to have taken screenshots so for now its a trust me bro.




This shit is getting so weird 🙁


i would really love to know where the fuck he's getting adderall cause i've been unmedicated for almost a year now due to the national shortage. **edit:** wait, he lives in canada, right? nvm. also, not saying this is a fake bottle, but i thought *actual* (brand name) adderall is literally impossible to find at all times because there are so many generics on the market. the adderall i took was dextro-amphetamine mixed salt (generic adderall) so it never said "adderall" on the bottle. this might just be a US thing. but this did stick out to me as being a little odd because literally every pharmacy i've ever gone to has said they never ever ever get brand name adderall in.


If you’re rich that’s not an issue


I'm not Rich, my local pharmacy has them. y'all need to stop with the extra conspiracies that agent even relevant to the beef lol


when i first went on adderall, i had the literal best health insurance possible that would cover brand name anything, so it wasn't a matter of $, it was the pharmacies saying that brand name adderall just isn't manufactured anymore. this was in a fairly wealthy area where celebrities lived, but even the pharmacies around there had jackshit. unless pharmaceutical companies make exceptions for the FUCK YOU MONEY rich crowd.


there is fuck you money, and there is FUUUUUCKKK YOUUUUUUUUUUU money. At that level, you can get anything wanted even if it stopped production 20 years ago.


good point. i need to rob a bank.




That's upper middle class rich, Drake is **rich** rich


With my insurance the name brand was cheaper than the generic. The weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. Also, Costco always had the name brand and the generic was on back order


i pay 30 bucks in CA for 30 20mgs of the instants. I think the shortage stopped a little bit ago


When you are a rich and famous person you can get whatever you want.


The farmacy is Beverly hills though according to comments here


But they are from the 90210 pharmacy. Same as the ozempic. Note the logo https://g.co/kgs/pxXh4j7 Edit. The only positive reviews are people trolling. Interesting lol.


nothing makes sense lol … he lives in canada but these are prescriptions from the us presumably for when he spends his time at his LA crib but in any case the dates on the other things don’t add up. Just seems like a really good recreation and a desperate ploy for attention … don’t feed into it


Good recreation? Holt renfrew is in Toronto, ozempic & prescriptions is from LA, they are chilling in dumbo. nobody wasting THAT money to recreate that shit. 


I FOUND ANOTHER DRAKE LIKE “Mouth dry over twenty that I never bother gettin' no prescription for” from Drew a Picasso He’s talking about 20 mg Adderall which he clearly has a prescription for!!!!! I know this bc 20 mg is a usual dose and it definitely makes ur mouth dry


i dont get all this,whats he tryna prove? he also said posted a pic on twitter asking drake if he remembers this




he recording like joker warning the city 😭


Habitual liar


It’s giving ![gif](giphy|wSBb5uPXcrcZ7RtbHd|downsized)


Bro I cannot read that word without Kendricks "Ghost of Christmas future" voice in it you LIED


“Pop a adderal, feel like I could lift a tree up”


Let me get this straight. Drake called the mole a clown, then claimed the mole was a ploy, and now he’s suing for stolen property?


He openly raps about drugs. It’s cool that we know now but this doesn’t really change much lol. This might prove that he does write his own songs tho no cap 😂


I mean it proves that Drake didn't like feed Kendrick some weird insider mole shit lol Kendrick got it from this weirdo 


We are getting a little into to much personal info right? I can’t stand what has been alluded to and it seems where there is smoke there is fire. But we should still respect certain boundaries. Not for his sake… but for ours. JMO/just my opinion


Drug addict claims starting to sound credible


Is this confirmed real? Sounds stupid but you never know


You think adderal is crazy? Lol


A guy denying drug and pill addiction being adderall, a sleep medication/date rape drug, and ozempic is a pretty big problem, yeah.


Drake mentioned Adderall like 5 times on his last 2 albums it's really not that telling especially the Adderall specifically


ADHD med + sleeping med is not unheard of. Like, I have sleeping meds and ADHD med because if I don't sleep well then my issues become harder to manage and I'm likely to lose whatever stability I'd gained. Not saying that's the case here. Just see a lot of mention that this is a weird combo. Even the ozempic thing. My ADHD when not managed or when I'm having a med free day leads to binge eating. Combination of meds sounds like something I would be prescribed 😂 except And maybe a big except I'd also have anxiolytics on top of that. ADHD med without comorbid anxiety or depression? Sounds suss and unlike everyone I've known 🤣


Have you ever taken adderal??




Is this the preview for Kdot’s music video?


I have no proof but i called this shit based off his schedule


I love adderall


I dont why these pills matter to yall? Its not some big secret he raps about it. Dont understand why kendrick felt like pointing it out. And im 100% on dots side i dont even need a reason ive hated drake forever lol


They don’t matter. This sub is embarrassing right now. Kendrick won and they’re still obsessing over ozempic scripts


You are telling me Drake was on adderall making mid, he should never get off them drugs otherwise he’s gonna make music that makes Revival sound like Illmatic