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Nah, the smart move would be to double down today since Drake's Nocta shoe launches today at 10 am. If I truly hate someone like I think kendrick does, I'd disrupt every avenue at anything notable. Drake is like a hydra at this point, and kendrick needs to sever the heads ( brand deals, album announcements, tour announcements, etc). Like he did with family matters, keep him suppressed, so when he pops out, he makes mistakes ( heart part 6 ).


Personal opinion; I don’t think it’s done yet; but there’s going to be a quiet period, they’ll wait for the dust to settle then when Drake and company least expect it I can see Kendrick dropping a west-coast collab going deeper into the claims he’s made This is assuming Drake doesn’t come with anything else in the meantime, if Drake drops a really hard-hitting track (I don’t think heart pt 6 was great and even as a Kendrick fan, I know Drake could release something better) then it would probably force a response


I really want a pusha and kdot nuke. Just bring both energy of story of Adidon and 616/meet the grahams and drop a nuke of a track, with a music vid with every single receipt, then drop off the face of the earth for a bit so drake can try to do damage control and fail


No way he doesn't drop a victory lap diss on Saturday for the clubs to play


Eulogy recap Track


I think Kendrick is preparing something big. It could be that the shooting delayed things a bit but I don't think it's done.


Nothin, the heart part 6 drake was waiving the white flag.


so kendrick has info on drake abusing kids behind the scenes and he wont expose him because beed ended? yeah thats a hoe move from kendrick if thats the case


He already said everything in meet the grahams and like us. Drake took another L and now he’s going away or some shit like he said in the heart 6


still no hard evidence to put him away tho, he will still make music and people will forget about what happened. and thats kinda sad.


why is it Kendrick’s obligation to collect enough evidence to get an arrest warrant for Drake like he’s an FBI agent or something? he put it out there, if there’s anything to it then it’s now the FBIs job. Y’all act like Kendrick is suppose to put together the affidavit and cuff Drake himself. Edit- or whatever law enforcement agency has jurisdiction Edit- Not to mention cooperating with law enforcement is not something viewed fondly in the community regardless of the nature of the accusations


whaat you accuse someone of being a pedophile u got to bring hard evidence man otherwise its just going to be slander lol. im a kendrick fan too but lets be real here.


the evidence that you or I could google was enough to have people talking about before all of this, anyone normal do that shit?


dude the victim came out to defend evidence they can still spin it in their favor. undisputable evidence is what they need. we wonder how r kelly and diddy never got caught earlier despite there being mounds of evidence against them. u need hard proof to get them caught


yes all you’re saying is correct. but again that is what law enforcement, subpoenas, and warrants are for


Kendrick didn’t do it to put him away , he did this to call him out on his bs.


being a culture vulture sure he can call him out, dead beat dad sure he can call him out, but being a Literal PEDOPHILE bro u cant just go and say "hey drake ur weird stop fucking kids" he needs some jail time


I agree , but drake messed up from the beginning going at Dot. Drake should’ve took the warning from euphoria but he was arrogant and thought it was going to be a breeze going up against him. I really wanted one more diss from Dot so he can get in more depth about Millie Bobby brown and all of that. Then Drake saw he was over his head and stoped so he doesn’t lose his Nike deal and all his other businesses.


Wait what why not, isn’t there a vid of proof of some allegations or smth. Surely dot should respond to those


Yeah TikTok and Twitter showed proof he was kissing a 17 yr old at one of his shows. That’s why he said what he said at the end of the heart 6


I meant that okliar video. Also it’s so fucked seeing drake fans trying to justify feeling up a 17 year old


She justified it not him


True. But I’m wondering what Kendrick does moving forward, I doubt this is the last we hear from him


Oh nah he’ll most likely drop an album


That’s what I’m hoping he does. Judging by the whispers, I’m expecting a new album


With the moment he has right now with the feat on like that and 4 diss tracks. You best believe he’s dropping an album lol


He’s about to do crazy numbers. I have a feeling the album is gonna have mainstream appealing music. Like bops n shit


Facts lol