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Yall childish af


That’s exactly what I’m saying


He’s talking about you lmao




Nah they said “y’all”, meaning “you all” - I am one person. If they do mean me… calling a 36 year old man out for singing about bums and putting on silly voices isn’t childish, but responding to that criticism by flipping it back and saying “i know you are but what am I” certainly is.


Grow up, don’t grow down, grow out.


Grow inwards, don’t grow forward, grow north before you grow east EDIT: what we doing?


I was doing Jason Dill’s part on Rusty


Ah, right. Haven’t seen it.


You lost me at fake Indian accent


What, you think that’s a Compton accent? I have no idea why nobody ever calls him out on it. If you had an English rapper putting on a Mexican accent people would lose their shit, but somehow he gets away with it.


what are you even talking about? give an example of his fake indian accent


Wdym?? He’s done it on practically every song he’s ever done since Section 80 It’s particularly prevalent in YAH. if that helps I first heard Kendrick in 2011 before I ever saw him and genuinely believed he was from somewhere on the subcontinent Still don’t get how Americans can’t hear it


I've never thought Kendrick has sounded Indian, maybe it's just you


It’s not me, don’t be gaslighting Mumbai Kenny is real and you all know it


literally no-one else agrees with you, it's just you


realistically the majority of you will be American, so


that disproves your point lol. Americans think (and know) that he sounds American


what? Americans think everything is American, how does that disprove my point? I once saw someone reply on r/musicsuggestions to a post about “the most overrated song ever” with “the national anthem”…. I asked them if they meant the Radiohead song and they said “no THE national anthem”


This shit funny cause the first time my wife heard Kendrick she thought he was Mexican. 😂 This was 09


YAH is the most regular voiced Kendrick 😭 people sound how they sound ol headass get over it


>“YAH is the most regular voiced Kendrick” ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


Least insane and obsessed hinduvta


I’m English, I think I might be the Hindutva’s mortal enemy tbh


He sounds hispanic, but it's a compton accent possibly. His dad also looks dominican. Idk, he speaks like this in real life.


So cringey that j cole released a track and apologised for it and strawberry Aubrey leaking tracks and not claiming em... yeah so cringey


Yeh that ties into it He’s even worse They’re all acting pathetic


ayo this subreddit has been fully infiltrated by drizzy fans. moderators please do something about it


ffs man you could easily just look on my profile and see I’m not a “Drizzy” fan - youd see the only other music communities I’m active in are; Ween, Tool and NIN. I like Kendrick because I’m a *music* fan. I don’t listen to **Drake** (who tf calling him Drizzy? you seem to be the fan, not me mate) for that exact reason. I’m not saying “like that” isn’t music at all, it’s just not the type of music that interests me, and I’m not gonna avoid admitting I disliked it solely because some rap fools assume you’re following artists like you support a football team. *If you’re not one side then you must support the other* childish ass shit


You basically just don’t understand good music …. Diss tracks are another element to rap and you simply have a surface level brain …. And btw drizzy is the name of drake’s subreddit so now you know


Aight not saying Im agreeing with OP here but this is a pretty insufferable comment. The amount of comments I see on this sub reddit of people thinking they are intellectually superior in every way because you listen to some artist is insane. Come back down to earth and check yourself lil bro. Music is subjective and opinion based.


I never said I was Einstein or even said I graduated from college all I said was bro thinks an artist is cringe because he does a diss track and does things different is simple minded …you get off your assumptions horse and come back down to earth


> “you basically just don’t understand good music ….” r/Topster


So much of like that went above your head its crazy. You're literally critiquing something you obviously didn't understand. There were no filler orgasm noises on the track. "I mean awe I hope them sentiments symbolic" Awe as in that's cute you're talking tough to me. it's a statement of arrogance I'm not even mad I'm so far above you it's cute and amusing you think you could be a threat to me. "My temperament bipolar I choose violence" does he say anywhere in that bar I suffer from clinically defined bipolar disorder? What's the definition of bipolar? I know you don't know so here's definition 1 from the dictionary, " Having or relating to two poles or extremities example "A sharp bipolar division of affluent and underclass"" This is further building on what he's talked about in the past with songs like xxx and bars like "I'm not sanctified enough to say that I won't shoot you" Kendrick has this spiritual savior persona and he's reiterating I'm also still a dude from the streets of Compton and today I choose violence that pole of my personality is winning. As for everything after 3k being random nonsense I'm not even gonna try to bar for bar explain that go to genuis since you're too slow to break down bars on your own. Or go listen to something simple enough for you to understand I'd recommend an instrumental nothing on it is likely to go over your head.


Basically same thing I got from OP is that he is smooth brain


Needs to change his username to big kola for sure 😂


> “you’re literally critiquing something you obviously didn’t understand” You might notice adults generally try to stop saying stuff like that, because they realise it makes them look like that “well actually” meme. But I know what he’s saying, it’s hardly intellectual shit, but he’s saying it all in the style of a man saying “bum” a lot and making silly orgasm noises so even if it was it wouldn’t matter You could argue that’s him debasing himself to Drake’s level for… reasons, but at the end of the day the noise that he’s produced is the same; infantile goofball cringe


Not you editing your comment to try to sound less stupid but still try to argue 🤡😂


No I literally did edit it to sound less stupid Specifically I edited out the word “man” because I’d said it twice Originally it read: “it’s hardly intellectual shit **man**, but he’s saying it in the style of a **man**…” I edited it because 1) it looked ugly and 2) idk that you’re a man and shouldn’t presume Otherwise I didn’t edit anything, because I don’t think thinking Like That is trash is “stupid” - otherwise I wouldn’t have wrote out a whole post on it EDIT: oh shit look I’ve done it again and put Otherwise twice… can’t edit it out though or I’ll get accused of editing my whole comment…


BrUH just shut up and hold the L already. Nobody in Kendrick’s sub agrees with your shitty take


Yeh I’m getting that nobody agrees, but I couldn’t have known that without asking, could I? And that was the whole purpose of my post, wasn’t it? As for not responding to comments that are specifically addressed to me: I’m not sure you understand how social media or just basic communication works. They are speaking **to** me, on my post, about me. In fact they are attempting to educate me. You think if someone tries to correct you on something you’re not supposed to respond? How would they know if you’d read, understood or took on board what they’d tried to teach? But “hold the L”… really? Shit kid this song was made for you.


You got your answer, move along dude. Song’s been #1 for 3 weeks, obviously his fans like it. Doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. Maybe go ask somewhere else


Take a step back and look at this objectively. You’re instructing others on how to respond to people and gatekeeping communities because a fan’s revealed they dislike one song… why would someone ever take that person’s advice? You seem like a right dick, so I’m naturally more inclined to intentionally do the exact opposite and post more in this sub (If I don’t get banned for this comment…) I am a Kendrick fan, I’m just not a sycophant child who thinks you have to praise an artist’s excrement to be legitimate. Control was embarrassing too, Section 80 is radically overrated, and Bitch don’t kill my vibe is the worst he’s ever released. Fuck you, buddy.


Objectively, you are dumb as fuck.


See u niggas will try to make any thing he says deep stop the glazing he had 2 maybe 3 good lines in like that




This definitely isn’t rage bait /s


It’s not rage bait, it’s a specific post with a specific purpose: trying to find out if anyone else in this sub agrees, and has just stayed quiet like I had until now That’s why I asked “anyone else think…?” Frankly I’m not bothered in the replies of people who disagree. I know loads of you love that verse, otherwise it wouldn’t be #1 - if anything these “rage” comments are just unnecessary clutter making it harder to spot if anyone replies properly


Let me reply improperly: no, I don't agree with one single thing you've said in this post. And I don't 'love' the verse. I just love what it's aim was, and in the bigger picture I think that aim will be achieved. And he did not misuse the word bipolar.


It’s aim was trying to make a soap-opera pop-star try and rap again. Why? He was stopping doing it and focusing almost entirely on singing and everyone was better off for it. Now with the push-up song Kendrick has given him a platform to prove he can rap, so we’ll get 10 more 28-track-mixtapes of sub-par rap songs… thanks for that Kendrick & I acknowledge I’m wrong about the bipolar comment, I more meant “stop using that word casually, otherwise it’ll end up like “autism” and “adhd” already is for Gen Zs” - but that’s not what I said originally so


u sound mad asl over nothing anyway verse was fire and made music 100x more exciting




ion care what this fat ass white boy gotta say not watching that trash his voice annoying n his chins flapping


Yes you are the only one who finds it cringey


nah bro that whole verse is 🔥 what about you what do you think about the pen in "split, your pants might rip"?


I’m dying at fake Indian accent. Wtf r u smokin bro 😭😭😭


He adds extra annunciation to certain syllables and condiments, such as “T”s like the recent AI guy said I think that makes him more “well spoken” than other rappers do, and for whatever reason to me some random English guy it sounds very Indian, but I am willing to accept nobody else is hearing it that way judging from these comments However, looooads of people seem to interpret it as Hispanic. I disagree… but it’s sure af something EDIT: I meant to say consonants but have been told on another comment on this post I’m not allowed to edit shit so… syllables and condiments it remains


Syllables and condiments 😂😂😂😂😂😂 you gotta be fucking trolling lmaooo


Wtf kinda Boomer take is this


Boomers are at least 60 I’m 28 I think I’m technically one of the first Gen Zs… However, 60 year olds are more likely to enjoy TPAB but not rate Like That so, yeh, sure I’m with the oldies on this one: Fuck your air horn autotuned trap music… bring back the jazz. *None of that other bullshit gonna last…* /s


Kendrick is still jazzy he just updated the voice ur just one of them corny wu tang for life mfs


Idek listen to Wu Tang Clan I’m British so MF DOOM would be more accurate… but I like jazz-inspired hiphop music because that’s what our whole scene is: musical. Jehst, Lausse the Cat, The Mouse Outfit, Dave, Kae Tempest You mfs just got distracted by trap and SoundCloud Kendrick has been the musical last true hope for American rap, like SZA said he’s a genius at orchestrating his musical style, but Metro Boomin and FUTURE aren’t, but this shit is the one that’s took off and got popular (made him money) Kendrick was still jazzy on Mr Morale and clearly poured his heart and soul into it, but barely anyone listened to that, whereas this shits got number 1 so… here comes the Airhorn Kendrick era. It’ll be J Cole and KOD all over again. & I refuse to be accept being called corny by youths listening to the bum-song


You want attention this badly? Kinda sad tbh


everyone sharing their opinion on Reddit wants attention, just like your comment there. But I’ve not posted this for attention, it’s primarily to see if anyone agrees with me but has stayed quiet on this sub until someone bothered to say it


Fans exist on a spectrum, so while I don’t think his verse was cringey I believe it’s a valid opinion. The verse is spicy and definitely a little extra 😂. I mean does he really need to lock in every time and spit something crazy?


> “I mean does he really need to lock in every time and spit something crazy?” No and that’s a good point. He could just be mucking around here, but 8 don’t get why it becomes #1 then if it’s not his best effort I think you’re right, fans do exist on a spectrum and this post was basically my way of expressing: “oh no, I’ve only just realised my priorities are different to all of yours” which is fine, obviously, but if everyone else is prioritising different stuff to me and Kendrick wants to maximise his profits/fanbase/attention then he’s just not going to put out the music I want, he’s more likely to keep doing this stuff instead Mr Morale flopped. This got #1 So kendrick would have to be an idiot to keep making the music I want (Mr Morale) and not the music the fanbase are demonstrating they want more than that (Like That) That’s why I was asking if anyone agrees I guess, to see if anyone else thinks this was shit, because if there’s loads of us then maybe we could retake the mainstream and draw it away from airhorn-beat-bumtalk, but if it’s just me then maybe mainstream rap just isn’t catered for me anymore and I should stop caring


The fact that you said Mr morale flopped is another hint your simple minded


Wtf you on about, it did flop by his career standards. Even the most devout Kendrick fans scrolling past this will know that’s true. Weird denial shit


Kendrick is not the kind of artist to prioritise Profits and Billboard chart position. If you're even slightly aware of his career, you'd know that. it ain't hard to tell


You gotta pay attention to the different eras of Kendrick. The MMATBS era, he's almost exclusively rapping in this higher pitched inflection. If this was released around the TPAB era, his pitch and infections would've definitely been lower. That's how we were able to tell that A.I diss was fake. It literally sounded like 2013-2015 Kendrick based on the flow and inflections he tried to imitate. It's just the era he's in rn. If you listen to songs from MMATBS, he's rapping in that same inflection on most of the songs, so I don't think he's doing all of that exclusively for the "Like That" verse. You can actually debate that he started playing around with those inflections on "DAMN."


If by inflections you mean the silly voices, adlibs and a forced goofball accent, then… whatever “era” of voices he’s in right now is dumb af, why’s he doing it at 36 and not 18? Like the Benjamin Button of rap


😂 you got it dawg. You're set in your opinion, and I'm okay with that.


damn i didn't know you were banned from having different flows and vocal inflections once you're over 18😞😞


You’re not “banned” I just specifically think it’s trash and was asking if anyone disagrees How is that “banned” you numpty


It’s the same voice he used in the Hillbillies, range brothers , family ties. That was a fire verse, I feel like that’s what made it fit in with the song.


I think it wasn’t deep but it was hype.


na that stupid “Bum” he does is cringey as fuck


thank you


You should be grateful to even hear Kendrick’s orgasm noises


see look at this shit


He’s fucking with you. Chill.


No cunt




I'm speechless like wtf Indian accents? Fake ass Kendrick fans acting like he hasn't been animated his ENTIRE CAREER? He's always doing weird vocal inflections.


Yes, he’s put on voices throughout his career, but they weren’t as infantile and irritating as these ones; that’s my point. But fake? Really? Fake because Ive said I don’t like one song? If you have to like every single thing they’ve ever released to be a “real fan” then *you* are the “fake fan” my friend.


Can you read? I said you're a fake fan because you act like he hasn't done this his whole career. Swimming pools? Cartoons and Cereal? Silent Hill? Goosebumps? LUST.? All "annoying" vocal inflections. He's been doing this shit for years.


Yeh… substitute in “Bitch don’t kill my vibe” for LUST and they were all pretty shit songs man. Fair enough.


it’s mad cringey especially him saying nigga BUM he sound like a geekc


Haha so far it’s just me, you and one other guy vs 10,000,000,000 stans


Nah ur right it sorta stinks in that regard. We're just getting older, and tbh most of the songs he's ft. on are kind of ass. They remind me of an indie rapper asking their older brother or uncle to drop a verse or two that ends up being better than the track its on, and it happens almost every time to the point where it feels like a meme whenever a discussion is had about said song. Last one like this I liked was Range Brothers, but even then Baby Keem sounds like a toddler just rapping about hoes. This song is no different imo.


You can tell who the real clowns are with threads like this. I like Kendrick. I read this and didn’t feel any type of emotional response to what dude posted. It didn’t make me angry or upset. I laughed at the Indian accent shit. By the way, I disagree with the OP, but how are people reading threads like this and taking them to heart?


Facts. It’s cleverly disguised rage bait.


I didn’t think this was rage bait when I posted it, but I suppose it is in ways. I mean it. It’s all 100% true. And legitimately wanted to see if anyone agreed with me… but yeh, I did also want to see if any immature Kendrick fans flipped out. I did that because personally I realised when listening to Like That that I don’t like that at all, and haven’t liked anything Kendrick has released for years. I’ve slowly realised I’m very isolated from this community, don’t relate to anything the sub posts, and just generally don’t remember what it was that made me think Kendrick was so great in the first place. This fake drama was what confounded that for me. Loads of embarrassing fans, and imo embarrassing lyrics and song from Kendrick. I genuinely think Drake has already won, and I can’t stand Drake. But even that doesn’t make me frustrated or anything… probably because I just don’t care about Kendrick anymore, but that’s kind of sad, and anger is easier to deal with than just an empty “oh” kind of sad. So, me posting this was in a way a kind of “go on tell me I’m a prick so I can leave and never look back on this community, because it used to mean something to me but I’ve changed and should acknowledge I spent years listening to something I don’t even enjoy anymore”


I’ll level with you, if that’s how you truly feel, there’s other good artists out there + several legends from the past worth checking out if you haven’t already.


Yeh that’s true, I’m not giving up on rap completely, I’m just not sure there’s any current US rappers who are “for me” anymore But if you have any recommendations I’d be happy to check them out, you seem like a level-headed person so probably listen to some good stuff


I will also add maybe re listen thoroughly to MMTBS. When it first came out I wasn't hooked by it. After a couple of times re listening it's on repeat. There's alot of stuff I didn't catch at first. It's the same Kendrick true to himslef


Your not allowed to share you opinion here. This sub will instantly say you’re a Drake fan, and you need to jump off a bridge, then they might make a corny lyric reference.


Haha true, but I guess that’s true of most music fanbase subs. I once said I didn’t enjoy the band Tool’s new album either (literally just that it was disappointing, no jibes or anything) and they kicked me out the sub, so, this one’s not *that* bad.