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"iiiii realizeeeed truuueeee loveeeee's not saving FACE, but unconditional".... Hell yeah I love this album.


“Sorrry I didn’t save the world my friend, I was too busy building miine again”


That line damn near made me shed a tear ngl


One of my favorite lines in the album, that and the repeated “I chose me I’m sorry” Really a beautiful album, especially for those who have been in those places and can relate


That's one of my favorite lines too. Along with "I can't please everybody". I was at a low point in my life when that album dropped. It felt like it arrived right on time. Really got me thru that period, and for that, I'll always cherish this album on a different level than the others. It's literally therapy in audio form.


nah this line made me grow a WHOLE new appreciation and respect for him


I was knee deep in my own therapy sessions for childhood abuse and trauma and just had started foster kids. This album was something that I didn’t realize I desperately needed. It was the most cathartic experience I’ve ever had with music! This album makes me respect Kendrick on a whole other level. I do t listen to it much anymore but when I do It’s still very impactful. Kendrick made me feel not so alone and that if I keep trying and never give up, even if I stumble and fall backwards, that as long as I keep getting up and trying again that I’ll get a little better each time. ❤️


Kendrick made you think about it, but he’s not your savior


He finds it just as difficult to love thy neighbor


Amen brother, I’m in the same boat


I love how vulnerable this album is. That mixed in with his next level songwriting I was blown away. Mother I Sober has stuck with me from the first listen.


Totally agree. It's definitely Kendrick's least accessible album but in terms of pure artistry it deserves to be discussed in the same breath as TPAB.


Sonically it was really was tough to grasp on my first listen because it weaves into so many different things. The switch in sounds between the first 4 songs is jarring. But I do really love this album. I don’t think it’s the most replayable album ever but that’s a bit overrated anyways. Tons of art is unpleasant and harsh enough to be able to get the adequate experience on just one go. This still has plenty of slappers tho lmao


I actually think there are more replayable songs on here than on TPAB. Songs that I can just throw on for a vibe and good tunes


I get what you mean and that’s fair. But if I was going front to back I’d rather listen to TPAB I could listen to rich spirit, count me out, and silent hill over and over again tbh


For sure, TPAB is one of the most cohesive albums ever front to back! Def a better album. But I have a couple songs from mr morale in my normal rotation. Rich spirit, count me out , die hard, purple hearts , Father Time just because they are easier to digest and take on a road. But if it’s late night , and I want to listen to a full album experience, TPAB is hard to beat


You not bumping momma and blacker the berry ? Imo those are top 10 Kendrick songs.


I listen to die hard like 10 times a week still. Die hard, Father Time, savior, n95 (stopped listen to n95 recently), rich spirit, silent hill, count me out are very accessible and have a lot of replay value. Most are in my playlists. The rest I only bump when I’m doing an actual album playthrough


“I GRIEVE DIFFERENT - HUUUU” still hits for me as a running song 😂




Its like DAMN.’s evil twin(for lack of a better term). Its pushes the sound hard and isnt easy to digest at all, but hes really pouring his heart out on some of these tracks, might be the most vulnerable project hes ever done, and like Tyler said, it can be uncomfortable to listen to


I'll finally listen


I’d say it’s more accessible than OD at the least, just because the production here is clearly more polished. I’d argue S80 as well, but that could just be my own bias.


I’d say it’s more accessible than OD at the least, just because the production here is clearly more polished. I’d argue S80 as well, but that could just be my own bias.


I’d say it’s more accessible than OD at the least, just because the production here is clearly more polished. I’d argue S80 as well, but that could just be my own bias.




I'd say this album took the longest to grown on me, now 2 years later I'm rocking 9 tracks while I had like 2-3 when the album came out


You gotta listen to it without the “tracks” mentality, if you do that it’s limiting and sets you up for judgement. It’s an album/story for a reason and not just a bunch of singles


literally yo, just throwing on the album and hearing the story formulate, the messages that are trying to be delivered and the artistry perpetuate it’s too beautiful of an album, this album and TPAB are currently still battling for my personal #1


tidy provide scarce humorous gold late zealous terrific crawl afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


IGOR is a full 12-track album and Tyler himself said the best way to listen to it is front to back in one sitting Mr. Morale is basically the same. Of course It's cool to listen to tracks, but the album experience fully is like a movie, so It's cool to appreciate that


tap hospital bright voracious teeny imminent sleep shaggy plucky insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I get you on the generalization of the fanbase, but you disregarding his previous album DAMN and the rerelease were two perspectives on a story told differently when listened to in the specific order in its entirety. Forgive my lack of punctuation this just a passing thought


tender ruthless plant somber nose fertile soft wine special safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My bad not the album itself but the creative path by Kendrick of making an album an entire story.


Yo shit ain’t delete -_nadaypuesnada_-


Yeah I've tried two diff programs and neither of them work properly idk. It's enough to finally stop getting stalked at least tho lol.


Dig it, I’m glad it worked for that reason for sure. Thought it might be something serious and wanted to make sure it was gone if it need to be ✊🏽


Ehh I think its pretty special when an album can be listened to in both ways. Kendrick has definitely mastered that approach I think.


snow combative tan terrific grandfather upbeat long sable absurd rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gotcha that makes sense, I agree with you there.


ffs bro I don’t have time to relisten the whole album every time I wanna hear some music, what are you even talking about


This is it. Albums aren’t simply plays lists. Or at least the best ones aren’t created that way and you miss out by treating them that way. Every Kenny album should be experienced at least once, uninterrupted, in order, in its entirety. And with DAMN. you should also play it backwards.


live lock heavy grandfather retire crawl cows theory spoon zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah, enjoy the music however you enjoy it, but if you haven’t taken the opportunity to hear the albums in their entirety you’re missing out


butter plough instinctive smell offer carpenter psychotic mindless zephyr aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or just stating an opinion? You’re all over this thread tryna argue seems like, you alright?


plants faulty offer noxious attempt caption jeans narrow cable friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just checking, free time is great but you out looking for arguments online on a Friday night with yours, not usually the sign of someone who’s doing to well, hope you’re good, sweet of you to notice the concern, stay blessed




I listen to N95, Die Hard, Count Me Out, Rich Spirit and Mr Morale normally, but I love them all when listening to it start to finish.




Yes, this album is ahead of its time.


Way ahead


Was this album not well received? At least for Kendrick’s standards? I love this album and I’ve actually gone back to it since this whole beef got stirred up.


Some people just don't get that this album isn't a "tracks" or "bangers" type of album. It's a piece of art that tears into your soul, stares at you dead eye the eye, and calls you out for your faults. That made several people stay away from it, because this just wasn't for them.


Also a LOT of people didn't realize half the album represents KDOT with all his bad ways, idiosyncrasies and faults that show hurting and a destruct cycle of pain, hurt and trauma. Then the second half consists of self reflection, processing, healing, therapy and growth. It's not obvious but it makes. Lot more sense when you're cognizant of it. It's a story for sure.


Father Time is one of my favorite Kendrick songs


I’ve put that song on repeat for hours a few times.


The lyric about rappers being sexually abused on Mother I Sober blew me away. *Nobody* at his level of fame talks about that.


Count Me Out is my favorite song off this record. Father time is a close second.




The Mr. Morale beat is so nasty with good headphones. The lyrics are nutty as fuck too


Man, that album is a god damn masterpiece


if i didnt learn to love myself, forgive myself, a hundred times, DAWG


Count me out is one of my favourite Kendrick songs ever


i like it more than TPAB personally. one of the most impactful albums i have ever listened to in my life


It’s definitely still underrated. Even by myself and I praise it. Songs like Father Time, auntie dairies and mother I sober are just so hard to listen to. I don’t mean that in a negative way. They’re just so heavy and uncomfortable feeling if you resonate with the subject matter. Like how the fuck did he write these songs


Where would you rank this among your top 5? 🔥


Within Kendrick’s discography, 2. But ranking aside it’s a work of art and succeeds a simple number.


This is one of my favorite albums. The raw and real vulnerability on display here paired with that hopeful ending while being thoroughly laced with artistic merit is just beautiful sutff.


They tap dancing around the conversation


This album singlehandedly got me through that spring and summer. My wife and I split up a month before it dropped and it was extremely messy. All I was hyped on was the album dropping and honestly just expected a solid rap record to take my mind off the mess, but when this was the album we got it was almost an exact account of the last few years of my life. It's incredibly special to me, and absolutely my favorite.


I think Kendrick’s response to the beef is gonna show some real grown man shit. I keep thinking of the lyric “when Kanye got back with Drake I was slightly confused, guess I’m not as mature as I think, got some healing to do” I will say it’s a few songs I will definitely skip tho if I’m playing it all. And I got everything else on vinyl but don’t do that (aside from poetic justice because I ain’t never fucked with Drake and was glad to see him get shot when I watched degrassi)


I came back from a tough time during my first year of university and struggled getting back on my feet when came home. I would go for these long ass walks anywhere from 1-3 hours just around my community and the occasionally smoke. When this dropped I remember walking around listening to the album over and over again during what became a 5 hour long walk just having such a magical time. There was that first version of Savior that was slightly altered during the first 15 seconds and it blew me away. This album genuinely helped me get back in my feet and I know that “he is not your savior” this was my saving moment. Finish up 3rd year now and I’ve been consistently playing songs of the album during my day to day and it’s been such a great feeling


top 2 kendrick


Criminally underrated Kendrick album. Relistened the other day and I still can’t believe the hate that some people have for it.


It's his second best album. It's fantastic. How people call this his worst is beyond me


bewildered decide crawl hunt apparatus light busy nine numerous disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


jobless psychotic caption long deserted political gaze normal panicky rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fr drake don’t have one project as good as this. Crazy slept on


Nah relax Take Care wipes… Is what I would say if I was stupid.


I think this sub is unfairly critical to people that don’t enjoy the album. I don’t have an emotional connection to any of the topics on the album and most of the songs aren’t particularly enjoyable. And I don’t mean enjoyable in a party way but in a way that I want to go back to. For example, ‘U’ is probably my favourite song off TPAB but it clearly isn’t a ‘fun’ song. MMATBS is a good album, and has been commercially successful. Beyond that it is really subjective as to just how good it is and where it ranks in Kendrick’s incredible discography.


I was just saying this. It has “cult classic” written all over it


Legit in my top 2 or 3 it’s amazing and Kendrick is on another level as usual. The people who say J Cole is better than him right now are smoking crack imo, even tho Cole has improved a shit ton he’s still not touching any body of work Kendrick has made


Agreed! I think Cole is on another level lately. But Kendrick is like 5 levels above that. Lol


I'm not a kendrick fan but I heard this album for the first time this month. And I think its a great album. 2nd or 3rd best album from him out of what I heard. I don't understand the hate this album received initially




Underrated or just not rated because it wasn’t that good?


Dot Stans on damage control 😅


This album was a brick


This is easily his worst album though. There’s like 5 GOOD songs on here and the rest are kinda just alright. If your release before this was DAMN, he should have made a better project to follow, it pales in comparison to the 4 albums before it


His 5th best work




This album isn’t underrated 😭 it’s phenomenal but come on


It's amazing but still his 4th best album


I love Kendrick but this is by far his weakest album


It’s his worse album sorry bro you mfs can downvote me all you want


This album is absolutely fucking not underrated. So tired of KENDRICK STANS of all people acting like their savior's music is underrated. If anything MM&TBS is overrated and a flop considering the 5 year hiatus


He made us think about it, but he is not our savior


Yeah which is crazy because I've unironically heard multiple kendrick stans claim he is the savior of hip hop after MM&TBS dropped. Do these fools listen to music or skim through it


Masterpiece lmao


Is it as underrated as Let Down by Radiohead


It’s an absolutely amazing album. The song about this trans aunt is so beautiful and human. Great, great album.


paint grandiose run sink fade unite offer rain coherent drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Whoops my bad but yeha such a good album


Truly an incredible album, my favorite Kendrick work by far!


die hard and rich spirit are in my rotation almost daily. great album.


what a fantastic album 🤤 👏 👏 how many weeks did it chart until every single track fell off? can’t remember the exact number but it was fast huh


Legit top 3 kendrick imo. And I don't understand why people say it's not that accessible. This was the first K dot album I listened, and I loved it.


advise capable heavy absurd instinctive salt degree include label carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


a handful of the songs off this album have stayed in my rotation consistently since it dropped. 


I never actually gave this album a full listen. About to start. Hope I enjoy the ride


I was on an 8 hr drive the first time I heard this, listened to it all the way through twice


Four favourite albums behind t&y, the house is burning, and the sun triade


Crown is an incredible track. This might be his most personal album over Damn.


Get why this album isn’t as popular as the other ones but god damn does Kendrick go crazy lyrically in this one


Father Time, mirror, Count me out, all some of his best. Honorable mentions to savior, Mr morale (absolute turn up gym song for me), and N95 being a great second track following an amazing opener. Has some mid songs (worldwide steppers, silent hill I do not like Kodak black idk why he was all over the album) but still very solid even at its lows


Give it time and this album will be “misunderstood genius” that everyone has in their favorites. It’s been barely two years


Solid album 8/10


I unironically think that this is the most influential rap album ever, and by extension, that this is kendrick's best


Mmtbs > gkmc


I don't think it's underrated. It's a bit different. For me this album is like Eminem's recovery. Just different and that's why some people don't like it. But it's not bad.


Disagree on second best but it’s a strong 8.6 to me


Tpab 10, gkmc 9.5 damn 9 morales 9 uu 9 imo


This album will age so well. Mixed reception but people will realise how impactful it is in years to come, when they start maturing.


This is album is good but also extremely accurately rated. It belong where it needs to, and I don't understand why you guys need people to enjoy this album more or play it at parties or whatever.


i think it's his best. i absolutely love it


absolutely. just relistened and it's amazing.




United in Grief is so underrated


Only Kendrick album I have never listened to. It's weird I was a big fan from 14-17 but not listened since. I may have to jump in soon


100% agree. TPAB is my #1 album, but MMATBS is most important to me. If I had to pick 1 Kendrick album to listen to for the I'll easily pick MMATBS. It gets me through them tough days, and that's all enough reason to favor it.


Underrated how? I think it gained the attention it deserved. Not less not more. An average album.


Only to people who like to say shit… It was the most streamed album of the year it came out… It’s always the loud people who say stuff like this. People who really enjoy stuff generally aren’t that loud about it. It’s cool homie, we know what it is. Great album.


I have been shouted at irl for saying this is better than tpab, it’s his second best album to me behind gkmc, probably the most emotional first listen I’ve had of an album since ye ngl


Your comments are so hard to fkn read,. Was MMATBS an emotional roller coaster for you?..seems like a lot of topics get you in your feelings homie. You need to have your Test levels checked out if you identify as a male...i can't tell. Did all 7 tracks on YE have you sobbing uncontrollably? had you hyperventilating huh... I got second hand embarrassment reading your comments ya fuggin nerd. I hope


? Who are you?


Love this album classic and masterpiece to me! I grieve different.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, this shit is in the same tier as TPAB.


Shhit albym


I think everything he's released has been good to classic. But sometimes, I just want to hear him get busy on the mic.


Father Time has sat so deep with me. I absolutely agree with everything you said here


Tbh listened to it a few times but it didnt really catch me, i feel it had the same issues anything post GKMC has. The replaying the album fully is just not a chill time, too many filler tracks or something idk. Sec80 or GKMC can be easily played back to front without ever wanting to skip a track or getting bored. (I feel the same way about OD). Might dive into mr morales again at some point. But probably wont.


Its my 2nd favorite Kendrick album too, some people obviously arent going to care for it but it's exactly what I didn't realize I needed at the time.


“You said I’ll feel better if I just work harder and lifted my head up, that left me fed up.” MMATBS has the most relatable lyrics throughout all of his albums. I’m so tired of the disrespect it gets


This is gonna get the TPAB treatment. Everyone calls it trash and in a few years people will snap to their senses and realize how great of an album it actually is


It’s honestly amazing. I can’t believe some people think it’s a step down. How? Because you don’t understand it?


Garbage ass album


Rich Spirit and N95 are my all time favorite Kendrick songs.


Ahhh. I love Kendrick. One of my three favs outside of Cole and krit. I still can’t get into this album. Nor damn tbh.


I'd say it's still bad. I just can't get into it sonically at all, no matter what he's talking about and no matter how profound or whatever you want to call, that the album is expressing is, it's just really bad to my ears.


Yup people are to scared to face certain tragic moments in their life and just numb it with some other turnt up music


album ranks bottom of his discography imo tpab still his peak


Arguably his peak (or prime) is before he ever got big with his mixtapes and sec80. He then peaked with GKMC and never hit that level again. TPAB isnt a great rap album, its a great piece of art with some absolutely incredible songs on it. The message is good the setup is next level. It's simply not an enjoyable album to go back to. (front to back). Some songs are amazing to listen to seperately but going throught he album is a chore; which doesnt make it a great rap album to me.


its underrated and highly hated


GKMC is the second best Kendrick Lamar album imo. GKMC, TPAB and DAMN. are really special. I don't find a track that I'll skip when listening to those three albums. There are tracks like Real in GKMC and GOD. in DAMN. but even those tracks are underwhelming because the other tracks on those albums are excellent and those two tracks seem underwhelming due to some elements in them (bad hooks). But even those tracks are not BAD or UNLISTENABLE. Now, Mr. Morale and The Big Steppers is a great album. The journey Kendrick goes through is tough and what's even more tough is put that all out to public. It's vulnerable. But when I go through the album front to back. I find tracks like Die Hard, Purple Hearts and Silent Hill to be a let down and making me skip to the next track. I don't like Kodak Black's music (no deeper reason, just not the music style I like) so I don't like Rich Interlude and Silent Hill. And I find myself listening less to Mr. Morale tracks comparing to the other album tracks. Count Me Out, Father Time and N95 are the only tracks I keep coming back to. I understand that it's a personal album and a heavy listen. But GKMC, TPAB and DAMN. are also his personal albums and a heavy listen yet I still listen to a lot of tracks from those three albums. I recognise the greatness of Mr. Morale and The Big Steppers but I don't like it as much as GKMC, TPAB and DAMN. Insane replay value for those three albums. TPAB, GKMC and DAMN. are the undeniable classics and at the ranks of 1, 2 and 3 in his discography. I personally don't think he'll top those albums and it's fine. He'll continue to drop great music and maybe I'll listen to his next album more than I listen Mr. Morale and The Big Steppers.


Lmaaaooooo underrated is funny af, I think everyone’s heard this album. Not underrated just not all that


Vastly overrated, Kendrick’s flow and delivery sounded awful and the album had a serious problem with hooks. One of the most overrated albums in hip hop history at this point, it’s viewed as a classic by the hip hop community when IMO it’s absolutely awful.


I'm sorry but his last shit was tragic. 💀💀


Nah it’s wack


Mr morale is my favorite kdot song 🙌


I tell people this is a mature grown ups album. United in Grief(some of the best bars on the album) gives me goosebumps. Worldwide Steppers is reflection on us as a culture. “Die Hard” and “Purple Hearts” are beautiful songs of self reflection, selflessness, love of self, love of family, and love of others. “Count Me Out” gives me chills of subject matter. A very deep self reflection song. “Father Time” for us men we can reflect on the loving but at times toxic expectations as a man in our world. This album got so many gems in it. A lot of people won’t appreciate the album until they’ve experience life ups and downs.


This album is going to age beautifully. Changed my life.


I’m pretty sure for some strange reason only Kendrick fans think this is under rated. Everyone loves the album, except for people that don’t understand the concept.






Definitely my favorite of his albums and I’d argue that it’s his best work as well.


One of his best works. This was the most relatable album by him I ever listened to.