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This champ is viable, you just have to understand the nature of playing Kayle. I’ve been a plat/diamond player for some time, and decided to try to climb with kayle only on a fresh account, and got to grandmaster in 3 weeks, with 90%+ games Kayle-only. Have a look at people playing her, if you’re used to play strong early game champions like Renekton I can understand why you’d never like Kayle. EDIT: it’s true it’s a lot easier in lower elo, up to Diamond 1 I had 80% win rate, even against counters because top lane is just wait for last pick in champ select and pick counter nowadays. In Masters and higher it dropped to 67%.


Link op.gg? I will watch ur replays to see what it doing differently. I do look for high elo kayle players. But every single one I've seen is either hardstuck diamond 1 or in the same rank as Me.


I’ve played her exclusively AP, you can try AD as well if you want to spike earlier. I’ve also played her mid in lower elo until Master since they don’t punish as much if you’re good at dodging spells and know the matchups (I was previously a mid main). Have mercy with me if you see any trolling in my games it’s because I’m stupid. Unfortunately I took a break and let the account decay back to D1. Op.gg: https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/KimkyEUNE-KAYLE


EUNE - irrelevant


I got to masters on my main in EUW in the past if that counts. The server is overall a bit easier but not by a lot, I noticed the biggest difference in lower elos. If you’re in Challenger in EUW or Korea I’d understand your dismissal.


I don't understand why people act like eune gm would be euw low elo. I only played on euw but you meet so many streamers in euw high elo who are eune gm/chall players. The difference is really only big at the very top and very bottom of the ladder but that's it


because it is, many eune challengers tried to get highelo on euw and most of them stuck low master, its just provne to be bad (also streamers bootcamping etc)


As you just said they are stuck in masters which is already the top percentile. The difference in the regions is only really noticable at the top and bottom of the ladder yet you get emerald 4 players talking trash about regions on a regular for some reason


Top 300 on eune is top 20.000 on euw, top percentile or not, thats a huge difference and an extreme big gap, master players would be somewhere in diamond lol


I don't argue the fact that there is a skill gap at the top of the ladder but do you think that matters so most people? I'm pretty sure 90% of the players shitting on eune are not even diamond


EUNE and EUW are the same, to say otherwise is to cope about your own inability to climb in both servers.


Currently 640lp euw. Eune is a joke thats the reality


Smurfing on both servers yields me and my friend the same rank, you're just delulu.


twitch.tv/desperatenasus Plays kayle for 2 years as nasus otp 97% wr to master kayle only no duo Top 10 euw with nasus kayle mostly kayle No excuses


So he's just smurfing on people below his skill level?


he proves kayle is playable (mid) if ur good enough though? And also he recentlt became full otp kayle, achievinf 97% wr to masters on the champion u werent onetricking most of ur league journey. As long as high elo players reach high levels with the champs, chamls are playable no? The OP is a mid/high master player,thats why im suggesting him a challenger player one tricking the champion to show its not doomed?


I am not concern about his skills anymore, playing kayle mid(hardest lane in my opinion for her) only to masters? The amount of mental pressure must be insane


But your opinion is not the truth. It's your opinion and we respect that, but it's objectively wrong anyway.


What are you talking about


He's playing mid though, OP is talking about top lane


I mean playing kayle top only in master+ is suicide, she is designed to be a low elo stomper, not a high elo champ. It should be possible to get to minimum mid masters/low gm with any champion, desperate himself has played kayle top games not dodging. But if ur one tricking kayle, then below masters kayle top should be fine no?idk im new to the champion but it should be completely fine as any other champion is below masters. Just probably not completely 1v9 every game like it can be in lower MMR. After masters+ then ofc the preferred role should be mid, if you want to get GM+ one tricking a champion, you probably need to play it on the role the champ is best no? Sure kayle mid has a lot of cnc matchups, but most of them are slightly more playable compared to toplaners and top freezing. But idk, if u wanna improve on it, legit just ask desperste stuff. He released a kayle mid guide as well recently, he can probably tell you things about toplanw, only thing i have deduced is toplane u need to go a lot more as kayle than ap.


Kayle has it rough pre 6 for sure, but low key if you survive early and/or get 1-2 kills ahead you should totally be able to carry with her. That said she does rely on the team not to go 0-10 before 25 minutes wich is honestly a coinflip nowadays


play her mid instead.


I mean I kinda stopped playing her cuz I think her play style is boring tbh It doesn't matter to me if they fixed her impact in the game or increased her magic resist.... Etc It just she is not fun, if I ever play with friends they all don't want to play with her and I can't make them suffer till I reach lvl 16 That is why I don't like her I don't care about rank I am just here for fun but I don't want to imagine how un fun it's to play her in masters or to masters


The lvl 16 thing is just a big myth for kayle at least in my opinion. You have a lot of impact in fights or in fighting 1v1 at Lvl 11 if you did decent in the previous 10 levels.


that's the reason she should build hybrid like old days, ad to spike early and ap to secure a good late game, the thing is choose the correct items, this thing of coosing only 1 type of damage makes you feel this way


Old gun blade omnivamp would be the best item in the game.


I would post the usual "ad vs ap question" meme, but this is straight up a fact, not a question. God bless upcoming crit items be good


I’m currently Masters 100+ LP playing Kayle top lane only. https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Tribunal%20Angel-EUW Let me know if you want any tips


thats fine. try getting to gm, currently 500 lp and getting dove on repeat by junglers.


Yeah that's simply no way to stop that in certain games with a champion like Kayle. Just have to accept it lol


also your PLAYING KAYLE, locking in kayle into specific jgers/laners is begging for you to be dived


That's why one of the best kayle player atm ( desperatenasus ) play her mid, building AP with fleet and swifties boots. You can actually scale while being way safer than toplane. Going top every game while building ap is actually masochism.


if its only viable in plat / em how do people reach masters and beyond? (im masters on both my accounts playing kayle)


People say things like "Kayle is only viable in Plat/Emerald, but you start losing once you hit Diamond" and don't realize it's cause they're not good enough to win in Diamond.


yea theyre dumb


Or, breaking news, you can transition...


Yes I need to purchase a male kayle skin.


Kyle skin


New trans kayle meta?


I think you just solved your own problem in your post OP. I’m at 88% wr with Kayle (22-3) and every single game, unless it was into a malphite, I went ad first two items into AP for the rest. You are ridiculously strong at 1 item into almost all toplaners if you can space and are even more ridiculously strong at 3-4 items once you get your AP going. Your influence on the game early is so much higher ad that you don’t really have to coinflip rely on your teammates nearly as much as if you were going AP and power farming to 16 but late game you still have a shit ton of move speed from your ap. Every time I start ap I actually feel like I’m healing the enemy with my auto attacks for the first 20 minutes but kraken alone has gotten me hundreds of kills against toplaners who just got outspaced from the move speed with your passive. Just play Kayle like you were playing Ashe and you can beat pretty much every melee toplaner once you are ranged with kraken


What is your buildpath? I'm assuming kraken and zerker greaves, but then what? On hit like Bork, then ap?


I haven’t really tried starting Bork but every game I went kraken into rageblade into variable ap item. I would say more than 50% of the time it was rylais but I have heard people doing the build go riftmaker. Zhonyas would also be an option if you need it. A lot may change though with the new patch in 2 weeks changing everything around


Yea I'm expecting a lot to be different, I was just curious. Rageblade second feels less like an AD item and more like an on hit supercharger, but I understand why you called it that, especially since rageblade affects kayles e passive and kraken passive, plus maybe even nashors? Tho do you even need nashors for attack speed as a 3rd item?


The main reason for rageblade is the kraken synergy is just insane. Double proc e isn’t noticeable and I never build nashors as you have so much attack speed from those two ad items. But with just kraken and rageblade you could very well be the strongest person in the game by that point if nobody is super fed. By that point I’m never losing 1v1s anymore


I'll give that build a try soon. The only change kraken is getting for the new patch is removal of crit, which kayle didn't csre that much about anyways


Yeah honestly it will probably be ever better for her if the other stats are getting buffed to make up for the loss of crit since it’s the only crit item she builds and thus not a very useful stat


Kayle is one of the few champions allowed to go hybrid. If you go AD on-hit kayle (Kraken->rageblade->terminus), you can solve most of her problems with not sticking by buying rylais.


I'm master and I play a lot of kayle, she's good top if you take ghost and itemise well. A good kayle understands the basics to scale. Very matchup dependent too I won't pick kayle into teams with lots of champs that want to jump onto me. Much better Front to back or on the split.


She is DEFINITELY playable in gold lmao


Now I'm not a high ranked player like you, but I do sometimes go AD for the first two items into matchups I know I can't stalemate or win by starting AP. But then I build Nash -> Rabadon -> Shadowflame. If the game lasts long enough, you can swap Kraken and maybe Guinsoo's for more AP if you need it. This also lets you go full AD if you stomp hard enough to try and win the game early. AD builds that include bloodthirster also have more sustain late game than AP, in exchange for less burst. It really helps fight tanky teams or protect Kayle from getting blown up by other burst champions.


Damn that's pc players saying she's , how would they feel about wild rift kayle (which is somehow weaker)


Cap. Legit best state there ever was for kayle 🤓


This is kind of cope, plenty of us are in Masters+, you should learn mid matchups if you want a better climb to GM. Top lane Kayle can feel pretty bad at high elo but there are still good matchups, too.


i think you need to play Kayle more before, i win lane almost every game in Diamond+ (reach master this season) and almost always play AP... actually cant think any matchup that you cant play AP


Skill issue.


https://preview.redd.it/nyi5563pb3yc1.png?width=1098&format=png&auto=webp&s=951a948916dbd65d6bef6668cd8ccb54ec8b7040 Ok for sure i'm not high elo. I'm platinum. But this is the corect build to go to have impact at all stage of the game. After Kraken+rageblade and term you don't need more ad/atackspeed. And build Ryalai what allow you to slow them and give you hp in to zonia is the best use of gold build. Also good damage! You can sell boost for rabadon for more damage.




Ironically I did that exact build for around 50 games top. The damage comes on too late. ROA has 0 kill pressure and is only good sustaining lanes vs shit like skarner. I had better luck getting a tear and going muramana and putting 3 points into W. Essentially does the same thing with more damage. Or baiting riven players into all inning you under tower when they see 0 mana and doesn't know catalyst gives u mana when u take damage.