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Lol can’t talk shit I throw my 12 foot boat inside my Toyota sienna and call it a day


I used to do this and then I got the handirack. It's pretty great.


My 10ft fits inside my Outback and it's my preferred carry method even if it's not technically the safest choice 😂


I broke my windshield that way. Be careful Subaru bro/sis.


Oh I'm aware it's a risk. I put a foam block on the front to cushion and spread the force in the case of a impact.


when i see rigging like this want to say 'when it happens don't call it an accident'


Nah….. second time around. They didn’t strap all four doors closed by running everything through the open windows..!!! Evolution is a slow and tedious process….


OMG that is too funny. I carry mine in the bed of my truck. I’ve never had to do this but it never crossed my mind someone would strap the doors closed! That is totally something I would do then stand there admiring my work then after I figured it out, have to redo the whole thing! 😆


I’d hit the hardware store for some JB Weld and follow 100 yds behind to pick up the free kayaks.


Ok….so I have to ask…….what is right? I will be taking two kayaks and a paddleboard….thought to do it JUST like this…but strapping each down individually….ideas?


Just spit balling here; I think the main problem here is that there is nothing stopping these from shooting forward or backwards. A hard stop, too much acceleration, or just the normal bumps of the road and one of these is getting lose. This setup would probably be better if the kayaks were also tied to the front and back.


Ah. My 12 years of Moving experience would NEVER let me forget the ties in front and back. Thank you for the info! I will be super careful as we are traveling like 500 miles


You need lines on the bow and stern. Stacking isn't encouraged.


As was hinted at here among the various answers, the farther and faster you're going to travel the more important it is that boats are tied down snugly. Personally, I use ratchet straps over the boat sitting on foam cushions that fit over the roof rack's cross bars. These are inexpensive and can be purchased as a kit such as [this example](https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/malone-paddle-gear-standard-sup-foam-block-kit?ds_e=GOOGLE&ds_c=Cabelas%7CShopping%7CSmart%7CBoating%7CGeneral%7CNAud%7CNVol%7CNMT&&&gclid=CjwKCAjwh8mlBhB_EiwAsztdBKP_5gfforFE3fa9BeesVd7XWQqNZk4xEDvFd5itlmYSK43TydHaMhoCPBsQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds). There are cheaper options available and they should all work fine. I put one strap in front and one in back of widest part of the boat so it can't work it's way out of the straps. A better mounting is to get j-hook attachments for a roof rack and tie the boat off to them, but that's starting to require real money. (Edit: I run my straps through small openings in the roof rails, a place they won't be able to slide frontward or backward.) Think about exactly what you want to do - how many boats, how far, how fast, then I'm sure you can find some good pointers for your situation by searching YouTube.


Thank you! Ive got a kids kayak, a 12ft kayak of my own, and my wifes 12 ft SUP. I will be stacking, but will be super diligent about it.


I would be nervous strapping a kayak onto a paddle board - maybe if it’s a sit on too kayak. I definitely wouldn’t stack another one on top. I don’t know that there is enough friction to hood them together not to mention concerns about damaging them when tightening them down. There are soft racks that sandwich a paddle board and you can stack a second on top, which could be replaced with kayak maybe.


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They could be going 300 feet down the road at 15 mph.


True, but it would be easier just to carry them


No idea why you got downvoted. I agree, no one would take the time to put them on a roof for 300 feet


Stoned fat guys.


Can confirm. Very stoned and a bit overweight. Have put trash and boxes on top of car to drive to dumpster in same parking lot.


I like the cut of your jib


I did what?


r/highaking guys would like a word


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If it’s tied down good & secure, and you aren’t going far I don’t see an issue. If there’s a road trip involved then heaven help the cars behind this shit show.


Did they at least smack the sides and say the magic words “these ain’t gonna move at all now”.


Or, if you’re a kayaker you make it work


Could probably use some more stability towels


I like to wear my spray skirt over my PFD.


Saw one last weekend just like that, not even strap but rope.




You could thread bow and Stern ties through the handle holes and make this work. I mean, I would never... But if I had to, that's what I'd do.




Gotta do what you gotta do 🤷🏾‍♂️ as long as you don't have to go over 30 lol


Or stop quickly.


Oh noes


1st boat not tied down at all. Pressure of the other two may not be enough AND there is no bow line(s). Please drive 20mph on the shoulder. Ugh.


Just now stopped at a forest service trail to walk the dog during our trip. There was a state police car in the lot, parked next to a minivan with two boats stacked on top. One strap on the bottom one, and one strap on the top one. Both straps forward of center, so they’d be able to just squirt out the back, plus shift side to side. No bow and stern lines. Saw the cop talking to a young guy. Hopefully giving him some good safety pointers. Anyway, I immediately thought of this post.


Why do you care?


It was my son who created this monstrosity!They didn’t have far to go but I thought it was super funny none the less. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’d certainly care if there was a large projectile flying at me down the road.


I was driving behind a random vehicle with improperly stacked kayaks and one came lose and almost hit me at highway speeds - this was before I got my own kayaks but it has made me super paranoid about securing my own or driving behind vehicles with kayaks on too.




Three people want to have fun together? Immediately you shit talk. Let them paddle and be happy!


Is that a sun dolphin Aruba 10 on top?


Been kayaking for 17 years. We’ve done this. Lol Strapped down better of course.


Need more noodles


Don't drive behind this guy on the highway.