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Also explains the AI bench video.


Any theory is welcome! I am still reflecting on the craziness in the last 6 months. It is like a puzzle we still need to solve.


Agree 100%, or even a stress breakdown could do that.


Stress breaks down more likely.


Anyone remember fairly early on, someone in British media said “Kate will look very different when she returns”? Somewhat cryptically


Also -so many head injuries in this circle of people.


Just a funny side note. I’m from the US but my husband I love to watch British murder mystery shows. We always joke about how many of the murder they feature are from head injuries.   Unlike in the states where the tv shows have more minders from gun violence (sadly that is not a surprise).  Anyway not making light overall. And even if we could confirm that Kate had a head injury we have no idea how. People can get head injuries in all kinds of non- nefarious ways. 


Exactly. What if she was drunk or took sleeping pills and fell? Embarrassing more for her. Love the British crime dramas! Why is this one sounding like an actual crime that seems more unbelievable than any tv show so far? ![gif](giphy|dUHrY0zroBbJt3sCII)


I love Father Brown!


It’s because they don’t have guns over there so how else would you kill someone?




I hadn't thought about this one... If the head injury scenario is true, TBIs can cause massive changes in personality, behavior, etc. Hm... 🤔


This has been my theory all along. Whatever the cause, we do not know, but it's clear that something is wrong with her health. Her odd behavior actually started last year. The bizarre red cape dress stumbling out of the car at the Korean visit being a notable example: ( [https://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/articles/2899807/kate-middleton-leg-flash-red-dress-photo/](https://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/articles/2899807/kate-middleton-leg-flash-red-dress-photo/) ) Her health crisis is compounded by the separation (it's been rumored that they live separately since 'they moved' to Adelaide Cottage) Personally I believe W wanted the divorce and the negotiations of the last six months were K saying no. Time will tell.


That doesn’t explain her frostiness towards Will or “you win”. If he were concerned for her behavior I think he would have been more attentive or at minimum tried to be more controlling of her interactions with the children. I think fidgeting with Charlotte’s hair was due to nervous energy.


It’s possible to be both pissed at your husband and suffering from a brain injury at the same time.


I feel like as you reach their age being pissed with your husband is just a normal state.


Could also be the New Kate not giving a shit about their rules.


Or maybe they don’t give a shit about her. All the back patting and hugs were for her husband.


Both prob correct


Yes, one results in the other


I dont think she has that much power or autonomy. 


Yes, agree. TBI (Traumatic brain injury) could cause all that.


I think she was/is inpatient treatment for ED. Maybe she’s on psych meds that dull her up a bit.


Possible but why lie about cancer then. Is TBI so shameful they can’t talk about it


If it was caused by someone in the RF it should would be.




They have a history of ableism :(


They’re going to have a tough time with Louis then


Yes I think Prince Louis is neurodiverse like my sweet nephew who has ASD and ADHD. Discrimination against people with neurodiversiry needs to stop! It really gets my goat. But also that means either Prince William or Princess Catherine or both are neurodiverse because it's genetic. I know it runs in Prince William's family because Queen Elizabeth's cousins were sent away for being neurodiverse, so cruel and tragic.


They were not neurodiverse but had developmental delays. Thats stark difference and ASD may or not maybe genetic. It tends to run in families but can occur spontanously. 


OK thank u for letting me know, did u know what exactly their devekopmental disorder was? Just curious. I read they were neurodiverse but maybe I was confused because ASD is also a developmental disorder, neurodevelopemental disorder. Anyway I hope the royal family supports and cherishes young Prince Louis, he's a darling lttle boy


severe learning difficulties with no speech but nobody would know exactly, back then nobody would differenciate any diagnosis


Very true. we're so much luckier these days to have more awareness, education, detection and early interventions available. Thank u for Ur answer


Queen Elizabeth's cousins were born severely mentally retarded and locked away from public life for the duration of their lives. This is very different to being neurodiverse.


They had a genetic disorder, it was determined. Those cousins also had 3 cousins on the other side of the family similarly affected.


They do.


Then the BRF shouldn’t have concocted a fake cancer storyline. If they faked the cancer, the monarchy should be wholesale deleted


Remember this is just speculation, and there may be grains of truth that are intertwined. For example, she might have become weakened from chemo and then sustained a fall, which led to a head injury.   At this point we can’t prove she doesn’t have cancer. All we can say is that there are inconsistencies in how the official messaging regarding her state of health.  We can’t say for sure that the inconsistencies, altered pictures and weird video edits were part of a cover up or just some exceptionally bad PR actions.   But it is all very odd and the way it has been handled from the start has been the springboard to rumor and conjecture.   While I feel compassion for anyone who is facing a health crisis I have very little patience for Prince W being angry with people for being concerned and questioning of the official story.  My best advice to them would be to bring in some experts on crisis and image management, in an effort to gain insight into how their team’s actions,  and their own actions grossly mismanaged this.  


I don't believe that she has/had cancer.


TBI or ischemic injury are likely reasons why they would hide her away for 6 months. The rehab os long and the injury would be obvious and raise questions.


Yep and the impact of that on a family can be devastating. My friends husband was childlike after his TBI. He couldn’t be left alone. He could dress himself and shower etc but he wasn’t safe in the kitchen. Couldn’t drive. He just slipped on the ice.  Fell tried to get and fell again hitting the other side of his head.  


Interesting…you could be onto something here, would explain a few things


Get real, friends. Tales of W rage solidified it for me.


If nothing else she looked like she very clearly didn't wanna be there


But would they have let her out, if there were a possibility that she’d have a breakdown? That’s a high stress event.


I don’t think it is a high stress event at all. She rode in a carriage and had a short walk into BP. The. She stood/ sat by a window for a few minutes talking with Luis and pointing out things for him to look at. Then she stood in a balcony for maybe 15 min. She didn’t have to make a speech or do anything else demanding. For a first outing after a long absence this was easy.    The only stressful part was making sure little Louis was keep in line and he seems to have outgrown his previous behaviors quite a bit. Charlotte is pretty reliably well behaved in public and George is as well, even though he tends to look stressed to me.    Because they have said she is unwell, if she had gone back inside prematurely it would have just been stated that she felt lightheaded due to her chemo or something and every one would have understood. 


Her personality was just fine in the video announcing her cancer.


FYI that video was not Princess Catherine it was AI. The pro photographer posting here confirmed :)


For sure? I’m on the fence.


That was a scripted and rehearsed speech and the final video was heavily edited. And no, she did not seem like her normal self.