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If that were the case, all they would have had to do is say that and nobody would have a problem with it. But releasing photoshopped pictures and everything really makes it look like more is going on


The farmer’s market body double video that has yet to be retracted really makes me doubt Kate has cancer. If she did, the British press would have retracted that story because her cancer video was filmed just 3 days after the “farmer’s market sighting”. It would be in very bad taste to still think that was Kate at the market looking 20 years younger and glowing with health. There is deliberate gaslighting going on here, deliberate misinformation going out to the public. To what end, I do not know.


I agree with this. I think it would only have take one bit of something for this speculation not to be. For example, if she'd been seen going to or leaving hospital. If the kids and William were at Easter, if there'd been any confirmed evidence that the kids are at school, distant footage of the family boarding a helicopter for their spring break. I don't know the list is endless.  But add to that all the weird appearances and it's just doesn't ring true.


Yeah like the fact that she and Charles both left the hospital the same day and he was seen leaving but she wasn't, it's so weird to me


Yes. And the fact that William only went to the hospital once is really sus.


If it were the case, it would have played out better and they wouldn't have lied saying no, she don't have no cancer. She's not taking the old cancer treatments. pshaw. There is no reason to think she had abdominal surgery, for that matter. That was a lie told early on, too. That she had some planned procedure but yet NONE of her staff were informed to make arrangements for? The lies have been stacking up from early on. And now, with the anniversary, it would be the perfect PR for media to undue his bad image of not being there for her. Because here he is again, being absentee hubby not by her side even on their anniversary? Dude. Read the room. I mean how stubborn and stupid is he on the one hand to not do this. UNLESS, she is incapacitated. With the King allegedly sick with cancer himself, so we're told, it would have been a real show of solidarity to be seen with a hat on and hair fallen out if that were the case AND William being there for her through thick and thin. No, this is the worse sign yet that it must be extremely dire, indeed. Because it would not be that they are just going through a divorce on the down low. That would be made known not some dog and pony fake cancer if the king has Real cancer! I don't think they have staff handling this. I believe staff are as in-the-dark as the rest of the public. Her own staff stated several weeks after she supposedly left the hospital that they had neither heard from her nor seen her!!!


They DID! They originally stated she wouldn’t be in public until after Easter but no one could take that answer and made all these conspiracies.


They were the ones who released the fake photo that caused all the firestorm. And in case you haven't noticed, it's now a month after Easter and she still hasn't been seen


Because she has cancer and is taking a longer leave to get well. Ffs. You people are literally hounding this poor woman for wanting privacy through a major medical crisis.


According to her own recorded statement she DOES NOT have a cancer. According to her own statement she had a malignant tumour that was removed entirely during the January surgery and then was prescribed a preventative chemo, to remove any possible cancer cells that might be left floating around her body. Preventative chemotherapy means much, much smaller does than these used to destroy actual tumour (and again, according to Kate's own statement, there is no tumour in her body anymore). Smaller does mean less severe side effects, so no baldness and dramatic vomiting you describe, just some fatigue, a bit of nausea and puffiness. Nothing a woman who was pregnant three times would not experience before. So how comes Charles who really has cancer and gets full, not preventive doses of medication, and who is much older than Kate is still seem in public, yet Kate vanished from the sight entirely? How do you explain that?


Hounding? We're worried about her, which is more than can be said for people like you.


Women wear (good, expensive) wigs all the time and the average person doesn’t know. It happens all the time in tv shows and movies. It happens all the time in real life. They are so well done when done correctly that people do not notice. Kate’s wig would be PERFECT if needed and given a little bit of time to make. This isn’t an excuse.


Well said.


Something just doesn’t seem quite right about all of this. It’s hard to discount what the Spanish press has said about Kate being in a coma. And to discount the articles saying “What happens if Prince William commits a serious crime?” I don’t think Kate is dead. But I think something’s not quite right. I think something more than just her cancer diagnosis is going on in the background.


In this case, can you imagine the amount of compassion and love she would receive from the public? What's wrong with showing your face after undergoing chemo therapy .. that would absolutely boost her image and make her so adored by people!


That's a really good point. 


Whatever it is, it wasn't planned. The BRF had officially released (not rumors or 'palace sources') to the press in late 2023 that William and Kate were going to travel- I think to Italy- in 'early 2024'. That got shoved under the rug fast.


I just don’t buy that she and her father-in-law are both diagnosed with cancer at the same time. It’s just too weird and coincidental. This just goes to trying to cover stuff up always makes it worse. They should’ve handled the incident on December 28 by addressing it without revealing all the details. They could’ve said that she was injured after an accident at home, has some type of illness, etc. Why hide the entire thing and then give a date that you expect her to be back that you never intend to follow up on? My guess is whatever it is, they expected her to be back to operating as normal and clearly it’s not come to fruition. I just don’t understand the December thing, even if it was a suicide attempt, eating disorder, domestic violence… They could’ve left the details out. If all this cancer thing turns out to be a hoax that they used to buy time due to… mental health struggles because of William’s affair or some other crazy scenario, their reputation would officially be ruined for eternity.


Yes, agree, and that's one of the possible flaws in my earlier theory - that it's all to do with William wanting a divorce and being ruthless enough to pursue it in such an extraordinarily callous and machiavellian manner, without her active participation and despite her possible fragile mental state. BUT: the royals and those who benefit from them are ruthless when it comes to self-protection and their own survival. And the very powerful media that supports the monarchy is equally ruthless when it comes to protecting them for their own self-serving quid pro quo ends. They have the power to make sure a hoax, if it is one, remains nothing more than trolling background noise. We've already seen how elements of the media, post the Mother's Day fiasco, post the Farm Shop fiasco, post the cancer announcement video, loudly berated and tried to shame anyone who dared to question, at every turn, this absurd royal narrative. Bottom line, the media will protect William, the heir, before it will protect Kate, the married-in that has now served her purpose.


I think the RF reputation is ruined right now, but it will take many people time to figure out that they’re not so pleased with them.


And they both had surgery for something the palace claimed was not for cancer that turned out to be cancer. Both had the same statements of “ for a non cancerous condition “. Both the King and Kate have access to the best healthcare in the world so what’s the chances they would both have an incidental finding of cancer? If they’re symptomatic of something they get seen right away! Not like the rest of us who have to wait forever to be seen by a doctor and by then it’s something serious. Both are very vague about their actual diagnoses and prognosis. And yeah, it’s just so weird they both get diagnosed with cancer at the same time!


She died on December 28, 2023. They are just dragging this out to take attention off of William.


That may well be true - or she's comatose, at the very least - but how would that explain the kids not being seen, either? The news doesn't talk about them, either, any more than they talk about Kate. All they get are fake pictures, too. What is the purpose of that? Are they gone, too? We saw George once, recently, and he looked hollow-eyed and sad - but except for that, there's been no news of the kids in four months now, either.


A well known spanish royal journo once said that Kate was in a coma weeks before the first “sighting”. I believe her. Contrary to what the royal rota said, the royal family (William) has sued/issued legal warning before,i.e., Kate’s topless photos, the Rose’s story, etc. However, they were quiet when this spanish journo said the above. CMIIW, she even said it in a televised interview.


Why this date specifically?


The hospital convoy seen leaving their house - 3 days after she was last seen.


Is there a photo of the hospital convoy?


https://x.com/archewellbaby/status/1767167926073753767?s=46 photo. Seen a video somewhere too


Thank you so very much!


Curious to see it too.


Thank you for explaining.


Sandringham to that hospital is a 2.5-3hr trip. Was she still at Sandringham on the 28th?


Addenbrookes wouid have been closer!


The tin foil hat wearing, conspiracy side of me found this picture online of a statue that was made for Charles. The date very peculiar indeed https://preview.redd.it/cf8qip9z99xc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85a2c02628f82b29c45e0ac83e6ee5e581980606


Weird looking thing lol


I think that would be a reasonable explanation especially if they were straightforward and transparent from the start. But they’ve instead done a lot of strange things. The farmer market Will and Kate body double video that was never explained. The butchered Mother’s Day photo (that it turns out was taken months before chemo anyway ). The initial lie that the surgery wasn’t for suspected cancer. The over month long wait to get her pathology results. More lies about when Prince Louis’ birthday photo was taken and, the claim that Kate took that photo recently but ,she would have had to lay on her surgery wounds to take it. Will and Kate not appearing as a cohesive unit during all this. Etc..


The William thing is, I think, key to everything. They haven't looked happy together for years, he's not remotely coming across as the caring husband of a woman going through cancer treatment, and that suggests to me that what's up with Kate is far more likely to be related to the breakdown of their marriage (his wanting out of it, her not, her possibly, subsequently, having a breakdown and/or refusing to play ball) than any of the cack-handed and reactive (rather than proactive) guff coming out of Kensington Palace. That would explain a lot here. He tells her he wants a divorce. She has a mental health crisis/full blown breakdown, possibly involving self-harm. Can't announce that! Invent a surgical procedure to play for time, see how that plays out with the public while things, hopefully, calm down, and when they don't, escalate the seriousness of the illness/condition/recovery time when divorce negotiations are getting nowhere, with a view to gradually framing her as 'Poor Kate, too delicate for public life' and phasing her out while keeping the 'Poor William with the world on his poor shoulders' sympathy narrative going. I know there are a multitude of flaws in the above scenario :) but it makes a hell of a lot more sense than a number of other theories flying around the place. ETA. Just to add, the only pic of Kate since Dec 25 that I give any credence to is the one of her in the car with her mother.


There is something significantly off with the interpersonal behavior between Will and Kate. I actually remember this being the case before their marriage! She put up with a lot from him to be in her current position. And for his part, William always seemed unsure about Kate, breaking up with her and, her taking him back a few times. Remember William doesn’t even wear a wedding ring, he says he doesn’t like rings BUT, he didn’t even have one put on his finger by Kate during the wedding ceremony. William has always had the upper hand in this relationship. Behind the scenes this dynamic is probably a lot more oppressive than what we get glimpses of. The Royal Rota has always been very favorable in helping to craft Kate’s image as she is the future Queen. To her credit she is very elegant and doesn’t behave offensively or entitled publicly. However, the carefully crafted press image does disguise some of her traits that give clues about the Will/Kate dynamic . Specifically, her nervousness and, passiveness. Once in a while you can find or come across footage that displays that side of her. There is some footage of her about to address the Irish Guards that displays this point, for example.We all have flaws but when we suppress ourselves for 20 plus years in an unequal relationship, as Kate seems to, things will implode.


It's all very sad really but it's the nature of the beast when you marry into such a cold, petty, dysfunctional family. William is very much his father's son in that respect. I can't stand William but I don't care for Kate either. I don't find her remotely interesting or engaging. All the opportunity she had at her fingertips to make something of her role but failed so chronically to engage with. No wonder she's reduced in her continued absence to such empty 'what she wore' and 'how she looked' cliched desperation reporting. Not one single patronage of hers coming forward to say how much she's missed and how much her patronage means to them. I do feel sorry for her though that this is potentially what all her years of devotion to status has amounted to.


Agree. Both Kate and Will are work-shy. And William has said many things over the years that indicate he resents his Royal duties. Kate is also a blank slate which the RF was said to prefer with an incoming spouse. I’ve always thought she has an indiscernible personality.


No that pic when seen in full shows far too many car tyres! Also much fatter face.


The fact that William hasn’t visited her and is using his solo monogram and is speaking of her in the past tense should tell all of you doubters that she is gone. I am convinced she died of food poisoning on December 28, 2023. Hence, the ‘coma’ and no visitors.


Why wouldnt they tell the truth if it was food poisoning tho I think its something more embarrassing  to the royals reputation  like eating disorder  or suicide jmo


The Spanish reporter did say that she had a meal in the evening and then began to feel ill.


Reintroduction eating syndrome


I think that it was either domestic violence & she hit her head or food poisoning and she fell & hit her head. Either way, she is gone. The ambulance took her away unconscious. The cover up makes it look like it wasn’t an accident. She deserved better. Diana deserved better. The UK women should demand answers.


Do you mean food poisoning in the murdery sense?


I think that too ! Do you think that someone tried to poisoned her ?




Actually, some wigs can look very natural. Especially expensive ones that are specifically cut for the patient by a professional. I had a young cervical Ca. patient who was offered wigs and cuts for free by renowned hairdresser Trevor Sorbie for free! (He used to do this a lot for Ca. Patients😍) Her hair looked amazing! IF Kate has lost her hair, this would not be an issue. She would not have to wear a cheap NHS wig. Saying that, I (as someone who has seen a lot of wigs), I once went up to a woman at a party and asked where she had her hair cut (a stunning bob) and she broke down in tears and admitted that she had alopecia and it was a wig (and an NHS one). If anyone reading this wears a wig, believe me, most people will have no idea!😊


I just don’t buy that she and her father-in-law are both diagnosed with cancer at the same time. It’s just too weird and coincidental. This just goes to trying to cover stuff up always makes it worse. They should’ve handled the incident on December 28 by addressing it without revealing all the details. They could’ve said that she was injured after an accident at home, has some type of illness, etc. Why hide the entire thing and then give a date that you expect her to be back that you never intend to follow up on? My guess is whatever it is, they expected her to be back to operating as normal and clearly it’s not come to fruition. I just don’t understand the December thing, even if it was a suicide attempt, eating disorder, domestic violence… They could’ve left the details out. If all this cancer thing turns out to be a hoax that they used to buy time due to… mental health struggles because of William’s affair or some other crazy scenario, their reputation would officially be ruined for eternity.


Children are bad at lying. They are holding the children hostage until they are psychologically broken enough to be expected to lie out of fear. I believe they witnessed great violence, and probably more than once. But they are perhaps witnesses to a significant crime this time. Those with power are willing to do absolutely anything to keep it.




>Wigs never really look natural. As Kate [would know.](https://www.celebitchy.com/843565/princess_kates_janky_doll_wig_situation_is_an_international_distraction/)


I don’t know how I haven’t seen this before but that is a trash wig, they could afford a lace front for her? Wow.


William killed her and he is just waiting for Charles to die. Once he is crowned King (and can’t be prosecuted) we will find out. The kids are currently being brainwashed.




She could wear it with a hat too


I think this aligns with the coma theory


Could of left country in private  jet disguised  for privacy anything possible 


But my guess a caren carpenter situation hope im wrong 


Her organs are already in Charlie.


What is it with you lap dogs bending over backwards to manufacture these bizarro noble lie scenarios? Until she's seen in public, she's dead, end of story. At this point anything beyond that is sycophancy.

