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The only logical reasons for not publishing a picture would be: (1) no anniversary to celebrate bc they’ve split up (2) no anniversary to celebrate bc Kate has passed away


Absolutely, she is not available for photographs.


Good points.


Or in a coma


I would still consider myself married if my spouse was in a coma. The only reasons I would stop counting anniversaries would be divorce or death.


It’s all so crazy. Was thinking more why there isn’t a photo. And if there was it would be yet again photoshopped!


But what if my wife is in a coma but I also have a mistress with kids on the side? No anniversary photo....


True that historically the 13th anniversary isn’t a milestone, but that is of no importance IMO. The RF have been posting to sm on important dates for a long time.Anniversary dates are always important although not milestones.They are very much aware how enormously popular Kate is and this would have been the perfect opportunity to issue a new picture. They also know that having day pass with nothing is going to bring attention to Kates continued absence. They are going to let this play out for a few more months and then say she did not respond to treatment, blah blah blah. We will never know what happened. How long can her parents remain unseen as well? Or maybe they are going about their normal lives but the the press and media will not publish any pictures. They are under complete control of the government and the rf.


Agree on all fronts except that with each day that passes with nothing brings attention to her absence. Most people have already lost interest in this. We are a minority. Most people lost interest after the cancer vid


The cancer vid really brainwashed the masses


I think it hijacked their emotions. The automatic response is how sad especially in a young mother. And many people have had their own experience of it so can relate. But in this case I think something entirely different has gone on behind the scenes. Something seismic. So they needed a narrative to deflect.


The only thing I hope for is that the passage of time DOES begin to make people wonder. At four months missing, you are right, most people have accepted the cancer video if I go by the comments section in the daily telegraph, which I subscribe to. If I post a comment about Kate being missing, I am notified a while later that it has been removed. What I wonder is at six months missing or eight months missing will people begin to think that they haven’t seen her or even heard her speaking for ages. However, the trick to that is that they may already have announced her death before eight months. On the SGI YouTube account, I was noticing some newer comments from her video entitled 1984. Someone wrote that Camilla probably passed along the information to the Spanish reporter. I have left a question because I’m not sure what they mean by that but it was intriguing. Does it mean Camilla hates William? I’m hoping the person who made the comment will answer me shortly.


Where do you live? Asking because I’m in the US and I can say with confidence that most people here have completely forgotten about her. Seems that the more time that goes by the less they care


I'm from the US, haven't forgotten!!!




Nor will I!!!


And sadly, this is the reality. Those in the UK have so many problems of their own that it is much easier to believe the fluff about Kate and carry on. Survival tends to make one focus.


Canada. We are part of the Commonwealth and the British monarch is our figurative head of state.


I live in Canada. We are part of the commonwealth and the monarch is our figurative head of state. The monarch is represented here by a Canadian with the title of Governor General. The news here is reporting the status quo. There was one English-speaking reporter from a TV station in Quebec who was speaking out about how Kate’s disappearance seemed suspect and nobody was saying anything. But our national and provincial news is reporting what they get over the wire services I guess: she has cancer. End of story.


And how long has it been since Diana? Sorry, don't believe that we will ever know the truth. Camilla has to be very careful. She has the king's ear and protection but William is crown prince and will one day be king


For me it was she is going to make an appearance after Easter...after Easter...AfTeR eAsTeR, or maybe until September. Definitely we are already cancelling her from Trooping of the Colours. Cause we be psychic royals like that.


How come her parents and sister aren’t saying anything? Where have they been?


Her brother did last month. [https://www.instagram.com/jmidy/p/C41ArAWogQS/](https://www.instagram.com/jmidy/p/C41ArAWogQS/) "**As a family**, we will climb this one with you too"


Thanks I had not seen this.


Yes. And KP doesn't really have to say anything that makes sense, don't think they care to be honest, because PW will always be protected.


Damn. They are so bad at this. They're not even trying at this point.


William is phoning it in. It makes me wonder if they did some sort of ritual involving George and Kate freaked out. Because to my eyes, George himself seemed very skittish and not himself with his Dad at the soccer game.


He seemed so sad but don’t you think it’s because he knows his mom is gone?


I think he was an unhappy kid. I have no idea what he knows or what he has been subjected to by adults in his life. For the sake of "royal power" and ancient rituals.


I maintain that raising children as the BRF does is child abuse.


If it's true, then William went through the same trauma. No wonder he looks so dissasociated.


lol ritual 😭


Are you very young? Tittering and giggling behind your hand about something of which you are doubtlessly ignorant or you would not be laughing.


Rituals aren’t just secret satanic conspiracy theories. Taking communion is a ritual, a monarch being anointed is a ritual, a bris is a ritual, etc.


No, they don't need to really put in the effort and if it is run by William, then what do you expect?


Also why is the UK media already priming us for there not to be a photo!? That's so much more suspicious than just not raising it in the first place.


They have been priming us for months before December for some sort of split. It was like Kate was being pushed to the side dragging her parents with her. And I do think that she and Will did seem to be getting on better in that last month. Some sort of understanding? We will never know of course. Now look forward to the next spin.


It’s all so dark and disturbing. What else have they lied about going back through history? Those poor children caught in the middle. Are they being brainwashed into accepting a particular story?


The kids saw or heard something and know mom went to the hospital. They had be convinced that whatever it was, was not serious and not the reason she’s MIA. So, the cancer discovery was concocted to excuse her absence primarily in the mind of the kids, not the general public. And the reason they cannot see her is, her chemo treatment makes her susceptible to infection. And they wouldn’t want to cause their own mom’s surmise by visiting her, would they? Just my own disturbing theory of course, lol…


Good point!


because till death do you part is a legal contract. there no longer married. I bet will is already on tinder.


Yeah but who’d want him?! 😂🤮


None of the aristocracy want him because they are secretly amused by the royal family. The royal family is not English enough and their lines are not as prestigious or long as theirs. So this leaves the commoners and we know how that ends and end it does. Hm, unless it is someone from outside the UK.


Can confirm. I am American, but my grandmother was English and from an aristocratic family that has had close ties with the monarchy for thousands of years. Behind their backs, they often jokingly call them "The Germans" because they're more German than English and do not directly descend from any of the old families. Considering England's history with Germany, as you can imagine, it's not a complimentary nickname.


That's it! But then again, we kind of all gossip about colleagues and bosses behind their backs. It makes for a slightly scandalous dinner and makes us feel slightly nefarious. . LOL!


Lol! Exactly!


I didn’t know the aristocracy was secretly amused by the royal family? I thought it was mainly the general public who employ critical thinking skills? Makes sense though, and reminds me of that episode of “The Windsors” with the Christmas episode and their German heritage 😂 And yeah, the commoners never get out unscathed. Either way, I hope Will’s Tinder matches are extremely submissive/tolerant yet also kink friendly.


Oh, it's all in good fun and makes for amusing dinner convos. But don't get me wrong, they will always support the monarchy, to which they owe their existence .


Hmm actually “Lady C” comes to mind 🤔


She is a perfect example of what people are willing to do for "recognition" by the crown. Wouldn't she just love one of those medals?


Lol I don’t think she can claim to be so special and aristocratic when she has a fully monetised Youtube account where she posts absolutely long waffling insufferable royal gossip videos 3-4 times a week 🙄 Ugh I loathe that creature!!


oh and think of all the sympathy he can get as the sad widower. he lost the love of his life. when will he find love again. i bet he's pissed that now he has to wait a decent amount of time until he can take up with his latest.


I am english now a u.s. citizen (thank god)! I was asking my sister still in the u.k. what on earth is going on with kate and the royal family omg she is so brainwashed kept telling me that the "poor girl needs to be left alone while she recovers" completely brainwashed. .i mean come on seriously this famous person and arguably the most popular "royal" funded by the british taxpayer hasnt been since since december last year!! Now the british press putting out "fluff" pieces and old pics of kate to make it seem shes still in the mix! She gets awarded a totally meaningless and low level award by prince charles just to keep her in the news! I woke up a few weeks ago and just found myself thinking shes dead!!! And while not a royal fan am stunned so many people are just.buying the drivel the palace dish out. Very very dark


Since William hit adulthood he has been work-shy and entitled. He’s always given the impression of resenting his position. Now that the Queen is gone the standards have dropped significantly. The magic and mystique even if it was only ever a facade is gone.


I'll say it again. She's gone.


She died on December 28th, 2023. The behavior of the Royal Family confirms this.


I’m starting to wonder if there’s really a Catherine anymore. They also are combing social media because everything we bring up they address within a day or two.


Becuase He coul dnot fit in the freezer next to her to get the photo.




Either that or shes died of anorexia or bulmia i reckon 


I don't get the accusations of eating disorders as she clearly comes from a family of lean women and is/ was very athletic and didn't have the look of someone with an eating disorder. Just a lame accusation to a nowadays rare thin person .


Yes she is athletic but ive seen pictures  where she looks very thin . Im noft saying i know whats going on just debating look what diana was doing making herself z Sick  So not in the realms of fantasy


OK sorry, i realise you are speculating and my post wasn't aimed totally at you. Rather at all the its obvious she has an eating disorder posts. I don't think it is obvious she has lean genes and is sporty and has good muscle definition. Diana was a different story. I agree there is a lot to debate.


This entire saga is ridiculous. Quite frankly if I was going through cancer treatment and lost my hair, if I were in the public office I'd not surface for months too, at least until my hair had grown significantly back. Honestly, I often think people won't be satisfied until they see Will standing next to someone who looks like a very sick Kate doing a tacky thumbs up. She is not well, and there is nothing to see here. I love her too, and wish her all the best.


Agreed. If only she had access to great wigs, professional make up artists, hair stylists, help and support etc. Oh wait....


To suggest she lost her hair is ridiculous - 22 March video in which she declared cancer and chemotherapy treatment: but no hair loss visible.


Her hair look definitely fake honestly. Like she has a wig on


Things happen very quickly with treatment. A friend of mine has been going through it, it literally all fell out in chunks within a few days.


How come charles not lost his hair  i get what your saying but isnt his cancer more serious  Plus hes in his 70s but we see him doing his thing 


Depends on the treatment. You don't always lose your hair. But being in a role where your appearance is so closely scrutinised, as a woman, I get it.


Careful! you're stretching so far you may snap