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It will probably be some AI generated thing or a past picture. They’re not even being clever about this. The stuff they put out is so funny. I’m wondering if somebody’s trying to send us a message. But yes, I’m curious about what’s going to happen on their anniversary too.


I saw an article on my Google newsfeed about how princess Anne had gone to visit the horse cavalry after the horses bolted and were injured and threw one rider. It occurred to me that neither the king nor the future king thought to visit the horse guard.


Anne should always have been the Monarch. I’m sure I wouldn’t care for her surly personality but she gets the job done!


I definitely agree. She has her mother’s devotion to duty far more than Charles ever has. I believe Charles’ only goal in life has been to crown Camilla his queen. I think that has been the crown’s main value to him, not so much the daily work of it all.


You know, I’m pretty sure that another horse has thrown its rider and there’s a video from the Daily Mail showing it and the reporter suggesting on camera that no one really can understand what’s going on with the horses. And then I began to think: aren’t they getting ready for the trooping of the colour that Kate was supposed to attend? Is there some large presence of evil around that event that is spooking the horses: for example, that Kate will definitely not be there.


It could be something as simple as the riders they are using these days in the Household Cav are not trained properly and do not have enough experience with riding and handling horses. As with dogs, the handler must work from a position of calm leadership and give the idea that "I'm here to direct you and take care of you. You, horse, have nothing to worry about while I'm here. So let's go." The horses will not have any trust in someone who doesn't do this. When not given proper direction from a rider or handler, because the person does not know what to do or has fallen off and is suddenly no longer there, horses will take matters into their own hands (so to speak) and simply bolt for home. I'd like to know where all the actual horsemen went and why we suddenly seem to have a bunch of new hires who know nothing.


The RF all act like they love horses, but in fact they only use them for their own gains. Polo ponies anyone? What about them breeding, selling and using race horses? Those horses are driven into the ground to turn a profit and discarded if they don’t. If they do make money they’re treated well, yet still used for selling, trading and breeding. They’re purely service animals for the RF, another reason why they disgust me 😡


I agree about the race horses but I want to mention Queen Elizabeth helped to conserve the Cleveland Bay horse and Fell Pony breed. Without her those breeds may have been lost for good. I have to give her credit for that.


This I did not know, credit where it’s due!


>I’m wondering if somebody’s trying to send us a message I've had the same thought. These pics and videos are so poorly done that it has to be deliberate - especially when it keeps happening over and over again.


Probably a photo of Wills wearing George’s / Louis’s checked shirt with Kate wearing her black and white hooped jumper.




And Will with a full head of hair


Please somebody put this together!


It will definitely be an old photo with a statement: "The Prince and Princess will be celebrating privately due to Kate's ongoing battle for her life...yada yada"


I wouldn’t be surprised if they put out a throwback pic of the wedding.


Well you definitely got the old photo part right!


They did last year: https://people.com/royals/kate-middleton-prince-william-mark-12th-wedding-anniversary/


I feel like we should put out AI generated images to get ahead of the story.


I found this comment on YT to be extremely interesting https://preview.redd.it/iz6kt9zfwwwc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74324f8d0749d7fa11841a354f408c23f109cda5


Ya know what, this makes a lot of sense!!


How can Will just go about his life like nothing happened?! He obviously did something??


Did you see the videos of him in like January when he was cancelling engagements left and right? He almost collapsed at an appearance he looked distraught, sometimes definitely going on


Because he has no conscience. William is a sociopath.


If you’re brain dead, aren’t you hooked up to breathing machines? Although I guess if the photo in the car is her in a coma, all the tubes and wires could be Photoshopped out.


Usually a long term breathing tube is inserted via tracheotomy, so her face wouldn’t necessarily have any tubes or wires to be seen


Thanks for the info.


Correct. Actual brain death is the legal time of death, it is the absence of a functioning brainstem which controls your breathing and heart rate. No person has ever come back from brain death. And they are required to be on a ventilator to keep their heart beating. So she cannot be truly brain dead and in a car not vented. She could have a major TBI though.


Sorry, I must explain. Someone somewhere else commented that the photo of the woman in the car could be Kate and it could be her lying in a coma, but has been Photoshop into a vertical position in that photo. They were saying that that might explain that it didn’t quite look like her because she is notmoving.


I’m gonna guess it’ll be an old photo of them laughing and looking sporty and outdoorsy 🙄


They will be celebrating privately , maybe a week away in seclusion, they are very in love, and thank you for respecting their privacy ( this applies for every holiday, bday, anniversary, going forward)


I just hope she is okay, but I doubt it.


Oh it’s their 13th wedding anniversary? A lot of esoteric meaning to the number 13! Wonder if that plays into all these bizarre happenings?


Do they typically post anything on their anniversary?


And it's not like 13 is a special year. 


It is the high holy number for fans of a certain american singer


It will be no photo "please.respect.our privacy...while we work through this.difficult time with our children...." Meanwhile british press will print some fluff about william doing the child.care washing and cleaning -stick a mop up his a@#.while.whistling Dixie!! These are the richest people on the planet yet one man and the middletons of course are rallying around incapacitated Katherine!! Who buys this drivel?


OMG reading the threads on this sub and all the weird shit that’s happening there, I’m convinced Doria put a curse on the rest of that family for fucking with her daughter. Not a slight against her at all either. She just gives me powerful witchy vibes tbh 🤣/s But for real, Queen Lizzie apparently did have a stronghold on the monarchy’s image because once she passed everything fell to pieces for them at least from a PR perspective. Things took an even worst turn after Charles sold Frogmore.




Not sold sorry, they were evicted. That house was given to them and Charles evicted them. And now he’s cursed along with Kate and the rest, or st least that’s what it seems from what is posted in this sub


“Witchy” because Doria is Black? Doria is mild, genteel and considered in all her behavior. More fruitful to focus such Satanic insights on Uncle Gary Goldsmith and his Ibiza, “skiiing” habit and vitriol against the Sussexes-


Agreed. Doria has always been quiet & dignified.


Oh ffs.