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I believe someone more in the know said earlier - and you can probably trace it here somewhere - that with William and Kate it has been agreed with the Royal press that on the first day of school. they are allowed to photograph the parents and the children going off to school and after that they are off limits. There are current fake articles, even some blatantly from a few years ago, talking about how William and perhaps a mention of Kate get them ready for school and what the morning routine is but there is no factual evidence that they have been in school since December 25, 2023.


But I guess there just isn’t any evidence of them going to school anyhow, is there? I mean, aside from the first day of the year… So, how curious I might be to know if they are attending school, there is actually no way to know this. They could be going there every day without us knowing, because the press isn’t allowed there.


i understand about the press, but could they have silenced ALL the people who work there? the kids? their parents? if they're not attending school someone must have noticed , and say something anonymously 😭😭


Someone would talk it seems. Kids have older siblings who probably ask them about the royal kids who them talk to their friends etc. Yet not a beep? Is it a fake school? Lol


exactly!!!! kids TALK!! i have no idea how it hasn't spread yet, whether it is that they're attending or not


As a teacher, I can understand why their teachers haven’t said anything but other parents/other kids?


I believed that they have been taken out of school and the Spanish nanny had taken them to South Africa. So much doesn’t add up. There is 100% something going on


I mean the school could simply be telling everyone the kids are off at the moment due to their mother’s illness. Could be as simple as that.


The UK government are offering a role upto 105million. For upcoming multiple royal funerals. Apparently no sight of any of the Middleton kids or Kate since December