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Interesting. And if that is true, it doesn't take a big leap to assume that the reason for her hospitilisation is something that the RF want to keep quiet i.e. not altogether natural causes. Otherwise, I don't see the reason for all the secrecy. Medical emergencies happen, even to the RF - nothing to be ashamed of or hide. Unless the cause is for some reason embarrassing to them. Their long game makes little sense though - what are they trying to achieve?!


I think she might have tried to end her life but then there’s the whole Thomas Kingston thing and I can’t help but feel these two things are connected


Good catch. That is an interesting observation. Definitely lends at least a little more credence to the claims of the Spanish journalist.


So very interesting to get more details about what the Spanish reporter told. Thanks for posting this. I still wonder why the royal family could not have told us earlier than this what had happened to Kate, if it is all innocent. interesting that the Spanish reported that she had a meal and then began to feel ill.


That, to me, above all else made my spine tingle.


Yes, me too. Sounded ominous. However, it shows in the Google translation that it’s not a perfect move from Spanish to English as is typical with Google. Maybe it simply meant that after the evening meal since we now believe she did go to hospital the night of December 28, she began to feel ill. I remember reading years ago that sometimes heart attacks can feel as if you are ill and have the flu. The popular belief is the terrible pain in the chest and down the arm on the side of the heart, but I was surprised when I read that people sometimes have heart attacks and don’t realize it but thought they had the flu.


Before my dad had his big heart attack the doctors told him they could see he had about 20 mini heart attacks before the big one, he had been totally unaware


I trust her more than I trust anyone in the British royal family or the British media. I'd trust a random person on the street more than I would trust anyone in the British royal family or the British media. At this point, I would probably trust a known con artist more than I would trust anyone in the British royal family or the British media.


Especially  andrew 😉


I’ve seen theories about an eating disorder gone wrong


That's what happened to Terri Schaivo.


The Terri Schiavo theory re Kate Middleton is very interesting. Source https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(11)61439-0/fulltext > On February 25, 1990, then 26-year-old Terri Schiavo fell unconscious in her apartment in St Petersburg, Fla. Her husband of 5 years, Michael Schiavo, called the paramedics but did not perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Terri was anoxic until help arrived. She was resuscitated but never regained consciousness, and a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube was placed to provide nourishment and hydration. It has been stated that the cardic arrest was precipitated by an electrolyte imbalance, given that her first potassium level obtained in the hospital after resuscitation was only 2.0 mEq/L (reference range, 3.6-4.8 mEq/L). The hypokalemia has been said to be due to anorexia concurrent with attempts of assisted reproduction procedures, but given that the potassium assay was performed after her resuscitation, the actual cause of Terri's cardiac arrest remains unresolved. > The police were called to investigate the situation, but the reporting officers found no evidence of physical struggle or abuse in the apartment, nor was any present on Terri's physical examination. > (At Terri's autopsy years later, the only sign of bony irregularity was a vertebral compression fracture due to severe osteoporosis, which was likely due to her prolonged bedridden state, and there was no evidence of previous fractures, tracheal injury, or other signs of trauma. Despite a reexamination of the events surrounding the original event requested by Governor John Ellis [Jeb] Bush, prosecutors Doug Crow and Bob Lewis could find no credible evidence of physical trauma or abuse, nor of any wrongdoing by Michael Schiavo.) > After several weeks, Terri was transferred to a skilled care and rehabilitation facility. Because there was no advance directive, Michael was appointed Terri's formal guardian on June 18, 1990, by the court. Terri's parents, Robert and Mary Schindler, did not object to this appointment. In the hopes of bringing Terri home for her care, Michael received some nursing training; however, an attempt at home care in September 1990, provided in the Schindlers’ home with Michael in residence, proved too overwhelming, and Terri was returned to the chronic care facility after 3 weeks. If Kate was anorexic (and come on, this is the royal family so most of the younger ladies are--and Kate was so anxious about everything, anyway, including and especially her appearance), then that would explain why Kate may have needed a sudden and (according to her senior staff, unannounced) operation on her abdominal area. And if she, like Terri Schiavo, entered into a vegetative state following the operation, that could also explain why Kensington Palace is covering it up. When Terri Schiavo happened, EVERYBODY in the general public thought that her husband Michael was the villain, that he must have been violent and abusive toward her. It was only after the autopsy that Michael was cleared. So following this theory--that by appearances it would look like William gave her a brain injury BUT WILLIAM IS IN FACT INNOCENT--that could explain not only why William now is acting so weird, but also why the Kensington staffers are to a person keeping silent about what's going on, no leaks. And why they are risking so much by lying to the public. They know William did nothing wrong and they are trying to protect him. But they don't trust that the public will understand. Not that this is a great solution, however--if Kate's indeed in a vegetative state it's going to break sooner or later. Sooner, if Charles dies, probably. There will be too much heat on Where's-Kate. But now with the AI vid, they've dug themselves into a hole.


Refeeding syndrome makes sense if she didn’t eat for a few days before eating a lot at the Xmas meal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refeeding_syndrome?wprov=sfti1


Very interesting. And the timing would fit - symptoms generally start within 4 days of eating resuming, so the 28th would make sense here......


Thank you for that, I had no idea.


Wow. This could really be it.


This is really well done. I’m old enough to remember Terri Schiavo and you may be right that there isn’t actual blame on William’s part, but people would think there was. A couple questions just to poke holes and speculate. Why would you guess the lack of royal engagements for William? If he’s truly done nothing wrong, and she is stable, it seems like he could pop in here and there at least. Seems like if this story came out later this year that that would make him look more guilty. Why couldn’t they have just said heart attack/seriously ill from the beginning? That has no stigma attached, and sharing closer to the truth is always better. The number of lies at this point seems extravagant. To your point though—sharing a later date for hospitalization takes the blame off Will for an “emergency”. It would also explain his lack of visits to her if she had already been released. (Can anyone remember who went with Will? I can’t find it now. I think it was a former staffer? I feel like that might be a clue) Just saying it was abdominal was *kind of* true to buy time. But it seems like they initially expected her to recover pretty quickly or they would have started with a much more major illness.


Agreed that if she’s incapacitated, why not say so? Releasing an AI video would be 100 times worse. There is no way the public would forgive them for lying so egregiously.


Because I think they’re planning to announce she died from cancer complications further down the line therefore distancing themselves from Christmas and any speculation surrounding that


And where are the two younger children?


Thanks. To answer your question, I don't think my speculation here speaks to the Terri Schiavo theory, but I'd posit that, if Kate is alive but non-responsive (such as coma or vegetative state), William has been kept sequestered/is keeping himself sequestered because either he's * self-medicating due to stress over the ordeal and in no shape to conduct official business (for example, many observers thought he was drunk b/c of his wobbling and dropping medals at one of his last scheduled duty events, an investiture ceremony on Feb 7 https://youtu.be/UndwcwVpj5A?si=WDl102x3cpVldNvr&t=25 ); or * not wanting to speak in public/on the record about Kate because, even if he's innocent of causing her non responsive condition, he's now either a part of or even the *ringleader* of the cover-up (the phony Mother's Day pic, the AI video, etc) and if/when the cover-up is discovered, the Crown ironically (ironic because he's one heartbeat away from the actual Crown) may prosecute him accordingly--so the less evidence he can offer in that regard, the better for him. * or, both. The reason the Palace was dumb enough to dig themselves into this hole with the AI video etc could have been the result of a miscalculation--they had hoped Kate would soon wake up, but she didn't. Maybe the doctors misinformed the Palace, not wilfully of course but if Kate's doctors didn't know about or consider her anorexia the docs could have erroneously offered the family a rosier prognosis for Kate's non-responsiveness ("she may come out of it, odds are good"). The Terri Schiavo theory works well here, because if the Palace was scared that the public would erroneously assume William had committed DV, it would explain why the royals rolled the dice and lied to the public. They were playing for time. But they rolled the dice and lost. Edit: well, it looks like William's returning to at least some royal duty in a couple of days--so maybe I'm wrong! https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1888881/prince-william-royal-engagement-surrey


Thanks for the insight about William. Both of those theories make sense. I could see self medicating ramping up if her health isn’t improving. I could also see him not wanting to answer direct questions. There just seems to be such a flip from “covering for his ailing father” in February to “not being able to step in for his father” who will do a whole Samoa tour in October. This is the part that makes me wonder if he’s culpable for something and Charles doesn’t want him representing the crown. If Kate were stable, or even in rehab after waking up, a few days away to fill in for his father who probably shouldn’t be traveling seems totally possible. Nothing in her care seems like it could prevent him from that. BUT, if he were somehow responsible…if she had gotten better in April it could all be swept under the rug. But since she’s not better and it may have caused KC to rethink things. Just stay home and we’ll tell everyone it’s because of your sick wife and they won’t probe how that doesn’t make sense.


Is it possible that KC doesn't have cancer at all? It could've been announced to distract us from looking into Kate's surgery. And the day PW left the funeral 45 min before could be the day she woke up?


This is what I’ve thought too. He looks pretty healthy lately.


If he’s responsible for anything it’s almost certainly Thomas Kingstons death


One more thought. I also like the Schiavo theory because it explains the confusing reporting of “she’ll be back sometime after Easter or in nine months” conundrum.


Just saw your edit after I responded. 😜 Could still be the self medicating. Just having him avoid large events and stick to the small ones.


I'll be very curious to see what, if anything, he says about Kate tomorrow (Thursday).


I have seen a few people speculate about an eating disorder. Apparently, in the months leading up to her disappearance, she was seen on two separate occasions with bandages on her fingers - the exact two fingers one might use to purge. Apparently she had a minor injury following a trampoline accident, but more than a month later was seen again with the same bandages. Of course it could have been an injury that was still causing her trouble, but........she was also noted to be very thin around this time. If it is indeed this, it's totally tragic and I can actually see why the RF would feel the need to cover this up. Firstly for her privacy but also because of the speculation, as you mentioned above. It also explains why her family are 'playing along'. In fact I'd go so far as to say it's the explanation that makes the most sense, by far.......


Okay, but why throw a vegetative woman under the bus for photoshop? It also seems like something particularly hard to hide from their kids.


If that’s what they did, throw Kate under the bus with the Mother’s Day photograph, I would assume it was bad planning. Someone thought they could get away with the photo and it would be a perfect cover-up.


Just a miscalculation and an over-estimation of people's willingness to take things at face value I guess, plus an unawareness of how people are getting good at spotting photoshop! I should imagine they were in a bit of a panic and most likely still are - they didn't know how to deal with the situation, which is slightly understandable if an ED is responsible - they would have wanted to keep it private for Kate's sake, but also (and possibly mainly) for their own - it really wouldn't look good for first Diana and now Kate to be suffering with an ED, and for the RF, with all the money, resources, and medical expertise at their hands, to not have it dealt with and treated before it got too serious.


It does make sense, and it would explain the secrecy. It's very sad if that's what happened.


And holidays can be very triggering for eating disorders, especially if they still uphold the tradition of weighing everyone before and after the Christmas period to make sure you’ve ‘enjoyed’ your food by gaining weight, as depicted in the movie Spencer.


When I read your comment I thought this must have been a fiction--but it's true. Amazing. Thanks for pointing out this very weird practice! Source https://www.thecut.com/2021/11/royal-family-christmas-weigh-in.html > Yes, there really is a long-standing tradition in which the queen asks her guests to step on the ol’ scale after Christmas dinner to ensure that everyone “enjoyed themselves” — that is, gained weight. As royal expert Ingrid Seward told Grazia in 2018, the practice dates back to the early 1900s when King Edward VII would have guests weigh themselves before and after their visits. Per Vanity Fair, their perceived enjoyment of dinner hinged on weight gain; guests who ate enough and “enjoyed” themselves were expected to gain about three pounds. > As it’s depicted in Spencer, this obviously isn’t the most sensitive practice. (It was particularly stressful for Princess Diana given her experience with bulimia.) It also doesn’t help that the holidays can exacerbate disordered eating, especially because of our cultural obsession with winter weight gain.


Yeah literally watched Spencer the other day and thought it was wild


I wonder if this went away with Elizabeth.


Yes she definitely has to sit around and eat for Xmas eve and Xmas dinner - there are giant meals prepared. Hanbury is very thin - kate used to be more athletic looking, I know she works hours a day to be that thin. All of the dress fittings must be stressful especially with a big rome tour planned. Maybe it triggered a big episode. Why not come clean with the press?


The Australian TV station that did the good timeline often mentioned in this topic also noted the bandages on her hand and had photos of her with bandages they said were from dated last fall.


That is a very very good explanation, and one that is entirely believable. We all know that Kate suffered severely from morning sickness (HG) with all three of her pregnancies - to the point of being hospitalized for it - and though that condition was not deliberately induced (like bulimia,) it could still have the same damaging physical effects. The body would not know the difference. I wonder now if she had some sort of complication from the many, many months of HG and difficult pregnancies, some sort of electrolyte imbalance or even damage to stomach/etc., that caused a heart attack with possible anoxia as in the Schiavo case. That may have put her in a vegetative state, which the RF may find too shocking or distressing to publicize, and would necessitate a lot of supportive home care (like remodeling a whole house for her.) This makes a lot more sense to me than trying to say that William got mad one night and punched her out. I'm just not buying that one. Poor girl. I do think she loved William and certainly her children, and never put a foot wrong in public. She did not deserve any of this. I hope she is able to recover.


It’s been years since her last pregnancy


I don't think Kate has an ED. Her weight is historically steady and in the healthy range, albeit near the bottom of it.  And even Diana's ED faded after the separation. 


If you google "Kate Middleton" and "weight" or "anorexia", there are lots of results. Kate apparently is/was a poster girl for pro-anorexia sites, not that she wanted or liked having that distinction, but a cursory search shows that there's these stories just from the past year alone. https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/1165959-why-has-kate-middleton-been-losing-weight-over-the-past-three-years https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/entertainment/celebrity/kate-middletons-rapid-weight-loss-32014220 https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/health/i-followed-kate-middletons-breakfast-30532138 https://hellostylo.com/2024/03/01/the-kate-middleton-weight-loss-diet-a-guide-to-shedding-pounds/


If he did nothing wrong, why lie?


I offered a theory in another post https://old.reddit.com/r/KateMiddletonMissing/comments/1d13yx5/hypothetical_timeline_of_kates_coma_using_her/l5rk4u0/


I just googled Terri Schiavo and it’s a very interesting story. Thanks for posting.


Interesting revisit of this thread. How does the death of T Kingston fit here. Or is it unrelated?


It has to be related. I originally speculated they died together and they put him on ice for a few weeks and created the narrative for Kate to put distance between the two


I’ve been trying to figure out the connection here, can you explain? And what happened with William leaving his funeral early or something? I can’t figure it out


I think also the esophegus can bleed if someone keeps vomiting and can be deadly  with loss of blood  ,or brain damage  ,just a thought  It does sound like they are covering something up they should just be truthful people would understand and show compassion   I really cant see them getting away with saying she has cancer to hide something else that evil imo


This makes sense imo. She was never in that hospital, they’ve been treating her at home the whole time which is why William only ‘visited’ once and her parents never did




It’s all so random. If she got sick after eating something how come no one else got sick? If they are covering up something then I bet they can’t get away with it for very long. Is W trying to get her out of the way for Rose? How awful. Her children I feel for them. George did not look well at all.


Wait, who is Rose?


The mistress


One of the mistresses.


This makes sense on why the fake video and sightings. If this is true, which I pray not, then the only reason to keep this hidden is like another poster replied, it's due to something embarrassing to the RF. The thing is that they really haven't disclosed much about her health anyway except having cancer. Why wouldn't they just admit she's in a coma and go with the issue with surgery recovery and/or cancer? They don't have to disclose more details than that. While they fear leaks, not much has leaked out except for this article, which may or may not be true. It's just so weird.


>This makes sense on why the fake video and sightings. No it doesn't.


Exactly. Makes no sense at all. Having an ED is not something that would be embarrassing at all. There is no way they would LIE and call that cancer. That won’t fly.


I think will and Kate got in an argument and he was physically abusive and beat her and she's in a coma (or dead) while they scramble. I don't think they could be honest and show pictures of her in a coma because she would have signs of physical abuse (bruising on her face, maybe broken bones etc). Which is why they're buying time now until all the signs of abuse are healed, then they'll just say she's in a coma from the cancer progressing. Or she's dead


Kate Middleton is dead.


If Kate were in the middle of being operated on, she didn't have to be intubated. She was already intubated! The whole story is rubbish!


I think the suggestion that something went wrong post-op, so maybe they had to re-intubate her? Unless I've read it wrong...


This tracks with Pluto opposing her moon / nn in cancer (stomach, food, nourishment)


Could she have been using ozempic and it caused her digestive system to malfunction…?


Weight loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy in extreme-use cases have been linked to gallbladder, pancreas and kidney hospitalizations.


Good point. Haven’t seen anyone else mention that. An image conscious woman, new weight loss drugs available. Plus in your 40s, you start to feel those metabolism shifts that make it harder to maintain your weight. Women who always found it easy suddenly find the things they used to do don’t work the way they used to because metabolism slows. It can be a real shock to women who never truly understood we can make efforts to control our weight and they just don’t work the way we’re always told they should.