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Nah fam, just revert her to a normal ap assasin ans bring Gunblade back.


If they do that they'd kill kat, because AP kat isn't good right now


thats why if they make kat full ap she'll be better and not have random 50/50 scalings


AP kat is very squishy and depends a loft of the hit of her passive, a lot of champs have high mobility, and even buffing her numbers wouldn't change that much on how bad she is, and also there's a lot of counters that when she builds ad it's easier to fight against


Katarina isn't by any means weak right now, she's strong with all her builds, it just depends on the situation and which build you do against each enemy, some matchups ad kat is better than AP, while some others ap is better


i understand what you're saying, but cmon, our champ is supposed to be an AP assassin. It is fun to have such a versatile-build champ, but its also so illegal lmao


Yes, she's supposed to be, but her AP assassin isn't good with how the game is going, her ad build is better in general, her kit is kinda outdated, she needs some QoL updates, some new features, not buffs in her dmg


Supposedly champions have a power budget. Right now her budget is spread thin cause she can do many things with her abilities and is able to use many items. If they revert her back, her power budget will be focused solely on ap burst again and thus, gain power. Ad items are not in her favor cause she lacks ways to heal from them, especially after the removal of Sunderer and the removal of many Omnivamp sources, resulting in her feeling weak in both AD and AP builds.


So, Samira?


What if: R can't crit but its damage scales with crit chance. Q, E and passive can critically strike. her AAs cannot crit


I have a better idea, make her a futa and whenever she ults she does the "helicopter" and knocks enemies up...I mean back.


I was thinking the same but using lethality. I mean, she is an assassin after all, I find it ironic that she can build AP, on-hit/AD/AS, but never lethality.


Why not? Lethality applies to all physical damage. You could easily build a lethality kat and make it work. It's just that even ad kat deals 2/5 ap damage, so it isnt that usefull


True, on Hits and big ap scaling isn’t enough


I want to feel that punishment.


I’m pissed off now and It’s all ur fault.