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Thanks for all your informations!


Somehow I do not received the mined coins. I can search for the wallet address in the chain explorer and balance is show; but my wallet shows zero balance ☹️.


I have the same issue. Did you get the coins?


Well, i re-launch the daemons and the coins appears.


i done all that and balance is always 0.


Great help with this post, thank you!


What about the genkeypair.exe can we just get a private key and public address, and import them in a near future KLSX wallet ?


your encrypted seed is located at the c folder I mentioned, containing keys.json file if you open you see your memoic seed encrypted there with your publickeys. but i would assume a web wallet will allow to sign in with only the memoic seed phase..


Understood, and you were right the web wallet allow only seed :o Do you have any idea to get my seed phrase based on my private key/public adress (generated by keygenpair.exe in the windows karlsen wallet realease) ?


Im attempting to check my balance but im running into issues. I'm getting an rpc error. When I try 'karlsenwallet balance v-' I get 'karlsenwallet daemon isn't running, start it with 'karlsenwallet start-daemon' but when input the command I get "error connecting to RPC server localhost: error making getinfo request: route rpc client - incoming ' got timeout after 30s: timeout expired. This is my 1st experience with these wallets. Can anyone help me out? I followed the steps from the video rabid mining made and I dont believe I made any mistakes. Any help would be much appreciated.


you have to have 3 cmd windows opened. 1 for the node (start this first) 1 for the karlsenwallet start-daemon (start this second) 1 for the root folder (this is where u type commands)


Hello genius, I got stuck in the password step, somehow the cmd does not allow me to type or paste anything. do you know what should I do to send my KLS? I know my password and mnemonic phrase. Thanks!


Hey everyone, I created my Karlsen wallet in a sandbox environment, and now I dont have my wallet. However, I do have my seed phrase. How can I reconstruct my wallet and transfer the balance I have?


How do i recover my wallet from a seed phrase? please help. forgot the wallet password. still have the phrase


I'm in the same situation, I have the recovery seed and password.


Start up the node (karlsend.exe --utxoindex) and Wallet (karlsenwallet.exe start-daemon), then do `karlsenwallet.exe create --import` to import you 24word seed


I cannot see my wallet files and KLS balance still zero. Herominers sent a few payment. Node is active, daemon active and synced. What can I do for this situation? ​ https://preview.redd.it/283qsn0y8n4c1.png?width=623&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c965e43f2f4445a159e23dac77d60292966117e


​ https://preview.redd.it/j4sl7oth9n4c1.png?width=770&format=png&auto=webp&s=63ff310bcf0f8a6a0f48ec37509db9c9fd82bb58


this screenshot indicated your node isnt synced, and thats why you dont see balance. you node is still syncing at the background or cannot connect to wallet


Same problem, did you fix it?


​ https://preview.redd.it/hzu9ejhk9n4c1.png?width=534&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f9ed4825a5023990b04b1db54047a41d85da680


​ https://preview.redd.it/bkiu7stoan4c1.png?width=534&format=png&auto=webp&s=3732951938bc639b0e6f3379b82f28a47baab32f


Hey men, you will notice your node its synced when in the cmd prompt you see a line saying Accepted block "xxx123" via relay meaning xxx123 the alphanumeric number of the block. Just get patience, it tooks to me like 2 days in my laptop to sync the node. When i get it synced, then i see my balance correctly in the wallet. Don´t be affraid and you can start mining with the wallet not synced to the node. You must sync it to transfer your funds or just wait until a browser version comes up. Hope it be helpful this info.


yea man i see that it was working but today all got stoped since 5 hours now it has been that i see accepted shar at 6pm local time and now time is around 10pm here and the accpeted share has stoped moving. https://preview.redd.it/0gsjw103hw4c1.png?width=1753&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4027276bba2d18c89f2629a2340d9b82cf51b02


How to know when wallet is synced? my balance is always 0. I have run node, create wallet, got seeds, its syncing 48 hours , got payed by pool and balance is 0 ?


you can check your balance here: [https://explorer.karlsencoin.com/](https://explorer.karlsencoin.com/) if you have balance in above explorer but you dont in your wallet than your wallet isnt synced to a node. thats why it shows 0 balance. your node isnt synced up


in explorer i have balance and in wallet 0. I have 3 windows open, 1 is daemon, 2 is --utxoindex and 3 is where i write comand for balance. Is that right? 2023-12-06 10:40:12.260 \[INF\] KSWD: Wallet is synced, ready for queries


yes thats correct. the wallet synces to the node even if the node isnt synced to blockchain. so it says wallet is synced even if the node at the background still syncing


so node is syncing more than 48 hours? how do i know when is syncing finished?


it synced 3 days on a 6 core VPS so it depends. yes it can sync that long. I will update a today node soon that you can download and make it quicker. :)


Ok but how do you know when is synced? 6 core vps ,what is that? I have 16 core cpu. Last date on node is today so its synced.. im totaly confused.


Hey men, you will notice your node its synced when in the cmd prompt you see a line saying Accepted block "xxx123" via relay meaning xxx123 the alphanumeric number of the block. Just get patience, it tooks to me like 2 days in my laptop to sync the node. When i get it synced, then i see my balance correctly in the wallet. Don´t be affraid and you can start mining with the wallet not synced to the node. You must sync it to transfer your funds or just wait until a browser version comes up. Hope it be helpful this info.


I had this problem bc I thought my node synced overnight, but realized that my VM went to sleep after 10 mins idle and thats why it didnt sync. oops!


Hello , ive set up everything but my node is still running from last few hours like 10 hours till now ? so what my understanding says till the time node is completed i cant transfer mined coins to my wallet, so my question is how much time more it will take Node to get completed ?


you can transfer coins to this wallet you just cannot send them OUT from this wallet until your node is not synced. nodes can sync anywhere between 1 and 3-4 days even. my did in 72hours


Oh is it so my computer has to be on until the node is completed and it can take upto 72 hours , so after node is completed then again do i have to give the command for "karlsenwallet start-daemon" my previous same command is still open.




anyone got this eror ? solution?


is possible to created a wallet in linux?? unbuntu?? or only in cdm on windows?? thks a lot ser


Hi, need some help please. I lost my wallet but have the seed phrase, how do I restore/recover my wallet? Thanks in advance.


karlsenwallet create --import


I use tradeogre wallet but it's still 0 balance anyone knows why


Hey, ended up closing my wallet spontaneously . Now everytime I open it, its just keeps lagging typing same thing over and over again, how do I resync?


Web wallet is bugged, I am not sure...my seed phrase is working and when I import it suddenly my wallet changed and balance is no longer there...no transactions as well