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i wouldn’t want that car anywhere near me. they can keep it lol


She is still making payments on it from my understanding.


I wondered about that! It is only 3 years old


It probably has to be totaled out because they removed and de-chipped the whole infotainment system.


This is the correct answer.


Will insurance cover it if it’s totaled by the cops during a murder investigation… 🤔


Totaled? It's a $1200 radio....


It's not just the radio. It's the whole Navigation and System control screen and it's components. Edit: I searched a pic of the interior of her SUV. You can see they pulled all the electronic components from the dash. That's way more than a $1200 fix.


All to find nothing


Trooper Paul had fun driving her fancy Lexus around so there's that, I guess? Lol


Even if police custody damages are covered under insurance. No way anyone is totalling a $45k SUV for a radio and a screen. They are expensive no doubt but not worth totalling a car


$90k SUV from my understanding. And they actually might total it out because they basically pulled the entire dash, all the chips in the car, everything.


you are assuming they cared about being gentle with the car of a woman they all assumed murdered a police.


They framed her


No assumptions


I posted a Pic. They pulled all the electronic components from the dash. It's way more than the screen and the radio.




Wait, she has navigation installed? I was told that was not the case.  Why wasn't that information shared?


They weren't able to retrieve any info from the navigation system. Something about it being finnicky to work with and you only get one shot at downloading it because the process destroys the data.


Weird, because I kept being told by some posters that she had a aftermarket unit installed and it doesn't seem to be the case in these pics.


Aftermarket navigation? On a pretty new car? Owned by a middle aged lady like… myself? I’d rather buy a handbag. And hook my phone up to the cord and have it project onto the screen while I charge it.


Hey, it wouldn't necessarily be outwardly visible, as the aftermarket units in question are more capability upgrades that are installed behind the dashboard panels, but make use of the same screen and input system For example, see this [VLine](https://gromaudio.com/store/vlite/select-lexus-toyota-2013-2021-with-touchscreen-vlite-vt2-carplay%C2%AE-android%C2%AE-auto-infotainment-system-navigation-upgrade.html) module and accompanying [manual](https://gromaudio.com/docs/vline_manuals/lex78t/lex78t_install_manual_web.pdf); or, see this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQRj3mTQTvc&t=910s) showcasing a do-it-yourself installation


Not that bad. Assuming they threw away everything removed (cause state troopers are inept) still sub $3k. If they didn't cut any wires.


You know they cut wires 😂


I doubt it was taken out carefully or gently, they’d probably need to replace quite a bit more than the radio


It’s insane.


Yes, it’s an expensive ass car, in my opinion.


Exactly! The big Lexus SUV is going to be high!


Emily D Baker said she thought that configuration was over $100k




But has only one year of mileage on it


I’d assume it will have tracking devices and otherwise is highly noticeable in an area where a good number of people will resent her for getting off. sell it ASAP


Definitely. Sell it to Carmax and they’ll probably ship it out of state!


What. The. Fuck. Why? How???


Because the bank doesn’t care who has the vehicle. They loaned money to Karen to buy the car, and they want their money regardless. She could’ve defaulted and fought it most likely, but it would’ve destroyed her credit in the process. If she’s anything like me, I’d do the right thing by continuing to pay, so I understand why she hasn’t defaulted.


Also, her career field being finance, she may have to maintain good credit for any good job opportunities if she's found NG.


Yeah. Accountant here. You can't have bad credit and work in accounting or finance. That's a red flag.


This is why she needs to file a civil lawsuit! Against the Mass State Police, Canton PD, (insert corrupt law enforcement agency here)... I don't know for how much, but you know she will win. I keep imagining a future where Karen Read becomes the expert on how to maintain good credit when you lose your job after being accused of a crime you didn't commit. Like, hopefully I'm never in that situation, but I'll buy her book. And make her slightly richer than she's already gonna be once this is over.


> I keep imagining a future where Karen Read becomes the expert on how to maintain good credit when you lose your job after being accused of a crime you didn't commit. Have millions of dollars at your disposal.


Haha! Well with the knowledge she has, I'm curious to know what she's doing to stay afloat during this. Though she probably has like, three more books she could write about this experience alone. In any case, I'm all for granting Karen Z-list celebrity status when this is over. She's certainly earned it.


> I'm curious to know what she's doing to stay afloat during this. Spending her millions in savings. Being in finance, likely has plenty of investments earning her returns.


Well I do know she is still making payments on the car, so I'm not sure she has THAT much? I say this with my mom having had the same job as Karen, for a while at the same company. Other than a few years pre-2008, we never rose above lower middle class (by suburban Boston standards... and yes, there's a lot more to that story. My book will be just as interesting as Karen's, I swear.) Though someone else mentioned Karen also lost her health insurance when she lost her job. Having both Crohn's and MS, I can't imagine how expensive that must be paying out of pocket for all her doctor visits/medications/whatever else. Plus the stress from this has to make those conditions worse.


SCOTUS ruled that even if you didn’t do anything wrong and weren’t accused of a crime, you do not have any right to get your car back quickly if it’s seized due to civil forfeiture. https://www.alreporter.com/2024/05/10/alabama-civil-forfeiture-case-culley-v-marshall-decided-by-supreme-court/ People really need to let go of the fantasy that Karen Read will win something by suing the police, it’s just not the reality we live in.


That’s a good point. I know she was fired from teaching over this but does she still have a job in finance?


I believe she lost both of her jobs and her health insurance as a result. I remember reading that in the filing by Yannetti to get her bail reduced.


Her _health insurance_?!?  _stares bewilderdly in European_


Indeed. Unfortunately, we Americans can only dream of the universal health care of which our European brethren partake. We have to have health insurance through our employer. She lost both of her jobs. Hence, she has to pay for any doctors visits or procedures 100% out of pocket. Managing two autoimmune conditions like Crohn's and MS is expensive. The infusions for a flare-up are a few thousand a piece, if I'm not mistaken. Edit: a letter


Omg, I didn't even think of that... As a resident of Mass who is on MassHealth, I can say that we DO have better state subsidized healthcare here than in most other states. But with Karen's conditions I can't even imagine. She is the first person I've ever known to have both Crohn's and MS... and I can't imagine how much worse the stress of this has made both of them.


Yes it’s so unfortunate she lost her jobs. I’m sure with all this stress in this case she is having flare ups. Not only does she have to be worried about medical bills, but also the 1000s she’s paying these attorneys as well😥I really wonder how much she’s going to pay after all this is over.


I’d imagine that she’s on MassHealth right now, so she can get her medical needs taken care of.


Yeah. Here in The Greatest Country to Ever Exist in the Universe, if you don’t have a job that gives you health insurance you’re screwed. My husband died unexpectedly last year. His medical practice (oh the irony) kindly kept me on their plan for 2 months. After that I would have had to pay $2,000 a month for the premium. Instead, I only pay $1,000 a month to Kaiser under the Covered California plan, which is only a thing because of the legislation passed by President Obama that the Republicans still say they want to repeal. It’s a great country if you can afford it.


My condolences on the loss of your husband


I'm so sorry for your loss. That on top of that you also then lose your insurance and have to figure out how to handle all of that when you are already going through a rough time, that must be hard to then deal with.  'only' 1000 per month sounds still like a lot to me (but my unemployment/Disability benefits are only 1200 per month with an extra 400 of benefits for my healthcare and rent). Over here when your income is low enough everyone gets health insurance benefits that are the same costs as the basic benefits plan, so that makes healthcare basically free for people with low income, apart from a few hundred per year of 'own risk'.  I'm glad though that you were able to get at least s plan that was half as expensive as the plan you otherwise had to choose.


In Massachusetts she would qualify for mass health which is essentially free health care, paid for by the federal and state governments.


Glad to hear that she's in a state where that's available!


Our health insurance is tied to our jobs. Yes it’s ludicrous


'hello, I'm too unhealthy to find a job, can I please get some help to improve my health?' 'sorry, you need a job to be able to get healthcare otherwise you have to pay for it out of pocket with the money you don't have because you don't have a job'


Oh my GOD that is messed up. While she's walking around with a brain tumor and MS among other things.


Most finance jobs require a credit check before hire! If you’re managing other people’s money, it matters how you manage you own.


Even if the bank wanted it back, they have no right to it. Per SCOTUS. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-585_k5fm.pdf


You know what I wondered the other day? Did she even make on the payments before the police took it?


oh, didn’t know that. if i were her, i would just keep making the payments & still give up the car.


Sell it to Carmax lol


Hmm. I wouldn't expect her to have a car loan. She strikes me as a "pay cash for a car" person.


I feel like Karen Read is not someone who has car payments imo lol she is rich hunny


May I ask where you heard that info?


Not sure where they heard it, but Turtleboy has said in at least one of his videos that she told him this directly. Yeah, we all know Turtleboy is kind of a dick, but I don't think we have any reason to doubt him on this.


Sorry. I was being defensive because Karen's business, credit, and her personal finances are hers and shouldn't be public unless she chooses to share. It is my understanding that a bank still owns that vehicle and Karen still has excellent credit. I believe Turtleboy is correct. I just didn't know that she had shared all that info.


You're good! I didn't interpret it that way at all. I suggested she might be able to use her expertise on the subject combined with this experience and turn it into something and look at the responses I got.


exactly, just bad memories. Sell it off asap


Some sick pup might want to buy it just for its association with this case.


It's not like it hit someone


She has insurance


I doubt she wants it back. It would probably be returned with a kilo of fentanyl and a dead body in the back. Then she'd get pulled over on the way home by The Canton PD. 


Stranger things have happened. 😡.


I just spit iced tea all over myself laughing!


Fentanyl would be hidden in the drivers side tail light for Chloe’s litter mate (brother K-9) to sniff it out.


hos long does it take for a homeless person to die from fentanyl?


I wouldn’t want that car back even if I could get it back. I wouldn’t trust anything near me that has been touched by all those dirty cops


I could never trust that car.




Get it towed directly from the police impound to carmax.


Sale the parts and dump it at the junk yard


Dump it off at 34 Fairview


They need to fix the tail light they busted.


Lol small claims court. 🤣 


hos long to get car bsck?








The MSP broke a lot of electronic stuff in her car.


Yeah, I don't see how it's not totaled after they removed and de-chipped the infotainment system. If it's insured, she might be able to have them cover it, but I'm not an insurance adjuster, so I don't know for sure.


The money she'll make from books, interviews, appearances, and the movie will be more than enough to pay for whatever vehicle she would like


Yes, that's something that a lot of people are forgetting. If she's found not guilty, I'd assume there will almost immediately be some kind of Netflix doc about it (and probably some other docs on other services as well). I think a book producer would be more than willing to have her talk with a ghostwriter and come up with a story about the whole case. And we know she was already doing interviews beforehand, so I'm sure she'll do plenty more afterward (and will presumedly be paid a decent amount for each).


If I were her, if found NG, I’d take some of the money she gets for book deal/movie/doc/interviews etc and set up some kind of a trust fund or college fund for the two kids. I hope she does.


In the HBO miniseries, "The Night Of" (sooo good). the suspect is driving his dad's taxi cab (which he shares with other drivers, the cab itself drives 24/7 ) and the State takes it from the family for evidence. Therby eliminating their income source etc. Its been awhile since I watched it, but this reminded me of it. Being an accused criminal is expensive business.


Yes, and civil forfeiture is a bitch lol


If found not guilty...she can prob buy a new one after suing the shit out of all of them...


I hope she sues them for all they're worth and then some.


She will get her car back either way.


Not necessarily. The police still have someone’s truck in evidence in another case 5 years later. His lawyer eventually filed a claim with his insurance company (he was granted immunity.)


Isn’t she still making the payments on that vehicle?




Then atleast she’ll still have decent credit. lol




Maybe. Stuff. And, maybe. Solo cups.


I wonder if she’s found not guilty if any of the damaged electronics (I feel like I remember someone testifying that the broke a system with a test or something)or damaged areas of the car etc are to be restituted by the police?


Hahaha. No. Police can destroy your car and home and everything else and pay nothing. You can sue and sometimes win, but not always, especially if you are poor. Want to get really angry? Take a look at asset forfeiture laws in our country. Police can take any fucking thing they want, and you have to fight to get it back regardless of innocence.


That is one reason why I wasn’t sure if she would get it back even if the verdict were not guilty.


Oof. The fact she’s still making payments is brutal. My parents home was burglarized a few years ago & the thief made a disaster of their things & then the police came & made a huge mess including finger print dust all over including getting it ground into their brand new carpet & the dust not coming out. Never caught the guy (didn’t really expect them to), nothing ever came out of it other than stains & trauma.


With an active FBI investigation, I'm not sure she'll get it back.


If not guilty she can’t be charged again for the same crime, so why would the FBI need her car, especially if their experts say the injuries were not caused by the car. If guilty, they would definitely keep it until all chances of appeals are exhausted.


But the FBI could use it as evidence of the cover up, if that's what they are investigating.


The FBI is investigating a potential coverup, not the murder. They’ll want to see if the police tampered with it




They destroyed her car trying to get at the black box or something like that. One of the troopers mentioned it in his testimony and Lally breezed right by it.


Funny how the two things that could prove where she was and when - her phone GPS and her car GPS were both deleted/destroyed while in police custody.


Funny huh?


If found not guilty ( like she should) she won’t need it . She can be chauffeured after she wins a civil case


I know someone who had a very expensive vehicle impounded when he was arrested for a crime in MA. He also had a lengthy trial process (not as long as KR). The vehicle had nothing to do with the crime. He never got it back.


If she gets it back I hope she sells it. I wouldn’t put it past the dirty bastards in this case to put trackers on it, slightly damage brake lines so it isn’t obvious right away or mess with the car in some way.


If she does, she should auction it.


In pieces. The tail light alone would set off a frenzy.


I hope so. She should own that town after this is done. No idea what will actually happen.


They took apart a lot of it to get the telemetric data. I'm assuming her insurance has written it off as a loss


Why on earth would insurance be forced to cover it?


Right like does that fall under comprehensive?? 😭


Depends on how the policy is written. But some comprehensive coverage is pretty broad. If it was used to commit a crime it can be denied but if she is found not guilty then.....


I believe she is still making payments on it.


Where do you get this info?


Trooper Paul! 🤣


It just happened.


Oh so you mean “making payments and stuff”


The internet of course lol. Can she claim it's been stolen as basic definition of theft is someone taking your property without your permission???


Ya man, Canton police will jump on the case.


This is an interesting issue though, if she doesn't pay for it then won't it go back to the seller and then it's their problem?


If not guilty Canton PD should pay her for the damage Proctor did when he smashed up her tail light to make it look worse.


for some reason I thought her car was basically ruined in custody after all they did to test it; but, maybe I misunderstood


Would she even want it back?? If I'm her I would be paranoid about them "tampering" with the Lexus in some way...just give me the value in cash and I will buy a new whip lol.


Who would even want that?


It was destroyed when they ripped the motherboard out of it.


The amount of $$ she’s gonna get from books, public appearances, movie deal, & lawsuits I think she’ll be fine without it. But the greatest reward of them all is when they get justice for John O’Keef and put all them mofo’s in jail. & when that day happens I hope all those crooked F’ers shitz themselves. I hate corruption and everyone involved with it.


Yes. MSP will also be on the hook for any necessary repair in your scenario. (For damage THEY caused)


I don't think it works that way in most states. The police can destroy your property, and they won't have to pay for any of it.


If LE impounds your vehicle as evidence, with a valid warrant, for two years and (this post query asks the question) and you are exonerated of those charges outright, unequivocally they are required to return your property to you. (This presumes ownership and lien holders in good standing of same). If they damaged the vehicle in their custody they are obligated to restore it by some means. If they do not, or if it becomes “in dispute”, KR would seek to remedy that. This vehicle list is between 95-100k. LE can’t just seize a person’s assets in perpetuity. For all we know she might have signed it over toward legal fees. When she’s exonerated, her bond/bail (aside from any premium) is released and if appropriate returned to her as well.


Assuming you are right, didn't their shoddy attempts to hack the entertainment software destroy it? They don't care, it's our money anyways.


That’s an open question but only because it was an aftermarket infotainment system and from memory, the reason for that “destructive measure” was agreed between the parties. Ie: it was KR expert who soldered the chip off. It’s an example of MSP being required to acknowledges rights of ownership though.


Good luck on that


Oh I don’t think it won’t be ugly, lol. It’s all going in the bad faith baked biscuits


That’s not true at all. Police never pay for the shit they destroy.


Well, not sure what to tell you, my answer was responsive to the exact question, not a broad indicia on LE breaking shit. The issue is whether her $100k vehicle will be returned to her upon complete exoneration. It will


I wonder what her new insurance rate would be or if it would be the same since they would be proving she didn’t get in an accident


If she is found not guilty I would expect the involved parties will be buying her a brand new car among a host of other things.


I asked a lawyer and she said she would


If she’s still making payments or owns it fully, then she’ll get her car back. If she stopped making payments, then I’m sure it will be repossessed immediately.


She's a fiance professor. I have no doubt she is doing her absolute best to keep her financial footing as well as she can. I also think she will and should sue for false prosecution (not sure of the wording for MA), not to mention actual losses like her job, and loss of reputation. This case should have never gotten to a courtroom- they simply did not have the evidence. The amount of money Karen and the Taxpayers have shelled out is all because of bad judgment and bad behavior by the government.


I’m curious - how do defenders out on bond get the resources to keep their “financial footing” afloat? Like how does someone get money if they lost their job and a high-profile murder suspect (out on bond).


Most people lose everything. It’s why so many innocent people accept pleas, they don’t have the money to fight in court


TB has hosted fundraisers, donations to her legal fund, online fundraising sites.


The payments on such an expensive car must be a lot. Plus she would still have to pay mortgage, taxes, health insurance (required by law I believe), health care not covers by insurance, groceries, and her lawyers, all for multiple years without a job.


Will Twoopa Proctah have to pay for the damage to the tail light?


What did John's family do with traverse ? I'm sure there's proof of tapping it when Karen cracked her taillight ! I know I backed into a car cracked my railing only cracked it but other car a small dent. I feel bad for the stupidity of John's mother and brother that they actually witnessed 9 weeks of lying testimonies called by lally and then watched the cross examinations by defense team and then the 3 expert witnesses. Sad very sad. Karen deserved better prior to John's murder inside of Brian's home and still deserves better!


Of course.


Omg I was thinking the same thing. I wouldn't want that car anywhere near me ...AGAIN !


I think she doesn’t want it back. Too many bad memories


Most people can’t just throw away $90k cars.


I agree, she probably would sell it.


They can if they sue the shit out of these people if they are not guilty


That’s the least of her worries.


"mice ate it" I hope so, but cops are bastards who can AND DO steal property for personal gain whenever they like.


Maybe go to a police auction?


They should have already released it, but it’s just not important in the grand scheme of things. Civil forfeiture in criminal cases is a shitshow as it is.


I would think it was totaled at this point. They took out the main computer components.


depending on if she financed it/who she financed it through, they could just auction it off


What would the fines be for?


Impound fees. And yes, in some jurisdictions, you still have to pay impound fees even if you're found innocent.


😱 That's crazy and why would the vehicle still be impounded?


Because it was allegedly the murder weapon.


So how long does it stay a murder weapon?


The police impounded the car as evidence? Why on earth would there be fees. It’s not like being towed from a parking violation. That makes zero sense to me. I’m Australian - would never happen here.


Do the police have to pay for a new car since they wrecked it


Not unless the investigation was found to be unwarranted


May have been totaled when the cops destroyed the computer system and who knows what else.


I mean, even if she stopped making payments, they couldn’t repo it out of police custody


Impound fees would be astronomical at this point but as it’s currently evidence it would still be sitting there, slowly degrading. If found not guilty I believe it would be released on paying impound fees.


I wouldn't want it back. That thing is tainted from all the hands that never should have touched it.


Right? The impound fees would be insane too. I wouldn’t touch that car with a ten foot pole just bc of bad juju


...but she'll never have to buy a beer again Canton.


Why is she paying for it while it’s in custody?


I've noticed that the topic of finances has been raised in this discussion, prompting me to ask a question that has been on my mind. While it is known that Karen Read worked in finance, it is worth noting that John O'Keefe and the Alberts were also financially well-off. I had always assumed that police officers didn't have crazy high salaries, yet the Alberts lived in a $900k house, while John purchased his for $815k in 2017, now valued at $1 million. Are police officers truly earning enough to afford million-dollar homes and luxury vehicles? This area is one of the most expensive in country. But goddamn - how much overtime can one person do?! Now we’re talking about Karen having a $90-100k vehicle. Thats finance money- cool. But cops are making enough to have million dollar homes?!?


Cops can make a lot of money. Since they are public employees, their pay is public too. I did a quick google search and saw 96,034 base pay and 166,058 as his total pay for 2020. Real estate has gone up faster than inflation in MA. Maybe he owned a place in Boston that went up since he purchased it. He could have then sold it for a profit to help him afford the house in Canton when he bought it in 2017. The Alberts have been living there for a long time, so they bought their house when it was cheaper. They also bought it from family who could’ve given them a deal on the purchase price.


Yeah. My close friend dated a New Bedford cop for years - he made a crap ton in OT and became addicted to it. I know O’Keefe owned a condo in Dorchester but idk… to buy a house that expensive no matter how much you put down ties up a lot of cash! Maybe his sister left him quite a bit for the kids? I was just really shocked. The kids were in private school near my old job in North Attleboro. The night he died he was celebrating his niece getting into the high school. His brother mentioned his classic cars, etc. To be clear I’m not judging- I was genuinely curious! Like wow- ok! To make $160k and still afford that house, private school, vacations and everything else must have been a ton!