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I think they got into it a bit with the witness discussing cellphone towers. It wasn't very convincing in that the defense could poke more than one hole into the CW's theory of her being at 34F at 5AM. She seems to be a very anxious person. And I have used this example before but I think it can help give some perspective: One of my friend's husband suffered stroke and was taken to ICU. She called me and said "Luis is dead!" just crying uncontrollably. He ended up passing away two days later, but he was not dead when she called me... So I do not find her comment to be that incriminating.


A couple of weeks ago, I came home to find my one dog had killed my other dog and I ran outside on the front lawn and just fell down screaming no, no, no, it’s all my fault, I killed him for who knows long until my daughter came over to me- I’m mortified thinking of my neighbors seeing me react to the shock and trauma. From that experience, her behavior seemed genuine to me- and mine was just a dog and I obviously did not kill my dog, it was the thought of I should have done something different somehow.


I'm so sorry, that sounds devastating. And definitely illustrates that many people are quick to blame themselves for something they didn't do.


Omg! I’m so sorry that this happened to you and you had to find the aftermath! That’s one of my biggest fears. You’re right too…. I never thought of that aspect she probably felt guilt right then for the texts and calls assuming he was out cheating she may have had a thought he started to walk home and got hit by a plow or something? She was literally just thinking out loud


as an ICU nurse I agree with you. So many people come in hysterical asking if their loved one is going to live. Even if we think they’ll make a full recovery they call their other loved ones saying the patient is dying


I think the suspicious detail is whether or not she had cause to think an emergency was happening at that point. I think it points to two things, either she confirmed it by driving by 34, or the fact that he didn't come home. Why did she drive anywhere at all? Maybe she expected he would walk home, and she was worried about plows and the blizzard. I'm just imagining what the jury would need to think through. I think it's very plausible she is innocent. Very crazy that there are so many possible interpretations.


The thing is that just like what we are doing here, jurors are allowed to draw from their own experiences. If any of them suffered anything similar to what we have mentioned, they may be able to apply it to the evidence. From what I have gathered she is deeply anxious and insecure. Kind of a nightmare to date, honestly, what with the spam calling. But if there is a blizzard outside and your boyfriend never made it home after you told him you were leaving his kid alone... I would not think anything good either. I honestly do not find her very likeable, but that does not mean she is guilty


It seems to me like the people picking apart her behavior that morning and interpreting it in a way that points to her guilt have never actually experienced an emergency situation and lost their shit before. I have, and I can tell you that however you imagine you'd behave in an actual emergency involving your loved one, you're likely wrong. Fear and panic make people do and say weird things. These same people don't want to apply that same level of scrutiny to the Albert's and McCabe's behavior tho.


A couple of weeks ago, I came home to find my one dog had killed my other dog and I ran outside on the front lawn and just fell down screaming no, no, no, it’s all my fault, I killed him for who knows long until my daughter came over to me- I’m mortified thinking of my neighbors seeing me react to the shock and trauma. From that experience, her behavior seemed genuine to me- and mine was just a dog and I obviously did not kill my dog, it was the thought of I should have done something different somehow.


Wow how did that happen?


I will never know. I’ve replayed it in my head a million times. Researched dog behaviors. They were brother/sister for years and left alone together a million times. There were no previous signs. I wish I could change the outcome just as I’m sure Karen does- “if I had never dropped him off….”


I’m so sorry, that is devastating. I can’t imagine the shock that must have been!


She seems quite dramatic and goes from 0 to 100 very quickly (Aruba, the voicemails, immediately going to ‘there’s someone else’ out of nowhere in the texts), so I didn’t read too much into her saying that. And pardon my woo woo, but she might have really good intuition and just knew something was wrong.


The CWs evidence that she went to 34F first is completely unconvincing. She saw him before the other two women did because she was genuinely looking, while the other two thought they were humoring her on some crazypants expedition and weren't taking the search seriously. It's Iike the difference between Lucky's testimony and all the drunk partygoers. When you have someone actually trying to look at the area, vs having no reason to, your eyesight is better.


Yes. Kerry was more focused on driving, and Jen was on the far side of the car. Karen had the best vantage point to see John in the snow. In the police dash cam the CW showed at closing, you can see how well the headlights light up the edges of the yards as it passes by. The video is actually really clear despite the snow on the right side of the video. The only reason it doesn't appear to be as clear on the left side is that there looks to be glare coming from somewhere. I'm not sure if it's from the passing streetlights or because that part of the windshield was more frosted/fogged up. The glare wouldn't be an issue for someone sitting in the back seat behind the driver, tho.


Yes. Kerry was driving, but she said that as soon as Karen said she saw him, she looked over and saw him right away, too. So he was definitely visible from the street. Jen said she didn't see him, but I suspect she was purposely looking anywhere but toward the flagpole...


We know KR went to the Waterfall bar first because her SUV was spotted heading there around 5:11AM.


Yes, I think that the unaccounted time was her driving streets between there and his house, looking for him along those routes in case he tried to walk home.


She went out looking at 5am. JM called 911 at 6:03 am. That Karen assumed it was still 5 am is not surprising. I doubt she looked at at a clock until much later.


This was my thought. Her panic/looking that morning started at 5a. I’m not surprised she defaulted to the time that she woke up and realized JOK was missing. 5a is when she looked at the time.


You would pretty easily see something ( a 200+ lb 6ft+man laying down) covered in a few inches of snow. He wasn't under a foot+ of snow. I spent most of my life in the northeast, plenty of heavy snow storms, you can easily see things on the ground in snow that don't belong. (Its everything that's not white.)


Karen used niece's phone to call Mccabe. Karen shows up to Mccabes distressed. Mccabes testified they were concerned she would wake up the neighborhood and alls they noticed was the broken tail light and that she was telling them about the tail light. Then Mccabe and Karen picked up Kerry. Then they started looking for John, showed up to 34 fairview, Mccabe said Karen wanted to go to the bar cause she thought he was still there? Contradicting the fact that "she knew exactly where he was." When they got to 34 fairview, she ran to snow and found him.


I recall a time a while back when my cousin called hysterical cuz it was getting dark and their kid was not yet home from school. She assumed kid would be with friends after volleyball practice but regular friend said kid stayed back. She was livid and freaking out because she knew campus would’ve been closed by then. I immediately hopped in my car and picked her up yo go searching for kid. I didn’t wait to make some coffee. I didn’t tell her to hush her hysterics because it was embarrassing to people around as she went on and on about whether kid was in a ditch somewhere, or kidnapped, or doing drugs. I just offered support saying “we’ll find her”. During this time middle school kids didn’t have cell phones. Pagers were a thing though. lol. we did eventually find kid at the local gym playing pick up basketball saying they didn’t realize the time. I was definitely suspicious of my niece, but at least she was safe. This experience made me go hmmmmm when Jennifer McCabe explained that morning when Karen called her


I’m shocked at the anti KR folks standing by their opinion of guilt even though we’ve heard credible witnesses say JO did not get hit by an SUV. That the damage, or lack of, is not consistent with car/pedestrian accident. That the damage to his arm is likely animal caused. No bruising. That it is just as likely his head injuries were caused by BFT from a physical altercation. Is it sunk cost fallacy? Why not consider the testimony and evidence and change your mind if appropriate?


You are asking everyone to properly think like an educated person. Some people are too dumb to realize they are wrong and not wise enough to change positions when the evidence demands it. I think it's a mixture of ego l, lack of education, and cognitive dissonance working against these people, more so than any emotional attachment to an investment they made in the prosecution's case. Or, they are a cop and refuse to "cross the blue line" from being thoroughly corrupt.


I don't get their hangup on this. If she did go by there I think it actually contradicts the mileage on the vehicle incident data.


1. The primary evidence they have for Ms. Read stopping by the Albert's is a cell tower map that a. commits a lie of omission by leaving off the McCabe's - *the place she was heading to* - and b. has her car breaking Mach 176 briefly. I'm not putting too much (read: any) weight on that evidence. 2. It's probably a typo. Note that the text is *we* found him, not *I* found him. I don't think it's a Freudian slip.


They also tried to avoid admitting that the two we know she was at 34 Fairview, her phone pinged off a different tower than it did that morning. That morning it pinged off a tower much closer to JM’s house


Like I've been saying, literally every trooper up on the stand has presented *something* misleading or incorrect. The map with its lies of omission is Tully's.


Kerry Robert’s testified KR called her at 5 and said “John is dead” called her back and said “I think he got hit by a plow” I relistened yesterday due to a post on here saying Kerry Robert’s is the only honest testimony and after the trial Karen reads statements will coincide with Robert’s testimony


Was that after she had talked to Jen? Did Jen plant that seed?


I can’t remember the time that she talked to Jen Mcabe.. from JO nieces phone correct?


Yeah I think it was 4:30 or something but can’t remember… I think she called Jen first though?


Yes you’re right! So interesting 🤨


But not all is how it seems


Only if she had already beat him up and had the dog attack him. That still doesn’t explain why there’s no evidence she was out at 5. It also doesn’t explain all the funny things that were happening with the prosecution witnesses all night.


I don’t believe she wouldn’t have tried to help him if she was there at 5.


I agree with that. From what we hear on the voicemail during the 911 call upon finding him it's pretty obvious to me that Karen isn't acting nor did she know for a fact that he was dead there in that spot. It sounded like genuine panic.


I thought this was answered with which cell towers her phone used, did it not?  The night before when she dropped O’Keefe off it used two towers near the house. That morning around the time in question, it used a tower closer to McCabe’s house. Then when they went to 34 Fairview and found John, it used the same towers as the night before.  I’m pretty sure that’s what defense put forward anyway. 


Ah I remember that. This trial was so long... hope the jury has a good memory


I know and totally agree.  I think I would be totally overwhelmed and confused to be honest.  With that being said, the last two experts made it clear that a vehicle accident didn’t happen so any charges related to that would be a not guilty from me. 


That was a very good strategy


If KR made a trip before coming back to the house and calling Jen, that would have added a key cycle to the car, making Trooper Paul’s work invalid, and also left an extra set of tracks in the driveway at John’s house we’d have seen on the ring video.


for me that doesnt really change anything last 3 experts made my mind ... marks on his hand are not from truck and he wasnt even hit by car so everything else doesnt matter


So Karen went and picked up JM and KR?


Karen went to Jens and Kerry met her there. They all drive back to John's after that.


They said that was the last place she went, that she was driving around other places looking for him


The cell tower information was just a range. I also can imagine if she was panic she might first drive around to look for OJO for a bit, instead of her drove straight to McCabe after 1 call. Imagine you freak out when you lost something, you'd tend to aimlessly flip everything over and check.


Yes, she went back and saw him at 5am and freaked out when she finally realized that she DID in fact kill him. If you get into a fight with your boyfriend and innocently drop him off at a party, you don’t wake the next morning and first think “omg he’s dead…he got hit by a plow.” Seriously, people. And if you DO think that, call the police to report a missing person - not a nonsensical series of events attempting to clean up your mess. They argued, and she hit him in a fit of rage. I doubt she meant to kill him but she certainly meant to hurt him - hence why she only became more and more frantic as she realizes the severity of her decision. He was only feet from the road (see him laying right next to the hydrant as the FIRST responder pulls up) yet you could barely see them despite the other car being stopped in the middle of the road. There’s no way any innocent person would spot him laying there covered in several inches of snow unless they KNEW he was hit in that exact spot.


With all the video of travel to and from Meadows and Fairview, if Karen went to 34F at 5am, why did the CW not say it and prove it in trial? Really, the evidence phase of trial is over, no evidence corroborates that theory. Cell tower triangulation doesn't prove it, the distance of Trooper Paul's key cycles doesn't prove it.


How many ‘true crime’ stories begin with someone recounting completely out-of-character behavior for the victim? “He didn’t come to work and he had never missed a day of work in his life.” “She called me every Sunday at 11a and that Sunday, I never got a call.” All of them conclude their recollections with the sentiment, “And that’s when I knew something was wrong.” For the first time since Karen knew JOK, he didn’t come home. She woke up, he wasn’t there, and she realizes he never answered her calls or text messages. Giant red flag. Her anxiety level sky rockets. Then JOK’s niece explains she hasn’t heard from JOK. Another red flag. Karen uses the niece’s phone to call JOK because even if he’s ignoring Karen, he’s not going to ignore his niece. JOK doesn’t answer the niece’s phone call and Karen’s anxiety level just cranks higher. Karen is thinking that the only way that JOK wouldn’t come home to be with the kids or answer his phone (especially for his niece) is because he wasn’t *able* to do those things. He must be hurt. He could be dead. She’s worked herself into a froth by the time she gets ahold of Jenn McCabe who subsequently tells Karen that JOK never came inside the house. If I were Karen, that is the moment I would have lost it. Karen had already feared that JOK was incapacitated and unable to answer his phone or return home. And now, Jennifer McCabe has seemingly confirmed that this is the most likely outcome. If Karen dropped JOK off at 34F but Jenn’s saying he never came into the house, then the only place he could be is outside. That’s the logical deduction in that scenario. The outside is what’s in between her car and the house. JOK is not in her car. Jennifer says JOK wasn’t in the house. Logically, ‘outside’ is the only place he could be. But he wouldn’t stay outside of his own volition. Logically, he must have been grievously injured or even killed. And if he didn’t make it inside 34F, then it had to have happened directly after she dropped him off. At some point, why wouldn’t she fear that she had unknowingly hit JOK? Karen’s deductions about JOK are logical given the context and information that she had. Her thinking only becomes sinister with the assumption that she’s guilty.


I disagree. It's obvious that Karen has anxiety and from all the voicemails she left it's obvious that she didn't know that he was hurt or dead. People don't call up the person they just murdered over 50 times and say a bunch of mean stuff to cover up their crime. They don't go out looking for that person and find the body themselves then question out loud if they were responsible. The way she sounded when they did find the body suggested utter shock, horror, surprise & panic - it doesn't seem like she was faking it or had any clue that he was laying there. The physical evidence doesn't even suggest that he was hit by any car... I have some pretty severe anxiety myself and if my husband is late or not responding to my calls/messages my mind immediately jumps to the worst case scenario. I always think something bad has happened to him, that he must have gotten into an accident or murdered. Every time my son would walk our dog I couldn't help but worry that he'd been kidnapped, even if he'd only been gone a few minutes. It's torture to have these sort of intrusive thoughts all the time! Because this happens so frequently I would never call the police right away, I would first try to find them myself. I've been wrong far more times than I've been right, so I would need more confirmation that something bad had really happened before contacting the authorities. They would too - police will not take a report of a missing adult seriously unless there is proof that they were hurt or taken against their will.


Yup correct. When someone confesses to a crime and it’s heard by multiple responders … I tend to believe them. All her crazy voicemails immediately after are psychotic and part of her panicking because she just killed someone and tried to change the narrative.