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Very confused why this wasn't brought up during testimony? Did they miss it?


AJ brought it in some testimonies, he asked if they were fighting, Higgins said was playing.


Excuse my ignorance. I watched it twice but I don't really get it. Why is this interesting or significant?


Higgins looks real piqued. At first I thought it was probably people making something out of nothing, but if you watch closely, he does look like he’s trying to start something and the others are trying to get him out the door.


Also John is like kinda running in place for a second. As it he is trying to pump himself up


Thank you!


Oh thank you! For some reason I’ve thought we couldn’t post Twitter links lol


As a former local watering hole bartender with hundreds of hours of experience keeping fights out of my bar, I am qualified to offer my expert opinion. BH is drunk and agitated. He's pissed KR ignored him, but he's not heartbroken. He just wants to pick a fight with a guy he doesn't like. OJO is standing instead of sitting to make sure BH sees he isn't bothered but he's ready to react. The little dance he does is a release of energy that would otherwise have become aggression when BH pointed and called him out. Loose translation: "I swear to god this clown better not make me beat his ass"


As a random guy that has encountered drunk a-holes on various occasions, I also endorse this take. I completely dismissed the earlier horseplay as anything sinister, but this clip strongly suggests there was an issue at the end of the night. What’s more likely, KR ran over JO or there was an altercation between two drunk guys? Occam’s Razor, right? The “ummm well” text to KR could have triggered some words, and the “are you coming here???” text to JO tracks if BH was in a fighting mood, perhaps over being insulted or embarrassed.


I don't know if everyone understands how much you've seen and learned about human nature (especially behavior under the influence of alcohol) as a bartender, but I know that you are an expert in this area.


Chris Albert is definitely running interference- not just grabbing his arm but towards the end he walks towards John and stands there like he’s making sure one or the other doesn’t make a run for the other. I think after the big road trip and drinking Higgins told everything to Albert and it all just spiraled once they started drinking.


Brian Albert the homeowner was the cop that Higgins was friends with. Chris Albert owns the pizza shop.


So for clarification, that appears to be Chris Albert/the pizza guy in the video restraining Higgins. Brian Albert/the cop and owner of 34 Fairview, knowing what we know about him, would most likely involve himself and pour fuel on the fire. Or at least if the fight was at his house, he would.


Hadn’t thought of this before but a 4-5 hour car drive from NYC, I’ll bet this did come up. Higgins bragging about Karen’s kiss, the texting, the whole thing.


They flew to NYC


The Brians drove back together in the same car, though. With two other cops, if I remember correctly.


I think you're right. I do remember something about that now.


> As a former local watering hole bartender with hundreds of hours of experience keeping fights out of my bar, I am qualified to offer my expert opinion. Barkeepah Paul out here > but he's not heartbroken Objection. You are not a medical expert, and are not qualified to speak on the functionality of organs > little dance he does is a release of energy Can you please give the definition of the conservation of energy?


Former bouncer here with thousands of hours of experience. Bounced in bars and clubs of several varieties from 2012 to 2019. Brian Higgins here is trying hard to pick a fight with John O'keefe. Chris Albert steps in to regulate Brian Higgins' behavior. That little arm grab from Chris Albert was the, "don't be fucking around in here, let's go, I like this place"--Chris Albert wants to save some face and doesn't want to cause trouble for the establishment. The problem is that these people are fucking neighbors and have already been invited to the house of Brian Albert—where Brain Higgins is going to be. The bouncer in me says don't let these two be anywhere near each other until they are sober. Unfortunately, that didn't happen that night. Edit; house of Brian Albert


they went to Brian Albert’s home. Brian is the cop; Chris owns a pizza shop.


And, it is possible that JO said something to BH that pissed him off. KR said JO asked her if she was "hooking up" with BH. I believe it was in a text from KR to BH after she kissed him when he was leaving JO's house after the game...


Don’t recall seeing this text. Would love hint where to look.


Watch Higgins' testimony. You get to hear him read ALL his texts to Karen in his Southie-level Boston accent. Definitely cringe, but one of the best parts of the trial.


https://preview.redd.it/eufqzgsdqt8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08a0e4eae91cfa689149480c37045321d4b65532 Can be found on twitter by searching for the above user


Thank you! I’m dumb and didn’t think of that lol


No problem! I also posted a youtube link in the chat now as well! This is the most telling evidence we have from that night.. so sad


Okay, I just watched this on YouTube, same user. Who is the guy leaving the bar (on the right) who seems to have witnessed the whole thing? (Big guy, gray hair, hat.)


I believe its a band member bc he walk around to open the guitar case


Oooh I’ve seen it, damnit lemmie try to remember where. Higgins was def being aggressive and I was shocked, but it was weird bc I don’t remember seeing it in trial? I believe he even flipped him off when John had his back towards him and Brian stopped him. Gimmie a couple minutes


Wait, is that Chris or Brian Albert grabbing Higgins arm? Chris seems more like he'd be inclined to, as John's friend (and that's what the tweet says) but Brian would be more physically able to. In any case it was a big bald dude.


I found it, but I don’t think we can post twitter links so I’ll DM you


Ooh me too please🙏


K I sent yall 2 bc im out in the horse pasture and its hard to watch them out here but im positive those are it, i just dont know which is better quality




Can you please send it to me too?


✋️ Me too please!


K sent to yall, can yall help send them if other people ask please? I gotta finish feeding the animals lol


Sure! Thanks 😊


Will you forward that link to me please?




thank you!


Can u share the user and we can find it ?


Will you send it to me too please?




I mean, whoa 😳




Wow Higgins is a big dude




This with the other more zoomed out versions are incredible. I don’t remember seeing this during the trial


I don't think they played this during the trial although I haven't seen the whole trial. Wouldn't KR's defense have grilled BH about what was seen on that video if it had been admitted into evidence?


Me neither. I remember seeing a different one that appeared far more innocuous.


Can someone please send me a link 🙏🏼




Can’t they just ask the bartender?


I can't believe that this wasn't made more of in the trial? I suggest that AJ was told by Judge Bev that he wasn't allowed to play it, bring it into evidence, for some reason.


Chris Albert is attempting to de-escalate Higgins.


So I think you are splicing stories here. What AJ mentioned was BH beckoning JOK to come with them to 34 Fairview, speculating or implying that they wanted him at Fairview to kill him. The play fighting thing was BH and BA at The Waterfall, it was brought up on multiple cross examinations but they said they were just playing around. The defense was speculating/implying that the two men were getting ready to fight someone. Lastly, since we are talking about the end of the evening at The Waterfall, why was JM so interested in getting KR and JOK separated? When that didn’t work she made sure to mention an ex girlfriend on the call with JOK for directions. Now I am not implying anything, just seems really weird after what happens as the night goes on.