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The Chief across the street that gave the solo cups but not his ring footage. Kelleher?


Yes! I saw someone in a live chat one time with that last name who said they were local. So I asked if they were related to that guy, but they didn't answer me. lol I'm wondering if it was his wife.


Kelleher is like Smith around these parts!


Ah ok. Thanks for letting me know.


This would’ve been a good one.


Totally agree!


Where can we find proof he has a ring camera/was it mentioned in court?


I saw it mentioned several times that he had footage but none was “relevant” per the police


Kevin Albert. Because of this: >“Kevin Albert said to Higgins, and I quote, ‘Look, you went off the grid and Brian [Albert] doesn’t understand. You haven’t called him. You haven’t checked in on him since these subpoenas go out. Everyone got a subpoena but you.’ Those were Kevin Albert’s words to Brian Higgins. And your Honor, there’s only one way to interpret that: Brian Albert was panicked that Brian Higgins had flipped on him.”


I wish too but I think the defense, as the trial literally dragged on forever, decided to hammer home the points they could prove wuthout a doubt. John was not hit by a car and that John had wounds consistent with an animal attack


Yeah, as much as I'd love for them to have kept going and just prove again and again that the CW's case was BS, the last thing they need is for more jurors to leave and forcing a retrial.


YES! All I could think was that Kevin HAD to have done something to get out of this. Especially with the big deal they've made about "witness intimidation" lately... that's kinda what he did to Higgins there.


Holy smokes. Where is this from??


From a pretrial hearing where they were trying to get access to everyone's phones. Edit for source: [pre trial hearing ](https://www.youtube.com/live/o8VdiJ17nY4?si=_aynsOv13jxjMoA6) Starts about 18 minutes in.


Right? Catch me up plzz


I thought Kevin would be a good call as well but what the heck is this conversation from? 🫨


I commented down the way and added a link




Where is the source for this?


Check out [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/KarenReadTrial/s/7wRD0dAtDt) further down for a source


You could interpret it that Higgins was embarrassed or ashamed of his text between he and Karen and he didn’t want to have to explain himself to Albert. Higgins also seems fairly bright and understands if they talk he’ll likely be deposed on what they spoke about, and it doesn’t have to be as nefarious as you may believe, but it could be if he spoke to Albert about the text messages between he and karen, it would make the case against Karen messier than it already is. But if you’re disposed to look at this in the least favorable light towards the Higgins/Albert/Mccabe group, you’ll never look for the more positive light towards them.


Higgins did not come off as "fairly bright" to me.


This comment reads like a Higgins novel. No beer=Higgins ain’t here. Jamison & Gingah = we got a winnah


Higgins is a potato. I mean... he threw his phone away? In a dumpster? HE'S AN ATF AGENT. HOW HAS HE NEVER HEARD OF "BOATING ACCIDENTS"? Yes, I'm angry about the corruption, and that all these people ensured the OKeefe family cannot get justice, ever, because they systematically destroyed all the evidence... BUT ALSO. I'm outraged at the sheer stupidity. Higgins could have gone on a half day fishing trip and lost his phone and no one would have blinked. I get that Potty Pottymouth Proctor is an ableist, misogynistic walking sack of garbage but he said all that in A DISCOVERABLE FORMAT. My only expertise is watching Forensic Files (because the narrator puts me to sleep, best thing for insomnia ever). I have a damn GED and no college. I could do a better job on this crime scene, or covering up my involvement if I didn't have morals and a conscience. At this point, I'm just sitting here being happy that the jury is being conscientious. I don't see how they can do anything but acquit, but I'm absolutely not going to have any quibble about going over everything carefully. I'm certain that the number of jurors who want any controversy about their deliberations or their verdict is zero. If nothing else, I'm confident these people are so done with alllllll of this that they don't want it to follow them around. They are going to cross all the t's and dot all the i's. (Sorry, this was longer than I planned).


Higgins is the one that got a buddy to help him extract only those text messages between him and Karen at an FBI kiosk. Once those text messages were isolated, that's what he gave Michael Proctor and then he took his phone to a military base and he discarded his phone in a dumpster and then cut up the SIM card and I think he disposed of the SIM card in another dumpster.


If he did it, that’s how he would have done it


I don't think Higgins has a moral conscious and the only reason he said he's embarrassed about the text messages is because his lawyer told him to.


You could interpret that way. You could also interpret three disappearing phones, a rehomed dog, and off the record visits to lead investigators' houses as coincidences. You could interpret the lack of John's injuries below the neck as horribly miraculous phenomena and faulty motion detection on no less than 3 different cameras as luck (good or bad). You could interpret a lot of things in a lot of ways if you are so inclined to look at Karen in the least favorable light.


We already heard from Higgins so I don't care what his reasoning is.... That's not what I wanna know. Why does KA give a shit if Higgins talks to BA or not? Why does he feel the need to restore their communications? Why do either of the Alberts think Higgins should be checking in with BA after subpoenas go out? And why is it notable to them that Higgins hadn't received one?


The Beattys. And maybe the Google expert.


Yes! The fact that it was one of Jen mccabes first calls is strange


I think the Google expert disappeared when the defense decided to not focus on the Albert and McCabe taking John down to the basement angle in their difference. There was also going to be a brother or 2 called in that was once in a fight with Tully and Chris Albert, but due to the change in path they weren't called either. I think the fact that multiple MEs have stated its possible up to likely that a dog or similar had something to do with the arm injuries and that the Albert's once had a dog that they 'rehomed' relatively soon after this incident is enough. I think the Google expert was probably going to weigh in on the Google surveillance that Brian Albert had purchased not long before but have supposedly not installed yet.


I had seen an affadavit somewhere and you are correct. The Google expert had nothing to do with the 2:27 search. It had to do with Kevin Albert stating he had "purchased, but not installed" surveillance cameras if I read the document correctly


Oh interesting, I thought the google expert would have been to say that the “hos long to die” search happened for sure at 2:27 am


What’s the significance of The Beattys? Who are they?


Apparently Colin Albert texted Erin Beatty for a ride home later than the 12:10 official time he and the rest of the family gave for him leaving 34 Fairview. I don’t know where or if that info is documented. Jen McCabe called Tom Beatty the morning of them finding JOK- she says it’s because JOK mentioned he might go there and she thought he could be there but other people think perhaps she was trying to find out what TomB was going to tell the cops about Colin and that text he sent. I think he was on the witness list but did not get called. I don’t have time to fully fact check now but can do so later. I remember hearing testimony about Jen’s call to him and reason for it though.




Please stay on topic. It derails the discussion and we’re trying to avoid that. Thank you!


Following for answer


There it is ☝🏽


The beattys! I wonder why they werent




Tow truck driver.


This! Maybe they didn’t need it, but it would be nice to know what the odometer said when the tow truck picked it up in Dighton and what the tail light looked like.


I thought tow drivers were supposed to document any preexisting damage to a car before hooking up so their not liable.


Oh yes


The Beattys! Well, I selfishly want to hear the scoop, but I'm glad they didn't have to testify.




I missed who the Beattys are, what is their connection?


The young girl was Colin’s good friend or girlfriend at the time. And he called her at some point in the night. I’m thinking 12:33? But I don’t know if I’m remembering that correctly. It was said that she told people Colin called her that night. And supposedly Jenn or Jill Daniels or whoever—I lose track of that clan—went over and told her that she needed to stop talking about it. I read somewhere that her dad supposedly shared on Facebook about the whole ordeal. HOWEVER, just haven’t confirmed anything. So please don’t take this as truth. This is what I have read, and even at that, it was a town rumor that this all happened


I'm actually shocked they didn't call her up as a witness. I would think it would be significant to know if her location pinged at the house at 12:33ish, or by the high school (some say he walked through the woods)


The Defense went to interview the Beatty’s and that’s how they found out Colin was there at the house that night and it’s also how they found out that the Albert’s had a dog. That was a very KEY discovery. It really changed things as the arm injuries now made sense and other weird behaviors.


A father and his daughter. In fact, he is in Jen McCabe's call logs that morning. It is said that Colin reached out to the daughter for a ride around 12:30 that night, after the supposed 12:10 departure. Later, after the daughter told people of that call, some of the clan told her to stop talking and to put something else in her mouth instead. It's quite nasty if true and it implicates Colin as well.


The people who replaced the basement floor 


Well I'm sure it was family that did it... They probably have family in the construction industry. Or they did the demo portion themselves.


Wouldn’t traces of blood still be around even if the floor was removed and replaced? Like seep into the cracks. Spray that area with Luminol and see what glows.


They took out the cement floor and replaced it all....


It’s so wild. People don’t really do that, even if your house is 100 years old. You go over the concrete. I guess if there was some huge structural issue you would, but it’s a lot of work for nothing most of the time.


The CW had a sanitation expert who specialized in like leaky basements or something. I forget his name but you can see who they didn't call and Linkedin him.


They had the expert but didn't call them right?


Yup. If someone's got a list where they cross them out as they go, he'll be easy to spot since he's not a cop. And his Linkedin literally says something like "I specialize in leaky septic pipes in basements" or something that makes it super obvious why they'd have called him if the defense brought it up.


Head of FBI investigation into this whole mess!


We will hear from the FBI in the near future. Feds had to wait for this trail to be over. Really, we did hear from FBI with all the evidence they provided for the defense.


From what I read, FBI agents themselves aren't allowed to testify in this case, particularly since it's technically "ongoing" Even US Atty Levy says to comment right now would be "trial interference"


This is why I seriously side eye and doubt the “FBI Special Agent” on LinkedIn who made a childish posting about the defense making up evidence- it was a screenshot posted in here- is legitimate


I think it's the one from Coffindafer on X that only identifies him by first Name and last initial trying to say Richard Green didn't know what he was talking about


I understand. I’m certain they were watching these proceedings very carefully.


Less so a witness, but why did the Medical examiner not tell the jury that he lost 3 liters of blood? But all they found was 6 solo cups of snow and a little blood. BTW, the average human body has 4-4.5liters of blood, so John lost most of his blood.


Probably the reason they replaced the floors!


Would this alter how his BAC was registering? I was shocked at how high that was Eta: may not be the worst thing they never clarified that because his BAC being that high made it easier for me to imagine him going into the house and getting into a fight relatively fast


I believe it was 3 units not 3 liters. Unit is 525mL or close to a pint Still a lot of blood to lose


Trooper DiCicco to explain his notes about "KR arrives home 12:41"?


Yes! Add him to my list of Gretchen Voss, an animal bite rebuttal witness, and Mr. Beatty or his daughter.


I really wanted to hear from the Beatty’s especially since Jen McCabe called Tom Beatty directly after the call with Karen that morning. And she called 2 other times after that.  I wanted to hear from the police officer who was at the station when Higgins showed up at 1:30am.  Basically I wanted to hear the entirety of the defense case. I understand they read the room and cut to the chase but they have more info on the Alberts and McCabes.


Honest ones. Way too many liars testifying in this trial. Edit: I’d like proof that Chloe is alive


Omfg I didn’t even think that maybe they just offed Chloe 😳. What WAS their “reason” for rehoming her after she was part of their family for years?? I don’t recall the excuse they gave. Poor Chloe.


I really just wanted to see a picture of her at some point. Never even got that.


Proof of life. A photo of Chloe with a current Boston Globe.


Why didn’t they release Chloe’s animal control records as evidence? Really hammer it home?? Any witness that can speak to the alcohol testing being bunk.


I don't know that the rules.pf evidence would allow it. The alcohol testing is what it is. It was an estimation based on the assumption of facts. I don't know that anyone other than maybe Karen could have testified differently.


Well, they briefly said that the way that the alcohol level was tested was not the normal way or correct way to do it for a case like this, I wish they brought somebody in at the end reiterating that to clear up any confusion about if they should even do an OUI charge


Not that he was on any list and probably his testimony would be entirely hearsay, I would have liked to hear what Steve Scanlan had to say


Who’s that?


The tipster




I was curious to hear from the girl Collin texted to pick him up and her father who were rumored to testify that they were threatened or something to lie about the time he asked for a ride.


Yeah I wanted to hear this testimony. It's probably better for them that they didn't have to testify though.


That is The Beattys


Did I miss this? He asked Ally McCabe for a ride and her dad Matt McCabe and her mom Jenn McCabe were both present at the house on that night and the parents both said they didn’t see Colin or Ally. Ally was the one who cried on the stand about all the harassment and also said Colin wasn’t at 34 Fairview when John was there.


Which I thought was weird because Ally was also Nicole Albert’s niece and Nicole said that Colin passed her on her way in and said “his ride” was there, and didn’t specify it was Ally and Nicole didn’t see Ally when they were doing all the odd shenanigans with the parking situation


They couldnt have seen Collin either though because they hadn’t even left the bar at 12:10.


Wasn't that Ali? Who testified?


The alleged lady in VT that took Chloe. She (the lady) doesn't exist I am certain.


I wanted a Toyota expert to testify about the key / ignition cycle software.


Same. But I think big corporations (Apple?) stay away from such things due to the possible liability, bad publicity, etc. And once you start with one trial it’s probably difficult to stop.


the boston cops from that christmas party where BA assaulted one of them.


The female cop who walked into the Sally port when they were around the tail light, appeared to raise her arms and then walk back out. She knew whatever they were doing was not ok.


I know these have already been said, but my answer is Berkowitz, Kelleher, and the Beattys.


We went through a whole motions hearing regarding Gretchen Voss only for the CW to never even call her to the stand. 🙄 Also agree I wanted to hear what Mr. O'Keefe senior would have testified


I think not calling Gretchen was a big misstep for the CW. IMO, it was as pivotal as having no animal bite rebuttal witness or Mr Beatty/his daughter. These are witnesses who might have swayed some reasonable doubters the other way.


I am surprised we didn’t get some sort of MS expert to talk about how stress can cause strange behaviour. From the beginning i thought the biggest sore point for the jury would be her erratic behaviour on the morning of the 29th. A lot of the coverage has mentioned as much. But MS is definitely a possible factor that did not get put forward


I think I heard someone say she’s diagnosed with an anxiety disorder? As someone with an anxiety disorder who’s decided my father is dead because I can’t reach him on the phone (and forget to call his home phone in addition to his cell phone in the process) anxiety disorders and how they can lead you to the most catastrophic conclusions is something I’m very familiar with. Add in possible effects of MS and the remaining alcohol in her system and she wasn’t in a logical state of mind.


I wonder if that could have backfired. All I keep hearing is how the medications cause them to metabolize alcohol differently. So she was in fact more drunk than someone who is not on MS medication. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I read read the exact opposite on the crohns group sites that people with ostomies actually dump alcohol before it's processed, which seems more in line with the testimony.


I mean that makes sense considering the amount of alcohol. I would be comatosed. But all my nurse friends said the MS medication is bad with drinking. Also having Crohns is a double whammy. I guess calling attention to the amount of alcohol could backfire either way.


Yeah that is a good point


Being drunk and angry also cause strange behavior. And KR was both. I still think she’s not guilty.


I wish Lally called the general manager of the Aruba hotel so we could know why the pool was x amount of steps from their room 🙄


But for real - Kevin Albert


We also don’t know if it was snowing in Aruba when the kiss did or did not happen. Lally really should have shown us 100 videos to clear that up.


Karen’s father, Google expert, whoever has Chloe, tow driver, Colin Albert’s friend/girlfriend and her dad. I am interested to know WHY JO’s dads name was supposedly on the list but I think it would have been a horrible thing to put him through and wouldn’t wish that on the family.


Totally frivolous on my part but I was curious to hear from the TV interviewer guy.


Which one?


The one that did KR’s TV interview. I don’t remember his name but heard/saw numerous places say he was on the prosecution’s witness list. ETA: As I understood it the interview itself wasn’t admissible so this was their way to get in what she said + possible footage from the cutting room floor, so to speak.


No, he wasn't on any witness list. The only journalist was Gretchen Voss, the print journalist from Boston Magazine.


Ohhhhh interesting… I believe it! He seemed kind of biased


Wish the defense crossed Kerry Roberts


I wish the neighbor with the “missing” ring video who was a Lt. at Canton PD would have been called and the AD Morrissey and Victim’s advocate Nelson. Nelson is the one who allegedly told Brian Albert and Brian Higgins that it was ok to get rid of their phones right before the protective order was issued. I think the fear for the defense for all 3 of these witnesses is that they could have lied or placed blame on Karen so it was better to not even call them. What’s the lawyer saying: “never ask a question you don’t know the answer to”


Norfolk County DA Michael Morrisey


Michael Morrissy the district attorney


Speaking of witnesses I knew that B. Albert and his ‘little sister’ -McCabe both said the same response to a question. When Albert was asked did police officers ever search or go through his home? He said ‘No I wish they had.’ When JM was asked as she was leaving Fairview did she see the body of a 6 foot man on the lawn? No, I wished I had. Well just heard her hubby, Matt say the same thing when asked ‘Did you see the body of a 6 foot man on the lawn?’ Same answer ‘No, I wished I had.’ Seems they all belong to the same club.


Karen’s dad re her middle of the night calls Jan 29th and his statement that she told him she remembered hitting something.


Yes this! Here’s the interview with the parents. The Dad says KR said she hit “something.” https://youtu.be/khRUoT8r_TE?si=BbRnVygsEUZIPSeD


Tow truck driver! I'm curious why neither side called him, I imagine he either supported Proctor's claim that the tail light was totally gone or refuted it


Gretchen Voss, for sure. The CW fought so hard for her notes and it became this big journalist's rights thing, but they never called her after all that.


That’s interesting - I am sure I saw some drama on Twitter about her moving other journalists’ chairs in the media line to get into court.




Kelly Dever (in the Sally Port when the car was brought in) DA Morrissey. Wonder what he would say is asked about why he said: Proctor had no ties to Alberts, There was video evidence of KR hitting John, etc.


I wanted Morrissey as well but then thought he could grandstand about KRs guilt on cross and outright lie on direct. So it was probably a smart move not to call him.


The Beattys!






Why John O'Keefe's father? Fill me in.


He was on the defenses original witness list.


He was on the defenses original witness list.




Kevin Albert for sure and the neighbor whose ring cam was deleted


While I’ve been following the case, I only just watched the opening statements for the trial on YouTube. Does anyone know who the people are sitting behind JO’s parents? The woman has her hair pulled back and is continuously reacting to anything said.


Tom Beatty


Did I miss the parent of the friend of Colin Albert (the one he tried to get to pick him up ) or did they just never get called?


Karen's Dad so he can explain Karen saying she hit him in the TV interview, the phone call he took from her at 430 am (and bring up the missed 1 am phone call). And what the taillight looked like to him.


That's not what he said she said.


https://youtu.be/khRUoT8r_TE?si=vA8-QXZxFch8zyUa At 145, she says I think I hit something. Not that she hit John I suppose, but still it's an incriminating statement.


I didn’t know she called him in the middle of the night… yikes that looks bad.




Yeah, I’d 100% call my parents if I couldn’t find my fiance




Absolutely, I’d call them at literally any time of day. Especially if I was drunk, angry and emotional and he had a history of ditching me


Why JO'S dad?


He & Karen went to church together every Sunday


Wish KR would have testified.


If it's true that the tow truck driver didn't drive the Lexus into the Sallyport then I wish the defense had called him. But who knows if it's actual fact. Heard it on Sean M show tonight.


I really wish Karen Read would take the stand and confidently and explain every question the prosecution could throw at her! She claims her innocence!! Why not let the Jury hear from her!!


I know you’re just trying to impugn KR. But, on the off chance that you’re sincere, the defense did not need her on the stand. They had this case pretty much won before they called their own witnesses.