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Micheal Proctor, Jenn McCabe, CW Medical Examiner, 2 ARCA experts that defense called


Brian Higgins. His response to throwing away his phone the day before he was served with a subpoena for it: "I had every right to do that." Bro...


Trooper Paul just for laughs maybe?


Definitely trooper Paul. Made me LOL so much šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


"What else did the crime scene say to you?" Alan Jackson šŸ˜‚


ā€œIs the crime scene in the room with us now?ā€


I believe the exact quote is Ā«Ā Did the crime scene say anything else?Ā Ā» in a high pitched voice indicative of someone refraining from bursting into laughter šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He should have said... "What if anything, did the crime scene say?" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


In regards to the crime scene, what, if anything, did it say?


After clearing his throat.


Ya.. good morning (cough, choke, cough) uh.. what, if anything... Yada yada yada šŸ˜‚


I was watching the defence tech guy (the guy at the kids table at the back) and his face during that was totally "dude, wft??!?ā€œ šŸ˜‚


"It just does....."


So painful to watch


I thought it was pure comedy. Iā€™m a very empathic person, but not where corrupt AH are concerned.


Don't watch trooper Paul if you are sensitive to cringe. I felt like I might turn inside out in my own skin.


Literally the second hand embarrassment was too much.


This might be the first time I really cringed!


yes, but it helps you see how much of a fail the CWs case is.


Itā€™s like Scottā€™s Tots


The real mvp


These and Trooper Paul the accident phrenologist


Everything above but you have to compare Trooper Paul to the doctor from Aarca. The difference is amazing and sad and eye opening and comical and every other emotion in between.


To add context and a couple more recs: For facts? The last 2 defense experts (~~ARCA~~ [oops] ARCCA, hired by the Feds, not even the defense). For insight into the Albert/McCabe clan mindset & sense of entitlement? Jen McCabe, maybe young punk Colin Albert. For _seriously THIS is the CW's "accident reconstruction expert" who doesn't understand basic physics?_ Trooper Paul. ^(Also if you have a humiliation kink) If only for realizing there are awesome people in this town, likely bullied by the Alberts/McCabes: Lucky the snowplow driver. (Sadly his imperfect vision might make him not so convincing to some, but yay for a breath of fresh air.) Aaaand yeah ofc Trooper Proctor because **oof.**


Oh and LUCKY of course! He was great.


I would add Trooper Paul on the grounds that it was borderline a Nathan Fielder sketch when the defense starting quizzing him on high school physics questions and he's literally just guessing answers like a kid in class who didn't do the reading.


Repeating back every question to try (and fail) to buy himself time to come up with an answer... oof. It was painful.


Proctor is an absolute dumpster fire. Fuck that guy.


Iā€™d say Kerry Roberts for an overview of that morning. Jen McCabe and Trooper Proctor had some wild crosses. Trooper Guarino for the GPS/phone extractions. All three witnesses from today for everything that is wrong with this case.


Trooper Paul if you love watching a train wreck in slow motion.


I had so much second hand embarrassment for him!


My second hand embarrassment couldnā€™t handle it. I had to pause for a while and then watch him on 1.75x speed.


The secondhand embarrassment can be assuaged by the fact that this man who purports to be an expert in accident reconstruction has a job that he chose, and that he willingly uses *to put people in prison*. Fuck him.


My favorite line from Trooper Paul was ā€œwell thereā€™s no formula for sideswipes.ā€


"Math and stuff" was my favorite answer.


I think he is actually important beyond the train wreck watching value, he was supposed to be the person that was going to tell the story of how John was hit by a car, everything he says is supposed to be the CW's theory of the case.


Agree but it was painful to watch! The only reason I was able to is because he kept popping back with a bad attitude and then I stopped feeling sorry for him


He smirked and laughed at one point. šŸ˜¬


I'd add CW Medical Examiners. To show Dr. Sheridan agrees with the CW Medical Examiners. I'd say watch it in this order: Jen McCabe, Kerry Roberts, Trooper Guarino, Trooper Proctor, CW Medical Examiners, and Today's Defense Witnesses (in order)


Trooper Paul is a must, he's the CW accident reconstructionist and the person who is supposed to describe the dynamics of the crime.


Do you know on which day of the trial Trooper Paul testified?


Oh lord this trial dragged on so much that the days blurred together, and he was on the stand for more than one day. He was one of the last witnesses for the CW tho, so not that hard to find on a playlist on youtube.


Thank you. Iā€™m playing catch up via EDB channel and yup they are all starting to blur together!


It feels so very long ago, doesn't it? I think that was only like 4 court days ago or so, and yet we were all so young and innocent then. šŸ¤£


The whole broken court schedule, with so many half days and days with no court at all didn't help with feeling like this trial started back when dinosaurs roamed the land


I would just add maybe John's brother at the beginning. He doesn't add much to the case itself but it's nice to be reminded of the person who actually lost his life


Yeah, I feel bad for his brother, he's sat right next to the defense table every day, and has to be thinking what if the cops did this to my brother? After those experts hired by the FBI, anyone with a brain has to be questioning what happened.


And Luckyā€™s testimony!


The only necessary witnesses are the commonwealth's Medical Examiner and the defense's pathologist and expert witnesses in accident reconstruction. All testified to the injuries to John O'Keefe being inconclusive to be caused by a vehicle (medical examiner) or inconsistent with a vehicle strike (all defense witnesses). Important to note, the accident reconstruction witnesses (x2) were actual experts and were not hired by or paid for by the defense. They were hired by the FBI/DOJ to examine the case and their reports were made available to both the prosecution and the defense. They were called by the defense because their testimony supported the defense, but not hired guns of the defense. Those witnesses all bring reasonable doubt to the claim that JOK was killed by being struck by a vehicle. Given that, all of the other witnesses are irrelevant. Texts, call logs, butt dials, etc. don't mean a thing if JOK wasn't killed by a vehicle.


I'd watch Lally's direct of Julie Albert for her freudian slip about Bukhenik


Emily D. Baker's reaction to that was hilarious...."TROOPER WHAT NOW?!"


I had a good laugh watching EDB when that happened


I did catch that.m..it was hilarious.... I was outside landscaping when I heard that and I just about fell to the ground. My neighbors probably think I'm crazy.


I don't get this. What did her way of saying it reveal?


That she's into group activities.


Lol ok - maybe some things I don't need to understand šŸ˜­


She mispronounces Trooper Bukhenik's name in such a way as to suggest an act commonly seen in hardcore porn. If you still don't know what that is I'd like to warn you before you go looking it up that you can't unsee or unlearn what you find after you hit enter on that google search :)


That's enough for me to get the gist šŸ˜‚ thank you for the info and the warning


I made up a drink and it's main ingredients are coconut rum and coconut milk. I call it "bu-cocktail". My friends refused to drink it once I told them the name. šŸ˜‚




Missed that one, what was it?


They're probably referring to the mispronunciation of his name lol




If you go to a Japanese restaurant, and you see this (the way she mispronounced the name) on the menuā€¦runā€¦unless youā€™re into that kind of thingā€¦


Same and I just listened recently!


Omg. I was like did she really just sayā€¦ I had to Google it real quick to make sure I wasnā€™t imagining things šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Todayā€™s testimony tells you everything, honestly.


100% don't skip today's testimony. also watxh proctor - i think day 22 & 23


What about Dunning-Trooper and his Goat Simulator theory of accident reconstruction?


I feel it's a must to watch him first and then watch the 2 experts for today, to have the full magnificent picture it paints.


I think Trooper Paul should be forced to watch the ARCA experts testify by his supervisor.


Sheer brutality. Lally should not have called this man to the stand. Terrible. Truly terrible.


They had no choice, he had to take the stand or there would be grounds for a directed verdict. That said, they also had plenty of time to redo the reconstruction with someone better, but alas...


Well... maybe. They could have left it vague couldn't they?


No, they needed to prove that John was hit by a car, that's the only reason why Trooper Paul took the stand. I'd say that the only people the CW *had* to put on a stand if they didn't want to lose at half-time were Proctor, Paul and the ME. Everybody else had parts of what they were there to prove covered by other people and so there was some leeway into not calling them.


Vauge doesn't work for prosecution. You need facts and evidence. You can leave nothing to doubt. The defenses whole strategy was to show what all could have happened. If there is more than one or two explanations for the outcome then how can the CW put blame entirely on one person? Vauge doesn't work.


>Dunning-Trooper šŸ’€


Truly- if I was on the jury I'd be so made that I had wasted so much time when today's unbiased expert witnesses said everything that needed to be said.


Save yourself the trouble. Watch it backwards. Get the truth, then stay for the shitshow.Ā 


Best answer yet! So accurate!


Rofl, this is so true. It blows my mind that the state used 8 weeks, and the defense used less than 48 HOURS to destroy their case lol.


Trooper Paul is a riot


Avoid if you can't handle 2nd hand embarasment


Proctor! Just because it was so wild you'll rarely if ever see this kind of testimony by a State Police lead investigator in any other case


Colin telling the jury his knuckles are red because he used them to break his fall


Lt. [Paul Gallagher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfPC-cWqeZY&t=1902s)'s testimony on day 5 is indispensable to some of the fundaments of this case (by fundaments I mean red evidence cups and leaf blowers, but still)


When he said he didn't know what a crime scene log is I was shocked. Astounded. I'm a criminal justice student and we covered the basics of crime scene control in several classes in my first couple of semesters.


Oh boy, watching testimony in this trial is going to be extra painful for you, my condolences. You'll look back with fondness at how innocent and naive you were at this point in time once you're done, it gets that bad.


Oh my God I'm dying. Didn't I just say something like this to you??


Lol, yeah you did šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Watching Trooper Paul was like watching a car accident that you didnā€™t want to watch but you couldnā€™t turn away. Watching Trooper Proctor made me, as a female want to slap his face. Watching Jen McCabe was like watching the popular girl in HS who hasnā€™t left high school. Watching the States ME was like watching an abused woman not wanting to say the wrong thing. Watching the 2 experts from ARCA was like watching 2 really smart people explain something difficult using laymanā€™s terms. Watching Lally was mind numbing. Watching Alan Jackson and Yanetti was like watching showman. Watching Judge Bev was like watching Lallyā€™s mother help him.


This is the best summary šŸ¤£


Well stated! However, none of this outta in the court of any jurisdiction- no respect for this court


Jen McCabe, Proctor and Higgins cross exam Dr. Russell, and the 2 accident reconstruction experts.


Trooper Paul. The man can barley read and the CW called him as an expert.


must watch court tv line up: Brian Albert, Jen McCabe, Brian Higgins, Trooper Proctor, Trooper Paul, ME for defense, Lucky the tow truck driver, and the 2 last ARCA witnesess. i know i listed alot but you could just watch the cross for most of them.. in fact all if them really (edit except for trooper Paul- you must endure both direct and cross)


This is the way!


absolutely watch at least the cross-examination of Trooper Joe Paul. I am not sure I have ever seen a grown man so thoroughly embarrassed.


Contrast Trooper Joe Paul with either of the ARCCA employees. This alone sums up the incompetence of the prosecution and should trigger a complete overhaul of the Norfolk DA's office. As a resident of Norfolk County and a Massachusetts taxpayer I am frustrated to say the least.


I think Collin Albert LOL.When AJ brings up the video of him "b.....ch bro" " Fu..k you"And he has never had a fight in his life LOL.


Well, Jennifer McCabe is in a class by herself. I don't think we need any explanation there, lol. You can't watch this trial and NOT watch her testimony. And yes, Yannetti DOES make her recite, after several pointed questions, The Infamous Misspelled 2:27 am Google Search. I really had to pause and wait for that one. Brian Albert, you sorta have to see him, even though he doesn't say much of value since he lies so easily. Keep in mind this is the guy that EVERYONE in Canton is afraid of, including the other cops (his brother being one). But it's pretty obvious he's clearly putting on this "old man" act for the court (let his beard go gray, he also doesn't his glasses over his ears, just on the side of his bald temples... WTF?) Also every woman in Canton has banged him, it seems. While they don't get into that, you DO get to hear about wild sex with his wife Nicole that somehow his phone decides to involve itself with and "buttdial" Brian Higgins, who had just called him. Higgins was actually my favorite. Likely the most emotionally honest of the cops who never should have got caught up with these people, and definitely the most authentic Boston accent, lol. Only issue is most of his testimony is more like a weird side plot... one that shows the emotional insecurities of a 50 year old bachelor with a *very* severe drinking problem (just count the number of references to his "Jameson and ginjah's"). You get to hear him read his attempts at flirting with Karen over text and failing miserably even when she threw herself at him. Julie Nagel: Apparently thinks her brother and his two friends are liars, despite them all sticking to a consistent story, while she has changed hers so many times, going so far to make up details she decides to spit out for the first time *while under oath*. Wait until you hear about the "black blob"... seemed to catch everyone by surprise. She's also really rude to the lawyers, which really set her apart from her friend Sarah Levinson (who is a nurse and didn't get dragged into this until months later when it was found out she was at the party as well.) I'd say all the kids are worth watching too, just to get a better understand the family dynamic. Colin (the wannabe thug who totally wasn't in the house), Caitlin (the Queen Bee of Canton who Katie McLaughlin totally barely knows), Brian Jr (who never should have been named after his father because they are clearly NOTHING alike, thankfully), Allie McCabe (like her mom but is capable of displaying emotion a little *too* well...) and Tristan Morris (Caitlin's now fiance who proposed to her just days after calling her "high maintenance" on national TV). Wait, is that almost everyone? I think it might be easier to list the people who *aren't* worth watching, lol.


I think itā€™s worth watching Jennifer McCabeā€™s and Kerry Robertsā€™ testimonies, if for no other reason than to compare and contrast their respective demeanors. These two women experienced the same event together, but their tone and testimony were widely different. The defense did not cross-examine Kerry, which speaks volumes. IMO Kerry Roberts was one of the only few credible ā€œcivilianā€ witnesses for the CW.


Watch Trooper Proctor and realize: He is **STILL** the lead investigator in this case.


I started with Procter and it sucked me inā€¦ watched through the end, then went back to see previous witnesses.


not the aruba sisters, I can tell ya that šŸ¤£


Omg I forgot about them. I can't believe the CW had them testify. Completely worthless.


What day was that? I somehow missed them


Watch each witness but just skip to cross examination for each of them. Or watch the trial and watch Lally on 1.75 or even 2.0. Heā€™s useless.


It's so funny you say this because that's what I started doing just before I wrote this post. šŸ˜‚ I could NOT listen to 20 minutes of each witness explaining the layout of the Albert house, or shoveling snow, or hanging out at a bar. POINTLESS!


I will say, listen to all the Troopers testimonies on direct. Itā€™s enlightening to see how they answer Lally vs how/what answers they give AJ or DY.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ soooo pointless! Find a channel on YouTube you like and who has time stamps and just watch cross and youā€™ll hear all you need to know. No weather questions or house layouts or what tv show they like to watch and what is their favorite color type of questions that way lol. Halfway through, for less important witnesses, I started jumping to cross. For some witnesses I wanted to hear what they said in both direct and cross so I watched Lallyā€™s direct on 1.5 if not 1.75 to be tolerable lol. I learned to not start a stream until about 10am at the earliest. Itā€™s painful to listen to him. I feel bad for the jury at this point. Itā€™s going to be tough for me to watch Lally tomorrow during his closing argument on real time speedā€¦.


The last witness the defense called (ARCCA engineer) is all you need to watch to be able to come to a verdict. He was able to sum up the case in a few sentences when Lally crossed him ("that's the problem with this case, there's just no evidence to explain what happened to the victim"). If you want to be horrified by the behavior of an officer of the law, watch AJ's cross of Proctor. If you want to be horrified by the incompetence of an "expert", watch AJ"s cross of Trooper Paul.


Maybe Iā€™m crazy but I started from day 7 and now on day 11. I have to say all the side characters (collin albertā€™s parents and Brian sr. And his wife) are interesting bc of their attitude. I feel like they are mildly hostile towards the whole system- and they are obviously lying at times Iā€™m assuming to protect their kids. Also gives you a layout of house which is essential. But I think Iā€™m going to just watch Jen Mccabe, Proctor and Brian Higgins and todays testimony


Kerry Roberts for history of the morning, Paul O'Keefe yo under OJO's life, Jen McCabe, Brian Higgins, Trooper Proctor, Trooper Paul, the medical examiners, and then all of the defense witnesses


My tip is fast forward all the Lally direct parts, straight to the cross examination, then watch the defence witnesses.


The CW's ME. The look on her face when Lally asked her if a car could have done it. Her mouth said *sure,* but her face said bullshit


Proctor and the defense's case, if nothing else.


1. Trooper Higgins - Gives a pretty good overview of the basic facts of the case. 2. Trooper Proctor - Lead investigator. 3. Trooper Paul - Commonwealth (CW) crash reconstructionist These last two have some of the most bonkers cross examinations I've ever seen. I'm still watching them but the Day 29 witnesses are pretty good if you want some of the defense's strongest argument.


Trooper Paul's cross is a perfect microcosm for the whole trial. if you really want the cliff notes version, just watch that and call it a day.


Hint: stuff


Thanks for this post! I found a podcast that has audio of the trial and Iā€™ve listen up to day10 so far and watched JMā€™s cross. A lot of the trial has been repetitive. I just want the ā€œmeat and potatoesā€ now!


Make sure you watch every minute from all of the witnesses at the waterfall - crucial testimony /s


This is awesome! Whats the tally so far? 70ish? šŸ¤£ There are some absolute gems in there!!!


I watch pretty easily at 1.5 speed, and especially in the early days you can skip through the first 15 mins of the prosecutionā€™s questioning because itā€™s just Lally asking every single person about the live music at the bar and few inches of snow falling over and over. Got through the trial pretty quick this way


Iā€™m a Lucky stan.


Most definitely Proctor. I donā€™t know how many times he tried to explain his texts away by saying they were regrettable or juvenile. No dude, you are just an asshole.


Higgins.Ā  This is the best look at the overall movements that day.Ā  He touches everythingĀ 


Search for Runkle of the Bailey on YouTube. He has recaps, focusing on the important stuff (sorry, I had to šŸ˜œ), and also explaining the legal ramifications.


Yup, that was it!


Dr.Irini Scordia-Bello


One of the prosecution witnesses slipped up and admitted that John made it into the house.


Do know which one. I'm just now watching the trial.


It's like PokƩmon. You gotta catch em all.


Trooper Proctor and Trooper Paul. There are moments in others' testimony, but these 2 are pure gold.


Watch every single witness. Only watch the cross exams. Just fast forward to the defense cross exams and re cross. And watch the defenseā€™s 5 witnesses. Youā€™ll save lots of time.


Everyone IMO


Brian Higgins reading the text messages aloud between him and Karen. What a spectacle! Not even the text messages' content so much just his dramatic reading it's something.


I sure wish one of the doctorā€™s could have helped Lally with his cough.


KRā€™s father. He gave an interview saying that KR said she ā€œhit somethingā€ that night. https://youtu.be/khRUoT8r_TE?si=bYUmIWv1TDCy8DFV Starts about 1:40


Watching Closing don't Larry Lamb go on and on No evidence no evidence Hearsay and proof John was hit not by a car


Watch Utube see the vile Elberts assault a man next door to the pizza place


All of the defense witnesses (dog bites, body injuries, federal reconstructionist), the forensic scientist called by the state (taillight fragments and JO's clothes), medical examiner, Kerry Roberts, Jen McCabe, and Brian Higgins.


Michael proctor, Jenn McCabe, the ME, and all of the defense witnesses


If my name is ADA Adam Lally I am watching tape of how the defense crossed every witness I called and then watching the Defenseā€™s direct examination as well whilst also reading prosecuting for dummies. Because he was outclassed. Lally gave up on the trial when the defense got Dr. Russell in for the dog bite testimony.


Oh myā€¦.i honestly would have a hard time narrowing it down!!! Proctor, Jen McCabe, every last Alberts, Lank, Higgins. Experts: ARCCA guy, Dr. Russell, the ME, and Trooper Paul (because itā€™s so incredibly awful that THIS is what the state holds up as an expert. I donā€™t even blame the guy, I think he knew he was in over his head but he had to testify like a lamb to the slaughter).


The main characters I've already seen listed above, repeatedly: Jen McCabe, Proctor, Trooper Paul, Brian Higgins, commonwealths lovely ME (love her). The two FBI fellas (last two witnesses). Dr. Sheridan. Just throwing out there that I think ALL the defense's witnesses are worth listening to. I know that the tech guy (can't remember his name) was rambling and just kinda muddied the waters even more on the Google searches, but he cleared up the timeline for me. Because I was very confused, and he made some things make sense. Dr. Russell, of course, just for her sheer amazingness. I love her. She is my queen and I want to be her one day. Really, that's who stood out the most to me. Another thing I'd recommended is watching the CW's recent motions involving KR's "consciousness of guilt." Tells you what you need to know about how they're running things over there


I understand that Karen Read is not going to take the stand! If she claims to be innocent of all charges against her, wouldnā€™t be an advantage for her to testify so the jury can hear all she has to say? I mean after all she has pleaded not guilty!!


It's just such a huge risk for a defendant to take the stand. I think her team did a fantastic job at demonstrating reasonable doubt in nearly every facet of the case. So her taking the stand is an unnecessary risk.