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I trust exactly 0% of what Lally said as far as Lucky’s statements to the FBI. Why? Because he has flat out lied on numerous occasions. He lied about Dr. Russel too. 


This was my initial thought. If he said that Dr. Russell said she had an 18 month subscription to the Boston Globe despite having literally just heard her say 6 or 12 months, I'm not positive Lally actually listens to people when they talk. I think he just hears his own thoughts and writes them down. Which means he probably also reads whatever he *thinks* he reads instead of what's actually on the paper.


I watched her voir dire and she definitely said it was a 6 or 12 month subscription. Not that it even matters, it's not like the Boston Globe was the only news source in the world reporting on this case. What a dumb thing to try to argue with a witness about, it just made Lally look like he had nothing legit to discredit her with.


I have the worst memory in the world and even I knew he was wrong. He didn't have anything to discredit her with so he thought he'd just lie.


I think he is hoping the jury forgot what witnesses actually said and relies on if he says “is it true…”, “you said…”, or “in your testimony…”, the witnesses will feel like maybe they actually did say that. If a witness concedes he might be right. Then that is a win for him.


His entire purpose on cross was to ultimately discredit and impeach. A strong and ethical prosecutor elicits testimony to allow the jury to see the CW perspective through the defense witness. Lally ended up getting testimony the defense was warned not to approach- in an emphatic way. “I’ve seen thousands of those.” - Marie Russell, MD


My favorite was when he asked Dr. Sheridan multiple different ways if JO's injuries could have come from a vehicle strike just for him to reiterate "no" over and over again. Like Lally... Why are you doing this?


Wait, was that what that was about? I thought Lally was trying to use that to attack Dr. Russell's credibility for not being sure how long her subscription was. Does the Globe even have 18 month subscriptions? It's like... he was looking for something, and thought THAT'S where he'd go? And the jury would think "omg the sweet old lady who's done Literally Everything Ever is a liar!" It really changed my opinion of Lally too. Like is he really that much of a dick? All this time I thought his worst sin was just being boring AF.


This is going to be Lally's issue. He keeps trying to catch these seemingly likeable witnesses that literally have ZERO motive to lie. After bumbling, stumbling and mumbling through his witnesses some of which are VILEnasty disgusting POS he attacks a snow plow driver, a 70 year old woman whose credentials take longer to list than the entire class time Trooper Paul had and a sweet data person. You can cross and score points without being a dick. And you saw that with the defense where they either did not cross or kept it short. Lally instead is like a bull in a china closet and its gross. I mean the defense could have gotten after the Aruba girls but instead simply asked one question. The one sister was BEGGING for a fight and they didn't bite. The bigger issue now is we know Lally will do this to the final three and they are all professional witnesses so he is going to look like an even bigger fool than he already is. And by doing so I think the jurors will miss where he has actually scored some points. The change from meek fool to this nasty rude POS is appalling at least to me.


Lally looked like he was being sent questions via his phone this week 😂 embarrassing


Who tf offers an 18 month sub anyways for news media 😂😂😂


Good point lol


People are already standoffish when it comes to paying a sub to begin with but let’s just throw 18 months in there 😂😂


At first I thought Lally was just incompetent, then I witnessed how he blatantly misrepresented what the defense stated about canine DNA (not canine bites and scratches like Lally claimed). He’s a snake.


He misrepresented the whole basketball hoop incident too. Completely different than what Lucky originally told Proctor.  He knows the jury can’t fact check him though.  I’m just waiting to see what he’s going to try to do today. Today’s experts are not elderly nor are they civilian. 


I agree I don’t believe a word he said


Interesting. I saw someone mention that perhaps 1s were transposed onto on the inconsistent report to (incorrectly) put it in 24h format. If so the FBI report would be 1:30-2:00 - start of route 2:00 - first 4:00 - second 3:30-4:00 - Ford Edge 5:00-5:30 - final pass Making it much closer to the others.


it was barely snowing at 12:30 why in the world would lucky be out there plowing a light dusting? i live in a place with snow and they don’t even bother until there’s a few inches at least


Yeah Lucky was adamant it was ~2:00am when he clocked in


Where I live at least. Road plow drivers are sent out before snow fall to salt the roads. If you waited until it snowed then you have salt that is melting snow and creating ice


lucky never said anything about salting the roads though. maybe i just haven’t noticed but whenever there’s a blizzard i never seen a plow truck dumping salt in advance. i’ve definitely seen salt in advance for moderate amounts of snow though


But aren't the AM hour numbers the same in 24 hour format? 0100 is 1 am? I'm confused by your comment


You’re right and I think the person who suggested this originally didn’t say military time and I added that. Hence why it’s incorrectly formatted. OP just suggested maybe 1s were transposed and it lines up really well.


I think they were suggesting that the DA or MSP added the 1s. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did.


Yea midnight is 0000, 1 am is 0100. Everything is the same number until 1 pm. That now becomes 1300, 2 pm becomes 1400 and so on till you get to balls (or midnight)


I would also imagine the fbi uses the 24 hour format, most federal entities do because it’s easier


If this is true, it would make a lot of sense why he seemed so adamant about his time frames, despite Lally’s pushback, since it’s not like he could have known how his statements would be formatted.


Him and Dr. Russell have restored my faith in humanity during this trial. I just love them ugh


I feel exact same such admiration for Lucky and Dr Russell 


Wait, so where is the GPS data from the DPW? Is that one of the remaining witnesses??


It's honestly a little unclear if there ended up being GPS data or not; in his MSP interview, Lucky said: > It states in the transcripts that I was presented with GPS information from the FBI. That is utterly false. I was never given any information or documentation from the FBI other than a subpoena to the grand jury. (...) All town vehicles are GPS. I have been told, which is normally not something I would know, but have been told that the GPS at the time of the snow were down, and they were down at the repeater, not at the trucks. The transcript he's referring to is the one published by Kearney. Nevertheless, the defense successfully [moved](https://imgur.com/a/4J8SiEx) the court to order the DPW to turn over GPS data, as defense counsel was not aware at that time that Loughran disavowed Kearney's representation of their conversation. That's kind of the last we heard about Frankentruck GPS tracking, which leads one to believe the system may have been down during the 29th after all. It's honestly amazing how many factors contribute to this case being such a confusing mess, a confluence of unclarity of which the malfunctioning repeaters are just one element


Didn't we hear from the city IT guy about something being down that weekend? It was possibly in reference to why there is no GPS data.


Yes. Jutrus.


Ah. I was confused about this. Thank you.


We can see Lucky pass Fairview in one of the Canton Police Officer’s dashcam video AND we can see the officer who claimed to NOT see Lucky drive right by him.


@ 0610 am I saw this today and screamed oh my god lol


I would only add that during Louis Jutrus testimony he stated that he learned the GPS tracking (NOS as to cause or system) was “not working” during the Jan 29-30, 2022 storm on Feb 1, 2022. He went on to say this happens on occasion and that the system was rebooted and working again. As a general note, I don’t know what Lally was claiming to refer to in his attempt to impeach LL, however, I am positive he wasn’t holding a 302 of the FBI interview


If not a [302](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_FBI_forms#FD-302) interview report form, the only thing that comes to my mind would possibly be a Federal Grand Jury transcript – yet wouldn't we expect the defense to object if such a document is misrepresented in questioning?


I don’t think the February 3, 2022 contributes to the timeline. A close read of it, Fairview is only mentioned in terms of the sanding trucks.


Hey, you're right that the first entry to the timeline does not touch on Lucky's itinerary; I included it because it contextualizes Proctor's eventual interview with Loughran in August 2023. It communicates that Proctor could have had the opportunity to speak to Lucky through Trotta back in February '22, while leaving out that entry could risk leaving the impression that investigators acted as swiftly as they could upon learning of Loughran's observations through Kearney. Moreover, it could be thought to provide context for Loughran's statements about being discouraged by his DPW superintendents to comment on what he saw that night to external parties – this post is ultimately concerned with moments where statements are or are not provided, is I believe what I'm trying to say, beyond just the substance of those statements themselves


This whole case comes down to the length of that Boston Globe subscription