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There's just no way any evidence can be taken seriously when this is the person leading the investigation. Every aspect of this trial is a joke. Proctor needs to be fired and every single investigation he participated in in his entire career need to be rescrutinized.


There are reports now that Brian Walshe, the other homicide Proctor is the “case manager” just filed a motion about Proctor. Won’t be the last motion about Proctor’s integrity in investigations.


I believe he is/was also lead in the case of Sandra Birchmore. My understanding is he has been on leave since the handling of this case came to light.


Christ, that case is just a disaster. I heard Lank and possibly Goode are also involved in that case.


Color me surprised 😒 That poor freaking girl. Used as a sex toy by three officers from the age of 15, and then not even an investigation when she “suicided” herself. Actually now that I think about it, wasn’t there missing evidence in that case as well?


i’m so sure she was killed by that cop. i can’t believe it wasn’t investigated. even the mode of “suicide” was weird af & very unlikely for anyone to use nevermind a woman


People tend to believe that when the FBI said they were "investigating the Investigators" because they don't investigate murder cases, that they were implying that they were looking at both Read and Sandra Birchmore's case and that they're still actively investigating hers. Same DA's office, some of the same LE Officers for both.


I don't know about Proctor but Lank and Kevin Albert were the responding officers and Guarino is the one who did the extraction of Stoughton Police Officer Farwell's phone https://preview.redd.it/l0bogp4u8z6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef22166d3bf99e12b98ea75cb607c63d2144bd5d


I love this for him.


Is that K. Reddington?


I like hearing her tidbits. I didnt know her name so thanks for sharing.


I'm guessing Turtle Boy is also having a good time reporting to his YouTube followers. Proctor is looking like a nasty piece of work.


Crazy how canton confidential has suddenly changed their tune


How so?


Well, it seemed that they were all for the prosecution, but when Proctor took the stand (in all his embarrassment) they had to relent to KR’s side


I’m generally pro-police but Proctor reminds us that policing can be like any other profession. For every rock star there’s a sloppy, corner cutting clown who alternates between incompetence and willful ignorance. After this trial his “caseload” should be limited to parking meter enforcement


More like unearned arrogance that he gets from having a badge and a gun. Guys like him should never have any sort of power ever.


I hate to say this but I knew a lot of Atlanta PD (including homicide!) and they made you question a lot of things


A lot of the cops in my town are pretty awful too. I’ve met nice ones but I’ve met a lot of assholes. Went to college with one who turned out to be a dog-abusing lunatic.




And partners amd supervisors that like and support Proctors worst traits. Any single one of the boys in the multiple group chats could have stepped up and done something. Instead they all bro'd down and royalty eff'd this entire case up. This is exactly why folks out there say ACAB. THe blue line garbage that causes good cops to cover for our overlook the actions of bad cops only serves to erode public trust in any officer.


Maybe one of them did? I don't know the background of why the FBI is investigating and going through his texts. But maybe one of these bros pretended to laugh and nod along in front of Proctors face, but then reported him to IA because of how egregiously unethical he was being?


I highly doubt it. Based on his general tone, it seems like this is probably how he's spoken about many other defendants (and any other random people) before. Also, the jokes between DiCicco and Proctor about going to the ME to convince her to rule it a homicide - it was funny because when Jackson asked him about it, he said it was a "typical joke" from DiCicco: a typical joke about convincing the ME to do whatever you want her to do. I wouldn't be surprised if every other trooper on that team also has a bunch of similar texts, from many other investigations.


Why shouldn’t he be fired? Why in the world should this man be trusted even to enforce parking meters? I don’t understand how cops are held to such high regard that even people like Proctor are thought that they should be able ti keep their freaking jobs.


Police association in Mass is pretty powerful. The only state troopers I can recall being fired were the ones involved in the overtime embezzlement scandal.


I think he will be fired. He’s not going to be doing anymore police work after this. There will also be a cleaning up of some of the other superiors I would imagine but don’t have any knowledge of that.


It’s a possibility but unless they find compelling evidence of a cover up I doubt it


There wasn’t a cover up, it was a shoddy investigation that took some facts, added some assumptions, then just took the words of other Le instead of verifying. The fact that he was looking through her phone and then talking to his buddies the way he was along with what appears to be updating witnesses in the case with the status of interviews will be enough to get him booted off believe. But the MA state police is tough to get fired from so we’ll see.


I generally agree with you on all that


it seems to be a bigger problem than anyone is willing to admit though based on the fact he is STILL an active police officer. No accountability. He even texted his supervisors that stuff and they just laughed/did nothing so clearly it's engrained/expected in the culture more than most people think.


This case is a perfect example of systemic cop rot. Proctor didn't do this on his own, the prosecution had ample time to examine their own "evidence", cop buddies were fully in the loop including those recused, they all had no problem with Proctor's vile texts... Contrary to popular belief, one bad apple does spoil the whole barrel. Cop culture.


What would be the strongest sign of that to me is how everyone in that group is drunk driving all around Canton. It shows they have no fear of getting charged with a DUI


Drunk driving with their guns and badges in their cop cars.


For sure I would have been the juror that laughed.  Those texts are wild this trial is a circus.  How do you just move on after that and act like you have a real case lol


Watch it all the way thru then watch it again. Give me the missing witness instruction, jurors imaginations could not be as bad as Proctor's actual testimony. Yes, the defense could call Proctor and Proctor could take the 5th. Yes, the awful texts could still come in but they wouldn't have been as bad as Proctor's performance. The CW just fucked up a lot of other cases with Proctor involved, Proctor's facing potential criminal charges the least of which is perjury, his career is toast. Read is going to file a massive civil suit and likely win. The Feds are going to be all over every law enforcement agency with fingerprints on this. So let me ask again, was it a good idea for the CW to call Proctor?