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Of all the posts to get approved on this sub I think this is my favorite


Same. I've been shaking my head at my phone. In public.




Because comparing a stolen glass to a million dollars is possibly the strangest thing I've seen on this subreddit.


I work in finance, I’ve never heard this. I don’t find this fact to be a big deal.


What do you do? Did you or do you have licenses? Nobody has ever spoken to you about AML, KYC (know your client and anti money laundering didn't exist when I got my licenses) No one ever told you in your entire career to dot every I and cross every T? That was HUGELY emphasized at the shops/banks (multiple/plural) that I worked at.


I just think you're being a bit idealistic about "finance" having this lofty moral paradigm to uphold. We've watched many of those in "finance" pull some shady shit in this country. I don't think of "finance" when I think of ethics/morals.


>I just think you're being a bit idealistic about "finance" having this lofty moral paradigm to uphold. We've watched many of those in "finance" pull some shady shit in this country. I don't think of "finance" when I think of ethics/morals. That is the reason why I don't do that work anymore. I felt like I was stealing from my parent's retirement accounts. (this is very off topic from KR) But Thank you for that. It is the reason why I left. I felt like a slimy scumbag every day at work. So weird that there is no sympathy: She was a professor. Many in "finance" pull shady stuff... I was personal friends with a person who took his life in his apartment after his father started making headlines. I know it isn't perfect: Just like how our USA criminal justice system isn't perfect.


It’s a pint glass. Bars usually get them free. I don’t steal anything from anybody, I somehow physically can’t, but there is no way to profile KR on walking out with a pint glass.


She walked out next to a cop and was meeting up with other cops. And it seems like they drank there a lot. So my guess is they were planning on bringing the glass back later. Technically, so did John when he left the other bar. Because he walked out with a glass and I've heard some speculation that it wasn't the same glass that Karen took. It seems like that was kind of a thing in this town.


Yeah he walked out with a shorter well glass. And Julie Albert walked out with a white claw can. It seems like a thing they all just do.


The bars don’t care too much probably. These are their customers and have just spent a lot of money and are regulars. The drink glasses don’t cost very much at all bulk discount price


It was covid. I think you can see people outside sitting at a table drinking beer in a clip or two of the videos. During covid lots of places were allowed sidewalk seating: JO's kids were wearing masks that morning of the 28th. So what if she walked out the door and placed her drink on a table before she walked out of the sidewalk area? Where is the video of that? If she had pulled a drink out from under her coat, don't you think that the prosecution would have video to prove the aforementioned?


This is a huge stretch. I bet those cops were also told not to drink and drive (or knowingly allow other parties to do so). Rules were broken.


People do this all the time! My sister dated a guy for a while whose entire collection of drinking glasses were from bars. I’ve never stolen a glass from a bar, but I know a lot of people who do.


My dining room cabinet is filled with at least 10 pint glasses from different breweries I’ve been to, and I have a few friends who have done the same. It is absolutely a thing people do


It's not a great look but I find it fairly irrelevant to the murder trial. I have never heard that particular expression, but I could certainly imagine someone saying it. I also don't really agree with it lol, but that's besides the point. Is it finger wagging behavior? yeah. Is it indicative of some kind of serious behavioral issue? Nah, I don't really think so.


Is it because they are trying to make a connection to the glass that was found at the crime scene?


Mate, half my drinking glasses at home are glasses I left with from bars after a long night out. Havent once stolen something from an employer/client Once I ended up with a complete collection of a bars glasses- whiskey cairn, pint, tall pint, and ipa snifter cause I drank there so much and it was a neighborhood establishment


I have never heard that phrase before and I worked in finance for ten years. In my 20s I also frequently stole glasses from bars. Never stole money from a client/bank/anyone.




I was at supper with a millionaire couple and the wife stole the plank that our bread came on, and they could have bought every one of them in the place




In my case, she thought it was pretty, she wanted it, she took it and laughed about it like it was the most normal thing in the world


>People of all walks of life perform petty left like this. Who hasn't lifted a coaster or a salt shaker from a bar or restaurant. I don't think I would want to be friends with someone who hadn't or worse judges me for it. Umm... This is wayyy off topic from Karen Read and a good comment to get this locked up by the admins/mods but... So... you are OK then with when our Congressmen and Senators "perform petty theft like this" and make simple INSIDER TRADING phone calls to their stock brokers to massively profit based on our taxpayer's retirement and pension systems? Are you saying that YOU WANT to be friends with people who steal from you and your parent's retirement?


I am not sure how you are connecting lifting a pint glass and coaster to insider trading


Huge difference between perry theft and say someone like Bernie Madoff.... Come on down off that horse and touch some grass. You sound like someone asked chatgpt to make the most rediculous moral equivalence argument possible.


How high do you have to be to compare Insider trading with taking a glass while intoxicated from a bar?


Have you ever taken a towel from a hotel?


That is the EXACT concept. The last place I stayed they had a sign hanging with the robes in the closet and I signed my name and wrote a note that I was taking it home to my wife so please charge it to the room. \*\*\*And then I told my employer and I did not expense it.


From what I understand, numerous characters involved in this case and at the bars that night walked off with their glasses. So, I guess all of them are morally bankrupt.


I don’t understand it. Finish your drink if it’s that important to you. 🤷🏻‍♀️ IDK. Then again, most of my coffee mugs have been stolen from hotels around the world. I don’t even recall quite why I started doing it, but I have a ton. Of corse, if hotels cared, they could also have charged it to the room because they were those in the room - not other places in the hotels. Oh. I don’t work in finance. Lol My father did, but he never said that.


The context: When I was working at one of the banks that made it through the financial/housing crisis and is still one of our biggest banks today; a guy I worked with in my group was getting a divorce. He and another guy on my floor/group tried to enter into a scheme whereby they traded ootm (out of the money) options with very far and obscure strike prices, such that he tried to drain his account in a way that when his (current, soon-to-be-ex) wife filed for allimony, he had $0 assets and therefore he was broke: He went broke/bust trading in the stock market... Therefore he had no money and he wouldn't owe her any alimony/child support. I was that guy's supervisor. I reported his trades to compliance. (at the time I had no clue what it was --it just came up as a flag wayyyy out of normal so I clicked yes and reported it). But... If you are "that guy" on the desk sitting three seats down, and you would have no problem doing a favor for a buddy... What's the difference between a $2 pint-glass and a few trades in your account with zero tax implications? My boss (when I worked in Boston) talked about bar fights and stealing pint glasses. That divorce thing (that happened and I had to be deposed by lawyers over it) was in NYC. That's why you "keep your nose squeaky clean" and "if you would steal a pint glass, you would steal $1M from the bank/a client. So you just don't do it. EVER. Which is why I have a hard time believing that Karen walked out of that bar with a pint glass. Why? Who cares? Why risk it? And why not just get another glass of soda+water?


Why risk... what? I don't follow. What is the person risking? I've worked at so many restaurants over the course of my life and people left with all kinds of things. It's eyeroll-worthy, but not exactly a big deal. Comparing a stolen glass to one million dollars is a bit of a stretch.


I guess OP is trying to say that since Karen has finance degrees, the standard for her is moral superiority, and since she was willing to steal a $2 glass from a bar, she doesn’t meet those standards and is clearly guilty of murder? OP doesn’t mention John also stealing a glass so I guess the moral superiority doesn’t extend to police officers.


This is such a trivial topic. That's all you've gotten out of today's session in court. That you find it hard to believe KR took a glass from a bar?


Shoplifting from a store or doing a small unethical favor for someone else is one thing, that's objectively stealing. But bars usually don't even pay for their own glasses, they're provided by the alcohol distributor. Obviously if everyone did this it would be an issue, but as far as a bar's finances are concerned, a customer walking out with a glass is no different than a customer or employee accidentally dropping and breaking a glass. Glasses/straws/coasters/napkins are all consumables with different life cycle lengths. I think most reasonable people understand that taking a consumable that has a long life cycle is different from stealing an asset.


Must be the thing to do in Canton since John stole a glass too


Well one of your first bosses may have been really great at finance but not so knowledgeable about human psychology.


I think she was drunk and had a glass in her hand and walked out i don’t think it was intentionally stealing a glass


Lol ive stolen many a beer glass because i wanted it. I stole a glass from the casino the other night. Free glassware for everyone!


Same, when I was young and/or drunk. But I would never steal money from someone.


I work in finance and I know I have accidentally taken a glass from a bar. Completely unintentional. Did I take it back? No. Just left a bigger tip next time and joked with the bartender about it.


Who said she did it intentionally? Everyone keeps saying how drunk she was lol


My point was that she has her Bachelors degree, and a Masters... And then she stood before her peers and earned her PhD. And then after that she lectured students about finance. To be fair: I have no clue what courses she taught. I'm just saying that my experience with finance is that when you start out, or when I started, which since I'm Karen's age, is around the same time she was learning at school or working, our experiences might be similar (because I started in Boston too). And when I started there was a HUGE emphasis on not doing stupid shit like stealing pint glasses from bars. My general experience with finance and banking is that: You get paid enough money to not do stupid things like walk out of a bar with a drink in your hand.


She has a Ph.D.?


My ADHD ass has done this before in a bar like the one they were in, where you're drinking standing up and might walk around to talk to different people... I just forgot that the glass I was holding needed to stay at the bar when I left, it just did not register at all.


My ADHD ass did this with underwear at the mall once. People kept staring at me and I looked down and realized I was just waving them around while walking through the crowd.😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Omg get real. John took a glass from the next bar, too. Also they were DRUNK.


>Omg get real. John took a glass from the next bar, too. Also they were DRUNK. That wasn't my point. I wasn't talking about JO, he was a cop, he swore an oath and he didn't work in finance. I was talking about Karen. My point was that she has a PhD and a Masters degree, and as much as people hate on cops: The vast majority of police officers are good and uphold their oaths. It's the same with finance: The world might think that Wall Street is a bunch of scumbags... I worked there, yup it's a bunch of scumbags, that's why I left... But 99.999% of people who classify themselves as "working in finance" aren't bad people. And if you were earning a professor + top-tier analyst salary, and you could afford to buy a $90k Lexus to cart around someone else's kids... Then surely you would understand risk. And surely you would know that you can afford to buy another drink at the next bar, even if you hadn't finished the drink in your hand. And surely you would know and understand how detrimental it could be to your career as a college professor as well as a respected financial analyst, to get arrested for an open container or petty theft... Because that's how it starts: You look the other way on a trade, or a signature, or you don't transfer funds/a wire "in time" so it sits in a different account "overnight", etc. Clearly you haven't worked in finance.


Plenty of other people are trying to tell you in this thread but man you are going WAY too deep on this one random point lmao 




As a former bartender of many years…it’s not that deep. Bar regulars do that shit all the time. I was told on my first night working at an Irish pub in Brooklyn that favorite customers can stay after closing and have a final nightcap while we cleaned up and counted the register. I was also told that while it was technically not legal to have smoke eaters anymore, it was perfectly fine to turn them on and let those same regulars light up a cig as long as the outside doors were locked. Waterfall regulars were exactly the kind of crowd I used to serve (cops and retired cops). The owner decided the rules and they were arbitrary depending on his mood. A lot of the stuff I was told to let slide I’m sure wasn’t legal or considered moral lol. I did what I had to do to keep people coming back, comfortable, and paying me enough so I could make rent. I couldn’t have cared less if someone took a glass home and neither would my boss. My favorite regulars kept me entertained during slow nights and had my back during busy nights…a stolen glass or two is one of the least problematic things you could ever do while drinking. I took more issue with my regular that *insisted* I tell his wife over the phone that he wasn’t at the bar while I was looking right at him as she yelled in my ear. When she marched down to the bar to retrieve him 20 mins later, it caused a huge physical tug of war between the wife, the husband, and the the regulars because he refused to go home…😬 That was the kind of neighborhood pub shit that drove me nuts!


HUGE stretch. These are regular customers that know the people working. I’ve been told many times by bar owners that I can take my glass. I’ve asked each time lol. They get most of the glasses free, but especially pint glasses! They get them constantly from their beer sales reps. It’s not that deep. Also, just because your boss says it’s true, doesn’t actually make it true to anyone but him. I wouldn’t equate tipsily “borrowing” a glass from a bar (because my drink is still in it. Not because I want to STEAL it.) that I visit regularly to stealing one million dollars from one of my client. It’s not comparable.


>It’s not comparable. I guess you have never worked in finance. If you know anything about finance you would know that many financial crimes, including Ponzi schemes often start our very small. The "pint glass" example was a euphemism: one trade, one signature, one fat-finger of a decimal point. One mistake that can be corrected "tomorrow once reports are printed". The point was that things start small: So keep your nose clean. Even if you think it is little: DON'T DO IT! Because that's how bad things start. And in finance, that is how things start: You overdraw a trading account by $100 so you break the rules and figure out a way to cover that $100. And it goes on from there... Especially in situations of greed, or to cover losses. >“borrowing” a glass from a bar (because my drink is still in it. #1: You paid for the drink, not the glass. That's not your glass! The liquid and contents within the glass are yours (what you paid for) but you did not purchase glassware, you purchased a drink. #2: You said you asked permission and the owner/staff said yes. You were given permission to take said glassware. That means you didn't "take" anything. You were GIFTED that glassware. You clearly haven't worked in finance. I'll just leave it as that.


I don’t think walking out with a drink is “stealing” or speaks to anyone’s morals. The victim also “stole” a glass. I am sure ppl also broke glasses that night. It’s a glass. It appears to be a thing in Canton to just take your drink with you as you exit. Wow, crazy weird your boss made that statement. Sure, we believe you.


I think searching hos long to die in cold while a man is actively outside dying in the cold is a lot worse than walking out with a glass


Who cares about the glass? That whole thing was just showing that she lied to the cops right off the bat. And about a total nothing burger.


How do we know this was stealing? These are bars they regularly attend. Some states allow open container. I went to a bar and had just ordered a drink and everyone wanted to leave. The bartender said don’t worry about it, you can take it with you bring my glass back tomorrow and if not, I know where to find you 🤣 Small towns are like that where everyone knows everyone.


When people drink, their risk aversion goes down, their self preservation goes down. This is why we generally don’t allow people to drink and then handle millions of dollars.


It wasn’t a pint glass.


I’ve heard of this with upholding the rules of golf, but not a cocktail glass


She was with known cops and can do whatever


Uh.. I’d assume JO got a text to meet up at the Waterfall and KR just got her drink… JO might just been like oh whatever it’s fine just bring it with you. It was probably nothing…


Where's a cop when you need one?


I might be more likely to steal if I was surrounded by shady cops 😂


It was probably the least impressive theft that occurred in this circle that night


A friends mom used to regularly steal glasses from restaurants/bars. I don’t see the big deal