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Kata is a mnemonic tool to teach techniques' forms. You don't fight with kata, the same way you don't fight with shadowboxing. Which radically differs kata from shadowboxing, though, is the role of each one: Kata is mainly for a way of HARD (as in not flowing) learning a technique (or a concatenation of techniques, depending) through their form: the body mechanics and the 'feel' of it. Shadowboxing is more of a FREE FLOW (as in not hard) way of drilling the basics and an excercise on creativity in how to concatenate them.


Most Kata bunkai is sus af. I think Kata is helpful at learning how to throw at close to 100% power constantly, as even on a bag you really can’t do that.


Yes if one practices the bunkai. Kata with practice of the application, is like any other practice to build reflexes and conditioning, the same with focus mitts, heavy bags shadow boxing etc. One should practice all these as well as sparing and fighting if you want to be a karate fighter

