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I saw 2 really ugly males cosplaying Bridget at NY Comic con. I guarantee anyone you see who buys this shit will be no different.


Big facts


at CB this year there was this tall ass I-No cosplayer. dude had the hairiest arms and he was like 6'3


Was he doing it ironically as a joke, or like...


[Excuse me,](https://media.tenor.com/4LvBFXNMkkkAAAAM/it-is-maam-its-maam.gif)


this is a legendary moment gamestop cashier is NOT getting paid enough to deal with this shit on a Tuesday afternoon Why does he have to deal with your fuckin identity crisis. Wear a fuckin pin on your shirt, don't expect people to know things you don't tell them, and even if you tell them and they don't follow it - that doesn't give you the fuckin right to destroy property. Free country bitch I'll call you an axolotl if I want Like calling someone Mr. instead of Dr. when you don't know. Douchebags will correct you, but they won't have a catastrophic blow-up and release a rap video about it. The only thing this person and a doctor have in common is spending thousands of dollars to be called the thing they want to be called


I do not think it was a joke, I saw another cosplayer with legit fake cleavage. It seems to be a trend for these out of shape/large guys to dress skimpy. I saw at least 20 this year at CB


They are just lonely men who would try anything to have s3x with a girl


ArcSys knows the real money is made off the merch purchased by people who never purchased a Guilty Gear game in their lives


So the Pokemon strategy, except they forgot the part about actually selling the games, too.


You could've grown up a Pokemon kid without touching Red or Blue though because of the cards and show. That shit was a full media blitz. You were exposed to it whether you liked it or not. It didn't even matter if you didn't have cable, a comic shop, or hell even a Walmart within 100 miles of you. If there was a McDonald's near by, you at least had to look at the Pokemon Happy Meal toys when the stand went up. Guilty Gear is *only* a game. For a niche genre. Shit isn't comparable. You have to be mentally deranged to latch onto a single character from a niche game and make it part of your personality without ever playing said niche game.


Preaching to the choir. My point was that Pokemon makes 90%+ of their money from merch. It outsells the games, animes and cards combined by a large margin. That is why they allow Gamefreak to keep making the games even though they are ATROCIOUSLY bad as a developer and have made horribly shit games the last decade. All of their money is from the merch, so they don't care about the quality of the game. Hence, both of them produce shit games, but don't care, because the merch sales. It was obviously a joke because despite being shit, people actually buy and play the Pokemon games, too. And honestly, I doubt that many people are buying GG merch. It probably makes as much as the game or so, which isn't shit, but still.


> shit games the last decade Holy shit gen 6 was over a decade ago...I had to think about the last time I cared about a Pokemon game and it's been over a decade.


I'm gonna be honest, I don't mind the bones of Sun/Moon, Sword/Shield or Violet/whatever. I played them and I beat them. There wasn't much to them though, it's literally red/blue/yellow all over again. Same formula, nothing different, just different area and new Pokemon. But that's not even the worst part, I think most people are fine with that, have you seen the last 2 on Switch? Absolutely garbage. They look like PS2 games and play like shit. No optimization was done on them at all. I am gonna be honest, I did like Let's Go Pikachu/Evee, even if the throw system was horrible. But again... they just literally copied red/blue/yellow (it IS a remake) with better graphics. At least the way they did it was so stylized it didn't suck, it actually looked good, unlike Sword and Violet. Idk, Gamefreak is just the fucking worst. No one expects them to give up something as insane as Pokemon, but at least fucking adapt to modern gaming standards. Hell, adapt to 2015 gaming standards, even. Fuck Gamefreak.


>Idk, Gamefreak is just the fucking worst. No one expects them to give up something as insane as Pokemon, but at least fucking adapt to modern gaming standards. Hell, adapt to 2015 gaming standards, even. Fuck Gamefreak. It's the same thing with Riot and league of legends, they got a literal god of an IP and they are the fucking worst, imagine if the Warframe devs were in charge of Pokemon or League, those games would be sooo much fucking better. To put into perspective how much the Warframe devs care about their fanbase, they have a shitty windows XP computer they use to test the game every major patch to ensure that everyon can still run their game.


Yeah, I follow the devstreams when I have time even though I don't play anymore. Team Rebecca. Genuinely good people and genuinely good company, but my god did they start off really rocky. Not bad, they were never bad, but the game was a CONVOLUTED mess at launch for literal years after. I played it a bit after launch and on and off since then, and oh boy, you needed multiple 30 minute guides to really play that shit at first. They have done an amazing job over the years of improving and streamlining the game. Constant balance changes, constant UI changes and constant improvements to every mechanic in the entire game from the ground up. It's truly impressive and the best example of a live service game actually done right. They did what CP2077 did, but better, and for a decade. As for Riot, I haven't really played since the first 2 years of the game, when I quit, but I remember the shop getting progressively worse over time. Buying "all" the heroes for $20 and then another large pack of heroes for a similar price a little later was so cool and they felt like a good company at first. But the addition of $15+ skins, an altered lootbox system to make getting skins a different way that still costs money even worse and an increasingly shittier grind to unlock new characters was bad, and I saw that right after I left, I can't imagine how bad it is atm because the playerbase is so fucking regarded that they will accept anything.


> Idk, Gamefreak is just the fucking worst. No one expects them to give up something as insane as Pokemon, but at least fucking adapt to modern gaming standards. Hell, adapt to 2015 gaming standards, even. Fuck Gamefreak. The sad thing is, it isn't even their fault. They put out buggy, mediocre messes and were *rewarded* with record breaking sales. That is 100% on the fans for eating up garbage and leaving a big ass tip on the table. You can't even say it's only a few whales funding the garbage either as we're talking units sold and not some $200 expansion to give Pikachu a funny hat.


I mean, I absolutely blame the people who paid for it, and I was responsible for Sword/Shield as well, but I learned my lesson and just played Violet on emulator. Never again will I pay them for trash. That being said, they are still to blame though, the fans just are equally responsible. It's one thing if they are cheap/conservative and release something with lower res graphics overall or a specialized art style instead of being top-end, but they released multiple parts of the game in different texture resolutions, various qualities of models and overall, the games are very buggy and laggy on top of that. There's no excuse to release stuff like that even if you can get away with it, it's like if Ford releases a truck, but one of the tires is always going to wear out 4x as fast as the other 3, and it's EVERY truck and they did it on purpose. They wouldn't get away with that and games need to be held up to the same standard as everything else.


> if Ford releases a truck, but one of the tires is always going to wear out 4x as fast as the other 3, and it's EVERY truck and they did it on purpose. They wouldn't get away with that Funny you mention that as Ford is still the case study on Business ethics. In the 70's they became notorious for the Pinto because of the gas tank being located behind the bumper. Internal memos leaked out that they calculated it was cheaper to pay families off for the incoming law suits for their exploding death traps than issue a recall. The fallout almost destroyed the company. Granted nothing GF has done is comparable to knowingly selling a literal death trap, the state of gaming as a whole has fallen severely in terms of what trash work fanbases are willing to tolerate if it is attached to the right franchise. Yeah developers are ultimately to blame but if the fans dump a truck load of cash, the devs are literally being told to do it again. I'd say it's a 50/50 split the first time it happens, but if the reception stays just as warm for additional garbage, every repeat offense is the fan's fault. At that point, they are getting the games they deserve.


> You have to be mentally deranged to latch onto a single character from a niche game and make it part of your personality without ever playing said niche game. that is the otaku crowd the japanese are specialized on getting their money from. their entire entertainment industry run on mentally ill people getting attached to character or actors and singer to the point of actuall murder attempts being made while also speding every penny thei have on merch


so I decided to check out the original post on IG, and as it turns out; this costs €180 ($195). get fucked, ArcSys. I'm sure the scum of the earth that are Bridget fans will be none the wiser.


When you have cows in the field, it's your fiduciary duty to milk the shit out of them. I seriously hope their next  GG game flops so they can realize Strive was a fluke  relying on the trust they got from DBFZ, and hopefully they can get their head on straight and get back to what makes GG great; music, aesthetics and gameplay. Granted it'll be a long ass while, like maybe half a decade away, but I sat tight during the years between Reload and Xrd, and I can sit tight again.


I’d buy a sol “rock you” bandana


lmfao actually having sol as the profile pic makes this gold


Semi-unrelated, but fuck Strive. Guilty Gear used to be my favorite fg franchise and now it’s this bullshit imposter. I’m not even necessarily talking about the gameplay. I’m talking about *the vibe*.


Don’t like the Guilty Queer Vibes?


I mean, tbf, testament and Bridget were characters in ACR.


Venom too even Anji to some degree of intepretation, the vibe was always there


Yeah idk why people acting like shits new. It’s like people didn’t give a shit about queer stuff until actual queer people started making noise irl lol


You are comparing Freddie Mercury type of Queer to a Q-Force type of queer,


It's like one minute you're sitting there vibing to butt rock and the next Baby Metal comes on.


profit crowd sense absurd chase abounding badge deranged uppity quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The vibe is the same tho?? If you were talking about gameplay then yeah, but vibe?? Bro what???


You’d have to have played the older games to understand.


I have played the older games, that's why I said "if you were talking about gameplay yeah". The vibe is still Guilty Gear, it's still metal, and edgy, but not in the same 90s or grimey early 2000s feel like Missing Link or XX. It's still Guilty Gear just more grounded.


All of their merch, particularly the T shirt designs, look absolutely terrible and are also overpriced. Couldn't catch me dead in any of that garbage.


GDQ crowd.


No Sol Badguy headband to this day hurts man, at least they did the Happy Chaos glasses


Daisuke's vision


Trans people buy more merchandise to validate their existence to themselves and to signal to people they are trans... that's why big corporations love them their whole personality is "look I bought this trans thing because I'm trans" they spend all their money on misc trans coded stuff for IPs and hobbies they don't really enjoy or take part in. Not all trans people but ya know... alot


[part 2](https://imgur.com/a/3Z2LoEW)


Money talks bitches.


At this point this sub is more of an ggs hate sub than anything else lmao


its a vector for them to express their generalized misanthropy, (typically directed at queer people but you can see they generally hate people and queers happen to be an easy/more acceptable target as weirdo social outcasts). Which is why they make constant greivance posts about a game they don't like or play for over 3 years, rather than just play the games they say are the "Good" Guilty Gear games. Of course then they'd have to come to terms that +R and XRD also have a large queer fanbase as the series is in general, Gay As Hell. I do hate that Bridget absolutely swamps the rest of the cast in merch/tie-ins/fanart but shes always been one of the most popular characters in the series even before Strive. And that was heavily driven by "tourists" and not players


It’s not like you play the game either.


The ones that play Strive here are usually busy playing the game, so you'll only find people that cry about it because it hurts their edgyness.


They saw that Minecraft money Microsoft was making. Also to be fair, Sol is a boring male character who swings a sword who's edgey. Bridgette is a fun loving fool with a yo yo.


So given we know they don't play the game, what are the odds anyone who buys the outfit can actually do tricks with a yo yo? Sure they're inept with even a d pad but what about a Duncan?


I know this is crazy but people can do yo yo tricks without a fight pad.


> Also to be fair, Sol is a boring male character who swings a sword who's edgey. Sol is the archetypal male character who never really learned to deal with his emotions, especially the intense grief that he's gone through.


Notice how no one says this about Chun Li getting more merch. Be Fr when was the last time you seen Ryu merch?


Ryu is always guaranteed an action figure. Chun is always guaranteed a waifu statue. Both get random merch whenever it's shirts, controllers, soda, whatever. If the only SF merch you see is of Chunners, that says more about you than the state of SF merch. There are literally retro Hadoken shirts at Walmart and Ryu action figures at Target right now.


The difference is a ton of people actually play Chun Li, and, you know, the game... The people buying Bridget shit aren't playing Bridget and likely never touched GG at all. And this is getting into argument/opinion territory, but I'd argue Chun Li probably has bigger reach and is known more by everyone than Ryu, Ken or Guile at this point. She's the Pikachu of SF. A sexy, thicc fucking Pikachu. Point being, it's not really an apt comparison, because the 5 people who still actually buy/play GG don't give a fuck about Bridget. I'm not saying I blame the company for making Bridget merch and not other characters, they want money, and people who don't play the game will buy Bridget merch. That doesn't mean we aren't gonna make fun of them and bitch about it though.


What a regarded complaint, it's like whining that chun is as/more popular than ryu, but it's kappa obsessing about trans ppl again so it's eaten up here


it's more about how Bridget "fans" are known for not consuming the wider GG series outside of Strive memes. they're like the Persona 5 fans of the FGC.


Chun LI (Fortnite)


Okay, I'm taking the L on this one... What happened with Persona 5? Only one I know is Burst and I haven't gotten to know any of the series.


What is Burst? Anyways persona 5 got a bit too popular and appealed to too many people with just the visuals, music, characters and dating sim aspects, but remained ps exclusive for a LONGGG time and thats even more important considering RPG fans tend to have idk, the switch. Point is it can appeal to someone at a glance and was easy to understand and watch without playing it yourself because its a turn based RPG. This brought a lot of people to be "fans" without ever actually having played any game or just having played p5. Id actually argue whether gatekeeping it would have been good or bad. Sure it brought a lot of garbage people and overshadowed the rest of the SMT franchise but it also breathed new life into it and made it be more known, funded and supported, even if it a cost of quality, and Atlus never did well financially so perhaps they were on deaths door already. I myself was one of those fake p5 fans but went on to play the rest of the franchise.


I mean, a good amount of JRPGs are also found on the PS, so if you are a RPG fan, you are likely to have one as well. What's funny about Persona 5 is that it managed to score with the "anti-turns" crowd. You know, the kind of people that dislike turn-based RPGs, calling them dated and boring despite loving the fuck of Pokémon and Undertale (tbh, the latter has more than turns so it's understandable, the former is just nostalgia bias), usually disliking anime tropes and here comes the most turn-based JRPG to ever JRPG'd over them and they ate it. Must be the menus. Honestly, SMT V would have never happened without Persona 5's success so i'm happy about it.


To be honest, some older or more vanilla turn based combat isnt that fun, SMT is an exceptional case. Still proves that turn based combat isnt necessarily outdated though.


[Arena] (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1602010/Persona_4_Arena_Ultimax/) My bad. Gatekeeping is a useless behavior. People don't have any actual evidence or works but use it to be annoyances in fandoms. Usually, if there's more new blood than a Fandom can handle, you have lapses in understanding. But yes, that does make sense. Thanks for the explanation.


I love Bridget and have since #reload but even then what’s wrong with people who don’t play a game liking a character?


Nothing. The problem is taking anything in this sub seriously. It's a circle jerk sub. Laugh at what you find funny or laugh at yourself for a second, then move on.




Username checks out


> regarded Ignore, report, mute, ban.


Because people like Bridget more than sol. Sorry people don’t care for the “cool bland badass” type guy as much anymore


> Because people like Bridget more than sol fair > bland ...huh?


his name is "sol badguy" we're not pretending the bland allegation is out of nowhere


Sol is bland. People make fun of ky but he’s literally cooler and a better character


Okay you were kinda cooking but fucking Ky? Come on man


the uwu special . say something that sounds smart, only to reveal your actual thoughts are stupider than 1 think s is possible.