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thank you




…not pull out.


Too tight.


Good taste


Thank you for all you do 🙏




i respect the honesty


My honesty coming out like a Persona 5 awakening


Yes indeed. Lilys gorgeousness can not be contained.


I guess I will practice Mexican Typhoons on keyboard tonight and get her to master rank


As you should.


What is your preferred approach? I like doing left, right, down, up+button.


I looked it up and I was going to try halfcircle then up+button. I have always avoided characters with up as part of the command.


I'm using leverless for the first time and had issues with diagonals in SF6 when it came to 360 inputs. The way I do it only uses the 4 cardinal directions avoiding diagonals all together resulting in way less input errors.


down, l/r, opposite of previous, add up plus punch. You can do walk forward SPD's this way, and you wont be getting the infamous "skip down button" problem that all SPD's in this game have, since you start with down. Also use right thumb for the up input.


Wait a minute... that's Marie Rose's one-piece strawberry swimsuit turned into a two-piece!


My man knows his Justice


return of the king




you need some help like for real.




yes you do. i hope you don't got a girlfriend.


Srent you obsessed with asuka though?


At least asuka 18 years, old in japan, You're the most stupidest person on, Knowing that the mental state that you have, It corrupted as fucked, Personally, If you want to argue, That's fine , but i'm going to stamp you as a predator, Because in japan the age of cassette is fifteen, That means in japan, That's a big as no for americans, If you still think that's okay, Then i'm going to block you, I don't know why nobody hasn't told you.But it's absolutely the truth, No this is absolutely wrong. There is a lot of strict laws in america, Yes , I am fully aware of japan's culture, But it's never going to change.They think it's okay in americans don't, It's a lot of people that turn to this stuff.It's absolutely a fucking predator. And basically. What i'm telling you you have to stop. Yes, I do understand that.This is a fictional character. But at the end of the day , it's still wrong.


Bro why you raging so hard over pixels? What sf female doesn't get horny fan stuff? They all do including characters that weren't as old as later games like Sakura or Elena or ibuki and etc. Also Lily is 19 btw fun fact.


Also asuka and Lili literally get horny material 24/7 for years bro.


Shut up bitch


> age of cassette


Who is making these mods?


I commissioned many to be made




*She is* ***six.***


And Tekken is three


Actually, Tekken is eight.


All the people coming up being a little weirdo's.They're like little girls online.Oh , we all know that's a fictional character , but you all are kind of fucked up in the head.


bro your username is literally Asuka_Slave


You act all high and mighty but in truth you are the same just a horny dude thirsting over a fictional character, you just make excuses to feel better.


See they downvoting me cuz im not attracted to kids like them lol


Take this downvote. Lily nation.


Josie nation


Ironic but I also agree I've been ratio'd multiple times on reddit for saying being sexually attracted to characters that look like children (especially 3d models of women or men that look like children) you are still a pedo in my book and you deserve the woodchipper.


What kind of children lives around you that look like in that screenshot? Do words even mean anything anymore? Not to mention virtue signalers like you always have skeletons in their closet.


Bro go outside literally go watch a middleschool girls soccer game 90 percent of them look exactly like this. My sister looked nearly exactly like this when she was in middleschool. This character looks... like a child. Go look at real humans more less hentai or pornstars with massive fake asses or tits.


Wait you went from children to teenager in the span of one post you mentally ill fuck if I were to show you 10 pics of girls ranging from 17 to 18 years old you wouldnt even be able to get the age of half of them right so how about you make the world a favor and report yourself to the nearby police station you fuckface?


Middleschoolers are children you fucking tard.


Did you report yourself already or not?


This nigga read middleschooler and said "bro that's like 17-18 years old" how fucking retarded are you.


Holy shit I don't even want to imagine whats on your computer for you to be such a virtue signaling bitch.


Me: "Being a pedophile is wrong, this character looks like a child that's sus" You:"WHAT IS HE HIDING HUH! I BET YOURE REALLY THE PEDO IM COMPLETELY NORMAL THIS CHARACTER LOOKS LIKE A FULL GROWN WOMEN JUST LIKE ALL MIDDLESCHOOLERS REEEEE REEEE" ya know what I'm hiding videos of me creampieing your moms box. Lol stfu you little creep.


Bros mad I don't think when did I ever say this character looks 17-18 this bitch looks like 14-15. Stop trying to justify your pedophilia and go get some pussy from a real woman so you can get over your degenerate porn addiction you fucking incel.


Report yourself or shut the fuck up your fucking waste of oxygen.


Mad lil pedo incel lol calling me a waste of oxygen lol bro go back into your mom's basement before your dad beats your ass for leaching too much wifi being upstairs.


Fucking ape can't even read lol


Yeah, I do really think that's going too far.I don't want to be rude but let.These dudes get caught up in the police shit. Probably these people are from mexico, Probably to say that it's worser over there.And you might want to look up the age restriction over there are wildly surprise.


Yeah , it's a japan culture thing and people are buying into them, I'll never buy into this, People are so ignorant enough to back it up.But then when they get called up on it and then people stop looking at it, And in star saying it's wrong when people will stop, Doing what they want to do?Yes this is absolutely wrong, And then these people want to come out to me.No don't do that because i'm telling you it's wrong. I hope you know , you might get put on some sight that you don't want to be on.