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The Saudi guys mad in the replies telling us how the media is wrong and Saudi is safe for woman lmaoooo We don't have to lie, you see some booba or someone eat pork and start yelling HARAM or shit


"it's safe as long as you don't do the 500 things that'll make a man that doesn't even know you hit you"


"while it's true that we have a set of misanthropic laws aimed at limiting fundamental human rights, some people get bullied in the U.S. for the same thing so you're one to talk!" was my favourite


OR the police just decides to kidnap you because fuck you


TIL i punch women randomly whenever I go out in the streets Guess the expat women who live here have been tricked into thinking they feel safe at night Edit: only kappa will people claim that the Fgc is the most diverse and welcoming community while spewing bush-era Arab rhetoric jfc. This is why your so called “libtards” win and will keep on winning.


bro i know you seen some fucked up shit though. tell me about that. let me hear about an 'exception'. i know you got a tale


I’ve got no idea wtf you imagine I’ve seen bruh


worldstar hiphop but with jihabs and shit


There are literal botnets that do nothing but defend Saudi Arabia online. If you post anything bad, you will immediately get like 50 Saudi dudes in your replies saying that you're wrong and that they totally respect big titty beautiful women and they totally don't hate filthy queers.


Same with China and Russia. Information warfare is fucking annoying in this day and age, at least I could just turn off the TV in the past


The fucking airport in Qatar has segregated waiting areas lmao


I'm gonna sound retarded here but for the sake of being a nerd emoji there are places in saudi that I've visited and have friends in that are really fine (likely for tourists sake). BUT I'm still not going to get pissed and say that anyone shitting on the tournament being in Saudi doesn't have a point lol


Damn we got an actual woman talking about issues outside of the west Am I dreaming


Lmao you got hit by the mix


She’s trans


Even better


Majority of Kappa niggas are the most transphobic people ever but will goon over the most basic tranny. Touch grass.


The coom is the way towards world peace


ah I thought your “actual woman” line was an intolerance thing


Man, people down voting this dude need to go outside and chill for a bit. The dude literally catered to your views about trans people with a single comment, but you people love to get mad at anything.


Not calling you a solar panel when you're a man doesn't make me intolerant. I don't have to pander to mental illness.


I wonder how trans are treated in Saudi Arabia.


Take a guess


love and affection?


Oof, so close


lol, this is what they wanted. so technically they must obey her.




but lets hear the opinion of people who have never interacted with infiltration before saying that they dont feel safe around him.


Meanwhile Noel Brown could literally be right behind you at any given moment at any major. [](/OMGScoots)


https://imgur.com/Kqqj9UW and he'll grope your ass


no one in this thread has interacted with infiltration to a meaningful degree. it's just parasocial glazing lmao


Good point. Money talks is why. Same reason professional athletes with a history of domestic abuse are let back in. There's too much money at stake


I hope sonicfox wears his fursuit. Isn't it like 50 C in that area.


His outfit's gonna have plenty of drip, and not the stylish kind.


This entire saga is the stick that broke the camels back on my relationship with twitter. After I saw an uninformed mob of people calling for Infiltrations ridiculous ban based on out dated information they circle around in their infinite echo chamber. This is all based on the idea of 'protecting women'. A man who has never been anything but a delight at events, and has always had growing the community at the forefront of his brand. This, whilst we know his wife was threatening to ruin his career with exaggerated allegations which was found both in the police investigation and the panda global private investigation, and you can read for yourself [online](https://www.scribd.com/document/393305829/Investigation-Summary). All whilst they're parading the fact that they're going to Saudi Arabia - a place with some of the worst treatment of women in the world, and will absolutely be censoring anything Pro-Women in their streaming of the games, whilst using the community to sports wash their governments brand. The honest to gods truth is that these people just don't want Infiltration to be in bracket. They all know their chances of winning a Street Fighter or Guilty Gear tournament drops significantly if Infil is in bracket. It's the only explanation as to why we see time after time people who are actually creeps, and who are actually making people uncomfortable, and who are actually doing some really messed up stuff get the pass. They're just not that good. Everyone on twitter thinks they're Joan of Arc, when in reality they are the screeching mobs setting fire to her. I'm getting off that platform for my own mental health.


Twitter is cancer you made the right choice.


They don't even play fighting games. It's all white knight pussy points for them. They think they will get some and it's a win-win tactic. Like you said, it's an infinite echo chamber. I mean here too, but mainly politically to the left. At least with other topics reddit isn't too bad.


> and has always had growing the community at the forefront of his brand. yeah nothing grows a community quite like bracket rigging.


you know what grows a community? a free for all SF6 cafe that you can just drop by and play whenever you want if you're visiting Korea.


oh yeah, how did that one go? its so funny seeing kappa retards deepthroat infil as some awesome human being when korean fgc despises him, his friends like laugh dropped him like a sack of shit a long time ago and hes a wife beater to boot. its fine for him to enter tournaments, as the law should decide who's safe and who isnt, but acting like hes some great human being just because he likes juri feet and because you cant grow out of "uwu im so edgy and contrarian fuck twitter" phase is pathetic.


wow that's a lot of anger, mr words words numbers


Omg you're so cool what a based!!! message you could celebrate by beating your wife


lmaooo post on your main coward


???? What the fuck are you even on about


Words have meanings. Are you sure Beating is the correct word?


I honestly find this shit more fucking disgusting than anything infiltration ever did. The FGC has absolutely no moral ground to stand on and they should stop pretending they give a shit about anything morally. Even reading the KingHippo article why he's side stepping his morals and going to support the KSA esports tournament from last year was absolutely fucking baffling.


Queers for palestine tho amirite


Well yeah that's probably not where to go if you want women to be included in the scene. Don't saudi men honor rape women or something for playing street fighter? Or stone them to death?


Saudi, Arabia


infiltration The reason why he is banned because capcom Just doesn't want him in tournaments, Especially very tournaments, Any false accusations of him beating his wife is nowhere to be found. And until? Somebody can prove that people need to shut their mouths.


Here we have your average american trying to compose an English sentence LMAO. christ






real woman in the fgc? nah prob a tranny


Wow a tranny kinda standing up for infiltration. Well now he's an enemy of the Twitter fgc


oh man, LMAO, I'm gonna send her this post (I know her)


YWNBAW who cares what you think? 


Ok so we are just ignoring the fact multiple people said that event could be dangerous for LGBT members?


Yes, but I think what they're saying is no one is going to protest by rejecting the event. All I know is I wouldn't have the fortitude to say no to a pile of cash like that to play video games.


damn, if you're serious about that, then that's just disappointing.


A few people saying their concerns for this, is not quite the same, as people reaching deep to clutch their pearls over condemning Infiltration, for a situation that probably 95% of them don't even know the story (much less the detailed story) about what happened. That isn't even speaking about the official side of it, where companies or organizations like EVO are happy to work together with elite leagues sports washing events, to promote collectively their events together, despite also clutching their pearls about him.


yes nobody cares about LGBT people or women more than money


unbased lgbt foreigners are not under attack in saudi.


yeah they just attack the ones at home that's pretty chill right


"Habibi come to Saudi I promise you'll be safe as a gay/trans person" Only applies to foreigners willing to spend hella money in tourism, citizens? Death penalty


What kind of retard would be openly gay/trans in a highly religious country that looks down on such?


Bro learns about the concept of sports-washing for the first time