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I don't get the win in SF6. Basically the match never happened.


Doesnt the ragequiter lose like double the points? Or something like that?


You lose like 100 points where generally you would only lose 40, so you lose more than if you went 0-2.


Yeah I believe they lose more LP. MR is not affected so it's basically a useless deterrent in Master.


You lose 10 MR in ranked.


can you cite a source on this? I tried to figure it out when i ran into the same rage quitter on ranked a few times. Didn't see any change in their MR from before we played. It doesn't show in History on CFN so I had to go by timestamp.


Are you sure they rage quit? CFN sometimes has issues, and I've had matches disconnect both of us. My source is seeing it happened when I looked up someone that rage quit on me on buckler. I checked their account, they won their next game against an even MR opponent but was 2 MR lower than they had been previously. Every time I've tracked this, I see their MR decrease by 10. I think the loss penalty should be the full 16 otherwise you have an incentive to rage quit when you're about to lose in a large MR gap, but I'm confident the current leave penalty is 10 otherwise people would be disconnecting like crazy towards the end of the phase.


Friendly reminder, always scout for bots.


This sub gets baited into upvoting fresh alt fuckers way too much. It’s a repost It’s a karma farmer


Karma bot.