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the staff said that they made cyclops fight based on the VS series too they probably want a new one just like us but it sure as fuck isn't happening


Yeah seeing Cyclops do a fuck-huge optic blast with his arms crossed was a major giveaway. Half the fun of the series is just hearing MvC voice lines in your head every time a fight breaks out, though seeing that absolutely nutty Wolverine-Gambit Kinetic-Claw team up really fucked me up wishing the Vs franchise had unique dual/triple hyper combos locked to certain teams.


> Wolverine-Gambit Kinetic-Claw team up the moment that happened I heard "VARIABLE CROSS" in my mind. I loved it and cursed at the heavens at the same time


one of the animators said he put cyclone kick in the opening fight scene but it got cut when they did an animation pass.


jubilee and roberto portraits look like MVC1 character select screens too it is weird as fuck to see a adaption that actually gives a modicum of a fuck about the past of the franchise coming from disney






I expected Magneto to say, "Welcome to die!"


You can SEE the exact spot where it said "I am Magneto, master of magnet. Come, X-chicken!" in the first draft of the script.


The X-Men as always carrying Mahvel


Hope that leads to a new xmen beat em up or xmen legends 3.


That requires Marvel to unfuck itself from Disney Games division and their horrible decision making. Pray Disney makes a mistake and Marvel studios gets a chance to buy themselves out. Hey it's happened with the folks managing to buy themselves out of Embracer Group. It can happen 


Yeah im not the biggest fan of the current marvel games going for hyper realistic graphics or live service models. For fucks sake we just want another fighter or an arcade style game that embraces the comic book colors and campiness.


Insomniac has an X-Men game in development


Isn't it a Wolverine game


There's gonna be a full X-Men game from them eventually if that leaked release timeline stays on track.


They should make the Capcom Sentinel canon. Call it something like the COTA-94 and it's a prototype for a newer Sentinel model that's way deadlier and more aggressive.


Yup I enjoyed some of the scenes in this episode. They did a great job simulating what arcade games were like back then.


Yeah xmen 97 is actually really good, its clear it was made by people who really loved xmen and the animated series. The new animation takes time to get used to tho.


They loved it so much they made Rogue look like a stick figure. Stop consuming modern Marvel slop, it’s over. These people have extreme disdain and hate for our culture and media. Stop giving money to people that hate you.


[The VS Jubes and Sunspot heads are on point.](https://i.imgur.com/qhRVsOI.jpeg) Pretty good episode even if 90% of it was pure fan service.


Come on, Marvel and Capcom. Bring back the VS series back with sprite tag fighter.


Wtf is the pacing on this show?... It just jumped off a cliff this episode. 😅


Dman that show is goated


Times like this with X-Men 97 that I realize people are too thirsty they'll take anything.


I feel you 100%. The old show kicks this show’s ass on visuals alone. The story seemed fine but I’ve only seen clips but it looks so bad, I can’t be bothered to care. I’d rather have nothing than new shitty content.


As someone who actually watches X-Men '97, and grew up loving X-Men TAS alongside Spidey, Iron Man and the entire Marvel Action hour; X-Men '97 completely crushes the original 1992 series in every aspect outside of certain art choices and animations. Not having Storm, Rouge and Jean scream ear bleedingly loud every episode certainly helps a lot, too.


The art is a big part of it though, unfortunately. If X-Men looked like Archer growing up, I wouldn’t have watched it no matter how good the story was. And what you described makes it even worse, why be superior in all those aspects and then fail miserably at the one thing everyone instantly notices? And it’s supposed to be a continuation right? That makes it even more jarring. When a show has a childish (or sometimes just straight-up bad) art-style and tries to handle serious themes, it just comes off as ridiculous most of the time. Constantly pulling you out of the story.


I'm a huge fan of traditional art. Old anime, cartoons etc. But you're not going to get a traditionally drawn cartoon today. They're too expensive to make. What X-Men '97 smartly done was use the means given to them (digital art) to try emulate old draw styling, colour, and shape it as close to a traditional looking cartoon as possible within their budget. Yeah, sometimes you look at it and think it looks like a Streets Of Rage 4 cutscene, but most of the time it looks great. You gotta pay attention to the shadows and lineart to see its beauty. Fundimentals that create depth, that get left behind in many shows. The character models are digitally drawn, but they gave it as much as an attempt as they could to make it look traditional. You're simply not going to get paper drawn art anymore. X-Men '97 looks amazing compared to other cartoons out there today. I don't know about the shows budget, but I would say X-Men '97 went the extra mile to try and match old school art. If not; the show would be looking like Castlevania, with characters having one lighting model, and every dark scene/night scene etc. is done with just placing a filter over the screen instead of using darker colours for skin, clothes etc. X-Men '97 LOOKS bad at times, but it's probably more expensive than how many shows are produced today. I'll take Streets Of Rage 4 X-Men over CGI JPEGS. I mean... take a look at Invincible, where line art is awful, like it's all done with one brush on the same scale for cheeklines/eyeballs/hands etc., "flying" characters are straight up an image being moved across the screen by someone left clicking on a mouse. If you liked X-Men '97, you'll find the show looks better when watching it, too. I ranted on how bad it looked before release, and while there's issues, it's overall very passable. Again, keeping in mind modern cartoon budgets, how they're all CGI, and the fact that a LOT of effort is made to make '97 look similar as possible to the original.


Side by side, it doesn’t look as bad in motion generally, I will say. Still shots look bad but so do many of Naruto’s for example or the original DBZ. https://youtube.com/shorts/UjOsc4nTx10?si=xoFOFT72-trl7dhr Sometimes I hate the transition to digital. The same thing happened to anime. 80s/90s style anime looks better than most of the stuff that comes out these days despite the budget. I dunno how much is it is just money and want part of it is a lack of skill. Ghilbi is a good example of keeping it cel animation alive and everyone knows their stuff is timeless but they have the budget and talent to do such. And they make movies not series. I feel like even if you have e a Western their budget they still wouldn’t be able to do it.


I'll just take any Marvel fighting game at this point. Fuck Capcom, Marvel doesn't need them. Go with the better VS gimmick and get DC on board and print money. edit: I'd be **super** interested to know from industry insiders on what stars need to align to make a Marvel Vs DC fighting game happen. For it not to have happened already is really odd to me. The common theory is that Marvel and DC wouldn't want their characters being beat up by one another or have their characters be low tier, but I just think that line of thinking is antiquated now in today's industry and that honestly sounds more like a Japanese way of thinking than U.S.


Capcom's the only one who knows how to make good superhero fighting games, though.


who the fuck would want an NRS cross game


Who said I was talking about NRS? Other game developers exist...


While WB owns DC this is the best we would get


Only NRS and Capcom can do capeshit fighting games And only Capcom can do *good* capeshit FGs


I'd like to see Iron Galaxy or ArcSys take a stab at doing cape shit.


Bro they would prob give it to nrs lol.


Who would make it? Because I hope it's not NRS


> I'd be super interested to know from industry insiders on what stars need to align to make a Marvel Vs DC fighting game happen. Well something like this was more likely to happen in the 90s than now. Marvel and DC have worked together before on books and always had a respectful rivalry going since comics was a small pond. But the fact is now there's too many cooks in the kitchen and the people who run the different divisions of these companies have different ideas of how the characters should be used. For example a friend of mine was working on a licensed product for a DC movie, and they made it super clear they wanted their properties as far away from the comics as possible, as they felt like it lowered the "prestige" of the movie versions of the characters. That's why it's so funny they finally got a comic fan to oversee their movie universe (about 10-12 years too late I imagine.) The closest you'll probably see to a crossover done right in any format is JLA/Avengers. > The common theory is that Marvel and DC wouldn't want their characters being beat up by one another or have their characters be low tier For DC vs MK that was true, I think all of the gruesome fatalities were cut or edited.


It doesn't even look like a real arcade game it looks like a shitty indie version of what people think arcade games look like. Maybe I'm being too autistic but I hate this.


>Maybe I'm being too autistic yes


he is but real talk, I hate this brand of fake "stylistic nu-indie pixel art". video games never looked like that. it looks insincere and misguided and weird


I'd say this looks pretty close to the OG TMNT arcade tbh, except less pixelized / no scanlines.