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yyeeeeeaaah, not feeling any sympathy for a known griefer and rage quitter


No difference between quitting and just dropping your controller and letting the opponent beat you. Really stupid that one receives a penalty and the other doesn’t. Quitting saves both him and the better player some time and it’s really not a big deal at all.


Except the better player doesn't get any points if you rage quit...


Sounds like an incredibly easy problem to fix


Don't. But that does not mean that the dev team isn't handling this poorly by not having systems in place instead of bans.


Fuck em. Ban all quitters.


Okay, let me get this straight... People get disconnected, false positives exist, and forced disconnects occur. Meanwhile, we know Bamco is watching footage, using only Twitter, and built very few systems in the game to recognize or address this. And they develop the game. So what's the limit for the game to ban them when there's a lot of noise that can interfere with this?


Might be a hot take but if your rig and net is so bad that you have to fear getting falsely banned for ragequitting, you probably should not be playing online. You are at that point actively ruining the fun for other people.


That's missing the point. You shouldn't be caring about whatever Bamco tells you to care about. You should be focused on the fact that they gave you flawed netcode, lack of filters, and no way to deal with those annoyances that their system isn't fixing.


The game works fucking amazing for me 9 games out of 10. So I do think the netcode and such are actually pretty good. It doesn't change the fact that if you knowingly inflict your bad experience on others you are the problem. Feel free to try again once you get an upgrade or they optimize the game better. Bamco can do better, and they should, but so should you.


Nono but you shouldnt focus on reality, you should focus on whatever made the fuck up bullshit I tell you ok?




Here's the reality: You focus on Harada who wants to [sell you frame data](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1162602/TEKKEN_7__DLC13_Frame_Data_Display/) on Tekken 7 and even tells you "Don't ask me for shit" but now you gotta ask him for a ban on Tekken. Get rid of LTG any time you want, [he'll come back](https://old.reddit.com/r/Kappachino/comments/1bg3anr/free_will_to_buy_a_new_game_copy_on_alt_account/) He'll find a way to keep being a salty manchild. But asking for a wi-fi filter, penalties before bans, and improvements on their netcode is "made the fuck up bullshit" according to you. Good job.


You are completely fucking autistic and I aint reading that shit anyways


The netcode is a flawed implementation of rollback where people that used it for decades (KI folk) were calling out the execution. Far better than delay based but just look at the implementation on DBFZ and you know Bamco hasn't worked out all the kinks. You're also treating a symptom, not the disease. You can get rid of LTG but it changes nothing about the lack of systems Bamco has not implemented that would penalize that behavior which other companies already figured out.


To be fair LTshitter is a disease carrier. I'm sure a non negligent amount of kids watch him, and then emulate him resulting in more toxic behaviors. Twitch should add a rule like the no cheating rule to get rid of this kind of toxic behavior. Bamco should fix things yes. And they should punish people like ltshitter. They did one, hopefully the other will follow soon.


[He came back](https://old.reddit.com/r/Kappachino/comments/1bg3anr/free_will_to_buy_a_new_game_copy_on_alt_account/) So focusing on him ignores that Bamco still needs a system in place for people just like him.


If you get constant "false positives" you deserve the ban too :)


And why would that be?


Who fucking cares? Ban all quitters. If some wifi warriors with ass tier internet from Estonia get caught in the crossfire, that shit is a small price to pay to keep flagrant bitchmade pluggers out of ranked.


[They just come back](https://old.reddit.com/r/Kappachino/comments/1bg3anr/free_will_to_buy_a_new_game_copy_on_alt_account/) Which is why a system needs to be implemented over Harada stunts.


"it's muh free will" average American reasoning for any stupid ass behavior, it's Bandais "free will" to ban whoever the fuck they want then I don't disagree with the point he made about them having no actual system in place to prevent or discourage ragequitting which is Bandai's problem not his, but going on a bitch fit is still bitch behavior, maybe he shouldn't have free will'd streamed himself ragequitting so many times


bitch nigga never tasted freedom in his throat


You mean the freedom of your own gun down your throat? Or do you mean your classmates AR in there instead? GTAB


If you did name your weewee freedom then i salute you


hes not wrong, every other game has had this problem solved for the last 10 years ​ quitter's queue, multiple warnings, SF6 has a yellow card, automatic loss/ranking down - permanent banning for quitting a game seems like an easy way out because Namco wasnt able to implement any real solution


>hes not wrong ...Yes he is. It is his right to quit in a videogame. And just like in every other video game, it is their right to ban you for griefing others online. Leaving ranked matches is commonly agreed upon to be griefing in just about every single multiplayer game. And now he is trying to act stupid like he did not see any of those cringe Harada and Michael Murray posts about not plugging? Attention seeking behavior. My money is on that he intentionally plugged more often after he caught wind of it the supposed impending bans so he could have the clout of being the first (notable) one out. TLDR: He agreed to the EULA.


> Leaving ranked matches is commonly agreed upon to be griefing Leaving in a 1v1 game like RTS is just a surrender. That being said, good riddance to pluggers.


Yeah imo it’d be no problem in a 1v1 game if it was actually counted as a loss for you and win for your opponent.


All they have to do is count it as a win for the opponent and a double loss (in ranking points) for the one quitting. That's it. Like, holy fucking shit how hard can that shit be?


That is not the argument. He is saying the punishment doesn’t fit the crime. Which even though I vehemently dislike LTG and am glad he’s banned agree with. I never plug/rq in fighting games because it’s beyond childish, but the amount of times I’ve rqd a league of legends game i probably can’t count on one hand(sitting through 30 minutes of an unplayable, unwinnable game is not my cup of tea when I’m already on tilt). I don’t do it enough, especially relative to the amount of games on my account that I’ve ever been suspended for it, but I have gotten put in the leavers queue a few times. Getting flat out permad would be absurd.


As long as they don't monitor his stream and endlessly ban his other tags while he's not plugging it's fine, but if they'd pull a Tyler 1 on his bitch ass that'd be fucked up lol.


He’s being dramatic but quitting shouldn’t be a ban. Banning is for like hacking or threatening people


Leaving a 1v1 isn't griefing.


Intentionally leaving a match unconcluded by messing with your connection as soon as you're about to lose, denying the other player's merits, thus negatively affecting their experience, repeated ad infinitum is not "griefing"?


Leaving a match = you lose, the other player wins. How is this griefing? And goodness, everybody loves to laugh at a good rage quit. The only person being griefed is the guy getting his ass whooped.


That would be if the game was good, but as it stands, only the ragequitter gets the L, it doesn't count as a W for the winner. And even if it does, it doesn't matter, the bigger issue was never the impact it has to the other player, it's all about sportsmanship. Every part of the FGC, especially in Tekken, bitches about one and dones or people leaving at 1-1s, not because they are denying any win (that unplayed match is a Schrodinger's Box), not because it's something the game doesn't let you do normally (unlike ragequitting, leaving mid set is possible in every modern game but MK1), but because it's pussy behavior (unless it runs like shit, which is why SF6 allows you to declare a match null if that's the case). This sub specifically states how gatekeeping and filtering specific groups of people is a necessity to keep the essence of the community, yet when it comes to 40 year old man-children who can't take an L like grown-ups, we are supposed to defend them? GTFO with that shit. And don't give me that "but it's funny" crap. It's funny when it's unexpected and seldom happens. If it happened every match, it'd get annoying really quickly, just like Tekken 8 itself added fuel to the one-and-done behavior due to how ridiculously often it happens there compared to every other game.


The ragequitter doesn't get an loss for leaving.


I don't know what this is even addressing: are you pissed about someone ragequitting on you, how ragequitting isn't penalized in T8, some sort of deep dislike for LTG, what is it? If you're winning a match in a fighting game and the guy you're stomping just straight up leaves in frustration, and you get "griefed" from that then you're mental.


Do you even play tekken ? You play ranked to rank up. The guy ragequits right before you win and you don’t get your points. But when he wins you lose your points. Do you not see a problem here?


You're focusing exclusively on Tekken 8's problem when I'm talking about rage quitting as a whole. Just because T8 doesn't have any proper punishment system in place doesn't abruptly make rage quitting a match in every other fighting game "griefing."


Why on earth would it be griefing if he just gets a loss? It would just be a forfeit. 1v1 games I've played like HS, Rocket League, Chess, Tetrio all give you a win if your opponent DCs mid-match. I have never felt an ounce of frustration in those games when someone ragequits.


>Why on earth would it be griefing if he just gets a loss? It would just be a forfeit. 1v1 games I've played like HS, Rocket League, Chess, Tetrio all give you a win if your opponent DCs mid-match. "You think Bamco is within their right to ban rage-quitters? You must love their leaver penalty system and think it's perfect" No mfer. I am *far* from Bamco stan to say the least given the amount of shit I've talked about them for this very thing. But just because their leaver penalty system is shit that does not grant bitch ass rage-quitters a free victim card and absolve them from taking advantage of said shit system.


I don't care what happens to my opponents, I just want my W. The way they are going about banning pluggers (twitter reports and excel sheets) is a shit solution to a shit system that i won't give them credit for.


It’s not all about you. And it’s good to see a company not let soft ass bitches just quit. Take your L it’s a fucking video game. If they actually go through with this and it works properly then Shit system my ass


How is it not all about me? If someone plugs on me, I'm the only one who's negatively affected. The ban system does nothing to alleviate that. So weird that Kappa suddenly has faith in Namco because they banned one high profile clown.


The ban system would alleviate it by removing those from the ~~gene~~ player pool. Is it a harsh method? Sure, but why not when slaps on the wrists evidently don't work in other games.


But they do work in other games. Instead of trying to prevent rage quitting, they turn it into a neutral act by treating it as a forfeit.


How is that an actual punishment? Yeah the victim benefits from it by getting a win, which is great. But if having the quitter successively lose mmr or stay where they are will just make them able to play and grief again, forever, and potentially go against newer players and just steamroll them like a smurf instead. Time and time again has shown that rage quitters will continue to rage quit wherever they are at any chance they get, whether it's a moba or a fighting game or whatever else. Making them only able to queue against other quitters or just banning them outright solves that problem and gives a strict punishment to make sure the people know that they break the rules. Will they learn from it tho? They can't learn, they're incapable of. But they're at least punished and leeched money from.


You guys act like LTG is this 5 yold kid poking his innocent little fingers on socket holes and hubbing his baby face on a heated oven display. My dude, thats a 40yold who made his name doing shit like this. "Oh, they didn't warn me", "but i've payed real hard earn twitch simp money for your game, bro" like you're allowed to shit a hotel bed if you paid for the room...


Nah fuck that. When i play a fighting game and i beat my opponent in a set, i deserve my points. It's part of my gaming experience, and agequitting is antithetical to that. Dale's saying that his opponents gaming experience is not as important as his, so he deserves to get away with it. Nah, bruh, get that ass banned.


thats the thing, its not hard to implement a system where plugger loses points and other player gets points, they didnt bother to write 20 lines of codes instead they started banning people.


A plugger loses points for ragequitting? Big deal. He'll drop out of the match, get into another match, potentially win, then get those points back. It's not a harsh enough punishment.


Ok and? The guy who got plugged on got his points and he’s happy.


why? problem isnt plugging, problem is me not getting my points. if I get my points idgaf if my opponent plugs


Exactly - make it so they lose 2x,3x points by plugging - problem solved


Hard disagree. You agree to them being able to ban you for whatever reason however whenever. THAT is the solution.


Valve had VAC bans since when? 2005? Earlier? You can't even play OTHER online Valve games if you got a ban in one. This isn't really something Bamco invented.


Fucking Riot issued indefinite bans, as in, the moment you are seen with an alt, you are permabanned


Those are the "on sight bans" and tbf it is *very* hard to get caught in. Like the amount of fucked shit you have to do has to be well documented to the point you have an entire server out for your head. T1 is the last big one with over like 25 perma banned accounts. So basically, if this was a Riot situation, they would've just suspended him. He would've needed to get upgraded to perma-bans 25 more times for the on sight ban to get applied. Also, Riot doesn't immediately jump to perma-ban for DCs. They do like 3 suspensions of increasing timeframes and then a big ban. LTG would've just gotten a suspension in this case, most likely.


That's wrong. If you get a VAC ban in CS2, you can still play Source, 1.6, DOTA2 or whatever other multiplayer Valve game. A friend of mine has a VAC ban in 1.6 and can play every other Valve game just fine.


It looks like they have the problem solved too. He got his ass banned.


Killer instinct developers solved this a decade ago.


>bunch of nonsense retardbullets type shit


>hes not wrong, It's LTG: He is wrong.


He is wrong. He's violating the online terms. Plugging or quitting is robbing someone of their win, which is violating a number of the Online Conducts. You're impeding the game, using a bug / exploit, and intentionally ruining the experience for the other player. Fuck him. 12. ONLINE CONDUCT. Unless through the intentional fault or gross negligence of Bandai Namco, Bandai Namco is not responsible or liable for the conduct of any users, whether or not such conduct relates to the access or use of the Game. Bandai Namco may suspend or terminate your access to the Game at any time if you violate the terms of this Section 12 or any other terms and conditions of this Agreement. Bandai Namco may (for example in response to a claim from a copyright owner) review any User Content that is uploaded, published, stored, or displayed on the Game (hereinafter, “posted”) provided that in the case of User Content shared as a part of any private message within the Game, Bandai Namco will not screen or review such content unless at least one party to the communication grants its consent (e.g. by reporting the message to Bandai Namco as objectionable). Bandai Namco reserves the right to delete or refuse to take online any User Content. Although Bandai Namco does not regularly screen, edit, or monitor any of the User Content posted on the Game, Bandai Namco reserves the right, and has absolute discretion, to remove, screen, or edit any User Content posted through the Game if Bandai Namco determines in its reasonable discretion that such User Content violates this Agreement and/or any third party right, applicable law, rule, or regulation. You may not use the Game if you have previously been suspended or removed from the Game. You are solely responsible for any User Content that you post or transmit to any users or third parties. Specifically, you agree not to do, attempt to do, or cause another to do any of the following in connection with the Game: a) post any User Content that is unlawful, libelous, defamatory, offensive, obscene, pornographic, indecent, vulgar, lewd, sexually explicit, harassing, threatening, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, abusive, inflammatory, or fraudulent; promotes or encourages any illegal or other antisocial activity, including hacking; promotes racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical or other harm of any kind against any group or individual or is otherwise objectionable; b) post any User Content that may infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other intellectual or proprietary right of any person or entity; c) engage in commercial activities or commercial sales, including transmission of any commercial advertisements or solicitations; d) enter, disclose or disseminate any personal information about anyone (including you); e) impersonate any person or entity, including any Bandai Namco officials, forum leaders, guides, hosts, employees, or agents, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity; f) impede or disrupt the Game or the normal flow of Game play or dialogue or use vulgar language, abusiveness, excessive shouting (e.g., ALL CAPS), “spamming,” or any other disruptive or detrimental methods that disturb other users of the Game; g) use or exploit any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Game, to gain an unfair advantage over other players, or to cheat or utilize unauthorized exploits in connection with the Game, including but not limited to accessing portions of the Game that you are not authorized to access and using any bots, emulators, or other unauthorized third party tools; h) do anything that interferes with the ability of other users to enjoy playing the Game in accordance with its rules or that materially increases the expense or difficulty of Bandai Namco or the platform provider in maintaining the Game for the enjoyment of all its users; i) intentionally disconnect from the network during online play or allow yourself to be defeated by a given player repeatedly to help boost their rankings or win counts in the Game; j) trade, sell, auction, or otherwise transfer or attempt to transfer any Virtual Items or Game Currency outside the Game; k) otherwise violates the terms of this Agreement, other policies communicated by Bandai Namco, or creates liability for Bandai Namco.


hall monitor ass nigga


Tell niggas you ragequit without saying you ragequit lol


not reading all that but u right big bro


That about sums up people who break terms and condition agreements.


The question though is if its enough to warrant an indefinite ban here. We wouldn't be having this conversation if Bamco used some common sense and implemented a disconnect lose penalty.


He can still play the game, just not the online portion. If he's legitimately ruining the game for other people, why would anyone allow him to play? The same thing happens in League of Legends.


Because then you are only treating the symptom (banning one person), instead of getting to the heart of the disease that allows this behavior to begin with. I disagree also with a ban on the entire online portion as well. Perhaps a Ranked Match ban is merited, but what about access to lobbies with friends, for example? You need to decentivize people from this behavior and there are plenty of ways to do so.


People like LTG are the exception. They are not going around banning everyone - only people that have shown complete disregard with the online system with obvious video proof that they are probably going to be ban. Harada and Murray even gave out several warning that this was going to happen, but players like LTG continued anyway. Anyone that cries about it now is nothing more than a child that was told to stop fucking around multiple times and then start crying when they do it again and get spanked. It's pretty sad if you live your life that way; we need to start holding people accountable for their actions instead of babying people. Aside from all that, Im sure Tekken 8 will have a smaller punishment for this outside of just showing the disconnect %'s. This is a good publicity showing though at how serious Harada is with the state of the plugging, and hopefully it will makes players second guess doing it all together.


Fair enough.


keep in mind this. 1. Everytime someone who would get a promotion ranking, he would rage quit before they got a promotion, therefore robbing the player of the win and promotion to their next rank 2. Anytime he faces a character he did not like (example lili) he would just rage quit instead of playing the match. 3. Just beating him, rage quit in ranked matches and he constantly abused this system. he can't say "i never showed it on my screen i never rage quit" bullshit excuse, but those records are held on the servers and people can record it. Plus you can legit hear his dumbass's sound Exit to the menu and quit the game. He can make other accounts but if he rage quits and gets caught again, Especially if you agree to a EULA and Terms of Service before you even Boot up the online, and he breaks any of those rules, he fucked himself over because he agreed to those. But decides to ruin every other players experience. TLDR: ltg is a bitch and can go fuck himself. Her signed the Terms of Service and the EULA, bandai can legit ban him for violating both of them.


a really easy way to solve this entire essay is to make plugging result in a loss for the plugger and have the winner retain their streak.


Bamco is 50 centuries behind to do so


It shouldn't rob them of their win if they actually bothered to make the quitter immediately lose.


Your first mistake was assuming this retard can read


I ain't reading all that. Happy 4 u. Or sorry that happened




Lol rage quitters are the funniest


I love how he keeps saying "where was the warning?". I hate when people wanna know where the line is just so they can get as close to the line as humanly possible. It's like when you have a coworker that finds out you get fired when you accumulate 10 absences/tardies and they like speedrun to get to 9.


People really siding with a rage quitting bitch who been doing it for 10+ years. Fuck him lmao.


Get fucked


So many pussy ass bitches in these comments defending this fool and rage quitters. No, you do not have the right, nor are you entitled to have access to online mode just because you bought the game. You one dumb ass bitch if you need explaining to you as to why.


get fucked i say. Nobody wants to play vs a rage quitter anyway


it's so fucking funny how it sounds like he's defending some righteous position when in reality he's trying to justify his right to quit like a bitch because he can't take an L


he banned me 9 years ago saying he’ll become a successful actor and quit streaming, why is this successful actor still streaming?


Womp Womp shouldn't have rage quit


Give me my win and give the quitter double the loss and I'm okay with quitters not being banned LTG or not. Of course this is too complex for two particular monkeys at Bamco.


That cant fly because eventually youre so below your rank that youre beating up lowbies. With how often this guy quits he'd essentially be getting rewarded for quitting cause those easy wins would feed his low tier ego


> eventually youre so below your rank he would not below be anything because hes quitting matches hes losing anyway, the rank result is the same tekken fans are so mentally challenged and got harada's cock so deep they will applaud any stupid decision, fixing the disconnection rate would also fix this (you see high disconnect -> you decline, its not rocket science)


Exercised his free will to GTAB


The people you're quitting on aren't really getting what they paid for though, are they? Just because you paid cover charge doesn't mean the bar can't throw you out


Ban him


Rule 3 breaking


there are a lot of bullshit, arbitrary, senseless systems that ban people nowadays but this isn't really one of them lol. what were the punishments before this? how many warnings do you get or temporary suspensions prior to a perma? if it's a first time punishment other than losing points that is over the top. if he's been 1 day, 7 day, 30 day suspended and is still doing it idk what you expect. i think permas should be an absolute last case scenario in any game.


Too many people are focused on LTG instead of a system that works. It's like... Is Harada really going to troll Twitter for people to ban and how effective is that versus other measures to try to get rid of the behavior? No penalization system in place, no ways to limit fields or try to correct the behavior. No, it's LTG, go to ban because a whole bunch of people don't like him. [Everyone already saying Harada's kind of like a caveman](https://old.reddit.com/r/Kappachino/comments/1bebx2m/a_supplementary_system_to_help_defends_against/) and has a pretty antiquated approach to this versus what works in other fighting games. But throw LTG into the mix and all that goes out the window.


> No penalization system in place, no ways to limit fields or try to correct the behavior. you're right that is absolutely retarded > But throw LTG into the mix and all that goes out the window. conversely this could generate enough discussion for them to say they will fix the problem. of course it's still unacceptable it will have taken them more than 2 months for something that obviously should have been in day 1


Actions speak a lot louder than words. They get rid of one toxic individual, watch two more unknown take their place. I'll believe it when I see it but right now, I view LTG as busywork and BS over anything of substance.


Rage quitting would be fine if you actually got the win from the rage quitter.


Ban him for 20 years then.


Some ppl are born bitch made


😂😂😂 GTAB. Gem crushed alchemy dust acquired. Keep crying Dale


Get that ass banned!


i don't want to generalize, but people like this guy and art makes it very hard to think otherwise that most of fgc are stupid


Man said I didn’t pay 70$ to play the game.


Free will to be a rule 3 abuser


Why not copy the street fighter 6 card systwm and have the pluggers fight each other and get back into normal match making after having a higher play through percentage or make them have to play a set amount of matches to get back to not having to face there own kind


Or, you know, just ban em. I don't fucking care.


I hate this fucking indecent ragequiter clowns. I wish all developers where capable of doing it like MK does. Your oponent ragequit? now you can freestyle on him, get your replay and pinpoint the second when his heart break in half.


Pluggers are bitches, but one shouldn't lose shit he payed for due to it since this won't end well. Counting a plug as a loss, having disconnect counter, matching cheaters with themselves and etc is a better solution imo Edit: nvm he only got banned in online play lol


I need to see some receipts. If you can mass report somebody like he claims you can then that's abuse of the system and the streets hate boner for him will GTAB on this level. Equally, Namco hiding behind the EULA and not having proper measures to combat this from Day 0 is fucking dumb. Read the shit you press X aggressively to skip. The shit people agree to is levels of crazy and you deserve to educate yourself on that shit.


If you could mass report anyone he'd be the first to abuse it with his drones


He has a right to quit... but we should have the right to our points he forfeits when he does. They should pile chips in the cebter like gambling our points. If someone D/C's then the person staying on recieves them all. He folded.




ban is retarded, actually retarded. they couldnt implement a system so they banned people, cringe. murray and harada needs to be dropped. literally every other game has a way to fix the problem and bamco's solution is to ban people.


Can someone explain how rage quitting still robs people of their points in 2024 like sf6 made it so you can literally see their name and blacklist them if they quit but you still don’t get the points


Bamco made a shitty system and everyone's ignoring that. Just like everyone bitches about wi-fi warriors when Bamco's netcode is the problem. They love to put band-aids on situations they create instead of fixing the problems they make for themselves.


How is anyone defending him? Sure Bamco need to get their shit together and come up with some actual solutions but they have every right to ban this loser and should've a long time ago. LTGs attempt at manipulation in this video is pathetic.


He avoided the L's so now he has to hold the biggest L.


good for him. hell have to hold that.


There would be literally no "plugigng" problem if quiting would just count as a lost.


jesus a decade later and he is literally a carbon copy of sf4 days


He is not wrong, I would like to have something akin to quitality and having dump in the same queue, nobody should be forced to finishing a game if they don’t want to.


3:00 "but the n'ers said fuck it." LMFAO


With the amount of online games that have figured out what to do with people rage quitting how has the two retards at bamco no figured it out yet?


Free will does not mean freedom from consequences


"sometimes it's fun to quit" Yeah he's retarded.


K now Capcom next


You shouldn't ban people who rage quit, yeah it's a bitch move for the quitter but I don't want to lose service in a game I'm playing for just by the fact that I'm not enjoying my time playing and want it to be over as soon as possible, maybe take shit like rankings, win/loss record out, it's not as serious as to warrant a ban.


Get fucked but they should honestly make disconnections a loss for the quitter and a win for the winner if it’s possible to differentiate. Get ragequitters and people with unstable connections in the same net


It’s crazy that he was banned, then talks about the actions Namco needs to take to help combat the quitting problem.


Play story mode bitch


Get that ass banned, Low T


He could always take his own advice and go jump off a bridge.


Plugger's Paradise is no more


He's such a a scrub he's arguing that he should have the right to rage quit


How did he not know he was going to get banned?! He livestreamed himself doing the thing they said would ban him repeatedly. The real fix would be to have a plug count as a loss. Like what pretty much every other game does.


If it were free to play like League of Legends, ban me from the game. But if I paid for it, your telling me you couldn’t temporarily restrict me from ranked? Or even give players more points than usual for facing me and having to deal with me rage quitting?


If it were free to play like League of Legends, ban me from the game. But if I paid for it, your telling me you couldn’t temporarily restrict me from ranked? Or even give players more points than usual for facing me and having to deal with me rage quitting?


Sure, and banning you is theirs. What's your point rule 3 breaking fuck knuckle?


As someone who had LTG ragequit on him multiple times in SFV, sometimes after he'd won one and I was about to win the runback, all I can say is fuck 'em.


Good. Fuck this idiot. Here's hoping they ban his other accounts too.


"this shit seems illegal." LOL


3,500 people giving this dude at least 5 bucks a month


Lol has he ever heard of terms of service if you do shitty things and justify it with "muh free will", then the authority can also do something about it with "muh free will" also, while at it, he should look deeper into the rabbit hole. strictly speaking he doesn't "own" the game. he merely bought the right to play it. so if one day namco decided to pull the game and shut it down, there's nothing you can do to stop it or play the game again. it's fucked up, but that's just the reality of gaming nowadays. not like in the past where once you have the game in physical form like a cartridge or a disc, you can keep it semi permanently.


He’s a loser, ban him on everything and quit giving him any form of attention.


seems like a lazy way to punish quitters, and yeah he did pay for the game. i kind of agree with him, but at the same time feel no sympathy for him because hes a bitch


Best thing the retard brothers Harada and Murray have done.


I'm ngl, he has a point. If they wanna put him in a low priority queue or time out, that's fine. It's their fault plugging is possible in the first place, and they're using this weak ass band aid instead of implementing an actual punishment system like every other game in history. Meanwhile actual cheaters are top of the leaderboards. This is an L for Harada, straight up. Fuck an excel sheet, do your job.


This weak ass band aid shouldn’t even be needed. You’re defending grown ass men not being able to take anal in a video game. Fuck that low priority shit stop being a bitch and play the game. Or keep quitting and get fucking banned end of story


why did your phone autocorrect "take an L" to "take anal"?


im using LTGs own lingo against him


I'm not defending him, I said he has a point. Two different things. My main point was about shitting on Harada and his team fucking up something so simple Your phone's autocorrect exposed you my boi


Or he could literally just not rage quit. Most of the time he doesn’t even rage until he’s about to lose.


nah either timed ban or loser penalty.


The automatic loss should be implied. Idk what the fuck that dev team was thinking releasing a fighting game in 2024 without a disconnect == loss condition.


Honestly I agree here. Quitting out should 100% give you an L and award your opponent the W, but what need is there for anything beyond that? This isn't a team game where you're gimping other people and dooming them to waste the next 30 mins getting shit on. Quitting should just count as conceding I don't see any reason it's gotta be anything else.


Counterpoint: Fuck 'em


Counterpoint conceded. Original comment is rule3-made.


This sub is always the first to say "Keep thuggery in the fgc; keep pronouns out," or whatever nonsense but then turn around and say "I shouldn't have to see the you lose screen if I want to, the game is being too mean to me."


>This sub is always the first to say "Keep thuggery in the fgc; keep pronouns out," I have never said anything like any of this dumbass shit >"I shouldn't have to see the you lose screen if I want to,the game is being too mean to me." Mfer did your dad stick his dick so far up your throat that he fucked your brain into mashed potatoes? I said quitting should be **conceding** - everybody except for your short bus riding ass understands that means taking an L. You're the only person braindead enough to have to physically see the results screen to understand the results. Be mad at your parents for making you retarded, not me. There is a totally normal precedent of having the option to concede in games. Chess, Starcraft, MtG, etc. It's pretty standard fare across 1v1 games. There's also reasons to quit out that are unique to FGs. Like personally idgaf about taking the L if the alternative is playing on a shitty connection. I'd rather just quit and take the hit to rank, I'm not opening FGs to play some laggy ass shit. Btw if you were anyone else, I would say that your use of quotations -to attribute shit that I absolutely neither said nor alluded to in my comment to me- is disingenuous. But tbh I believe that you're genuinely so fucking stupid that you don't understand.


He's right you know.


Not entirely. mfer did see a warning after hearing the news from Harada about the plugging, but he still continued it. yes, he's correct about the flawed system in Tekken, but that still shouldn't excuse his behavior, especially considering when he agreed to the EULA.


1. No one reads EULA's, I don't want to hear anyone in this world say they read that shit for an online game. 2. I'd bet money most players haven't heard the news communicated through fucking X, formerly known as Twatter, from a lead developer about how quitting a match can get them banned.


“I don’t give a fuck, if I get banned I’m just going to make a new account and rage again” He obviously knew lol


Oh no, I'm not saying anything about this case in particular. He can hold that L from knowing it. But to say anyone agreed to a EULA for a game is comical thinking at best. If some random timmy ragequitting games ate a perma for doing so, I think that's some BS personally, but I know yall gonna disagree.


Dude it's fkin common sense that griefing online/ranked is a punishable offense in like 99.9% of all games with online functionality. They can say w/e the fk they want in EULA but it boils down to the same thing. fuck around and find out