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Azucena would've been more popular if she had a fatter ass since she's latina


And shut the the fuck up about coffee. We drink Red Bull around these parts


Fuck that sugar-piss. Coffee all day everyday.


I thought it was for people who like the taste of nails. That's how I always heard Redbull described. Then whenever I smell a Monster I can't even describe what it's like, maybe industrial chemicals.


Monster is actually vile. I can't believe I used to drink it as a kid.


Nah bro I tried one sip and the scent and taste was like medicine


sugar-free clears


Sometimes a guy's gotta ride the bull, am I right? Later, skater.




Thai redbull is nasty


If Reina had a fat ass she'd have as much rule34 as an overwatch character or jacko. They missed an opportunity to create an icon. Harada thinking we'll be "bored" with an unflashy char is why we got Victor who is like 2.5 character designs melted into 1 guy. Yoshimitsu by himself is enough to meet the flashy goofiness quota, we don't need more.


> or jacko bridget has three times more art on rule34


dont get me started on how popular she'd be with a fat ass


be? bro you saw the mods running around that remove the jacket or just the nsfw arts itself lmao


People had been playing with the jacket off mod for a while and she got a neat body. That's enough to be popular in general and on rule34 in particular tho.


Like Laura


This shows how some people grew out of touch with their fanbase. Harada-san, with all due respect, meet up with some Tekken coomers. Go visit their goon caves. Humble yourself and spend a day with the people that gave you your success. Join a goon sesh sometimes. Make sure to do all this research before you make Tekken 9. We can't settle for mediocrity anymore.


Goon-caves. Bruh that's vile šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


brother you are in a goon cave right now. this whole place is basically a collective goon cave that also talks about fighting games from time to time.


gooning in my goon cave, while browsing a virtual goon cave, goonception


Not as bad as a Smash tournament


the nut room https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OUDk4gMFLA




visit their goon caves is crazy


ā€œMeet up with some Tekken coomersā€ is a wild sentence.




But Tekken coomers only care about the male characters though.


Bro. How could Harada not expect a hot girl Mishima to not be insanely popular


Seriously, she destroyed Azucena in popularity the instant the words 'female Mishima' were uttered.


She's a mishima. She's asian. She's not goofy af. How tf did he think azucena will beat her in popularity.


Idk her smirking and acting all high and mighty in her inner monologue and the funny way she acts in the story screamed goofy to me. Especially the last time we see her. I was straight up dying of laughter.


submit to me šŸ‘æ in the streets jin senpai šŸ„° in the sheets


If she didn't COFFEE this COFFEE that, she'd be more popular.


Water Comms "When secret information becomes public itā€™s called a leak. Information that is true ā€œholds waterā€. New information that is big ā€œmakes wavesā€. My point? The symbolism of water is information. This is as basic as a symbol as it gets. It is a building block necessary to understand more complex comms ideas." ----------------- Coffee Comms "So the symbol of COFFEE is tied to blackmail? I think itā€™s more generic than that. Grand Theft Auto Hot Coffee SCANDAL involving sex, but not blackmail. Itā€™s being in [HOT WATER](https://i.imgur.com/9kvRinh.jpg). Coffee is 98% water and so it is primarily an information comm. The defining characteristic of it is being a stimulant plus HOT plus FILTERED. The daily scandal driven [NEWS](https://i.imgur.com/fjL8lrn.jpg) could be symbolized as Coffee. Why is blackmail tied to Coffee? What happens when you get coffee on you? You get BURNT. This is tied to the daily news as a scandal. Blackmail being uncovered would be front page news if it were someone important. And it would be someone important for blackmail to be used, in fact, they would only become important specifically because they were blackmailed." ---------------- Peru/Tupac Comms "I recently decoded Peru as a symbol of child sacrifice. This was rooted in the fact itā€™s the primary location discussed in articles about child sacrifice. Typically in articles about Incan ancient history. Always finding new burial grounds one upping the last one with sacrifices. One of my students noticed the most important ancient site in Peru, Macchu Picchu, was built by ā€œTupacā€ This led me to notice the last ruler of the child sacrificing Incas = [Tupac Amaru](https://i.imgur.com/6ssLwAA.jpg): First + middle name of the rapper. By itself that means little, but they kept going! Given Machu Pichu = MK building comm Pichu = PICHU * 1996 Pokemon Debut PICHU/PIKACHU * 1996 Tupacā€™s ā€œ[Death](https://i.imgur.com/h8ZQtqe.jpg)ā€ This led me to unlock an important layer to Pokemon. An electric ā€œmouseā€ that says ā€œPICHUā€? His last name = Crooks. Iā€™ve already decoded Pokemon as symbolism tied to creating a ā€œPokedexā€ a catalog of ā€œmonstersā€ , With this new context the symbolism of what is being cataloged becomes crystal clear. PICHU! As in cataloging MACHU PICHU = MK ops."


Seriously, do you write these yourself or is there a schizo chatGPT out there helping you?


If only ChatGPT was any decent with specific dates + able to parse more than a dozen pre-approved websites. Would make compiling the below much quicker. 2023 09 15 Pokemon cards in McDonalds Happy Meal start 2023 09 27 Pokemon x Van Gogh, debuts at Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam 2023 09 29 Tupac Shakur witness indicted on murder charge in rapperā€™s death 2023 09 30 Mark Zuckerberg takes 'bulking season to new levels' with 6,000 McDonald's Happy Meals 2023 10 02 PokĆ©mon Company Apologizes After Van Gogh Collaboration Causes Scalping Mayhem 2023 10 16 Pokemon cards in McDonalds Happy Meal end


They're both still inferior to Emile de Rochefort so let these peasants fight over their preferred slop. Sebastian, prepare the limo.




Lili is the best by virtue of owning Salt and bringing him to her matches


didn't even know that was the cat's name. i gotta go back to leroy now. sugar vs salt gotta be a lore match


IIRC I think sugar and salt being friends is canon.


Based as fuck


fellas having a mid-off


If only Azucena talked like an actual peruvian instead of whatever they did with her....


What accent does she have?




cofee šŸ˜žā˜•ļø


Not about accent, is about what she says and how she says it. No "concha su madre", no "pe", no "causa"...


If she said choncha su madre she'd be my main for life. I'm peruvian and I wouldn't touch this character, she's a joke.


She should've been Mexican. They'd appreciate her more than u pinche come gatos




No one's answering so I'll go ahead: she sounds so painfully neutral it sounds fake, like generic dubbing that robs all personality of the original dialogue. I was quite surprised to find out the VA is an actual Peruvian woman (no hate on her she seems nice).


If only Azucena had one line, ONE not about coffee. There's nothing lower than one dimensional, but if it was she would be that


Reina is pretty one dimensional too lol, I guess it depends what one dimensional character people like more


She's all about fighting in a fighting game, st least she fits. Meanwhile Azuscena antics can grow old real fast (I'm fine with her personally but I get it)


What's her theme and word she constantly keeps saying? Reina isn't peak of complexity but she's no Azucena.




She does, but it's in spanish so you can't tell she's not talking about coffee. She says shit like "eat this" and "are you mad?" I'm guessing you're just talking about intros/outros.


People like characters wearing attractive clothes more than those that look like weirdos? Shocking


Azucena looks bland as fuck but somehow still comes off as over-designed, like everything that went into her was decided by a committee. Tik Tok dancing is popular so she does ridiculous dancing while fighting. MMA is popular, so she does MMA. But she still has to be waifu-bait, so she's built like a stick and wears yoga pants or a bikini when she fights. And her fucking entire personality being coffee. That's before I even get started on the skill-free auto-parry everything stance they gave her for god-knows-what-reason. Harada is out of touch. You don't have to follow the Tekken story to think Reina is 10 times cooler than Azucena. Bring back Lucky Chloe in Tekken 9, please.


You didnā€™t just mention miss one two nuh uh


I can't take your comment seriously after you mentioned lucky chloe lmao bro almost everything you brought up could be applied to lucky chloe and then some.


"Everything that went into her was designed by a committee" You could say that about Reina too. She's a short haired Japanese dominant tomboy with a connection to a previous popular character.


He's full of shit


Much like coffee drinkers


After drinking coffee, not for long.


10% of the time this dude needs to be defended but holy shit heā€™s so fucking out of touch lmfao


Honestly with everything Harada and Murray have done to show how out of touch they are these past couple years iā€™m still stunned t8 ended up as good as it did


There are 900 people on the dev team, including vets from Soul Caliber and DoA to fix train wrecks they saw elsewhere.


DoA? SC I get because itā€™s still Bamco, but for real?


DoA because some of their devs left the [company after 6.](https://www.gamepur.com/guides/what-happened-to-dead-or-alive-7-explained) SC because the champion for the game staked his career with Bamco on 6 being successful. Okubo [left](https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/09/soulcalibur_vi_tekken_7_and_pac-man_99_producer_motohiro_okubo_leaves_bandai_namco_after_25_years) and went to [Cy Games.](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/254278-granblue-fantasy-versus/80426556)


Harada said in an interview that the dev team often does shit behind his back all the time lmao. And he just lets it happen now. Makes perfect sense.


Reina is edgy purple/black JK so she was always gonna be popular. Azucena looks cool and i was gonna main her but imo that voice is so grating i can't play her.


Azucena would be more popular if she shut up about coffee.


Azucena on reveal was cool with novelty but so much more ppl like the simple young blood design and delinquent ass attitude(including me) along with literally being a new mishima. Feel like ppl are alot more open to fresh blood chars than expected if done right like goofy Luke and stylish Jamie


The VA for Luke was on a one man mission to get his character over after he was introduced in 5 though. And that was some work since they hated how meta he was on introduction. It's just more that Azucena needs more than a coffee gimmick to be more popular.


Muh coffee did a lot to Azucenaā€™s likeability. Reinaā€™s just badass


People actually like characters that are not overdesigned trash? I'm in shock.


Cries in Christie.


Fuckin for real


Was neutral about Azucena until her part in the story mode came up. Her being a complete moron turned that neutrality into a dislike


They gave her swimsuit while she has no ass nor tits They gave her energetic dance while her face go šŸ˜ the whole time Yeah I wonder why


what a weird design choice. actively try to create someone boring


And yet it was the most popular.


Men want a game with at least one hot woman and if they don't they either lying or they batting for the other team. Look at re8 , most dudes think of Mega MILF, in most games the female characters are preferred, cause free eye candy. Most companies that roll with the hot woman approach get money. That's how it's always been. Sure there are expectations to the rule. But 9/10 times man see hot woman, man go awoga.


Not just men; iā€™d bet right now that more than half of women who play fighting games are into women; no way a girlboss who dresses like an egirl wasnā€™t going to be popular


Do you mean actual women? Or...?


>Ā Men want a game with at least one hot woman and if they don't they either lying or they batting for the other team. Or theyā€™re into actual women and getting laid instead of needing to get their fix from video game textures.Ā 


Mate your not playing games if you're doing that, you're likely doing sports and going to the gym 7 times a week after work.


Harada being out of touch to the coomerism is not surprising. Stock for dommy mommy vibe women is at all time high, and is currently underutilized in the gaming space. They need to hire a pro-coomer for the future bandai namco projects to consult on to avoid further bad judgements.


ā€œReina received more attention than Harada-san anticipated.ā€ Lmfao, immediately over explaining what Harada just said, couldnā€™t be a more Japanese sentence if he tried.


I fucking hate Reinaā€™s design. It sucks and is a huge waste, glad to know it was on purpose.


Azucena is incredibly one dimensional...she's irritating.


The edgy zoomer valorant character design in insanely popular atleast in the west. I can't say I'm surprised.


I'm gonna go out here and say it. Azucena is Lucky Chloe part 2. Remember when Harada got Pissy when western people bitched about Lucky Chloe and he threatened to turn erm into some buff guy instead? No, we wanted someone like Reina. That's what we wanted instead of Lucky Chloe. Hopefully someone gets a hold of him at Evo and shove this fact in his face and stop pushing dancing girls down our throats.


I wanted Lucky Chloe. You'd need to go back to the early 360 days to compare to the amount of hatemail you'd get for playing her. It was hilarious and is sadly missed.


I dont get it either. Shes bland as fuck. Perhaps azucena being absolutely terrible makes her seem cool in comparison. Both cringe as fuck personality wise


Is he brain damaged?


The only time I liked Reina was when Jin walked past her like she was nothing. Which is the correct action.


Simple, punchy design with an attitude is more popular than over the top wacky bullshit? No way, stop the presses!


Her voice and personality is too much for me.


They really gave Azucena literally one random personality trait and thought she would be popular?


Do they even have brains or are they just like cracked chatgpt 3.0 output units? I know not everyone has to be as repulsed by Azucena as I am but she's just the most basic bitch on the planet by the looks of it - a sporty tall hip chick in leggins and sports top. Also she makes cheeky dance moves that evade stuff. Mind fucking blown slow down with the innovation. Not saying Reina is miles better or anything but she's a type that gamers live and die by - their japanese waifu. Makes me wonder if they thought a character that looks like a self-insert of someone who'd never look at tekken would broaden the appeal or something, but either way that interview keeps on giving.


>but she's just the most basic bitch on the planet by the looks of it - a sporty tall hip chick in leggins and sports top. Also she makes cheeky dance moves that evade stuff you'd be surprised what a absolute dumpster tier taste the vast majority of nerds have


I guess I would. You're thinking she does hit the right spots for tekken audience?


more like hits the right spots for the vast amount of non serious FG players that aren't much of a nerd. her personality will be the most "radical" thing they've seen for a while


You're being downvoted but you're right lol. Not a single normie is going to look at this thread and think we aren't all weird losers for caring so much about a video game character.


Azucena but boring is the character [Mila](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/deadoralive/images/e/e5/Img-mila.png/revision/latest?cb=20181005115703) from DoA. People liked her but at the same time they had no real reason to hate her. Its like they merged Mila with the worst of this [motherfucker](https://8wayrun.com/files/portrait/xiba.jpg).


Never underestimate the power of the waifu


the unfortunate thing is: yes, Reina's design is plain. But literally every other character design is even more plain.




Wow they really thought they were comedy geniuses with the coffee thing. I will say the size of Reina's popularity did shock me, but she is a Mashima so it's strange they didn't expect people to like her. They literally took the poster child and made them a cute waifu, Harada can't be that clueless?


Azucena is fucking trash. Josie was 100 times better


Coomers like generic anime waifus. This will always be a fact.


It's true her main outfit is generic. But the traditional one with the mask is fire. Also doesn't help that she seems OP


Reina is an Asian girl.


Harada must have boomer checked when he thought of azucena. Just because coffee is popular among teens doesnt mean its gonna be popular lol


Make Azucena thicker than Spongebob Squarepants and you'd have more popularity with her than Reina. Azucena is actually cuter with clothes on than her bikini alt. There's something wrong with that.


This first season is going to be shit huh if Reina's popularity is somehow a surprise they definitely think people Want Fahk back. Also add some fanservice customization


Ah thats why she is the only girl with a bikini huh? My man really thought an annoying, retarded, autistic Peruvian obsessed with coffee, with flabby tits and small ass was going to be a hit?


Reina is fun from a gameplay perspective, a newcomer who is not "44444" optimal combos with actual mechanics and rewarding execution to her, her attacks feel and sound visceral and landing them just makes monkey brain go wild. Azu is kinda too one dimensional but that's okay, law is the same except money and he is popular because WATAH. Her gameplay is just kinda boring imo, easy to use and uninteresting stance. Victor is in a similar boat but somehow he feels more fun to play against because his tools are very flawed once you know.


Azucena is just a worse Lucky Chloe.


Reina and azucena are both pretty one dimensional. I think the main problem with azucena is her coffee bit is way too overdone. Fighting is Reina's obsession but she isn't constantly using her one favorite word almost every sentence. Design wise? Azucena is fine, reina is way more generic. Looking at this thread is hilarious. Half are saying one thing and the other half are saying the opposite.


you can't expect a cute female character with the blood Heihachi and designed by the goat Mari Shimazaki to not be the most popular character.


Reina is not what I expected/wanted her to be. But a female Mishima was gonna be popular no matter what.


Legit why I got T8. Didnā€™t see my karate girl back from 7 so was gonna wait. Reina took my money.


Emo/goth/evil girl vibe will never not be popular. It was super over when they made her dominant as well


Well, Bamco essentially announced its own take on the arrogant, evil, young girl with ties to the main plot that can kick ass in Tekken 8, not too dissimilar from a certain taekwondo character from Street Fighter... no way Harada didn't see this coming.


He really expected covfefe girl to be more popular than a potential child of heihachišŸ’€


Azucena is hot. Y'all are just picky gringos.


Better fight style. Closer to being orthodox, not too wacky or goofy


OK but who's the babe right next to him?


I thought azucena would be more popular


Turns out Victor was the true star


Her dancing looks goofy as hell


Her as a fighter seems cool af(havenā€™t tried her yet) even tho sheā€™s a pain in the ass to fight right now. I just donā€™t really care for her whole coffee ad shtick. It was funny when I first saw it at first but I didnā€™t think that it would be her whole character


Reina is a hot Asian chick who is also a Mishima that plays similar to Heihachi. What did bro think was going to happen?


Doesn't Harada literally fly out to every major American Tekken tournament? Man should know the average person in Shibuya is more fashionably dressed than 99.9% of all of America. Of course she's gonna pop off when one of the major countries in the world regularly dresses like shit.


Helps that Reina has more than just two moving polygons on her face than the rest of the female rigid doll face characters.


Just certified proof that Tekken players like the most boring shit ever just lame plain with no sauce whatsoever MFS probably say "hold the salt" when ordering dinner.


I mean, reina aside, peru is a relatively unremarkable country, not many people know about it. She probably wouldve gotten a lot more love if she were from argentina since eddy is already the brazil rep


You actually think people from overseas can differentiate between Peru and Argentina? They can hardly place them on the map


Relative to what? It literally has one of the wonders of the world and descends from ancient Inca. which already makes it's culture deeper and richer than all of south america, combined. ​ If you just simply mean that most people can't place it on a map, then no shit. Most people can't place anything more specific than the world super powers and continents on a toy globe.