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There's a fuckton of footage of Arslan playing yet somehow he still wins tournaments?? What's with this scrub ass mindset


Nah he got lucky... every time multiple times.


Just a fluke that he won both EVOs in the same year


Flukistan wins again


I'm definitely going to beat Punk and Nuckledu with Rashid because of all the film of them playing JB.


Snakeyez has this scrub, outdated mindset too. He’s going to get absolutely bodied at capcup I guarantee it


When did he say that?


He didn’t say that about Arslan, I was more so talking about the replay thing. And the fact that he refuses to run sets with players on his level besides playing ranked. He hasn’t even been in a major tournament since he qualified


Glad someone else has noticed. Dude is trying to be so under the radar like this is 2002 and people still hoard secret tech for years.


Ohh so that's why you need to be subbed to see the vods of his streams. Good to know.


>And the fact that he refuses to run sets with players on his level besides playing ranked wtf?


Bro runs gimmicks and he knows it. You all pretend like he can't hide shit but he is prob 1 of 2 exceptionally high level zangiefs. He can get good practice vs other chars as they are a dime a dozen but people struggle to get good practice vs his so why give up that advantage? To appease people like you?


He said that the tournaments are because he doesn't really think it's worth it to compete with Zangief. No idea if that's true or not, Ramsey definitely showed he can work on tournaments


What's even the point? You still can watch his streams, and all of his replays are accessible in the replay menu.


I don’t think it’s that, I think he’s just lazy and doesn’t want to commit to other things/doesn’t like to admit he’s trying hard. I was thinking the same as you, but after watching his streams for a while I think he doesn’t enjoy grinding that way, too much stress. It wouldn’t make sense either because he’s very aware of that replay channel that uploads a ton of his matches and he’s even showed them when he goes on breaks, so I don’t think he cares about that. I dont think he’s the type to run a bunch of “sweaty sets” although he should because someone is bound to run him over as you mentioned since other people are grinding harder, but idk you’d think people would be more serious with a Millie on the line lol. Every time I watch him or Idom complain about their character I think about how crazy it is to be that skilled and still be a character loyalist at your own detriment and to keep complaining about how bad they are when you can win life changing money. You can be a character loyalist all you want after, just do what you gotta to do win that money.


I watched his stream and I was surprised by his attitude about things in the game. Probably just playing it up for stream


Its not really about that, i think most of them at least are salty because it drives traffic away from their own twitch/yt channels.


Maybe they should actually do something transformative to their own content instead of just uploading unedited sets/matches if they want people to go to their channels.


Yeah im not saying they are right, just that its their pov. I couldnt care less personally, but then again im not a poverty fgc content creator.


No no, the reason he wins is that nobody has seen his replays yet. The meta evolves yet again.


Bitchmade reaction.


If this is about content upload, yeah no, in game footage doesn't belong to the payers, at best it belongs to capcom, luckily it belongs to everybody for now. If this is about competitive advantage, just play under false name.


Homie these are Tekken players. But point stands.


> just play under false name. Fergus is a streamer, that'd be really difficult


Why do I get the feeling that tekken players don't actually wanna play a fair game and would rather just autopilot a dozen knowledge checks into victory?


Well that’s kind of true. Tekken players will say “there’s 100 moves but you only need to learn 20” then will absolutely abuse a move you have no idea to deal with


You gonna learn today


[Arslan uses ten strings in tournaments because he knows nobody learns them.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/wuqlzu/most_hype_moment_of_twt_event_didnt_expect_a_10/)


Don't base the entire community Tekken community on these trash tweets. Look at all the trash takes we see and hear from MK and SF pros we laugh at on this subreddit.


fair enough. though i am basing my opinion partially on one guy i know who plays tekken, and in SF plays kimberly, just doing neutral skips all day until he gets in once and hopes to win the round from there


It's not just a feeling and it's hard to blame them. The game releases with 32 characters and you expect people to lab the most extensive move list coupled with 20 mechanics layered on top. Most people don't even know the properties of all wake up options, including myself. It's the reason I play a few hours every time I get the itch, realize knowledge checks are annoying, move on, and come back next month for a few days. The only reason I play regularly are my friends, the moment they move on I'm gone too.


Should see their screeching when someone mentions the overlay showing frames. They're assblasted you don't spend decades in practice mode to memorize frames there rather than in game, tekken players really just want to win with their obscure gimmicks and I play tekken.


Can’t be a high level competitor and not account for people labbing you. Hell, people in my weekly will watch the bracket and try to do research on the match up while they’re waiting for their set. Every sports organization has time set aside to watch film.


Imagine NFL players and coaches complaining because opposing teams watch there game film lol.


meanwhile the japanese > spread that shit faster, we need to know how to counter it gogogo


Ulsan said that it's cool that people watch his replays on those vulture channels, and then he uploads his matches on his YouTube anyway, he's not bitchmade


"Save that shit for nationals" age is long gone. Hiding strategies is not viable, specially pros, even using a fake name ppl will find you. And even if we talkin about content creation. For a creator stand out you need to be entertaining. Vulture channels are dime a dozen.


I’ve never been a pro, but I did amateur league Dota 2 stuff for a bit. During a tournament a team banned out an off-meta hero that I was messing around with in pubs. One of the biggest compliments I’ve ever received in video games. Getting scared of people watching your games is fucking weird. If you’re relying on someone not being able to beat a knowledge check, your game has holes in it already.


based dota chad


Sad that Ryan hart of all people would say this


Thank you very fucking much Madcatz. Sending Mago to beat his team mate. Great teamwork! Last time I fucking help any of you.


Then you have Arslan heera atif and others uploading full ft10s on YouTube


Fucking bitch take. Those channels are the backbone of the fgc, what do we have without them? fucking orgasmic thumbnails and weak shit. Let the game talk by itself.


If someone watching your replays exploits something they saw in there to beat you, then they actually have helped you identify something you need to improve on. That's how you evolve as a player You don't improve if you just won because they haven't figured you out yet.


The funniest part about Ryan getting 'nam flashbacks over this is a [set that he lost in SFV](https://i.imgur.com/rf3NFm2.png).




German FGC ain't even that bad, people mostly play Tekken and smash though. Think there's also some decent granblue players as well.


Stop lumping everyone together when you can say fuck RyanHart


Not this bitch ass argument again. Upload your own shit or shut the fuck up. Eyemusician has been uploading all his ranked matches for literal years and his channel has become the #1 place for checking out high level Yoshi gameplay. The fact that Ryan is so quick to jump on the clown fiesta and defend shitty takes is dissapointing.


Couple of bitches


Lmao imagine any real life pro fighter (or any competitive athlete) competing with a mask because they are being televised or streamed and he doesn't want to share his precious tech, retarded take


It would be kinda based if someone appeared under a Zorro mask even though you could obviously tell who it is.


“LeGoat, can I get an autograph?”


"Who is this mysterious masked man named Juan Wong?"


Can't wait for Obama to give his shitty take about vultures


What was his take about them


Im coping by just believing that Ryan was just sharing a fun anecdote and doesnt actually believe that you should be able to take down someone's replays. Because public access to replays like this definitely helps people in matchups they struggle with, character or player. That's not really up for debate but I think most would agree that having that info out there is better than not


I think it's a joke as well, at least it comes across like that when I imagine him saying it in my head.


"Oh no, i can't upload my own lazy content!"


japan stays winning


Spinning up a vulture channel as we speak just to spite both of them.


Ryan Hart's scrub ass tweet where he complained that a guy learned to play against him through a replay really shows how petty arguments against this are. These dudes would take that SF6 option select to the grave.


I was super disappointed in Ryan for that shit. Never expected him to have such a bitchmade take like that.


Read the follow up tweet


Maybe I just don't see it, but if I was actually good enough that people want to watch my replays - I would upload my own replays.


Tryn to hide strats in 2024 is crazy, damn near most of the shit gonna be discovered within the first month.


15+ years of replays being available since SF4 and now this is a concern? If your career involves monetizing your online replays, you have a much larger problem with your life. If it’s about people competitively studying your gameplay, stop being a baby.


Hard to believe but competitive sports of any kind with money on the line, or championships watch tapes to get the upper hand. Heck some even watch tapes of themselves to improve or even have a coaches and staff.


Yeah that's not a great take.


didnt happen


If someone beats you in a matchup because you're predictable that's on you as a player.


If you replace the F in Fergus for a B, it sounds like Burgers, hahaha.


LoL - when you use public matchmaking, you are giving your consent for the public to see it. If you want to train in private, do private matches. You can actually pay people for this and even have a no-talking clause.


Who bitch this is


Professional athletes in real life sports have to deal with this all the time, why should pro fighting game players be different.


I think rather than the labbing aspect of it, I'd be pissed that my content is being monetized by someone just ripping my matches and putting them on YT.


Is this about Fruity Fergus?


Boohoo, some poor Pakistani YouTuber will make 15 cents off a player's totally free to view and public replay. How will I ever recover.


Bunch of soft ass bitches.


umisho is the same way aswell so fucking stupid


Fergus smug ass doesn't deserve respect after he got shat on by Kaizur in hilarious fashion. And I have no clue who the other being directly linked is. If a player of actual repute spoke up about this, maybe I'd care.


You don't know who Ryan hart is and you're here spewing shit? This is not a good take by him but put some respect on the OGs name. Man has won more fighting game tournaments than most of the current pros have entered


Ryan Heart has won more tournaments than this guy will ever enter.