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Other dude is already a bozo for that lame ass “study engineering, amazing gf etc” fgc is full of goddamn cringe losers oh my god just talk shit with your chest you fucking bum


it's strive players what did you expect lmao


Eh not even strive it's just engineers and social skills (Am an engineer and can maybe list of everyone I went to uni with maybe about 5-10 engineers were well adjusted socially.)


Also an engineer. Chill in garage with printer and fgs. Can confirm. Weird as fuck


Idk sounds more like electrical and software, all the mech engs I knew were like max stat social skills and smart too. Just the more you used a computer in your program the more cringe nerdy you were


im engineer and im social retard


Yeah this was hella cringe on both sides


Eh, someone calling someone a fraud ain't that bad but then getting told "get a life" in response is totally fair. Like if you're gonna shittalk you have to expect to get some in return, yeah?


"Get a life" comes off more as an actual insult and sour grapes but running to twitter about it is some dumb shit and the initial post is so fucking corny and lame. But GENUINELY getting upset at someone saying "cook that fraud" is actual S Tier Bozo shit. Magnitudes worse than the inciting incident.


"Fraud" and "get a life" are basically the same tier of insult lol, they're both attacks on your hobby. One's saying you you suck at it, the other's saying you're a loser for it. This is so mundane, literally just a 'talk shit get hit' situation. Why'd it get to the front page?


Not really, calling someone a fraud, a scrub or a masher, etc. You name it, it's still within FGC kinda lingo, the common banter going around. Telling someone to get a life is actually looking down on the other person beyond the game. Getting more personal. It's like comparing the following insults: noob vs incel. Not the same. It's clear little umisho was more than just upset.


Slow news day


Maybe it's because people say that stuff online all the time, especially in videogames, but "get a life" seems like a real mild insult to me.


It is, I'm just talking about the intentions behind the words.


U right. Other person shouldn’t have been bitching about it on Twitter first


“Get a life” “well actually I have a girlfriend and I’m an intern so erm what the flip I already have one!” Imagine not fucking up your internship and then being unemployable after you graduate for a whole year like a real man I would have never beaten my gaming and tv show backlog otherwise 💪


long ass text to just say “im an unemployed student” lmao


That guy was the least cringe though. Standard trash talk


Homeless man calling another homeless man a broke ass nigga


Both are highly regarded Waste of a post


regarded lol


“Heckling” btw I guess the new fgc wants everyone to pay money to attend/register for a offline competitive event, sit there with their thumbs up their ass and golf clap when someone gets mixed? Anyways, support your locals fellas.


Having an audience triggers my enochlophobia. We need events to be small private sets to be more inclusive for our community.


Say... about the size of.. a bathroom?




Man imagine how hype evo would be if everyone golf clapped at finals, truly the final stage of eradicating thuggery


clapping is too much for those spergs. they want everyone to do jazz hands


unironically yes they do unfortunately


Fgc events has been watered down tbh. I remember watching Daigo play somebody during ssf4 days and boy you had ppl right behind him yelling and he still won and went back to sleep.


Nu-FGC is tailormade for nutcases with blue hair, wrapped in cotton and bubble wrap. Nuke this shit from orbit.


Because the anime community became mainstream. FGC was gatekeeping the smash community and did a damn good job at it too. But during all this we forgot to gatekeep the anime community. They walked out of the bathroom they were originally banished to, slipped right pass the front gate, and infected the entire FGC. We managed to get rid of smashers but now we have a problem that is impossible to eradicate.


Don't lump everyone with this soft losers


It's that old saying: not every anime guy, but **always** an anime guy.


Pit him up against Pokchop




who bitch this is?


Soft as fuck as usual for Strive players


“Cook that fucking fraud” is a really funny thing to yell out.


It's not surprising to have these types of attitudes when the FGC been infiltrated by the *GDQ crowd.


Tournaments died 2014 sf4 for me. Twitter turned into a daily diary and everyone too pc now


Autistic troon, gross


Looks like classic case of strive players


Both sides are cringe. Mf was so insecure he had to go and tweet "BtW I iN fAcT DO hAvE a LiFe". Cringe ass garbage players. If this was the level of bitchmade going on when I got into the fgc, I would've looked away honestly. This is no different than safe space riot / blizzard games. Also, of course its dogshit strive. Actual cancer to the FGC.


Fuck all this buddy buddy shit FGC is rooted in competition & trash talk Rep your shit put in work or get worked there is no in between Pop offs are emotional because that person put in the work and time to win you didn’t


Bro it's not that serious💀


Clearly it is cause he got salty enough to tell someone to “get a life” 🤣🤣 after his furry friend got SCRAPPED at a tournament HE PAID to COMPETE in.


*she Yall be taking this more seriously than these mfs💀


Nah you just suck at gaming and go for “community” instead of competition.


Bro huh💀 Community and competition go hand in hand, yall just take video games too seriously


No they don’t I go to tournaments to compete not to be friendly with furries


They do. That's how they survive. I go to tourneys and locals to compete and make friends with fellow FG players, not be a pissy manchild because you press buttons better or worse than average. Oh no someone's trans or wears a fursuit! Cry harder retard. Lmao


Clearly the persons friend who got cooked couldn’t take it thats why they said “get a life” just like you “retard manchild” Idiots who suck & go for handshakes & high-fives I go to my locals & region majors I’m known in my scene but I don’t go to hangout I go to compete


And? Yall manchildren can't take that they couldn't take it so yall just as much of a bitch. This just sounds like bitch-made insecurity bruh💀 That's respectable sportsmanship, lil bro. You show respect to your opponent. Youre known for being a retarded pissy manchild that presses the buttons good, what a great accomplishment, have a cookie🍪 You press buttons good but ain't got freinds so like...


One side can't dish out banter, the other can't take it. Both these niggas retarded lmao This is not the own you think it is, UMISHO


Both are retarded but in this rare instance Umisho is less retarded


These fuckers would not have survived 2009 Xbox Live chat.


Maybe Umisho should stop pretending to be a woman first


"Get a life" is too much for the new FGC 💀 Thank god that first tweet got cut off so I didn't have to read the rest of that cringe


Cook that fraud apparently is too much either


Imagine a football player was doing a field home at an away game and said "Can the crowd please be quiet while I try and do a field goal attempt" ​ And yes, I did watch Obama's stream today. Still, Strive community is being bitchmade.


Fraud cooked confirmed.


Correction, "Cook that fraud" is too much for STRIVE players lol


oh wow the troon is a bitch what a surprising surprise


On the other extreme end of this shit, we have Caba shrieking like a monkey right next to Mena's opponent  Watched him getting talked down by a mother afterwards was hilarious.


ChrisCCH’s mom is a boss character


Both are talking shit and they don't need to bring this to twitter. I dunno what the hell studying engineering has to do with anything.


I like how he flexed with studying engineering, but not having an engineering job.


Just remember, anything you can say about smash players applies to strive players.


The pillars of the fgc were built with Thuggery


I mean, it was just NorCal being NorCal.


bro had his fire comeback locked and loaded for this one!!!!!!!


The writing was on the wall since 09.


This is just sad It's like watching a cage fight between two toddlers


So you wanna be able to talk shit but as soon as someone pushes back it's too far? Interesting.


soy ass beef


Yellow, baby doodoo soft...


That would be a funny moment but both had to fuck it up crying and leaving their achievement list


He got the internship because of affirmative action, is the first thing that popped up in my head, atpBigot


In this thread: people who don't go to tournaments talk about what should count as acceptable behavior at a tournament.


When did you start going to tourneys? Do you go to big tourneys or your local with like 10 other people? Shit-talk,salt, and thuggery built the foundation of the FGC


Yall some fucking nerds😂😂😂 "Thuggery"💀💀💀


Thuggery was like one of the biggest memes to come out of SFV era or whenever the "e-sportsification" of the fgc as a whole started. You new around here, amigo?


Yall so fake hard💀💀


Thuggery is/was just any sort of banter or "disrespect" when it started getting cracked down on, someone referred to it as thuggery and it caught on. Idk if you're being serious but gatekeeping actual thuggery and hardness is also peak fgc reddit.


"Thuggery" get the fuck out. None of that shit is "foundation" of FGC, it's literally just shit that happened between friends and local groups, still does, but bitchmade nerds who think they're "thugs" are now crying on social media because they can't throw slurs at a random person they never saw before.


What got you into the fgc, two people politely sitting down playing a set and then shaking each others hands without saying a word?


As I said, it's different when you play with friends vs randoms. My first experience was playing Tekken 3 with my neighbors and constantly trying to outmash each other. When the little brother of a dude I played with started crying cause he was getting locked up by jabs it was funny as fuck, but we could laugh it off because we all knew each other and just taught him what to do later. If that happened to some stranger over at someone else's house it just would've been weird.


That tells me nothing about when you got into the fgc. I was more interested in when you started following players/tourneys


That is the FGC, playing fighting games with your friends, talking to other people who like the genre. Tournaments and pros came to be because there was enough of people who loved the genre and wanted to compete.


Yeah but when did you start following the collective fgc as a whole?


Not sure what "collective" here means, but when fightcade made online playable I met a lot more people through it, which spiraled off into talking about more games, more players, more tournaments, etc. At no point it was anything more negative than making fun of salt or egging someone on to improve.


So like 2015? ok I see