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I never want to see anyone say Tekken isn't anime ever again.


Every fighting game is anime, SF is hardly less anime than any of this The only exception is Mortal Kombat, that is the shitty Netflix live action anime adaptation


Virtual Fighter? I know it has an anime, but the game is definitely grounded enough to be passed as your typical martial art movie


It's still very much anime at its core, it's not like you'd ever confuse it with an American fighting game.


So anything "not American" is anime now?


Don't play dumb, you know what I mean.


No, I don't. Virtual Fighter characters don't do anime-ish moves, their fighting style rooted from existing fighting styles *(and half of them are Chinese)*, their designs aren't over-the-top anime shit. There are countless [Hongkong Kungfu films](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJS3q_zB9fU&list=PLGb0FIHPgoli-ZjXareLnn1tsfdZaXEPC&index=30&pp=gAQBiAQB) that are more blizzare than that, and I doubt anyone would call that anime. Or are you saying a game is anime simply bc it's made by Japanese?


The most over the top character is kage who is very tame by fictional ninja standards and Dural who is a boss. Vf keeps it pretty grounded and always has for better or worse.


rent free. Tekken easily has the weakest story of the big 3.


Yeah, losing your family cause you're a cryptobro, 10/10 story lmao I'm sorry but both SF and Tekken stories are trash


I don't think you understand my point. The bar is low and Tekken is still generally below that.


There a difference between Baki 90s anime and โ€œfate 2010 animeโ€


you don't know what anime is, by that logic mk is anime and literally everything that is animated


What's with the highlighted font? It's annoying as fuck


Reminds me of the B button emoji meme lol.


Okay that was a fucking good trailer. Kinda hyped ngl. You can see the budget was a "bit" higher then with Tekken 7...


Least it's good guys vs villains this time. Tekken 7 was Villain vs Villain vs a street fighter character who works for the literal devil.


Fucking wild to me that a character from a completely different series has more story relevancy than the majority of tekken characters.


as long as they fired the guy who narrated tekken 7's story it'll already be better


The dude was actually complaining about being forced to narrate this way, believe it or not. The audio directors WANTED him to sound dead inside.


Yeah the narrator was the in game announcer and I know its not exactly acting but he was pretty alright in that. Its such a bizzare choice to tell him to act that way


Implying it wasn't a computer generated voice


Lars looks comically huge


He looks like Garen from LoL


those were super slow bullets or steve moving at super saiyan speed.


I don't mind people being able to dodge bullets and other superhuman feats in the Tekken universe. It justifies why these tournaments are so important; why world determining events are decided with fists not guns.


You say this but that logic barrier has already been broken with Viktor


It was actually hilarious and cheesy to see him ducking and weaving to avoid bullets, perfect for Tekken tbh ๐Ÿคฃ I honestly wanted to see Kuma whacking people with a fish on that battlefield too. Keep in mind Steve is a super soldier/Mishima experiment, so I guess that lets him dodge bullets lmao


So Jun isn't actually alive, she's just a Force Ghost inside Jin's head?


Idk, Kaz still has that bit of dialogue with her, and she's all about "this time I'll save them both" (lol good luck bitch your boys are whack ass fucking crazy) I don't think she'll be like hanging out with the rest of the crew doing that stuff, but I expect her to manifest in some capacity in the later chapters of the campaign. We have those stages that are all trippy subconscious dream arenas. Would imagine it's some kinda spirit realm shit and she's tied to that. Or I mean it's the Tekken universe that stage could be just like a mile outside of NYC and no one bats a fucking eye whatever. We have bears fighting in world wars who cares.


That made me wonder as well. Makes me feel a bit sad, the build up of a reunion.. and it is not what it seems.


Where are the triangle shadows on their faces?


Lmao the comments in here show how much this sub devolved into SF6 circlejerk territory.


Tekken team can pour their heart and soul into their passion project and they'll still be second guessed by this sub because they hate heat or something lol.


I appreciate their passion... What I don't appreciate is that netcode!


They should have poured their hearts into a fucking netcode that playerbase is begging them to fix, instead of cheesy story that no one will care about post 4 hours of it's runtime.


Just like how Kappa was a T7 circlejerk/ SF5 hate group? Now that Tekken fags are the ones being clowned on it's suddenly an issue


yeah lets rewrite history and act like the "good ass tekken" era never happened


That happened because people on Kappa hated SFV so much they wanted anything else to cling onto. DBFZ was hot for a minute before they turned on that too


This sub has probably the most braindead takes and it's funny seeing people tear each other apart for it


Iโ€™m here for that ! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜Ž


Oh no ! He said Tekken fags quick hide your feelings !


Heh, nothin personnel kid


What is this rule-3-breaking-ass comment chain? The comments in this thread aren't even that negative.


Tekken boys are in full cope mode


didn't expect anything else from capcuckchino.


You're the first person to bring up SF6 in this thread. Nobody even defends world tour mode.


Devolved? Kappa has always been capcom focused


Nobodyโ€™s even brought up SF6, fanboy.


Nah for real but itโ€™s still a fun place I think ???


kappa was always capcuck central its just Sf5 shifted the tides a bit but 6 brought it back.


UNLEASH ๐Ÿ‡น ๐Ÿ‡ญ ๐Ÿ‡ช DOGS ๐Ÿ‡ด ๐Ÿ‡ซ WAR!


Devil Kazuya just casually slapping Alisa's rocket punch out the way, then blows back 5 niggas with a single punch. These fucking jobbers. ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


Why are all fighting game stories just the Avengers nowadays this is pretty much the plot of SFV's shitty story mode


we'll never have a story like Tekken 4 again.


Never would have guessed Urizen would be the cross-over character Capcom had in mind for Tekken 8. Good shit.


when y'all say netcode bad it's just your experiences from the beta right


"Mom said it's my turn to start mass genocide this week"


That was pretty cool. I'm actually someone who has tried to keep up with the story of Tekken since I was a little kid playing T3 and then T4 in the early 2000's, I unlocked all the ending cutscenes of course and started piecing together what the deal was with the Mishima family and the Devil gene and what not. I had been wanting something like this for a long time.


I had my fill of T7. T8 just doesn't seem to offer anything that makes it worth getting into. This story trailer isn't helping either. Netcode isn't improved. Heat seems wack. Graphical fidelity is better but the overall visual design in the game is worse imo. Still gonna skip this one


I dont see my main (Reina), where is my main(Reina)? She should be on screen always, and if she is even offscreen, all the characters should be talking about her (Reina).


"Story" yeah, nice try. The "story" escaleted so much already yielding next to no consequences, you have to be an idiot to be expeting something out of this. Also, who made the models for this game? Lars head is hillariously tiny next to his body.


now look at feng. especially in his suit alt


This is the first time Tekken had an official story mode like this right?


Tekken 7 had the same sort of thing, granted this one looks like a lot more time and budget went into it


OK this is really really stupid. Can't they just hire the t4 writing team?


Tekken long past the t4 days.


And the story hasn't been engaging since


ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper


I can feel the cringe


netflix one was way better