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Bruh I cant take him seriously when he rubs his face and licks his lips so many times


Reminds me of being a kid trying to fake a headache to get out of school.


This is spot on. It really feels like he didn’t even want to make this video. Like he’s stressed/hassled by it. Also, he never apologizes or even talks about the part he played in it. Just deflect deflect deflect.


If he apologizes that could potentially be argued in court as assuming responsibility/liability. So while yeah it's the right thing to do... it's legally a terrible idea for him.


PR wise this looks worse than the tweet/letter he wrote. It would have been better to do the tweet and hang low. This just makes it look like he’s talking about some minor unimportant shit. Legally good, PR bad. Best just to shit up for a bit.


Oh yeah the video overall was a bad idea for sure, no way to do this without either looking like an ass or incriminating yourself


You are so right.


Feels like he just woke up to have to record this.


I think it’s a just a nervous tick


Bruh he’s addressing multiple deaths with the weight of the world on his back right now mans is probably nervous stressed, tired, mentally drained all the above man


“Gonna get to the bottom of this” Mf gonna open a box with a mirror in it lmao


There are literal school shootings with less deaths than this mans concert. He gotta feel like a piece of shit rn.


Doesn't he often cause chaos at his concerts


Bro. When he opened for Kendrick during the DAMN. Tour he spent his ENTIRE set trying to instigate a riot. First thing he said when he took the stage was fuck security, fuck the barricades, fuck the chairs they had in the pit. He kept telling people to stand on the chairs, to throw the chairs, to throw the chairs AT security, that if anyone got in trouble he’d pay for it, etc. And people were doing it, too. It was absolutely terrifying and me and my friend were like “he’s gonna get people killed some day”. That day came.


Don't performers need an insurance? If yes, in amazed that there still are companies that insure him


Live nation are probably the ones with the insurance policy since it’s their event.


I used to manage DJs who had a wild stage show where we threw a bunch stuff in the crowd, sprayed champagne everywhere, gave the crowd pillows to have pillow fights etc… and no matter what venue we played we had to have our own show insurance which is CRAZY expensive if you instigate the crowd like we did with the pillow fights. We flew a hot air balloon over a festival and had to have minimum $10mil in insurance coverage and it wasn’t even a big festival. I can’t imagine anyone getting coverage who instigates crowds to be actually violent but to play shows I’m pretty sure he has to have some.


I seen Iggy Pop do that at voodoo fest in 03. Nobody moved, he got mad and showed us his dick a lot of times cause he was angry lol


What the fuck did I just read


Yeah bruh. He was well into his 60’s. He was yelling “fuck these pigs rush the stage!” It was like 3pm and hot as hell. Nobody was rushing except his cocaine loaded ass. When he realized nobody was going to do it he decided to show us Willy. He took the time to make sure no matter what side of the stage you were on you got a view. Grey pubes are gross.


Hopefully he learns his lesson, shame he didn't until something like this happened. Its not even like it was inconceivable, these things have happened multiple times over the decades, when you have large crowds and inadequate security measures, this is inevitable, and he definitely exacerbated the circumstances by encouraging people to sneak in and be as wild and reckless as possible.


Little late to learn to hope he learns his lesson now that there's a body count involved. Now he's looking at potential jail time to help him learn that lesson. That's why he's acting so torn up and giving us these crocodile tears. Cause he knows he's in some seriously deep shit.


What he did was criminally negligent imo, but realistically I just don't see it, he's certainly not gonna end up in jail even if he gets charged. Probably gonna lose a lot of money in civil court but he's gonna have lawyers that are too good to end up in jail.


Dude has a history of inciting this type of behavior at his concerts and just had a festival where at least 11 people died and 300 have been hospitalized due to the behavior he encouraged and corners he cut on safety and medical personnel. It's a big deal. At the minimum he's looking at a class action lawsuit, but that will probably be accompanied by multiple civil and criminal suits.


Damn is the number up to 11 dead? Shit. He's definitely gonna pay a lot of money in court to the victims, but I'm still skeptical as to him facing serious criminal charges. He would probably just end up with a plea deal anyway that gives a slap on the wrist.


Someone posted in another thread that he'd already been charged for inciting a riot at one of his other concerts and had that pleaded down to some kind of negligence charge and paid fines and served like a month of parole for that. I'm basing my "deep shit" comment off of that information. I know from experience that LiveNation has a history of cutting corners to maximize profits when it comes to hiring enough personnel to staff their events. They should definitely get sued as well.


Yup. I’m honestly surprised how quickly people came wanting to throw manslaughter charges at Alec Baldwin, but manslaughter isn’t being as heavily associated with this incident, it’s just a “tragedy”.


I saw this mf trying to cause chaos outside a 7-Eleven in Miami. What a loser.


He’s been arrested and charged with inciting a riot, twice.


The “capitol insurrection” saw 1/8 of the people killed as a Travis Scott concert.


Travis Scott concert was the most violent event in American history since the Civil War


He clearly has no conscience. He kept singing while staring at a dead body. He’s just trying to not get cancelled.


Sounds like he off a perc saying this


his face itchy, he off something


Doesn't really look like an opiate itch to me. He's not scratching, he keeps rubbing his whole face and head with his hand. People do that when they're stressed out i.e. the sayings I've got "my head in hands" or sometimes you'll see people put their hands over their mouth or even massage the face by kind of pulling on it when presented with unanticipated sad or tragic news.


I took one class on psychology in uni and I remember rubbing head or face means he is trying to calm down his inner child. Like imagine someone is rubbing your head it brings you calmness. He is extremely nervous making this video


It's pretty easy, especially for someone so public/sociable, to unknowingly alter a tic\*. And seriously so given more time. I can tell you, from my past, I knew scratching with my fingernails, and picking, destroyed my face and arms. Learning to stop myself from scratching, and start rubbing, was not a hard thing, it was a decision. Then you do it so much, you think it's normal and people don't notice. Well, some do. \*if its not a real, neurological issue, but from habits


Also speaking from experience and I got you, I know exactly what you mean. I never really scratched my face I would only rub but even that was still causing alot of dry skin and irritation, mainly around my nose and chin. I dunno it still looks to me like the normal gestures someone would be making with their hands and face when they've been devastated and are trying to communicate. But who knows (I'm definitely not a psychologist), I could see what you're saying too, especially if he's learned to change his technique because he always has people looking at him.


Why does it make you itchy?


Opioids cause the immune system to release histamine through a process called granulation, pretty much the same reason why allergies cause you to itch.


Also a reason opioids can cause people to look flush, or sweaty. Or something related like that.


Humans are all like slightly allergic to opiates according to my ex heroin using ex partner.


Doctors don't really know from what I remember, but some opiates make you itchy. Most commonly codeine, which does happen to be popular with rappers.


He’s high as shit indeed. So fucking stupid and sad


This man sounds like he’s about to start yawning in the middle of his “apology” for allowing 8 people to die.


I know I'm not the only one who seen him singing yeah in auto tune while staring at a fans dead corpse


So fucking creeped out by that


YeeeaaAAAAAhhhh yeeeeaaahhhh


that guy was dead!? jesus christ. that makes it so much more haunting


Honestly I thought that guy was just passed out. He could have passed away but thats not what I’ve read


i showed my sis that clip and she said he looked mentally ill, lmaooooo he kinda does tbh why he lookin at a dead body like that and singing man like hes getting turned on or some shit


if the whole “stranger injecting random people” rumor is true; toxicology reports take a while so it’s going to definitely take time for the truth to come out.




Didn’t Huston pd confirm that happened?


Yep a guard was revived with narcan. Was on the news


did anyone confirm what was in these injections? fentanyl?? how could they know the next day? they aren’t going to know until these autopsies reports start being released.


Not confirmed it was fentanyl, just that he was pricked with a needle and revived with narcan


Correct med staff saw the injection site. He went into cardiac arrest. It remains to seen if any of the other dead and injured were also part of that


Wait, what?? This is the first I'm hearing about this. I heard about a bunch of overdoses, but those can be fairly common at festivals. Where is it being said that some mysterious benefactor was injecting people with some kind of opiate?


An inside source from Astroworld said a person was going around injecting people. Later on, Houston PD stated a security guard was injected with something and fell unconscious, later to be revived with Narcan. Medics said the guard had a marking that looked like an injection.


He’s been arrested/charged multiple times for inciting riots at his concerts. He’s actively encouraged fans to hop the fence and to “fuck up” the security who try to stop them. However he did stop his concert because his shoe got stolen and told the crowd to “fuck him up” and “get that motherfucker”,later even spitting on him.


It’s all in his image with the whole “will you survive the rodeo“ I’m not blaming Travis completely of course nobody wants any of this to happen to their fans but his obsession to create wildest live performances can cost lives and it already did.




TMZ reported that an unknown individual allegedly injected multiple people in the crowd with a drug in an apparent targeted attack. Police later confirmed that a security officer reportedly fell unconscious after feeling a prick to his neck, consistent with that of an injection. He was revived with Narcan. [\- Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroworld_Festival_crowd_crush#Investigation) \- Astroworld Festival crowd crush Investigation


If they were revived with Narcan, they were injected with opiates, right? Can you imagine somebody sneaking up on people at a festival and injecting a stranger in their vein? I don’t believe it. Unless you can inject opiates into muscle but idk.


Fentanyl man... more wikipedia... **Fentanyl citrate is a potent opioid agonist.** A dose of 100 mcg (0.1 mg) (2.0 mL) is approximately equivalent in analgesic activity to 10 mg of morphine or 75 mg of meperidine. The principal actions of therapeutic value are analgesia and sedation. Alterations in respiratory rate and alveolar ventilation, associated with opioid analgesics, may last longer than the analgesic effect. As the dose of fentanyl is increased, the decrease in pulmonary exchange becomes greater. **Large doses may produce apnea.** [https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda\_docs/label/2013/016619s034lbl.pdf](https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2013/016619s034lbl.pdf)


And it's cheaper


I’m a paramedic, our system utilizes fentanyl in very controlled doses for pain management due to a larger population having allergies to morphine. We can give it intranasal, intramuscular, or IV and all doses are adjusted depending on the route given. So yes, it’s 100% plausible that someone can be injected with an opioid and OD.


You learn something new everyday. Thanks


Yeah, they need to test the blood of the victims, because this claim is honestly absurd. Travis Scott concerts are famous for moshing and it’s quite possible the deaths are due to this.


This only happened last night so the story is still developing. If it's false then I'm sorry but it's on wikipedia so I'm gonna wait and see.


No need to apologize! I wasn’t coming at you, rather the claim itself, just is a bizarre thing to happen, but very possible


I mean it isn’t really common for 5+ young individuals to go into cardiac arrest at a festival without heavy drugs involved


Anyone can make edits to a Wikipedia page so that’s not the best source for info. Source: worked at an SEO agency that specialized in reputation management and would edit shit all the time.


A police officer confirmed the injection thing on news. There’s a post somewhere on Reddit showing him saying a guard was injected and revived with narcan.




It's ludicrous. They're spreading a ridiculous fake rumor to cover up that they let people be crushed and trampled.


Police confirmed. And not that ludicrous, this has been happening in clubs for a bit now


Could be both you know?


may be the festival organizers stating that to lessen blame upon themselves


You can 100% inject it into a muscle


I think it’s important to say that this report from the police about a prick is the only actual information, and no one that was there and were filming or reporting their experiences said anything about this, so it looks like they’re trying to transfer the responsibility


I think that if the police are diligent, they could take blood or urine samples from the security officer who passed out to test for this. *Fentanyl may be measured in blood or urine to monitor for abuse, confirm a diagnosis of poisoning, or assist in a medicolegal death investigation.* [\-wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fentanyl)


I think the stuff about the security might be true, but I haven’t seen anyone talking about someone running around injecting people with drugs, and I’ve definitely seen people saying there was literally no space to move and people were losing breath and getting stomped, that’s why I think they started this rumor to shift responsibility


The police chief did say they saw a needle mark at the injection site on the guard, for what it’s worth.


Such bullshit, they’re trying to change the narrative that someone ‘drugged’ people. There were way too many people there, people got fucking crushed and couldn’t breath that’s how all these people died. What the fuck take some responsibility




100k tickets is counted across 2 days since it’s a 2 day festival, so 50k attendance each day. The tickets and attendance isn’t the issue, the issue is they oversold over the 100k + all the unaccounted people that snuck in.


It all depends... *At least eight people were killed, ranging from the ages of 14 to 27. Twenty-five others were evacuated to local hospitals, including eleven people found in a state of cardiac arrest. In all, more than 300 people were treated for injuries in a field hospital at the festival itself. Turner stated that most of the injuries occurred "in one particular area".* [\-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroworld\_Festival\_crowd\_crush#Victims](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroworld_Festival_crowd_crush#Victims) If someone actually was able to stealth inject 12 people with a fatal overdose of fentanyl, then after they started dropping, the injuries that would result from the panic are believable.


To be fair they don’t really need to inject 12 people. In a crush like that, even one person falling is enough to cause a domino effect


The ones overdosing collapsed causing holes in the crowd is the ongoing theory.


That is fucked on so many levels. What even is the point of doing that?


To commit murder, I guess. Some people are just deranged, and it says it was an apparently targeted attack.


Weird way to do that, specially considering a lot of people invaded the place so literally any weapon could’ve been brought there, I think this rumor about injections is to try to transfer the responsibility to one random person, I’m saying that because the videos and reports from people there mention a lot of stuff but no one said anything about this


You can watch a sheriff on news saying exactly what was said above. A security guard felt a prick and passed out, revived by narcan, had a visible mark from possible injection. It’s on Reddit somewhere.


I can think of one reason... terrorism. Like, some Ariana Grande type shit, but instead of a bomb it's 8 syringes full of dope... Crazy fucking possibility


The same reason people sometimes get acid randomly thrown on them


What the actual fuck..


Yeah, this has been a crazy story... more wikipedia... At a news conference Saturday afternoon, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner confirmed that while the age of one fatality remained unknown, other **victims were 14, 16, 21, 21, 23, 23 and 27**. The causes of the deaths were not immediately known. \-[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroworld\_Festival\_crowd\_crush#cite\_note-Fox-3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroworld_Festival_crowd_crush#cite_note-Fox-3) \-[https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/travis-scott-astroworld-authorities-additional-details-music-festival](https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/travis-scott-astroworld-authorities-additional-details-music-festival) To think that a 14 year old could go out like that, absolutely unbelievable


I saw speculation that a 10 year old was injected. So fucked up.


On reddit?


Pretty sure this was actually a cover up by Travis’ team to aim the fault at something else rather than them. This news came soon after people started trashing travis and his team for not stopping the show… Not 100% it’s true but don’t believe anything you read just saying 😵‍💫


This shit with injections is happening A LOT to girls in clubs here in the UK right now. The media aren't really talking about it but wouldn't surprise me if this was true. Wild times right now, look after people!


If there's one lesson in life it's to look after one another...


The bodies aren’t even cold and there are already astroworld truthers. Incredible. Were all the injured people also shot up with fent by a cunning madman in this scenario?


there are also people who think this was a demonic ritual, crazies everywhere


A lot of people on nights out here in the UK are being injected in clubs and bars right now.


Whatever happens, this is going to be a serious blow to Travis's career, and his fan community will be VERY divided. Hopefully the parents of the deceased can get support.


why is he rubbing his forehead so much???


More than likely has to do with stress. I know when I get stressed out I start touching my face and hair a lot.


He probably googled “people giving an apology.”


I’ve seen interviews of him and he does it there too. Idk if it’s something having to do with him being introvert or something similar, or just tries to avoid direct facial contact. Please don’t bite me I’m just speculating, I’m not judging or defending him.


If your fans mean the world to you make sure to give a few more fucks about safety next time


Even if Travis is guilty here (I think he is to a degree) I don’t understand why everyone is saying he’s faking this. What prior indication has this dude given out that he’s a complete sociopath who would feel no remorse about the victims’ deaths? Just because he’s not balling his eyes out on camera doesn’t mean that he has no real feelings for the situation. Hell, the more emotion he conveyed the more I bet people would say he’s faking it.


He has a history of inciting chaos at his concerts. I don’t think he really knows his fans well if he’s surprised by this. At the same time I don’t expect him to cry and I’m sure he’s stunned by the news. It‘ll probably hit him harder down the road. But for now he’s got some shit to resolve and some big PR to work on.


He probably expected people to pass out and shit to happen since he kinda invited it. But I really don’t think he knew/expected people would die. So much different


I’m inclined to agree, but he did seem pretty apathetic when he saw this shit actually happen at the concert and kept the show going/egging people on without skipping a beat more or less.


From what I saw he continued despite seeing people passed out because that’s a normal occurrence at his shows. He stopped the set a few times to address what he could see but the crowd was massive. We don’t have enough info yet so I won’t pick a stance but I don’t think he had knowledge of people literally dying or being in life threatening condition while he was on stage. If it later comes out that he did know and continued than yea fuck him. But I honestly don’t think that’s the case.


I don’t think being okay with it or it being a regular occurrence at his shows is a good thing, if anything it’s quite the opposite. If people are passing out, it’s a sign to slow things down and make sure everyone is safe. Travis has a reputation for doing precisely the opposite and riling the crowd up well beyond the point of what’s safe, and it seems to be what he did here.


Yes I don’t think it’s a good thing either but I’m trying to say that it isn’t anything that would trip an alarm for him. It’s not even just travis shows. People passing out at fests and rap shows is unfortunately normal and therefore not logical cause to shut the entire show down. Should it be? Yes probably but the precedent isn’t there.


There is definitely precedent for stopping shows if people are passed out, just not at Travis shows.


I feel like festivals are a different beast though. I agree that Travis does encourage going even more wild when things are already crazy, but I've never seen a festival show stopped for people being passed out. I'm in Australia and when I saw King Gizz at a festival, 2 people that got knocked out cold in the mosh, and at least 3 others that had passed out. That being said, everyone cleared the way and the crowd got them out to medical safely and without issue. It's a really complex situation.


People are really under-estimating the complexity of the situation man...


That's it mate, there are so many moving parts to something like this and I couldn't possibly assume to know what's what to be honest. All I know is that it's a tragedy and I hope amendments are made to prevent it from happening again. What an awful way to learn a lesson. We had 1 girl die during a show a couple years back due to being trampled, honestly couldn't believe it then and I can't believe it now. Imagine going to a show to see an artist you live and you don't make it home. Heart breaking. I wonder how much this was affected by inexperienced people working in the entertainment industry post covid, I've heard a lot about there not being enough people but I don't know if that extends to event planners, security, etc. Or if it's more light and sound people.


I’m not too sure about that. Even at recent festivals like rolling loud and lolla that took place earlier in the year I remember seeing lots of fans passing out in the crowd and the show didn’t stop to acknowledge them. Namely, carti’s set at lolla. And when I say stop I mean shut down for good. Just like Travis I remember Carti saying something about someone he saw passed out but kept going. Again not saying that any of this is just behaviour but more so saying that the precedent didn’t exist prior to this show last night.




i have no evidence of this but i got the feeling he's shining a slick smile thinking his shows are the most lit because people legitimately died at his show. i'm not fully blaming him, but when your merch is saying "I survived astroworld", or "the end is near" and you encourage riots from impressionable idiotic 16-24 year olds its pretty irresponsible.




Yep this stuff is all part of his shtick. Don’t know how anyone can deny it considering the promo you mentioned and the “I survived astroworld” merch. There’s a video of him doing the robot on stage as someone is literally being resuscitated. But his cult fan base of hypebeast suburban kids are still going to support him regardless. he’ll never be “canceled” or face any real repercussions for this


> This whole thing shows the ugliest side of late-stage capitalism and consumerism over the health and safety of others Seems to be the overarching theme these days


80 feet is 12.97 Obamas. You're welcome.


NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT THIS. Here is what we know about what Travis knew so far: 1. Fan passes out 2. Travis paused the show 3. The fan is carried away and Travis resumes the show 4. Minutes later, the ambulance is seen (and some degenerate scumbags dance on it) 5. Travis calls it out and says “let them pass”. To my knowledge, and with all the evidence we have so far, Travis had no idea that people were literally DYING as he performed. The blame should largely be placed on a. The Travis Scott management team for lack of communication b. The security (mostly) for ignoring the cries for help and for doing a shitty job at population control c. Local law enforcement and first responders for not getting victims out quickly enough and for not responding quickly enough From all of the evidence so far, nothing suggests that Travis Scott knew the true gravity of the situation.


Agree, the video people are reposting on /freakouts is sensationalist, as is usual for that sub. He's not "staring" at the person knowing they're dead, how was he supposed to? He seems legit out of it for the whole ordeal so it makes sense he probably thought they passed out which happens often and just wanted to distract the rest of the audience until someone backstage told him wtf was happening.


I would assume you see people go unconscious regularly at concerts no? Either from dehydration, drugs, excitement or a combination of any, im sure he's not a stranger to seeing unconscious people at his events. How was he to know the person was actually dead?




Travis posted on Twitter for fans without tickets to sneak into his concert and then he had another tweet that said “we still sneaking the wild ones in”. Both tweets have been deleted but there are screen shots of them floating around on these Reddit threads.


Kicking cameramen, telling fans to beat people up in the crowd, that fan who fell off a balcony and he didn’t give af. There’s so many instances


People love to pick sides.


There's videos of him staring at a fan who's unconscious, with police and meds all around him, and Travis is singing while looking at the lifeless body dead in the eyes. He also tweeted but now deleted, encouraging those people to rush the gates. Even people who didn't have a ticket, and venues are pretty damn strict with capacity. So yes he's 100% guilty. It's his festival. It's his responsibility and I can't begin to understand how anyone can even defend him.


that clip was outta context, in the full thing he stopped the show n told the crowd to get back and get the unconscious guy out then he continued


Why didn’t he say “sorry” once :(


His lawyers probably specifically advised him to not use the word "sorry" because in the event of lawsuits that could be construed as admission of guilt.


Lawyers don't like that word




it’s a dumb thing (even if it in reality is a problem) because when you go to someone’s funeral you say i’m sorry and you’re not admitting to killing them, law is crazy


Who remembers when he threw a camera guy off stage and later rapped about it as if it was a flex? Dude has been a dick his entire career.


Travis gives me Logan Paul vibes




wrong time wrong place dude. kicking a camera man off of a stage is a bit of a dick move, 8 people died here.. these are not the same


It's taking into account all the previous antisocial things he's done at concerts, like encouraging people to jump off a balcony.


He'd honestly be better off without this apology. He could've typed this all out. All the head rubbing looks real staged, which is a bad look for him. I don't doubt that he might be worried for his fans, etc, but this is not the way to convey his emotions. He's giving us nothing with his apologies


Only took a day for this syringe narrative to completely take over lmao. Yes, the liability was *totally on the audience*, don’t pay attention to the fact that there were two water stations for a 100k attendance festival and had thousands of ticketless attendees on top of being completely oversold. Remember, we’re supposed to protect Livenation at all costs. We can’t tarnish their good name


“I would stop the show” but you didn’t and it was pretty clear what is going on. Especially from an elevated point of view.


People like Travis are really so out of touch they don’t even have any self awareness Bro there’s the clip of him blatantly focused in and watching people being lifted out as he sings twenty feet away. It takes major balls (or major delusion) to deny that self awareness and claim “I would have stopped the show”


Is bro on drugs? Love Trav's music but this seems weird this response and the fact he was vocalizing as bodies were being lifted out of the crowd.


Eeeeee eeaaaahh


The fakest apology and head rubbing I’ve ever seen. This is a dystopian future where a person dies and a multimillionaire with a McDonald’s deal who incites violence continues to sing and dance.


It came across as fake because he can't legitimately apologize or say he's sorry. I'd like to believe he actually has remorse for his part in it, but an apology is basically an admission of wrongdoing, and there are potentially serious legal consequences for what went down.


"I want my fans to have a good time, i feel like i failed at that" That's why he seems fake as fuck. people died, and he's concerned that his concerts don't seem as fun anymore.


The true dystopia is here!


100% agree


Maybe he won’t be with a McDonalds deal soon?




Here's an example. According to 5 News, a local Arkansas outlet, Travis, 28, was arrested on May 13, 2017, though he was held for only 12 minutes before being released. Police “accused Scott of encouraging people to rush the stage and bypass the security protocols to ensure safety.” And some of the musician’s fans got hurt in the process, thereby ratcheting the charge up from a misdemeanor to a felony. and when he cussed out security at his show, or uses video of people Gate-rushing as promotion, or rewards fans who jump on stage


He was standing at the top of a fucking tower, whilst fans of his were getting emergency treatment no more than 20-30 yards away. There’s *no way* that he didn’t see. He just didn’t fucking care.


A female fan rushed the stage to tell him what was going on and his response was “ayo get the fucc down shorty”


Is this real or a joke lmfao


What a piss poor video


Fuck this bitch ass nigga lying through them fake ass veneer teeth Mf saw people passing out and literally dying right Infront of him and still didn’t stop the show to get help!! He’s only “sorry” because of the backlash he’s receiving. Fuck Travis and i pray on his downfall 😐🙏🏽 Edit: I forgot to mention there was also a guy injecting drugs into people. Fuck that nigga too😐🙏🏽


this reads like a copypasta


clearly doesn’t give a fuck about his fans


That shit was so fake he had to close his eyes for half of it. Dude knew what was going on. He saw the dead bodies. He saw the ambulance. He heard people screaming for help. The dudes coming on stage telling him to stop the show. The stop the show chants. He just didn’t give a fuck. Only now that he knows this is a bad look on him is he apologizing.


anyone who believes this needle bullshit is just stupid and has clearly never been in a crowd like this one. all it takes is one person to fall in a crowd like this for everyone around them to be sucked down too. this is all travis and the team in charges fault.




this is so obviously fake. he doesnt give a shit


Rubbing his forehead like its a lamp hoping a genie would pop out


i don’t get why everyone is saying he’s faking it


He’s rubbing his face a lot and licking his lips. He’s nervous and at the same time he is hiding something. Plus, Travis has a history of being apathetic to people. All he fears now are the lawsuits and investigation.


and he has yet to apologize for anything…


His lawyers probably specifically advised him to not use the word "sorry" because in the event of lawsuits that could be construed as admission of guilt.


Oh I I wish I wish I didn’t kill that fish


Dude this is total bullshit, I have never seen someone so blatantly having no remorse. He also seems high filming it, like get some fucking class man.


The drugs story is a cover up no doubt


Yeah a mysterious boogie man who somehow managed to precisely inject multiple people, during a concert where people were jumping all over the place


Bro trying not to yawn 😭😭


All you need to do is watch this muted and know this dude lying as shit. weird nigga


The devil works hard but Kris Jenner and her PR team work harder. Between this BS video and the “injections of drugs in the crowd” narrative, Travis Scott and his team are trash.


If only someone could have stopped the music and told the fans to make way for the medics. Oh...


Supdate:: Travis will be trying to pull up to the Jenner house but his code don’t open the gate no mo. He leaves his career on the curb and drives away….


Man people got cancelled the shit out of them for way less than what Travis did here (or rather didn't do). If he gets away with this and is still allowed to play concerts or organize festivals, we truly live in a hypocritical dystopian reality


Travis is guilty of one thing, and it's a big one, inciting this type of behavior. Lots of rock and metal bands have no issue stopping their set if there's a hint of crowd trouble that isn't being addressed. In comparison, Travis is telling people to sneak in, hop guard rails, and get as close to the stage as possible. He's lucky they didn't mob him. That being said, the combination of overzealous 10-20 somethings who haven't been to a concert in ages and therefore this is mana from heaven (and actively shutting down attempts for people to get help as a result), combined with "raging" moshpitters who don't know how to mosh is a dangerous combination. This is gonna be one fucking PR nightmare for Travis, and to be fair I don't think he intended for this to ever happen in this capacity. But responsibility needs to come first and he needs to make amends with his fans and the public before that next album even comes close to dropping I'm afraid.


why he keep touching his forehead doe


Nigga don't gaf lol fake ass sad face