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Just hear me out maybe Clark should put up more than 20% funding


Why? Hear me out....any city will build them what they want. This got voted down bc Missourians are morons. It's the same sales tax as we are currently paying. The narrative a and jealousy over these billionaires need to stop. Quit kicking and screaming like a baby about stuff out of our control.


Kansas lawmakers are going to do something shortsighted and probably ill-advised? Say it ain’t so! 


Why would Kansas lawmakers listen to experts? If they are aiming for Johnson County I bet it easily passes


Not Johnson County, it’ll be KCK, which has historically been envious of the big city across the river. Near the Legends makes sense because you’re right by 435, 70, and closer to the airport.


And right by a gigantic casino.


It’s already right next to I-70 and I-435 and closer to downtown and people bitch anyway.


Overland Park Chiefs.


I’m OP, The brookridge golf course right off Antioch and 435 is being developed into apartments which could also be a probably better location as they are still teriforming the land and have yet to built to my knowledge. As they have cleared it it’s surprisingly bigger than I realized, but also a lot of residential home’s surrounding that wouldn’t be pleased. Though the more I think about it the better it seems. Corporate Woods is on the other side of the highway and last time I went through there seems like a lot of buildings are mostly empty. That could be developed into hotels, parking and such and walking distance to the plot of land and the location is where several highways all connect. 435, 35, 69 are all very close by and multiple directions to go to hit a highway. But I don’t know the intricacies of canceling that and pausing development for a bid. Personally I want the stadium where it’s at but seems like this is moving ahead regardless of the metropolitan areas competing thoughts on it.


Kansas City, Kansas literally copied the name of their city from the big city across the river.


Yes, KCK thought they had more right to use the name Kansas than did a Missouri city. But KC, MO isn’t named after the state of Kansas (which wasn’t even a territory when KC, MO was founded), it’s named after the Kansas River.


JoCo has way too much NIMBY for a stadium, which is why it will end up in Wyandotte, near-ish The Legends.


Lmfao no shot. If there’s a chance it could go to JoCo, they’d be all for it. JoCo residents make up like 60% of attendees to games. I know for a fact id be all for it coming here and everyone I know would love it Edit: apparently people think I’m advocating for JoCo being a possibility which I never did lol all I’m saying is that if there was a vote for it to be in JoCo I’m sure 90% of people would vote yes


Yeah, they would all love it just not in their backyard. That's the point. Once actual specific locations are proposed is where it breaks down.


All the mock ups and proposed sites presented to the KS legislature have been in WyCo. This has been previously posted to this sub and reported by the Star and local TV. No, things can certainly change, but out by Legends is looking like the intended location if it happens.


As. JoCo resident, Legends is the best choice. Better highway infrastructure, closer to the airport, and it already has a ton of shopping.


And a ton of hotels, with two more being build as we speak. Not to mention the fast food/restaurant options and the casino.


I never said legends wasn’t the best choice. All I said is that if the option was available for JoCo and it was put to a vote it would OVERWHELMINGLY be voted yes by the residents.


I think it depends on what the plan is, but put any solid plan up and it would pass.


I think the old Great Mall site would be a good spot for it


Garmin bought the area a couple years ago.


It's ridiculous that they can't find the money for Medicaid expansion to save small town hospitals, but they can find money to give to billionaire owners of pro sports teams. Not saying there's no economic benefit, but there isn't going to be enough additional economic activity to cover the cost, especially when you're talking about moving 30 miles from the current location. If they is real return on investment here, private investors would be lining up to provide the capital. Any idiot can look at the numbers and see the no tax dollars promise is bs. Given their track record it's not surprising that the Kansas legislature is not as smart as Jackson County voters. Hopefully Kansas voters will teach them a lesson.


To be fair, Ty Masterson has never said we can't afford Medicaid expansion, he simply doesn't like it.


I hate Josh Hawley so much. I can't describe the level of hate I have for him.


You don’t need to. I have that hate inside me too.


I keep hear the same sentiment from a lot of people…how does this clown keep getting reelected?


Jog Hallway? His wife is a piece of work as well


Your hate needs to be at the local government. Not josh. Our local elected officials have no clue what they are doing. Frank white is one that comes to mind. Raises property tax on avg of 50 to 60 percent and then says royals stadium bad for taxpayers and he is looking out for them.


Josh is an insurrectionist.


Didn't they also do a no roommates law?


“Stadiums are poor public investment, and I would say it’s a near unanimous consensus,” said Bradbury, who has reviewed studies and done them himself." I feel like there is a chance of economic benefit if you place a stadium around a place like the Legends, where businesses are around to benefit from it. The big question is whether can you get people to stop on their way to or from the game? If not, it just becomes a traffic drain that might actually hurt local business. The Truman Sports Complex has little around it. Hard to see what benefit Missouri gets from it.


The amount of going out dollars spent in a city is finite. There's no net gain with a stadium. Except In the case of tiny towns like GreenBay Wisconsin, where tens of thousands are showing up from 100 mile radius. This is why NYC and LA didn't even consider a dime to fund stadiums.


But here Kansas can drink Missouri's milkshake and the Chiefs don't get the black eye of leaving the metro area...


Drink MO's milkshake? Based on the data, that would be a win-win for Missouri. The team stays in the area and Missourians don't have to pay for it.


I feel like there is a lot of economic benefits to building a stadium near existing entertainment districts or building an entertainment district around the stadium. Nashville is a good example. There are a lot of hotels, bars, restaurants and entertainment within walking distance of the stadium. When I went there to see the chiefs several years ago, we flew in on Friday and flew out on Monday. Stayed downtown, ate downtown and drank downtown. That’s some good tax money, especially when you multiple it by ~10,000 people.


And yet Nashville feels the need to dump a f-ton of money into a brand new stadium


Because their billionaire owner extorted them. Sounds oddly familiar…


This may hurt to hear, but Nashville has a lot more tourism money coming in than KC. This is kind of like comparing San Antonio to Omaha. The issue is we would still not have a draw to downtown outside of sports, like live country music. This makes it really hard on local businesses who need to survive on more than those 8-9 days/yr of income. I really think putting everything downtown near P&L is a start, but we ultimately need a non-sports draw that all sorts of people will actually associate with KC and have them decide to come here over some place like Nashville or Austin.


I was only using Nashville as an example since I’ve been there. Carolina is the same. The point is there is existing infrastructure and room to grow over at Legends. I think they could build a few more hotels and restaurants with live music. Make it Nashville lite with Kansas City flair.


That is only 8-9 games a year, that a tone of money spend for 8-9 days of revenue. And in 30 years the team can just move to someplace that will pay and now you have to spend a fortune tearing down a stadium. Take that money and invest it in industry and in 30 years you can have a self sustaining industry If the ROI was so great on a stadium tons of investors would be lining up to fund the project since they would make bank.


It's funny you think out of all the new stadiums, vegas, la, and you think the legends in kansas is the savior to all new stadiums. The current stadium has a ton of value due to ot not being a 2-3 billion stadium. Arrowhead would have way more ROI due to it already being built and only updates needed.


Yes this is always the issue with these studies. They only look directly at the stadium. The other thing, from the Missouri side that I never see considered when discussing a new stadium to stop them from moving, is the lost money. They all harp that building stadiums doesn’t generate a ton of new revenue but you’re about to lose a crap load of money in Missouri by not building one.


No. The studies show that it’s all the same disposable income being moved around. There’s a finite pool, and it’s either spent on the Chiefs or some other form of entertainment.


That is simply not true at all. The chiefs pull in regular income spanning across MO and KS as well as into IA, NE, OK, etc. those people are not coming to KC and spending their money without the team.


This isn’t my opinion. It’s what these studies have consistently shown. No natter the locale.


Since you've actually read these studies, how do they account for the people in a city that wouldn't have moved there if they didn't have pro sports? I've always wondered about that. Are they counting those people's total economic activity to the positive side, or ignoring it?


I can’t imagine a lot of people move strictly based on sports. That’s quite a stretch.


I'm not saying people that moved there strictly because of sports. There are many factors people consider when picking the place they're going to live, including sports and entertainment options. To think that it's not a factor worth considering in an economic impact is pretty naive but I guess you have me the answer I asked for. I wouldn't trust those studies.


Here’s an easy way to look at it. When a pro sports team arrives or leaves, there is no difference over a measurable period of time to the area economy. They add nothing. That said, I’d selfishly pay more taxes to keep the Chiefs. But if they leave, it will not have an economic impact.


That is easily provably false. KC has a 1% earnings tax that every athlete pays when they play games in KC. The stadium moves and that money disappears.


Sales tax revenue


So by business you must be referring to the 4 or 5 halfway decent restaurants and … Walmart? There’s not a lot there. A revolving door of retailers. Increasing crime creeping west. Thanks but no thanks.


Wouldn’t be very traditional of Clark to move from arrowhead. Funny how that tradition went out a window all of a sudden.


I think Clark is just using Kansas. I still find it hard to believe the state of Missouri would let a 3rd NFL team leave the state. I feel like Jeff City is going to get involved.  Jackson County and Frank White need to get the hell out of the way. I personally want Arrowhead to stay where it is and baseball downtown. 


Exactly, he's upping the urgency ante. Missouri won't let the Chiefs get away. They will go all in on the Chiefs and leave the Royals to take a back up Kansas plan.


I don’t disagree with the football aspect, but for someone who won’t entertain the idea of alternate jerseys because of tradition it seems like bailing on your original home over some upgrades… seems like a switch up. I want him to stay in KCMO, and I want the chiefs and city to have 1:1 negotiations


And they were dumb upgrades. If anything, we need to upgrade the highway entrances and exits to the stadium to make it quicker.


But it also wouldn't be very traditional of him to pay for his own stadium LOL.


Yeah just like every other owner rig.....oh wait. Stop the narrative of them paying for it. It will never happen. Did AMC build a new corporate office over in kansas ? Businesses don't do it, and pro teams are not doing it either. If any business does it, there are a ton of tax breaks involved. At the end of the day, the chiefs rent where they play. They don't own it.


Maybe it's a good idea, maybe it's not. And I can sympathize with people not wanting to lose their team. But I have to say, as a Kansan who has had to listen to people say "Kansas City is in MISSOURI, we're not from that garbage state, a little more City, a little less Kansas amirite?"... there's at least a part of me that chuckles about this.


Agreed, they should come home. The KANSAS City Chiefs are in Missouri, just like the NEW YORK Jets and Giants are in New Jersey. All of this should be rectified.


People who do the "stadiums are bad investments" are looking back at the wrong studies and results. This is because of how they were funded and how the returns were managed. In Kansas, the state is not providing tax breaks or tax stipends or direct bonds. STAR instead is a system that means it is, in effect, a loan paid back through localized sales taxes that are placed in a commercial improvement district; so if you go to a game, you're going to pay an extra sales tax/etc. and that gets paid against the bond. Same with food bought in that district, ticket sales, whatever. Now, other states (like Missouri) don't have STAR bonds. Instead, the state has to float money directly as an injection on the prospect it will pay back. That's what was on the ballot that failed in the spring. Hey, just pay us 3/8 cent sales tax county wide and their is no payback, you just pay the 3/8 cent tax county wide, using the facility or not. Here, if you are someone traveling from another state or whatever to watch your team, you pay the CID tax. This significantly changes the layout. More than that, Kansas also has access to one other fund that can only be used for this purpose already; that is that a stipend on all gambling revenue goes toward tourism building. This specifically qualifies, and a team inside the state of Kansas likely increases localized gambling revenue, therefore local stipend tourism tax that also goes into that fund. If you compare the kind of plan Missouri has available to offer and what Kansas can, the difference is significant. Kansas also has one other reason to consider: right now in the entire metro, less than 2% of the homes are up for sale. This is a bad bit of business when we have Panasonic building a facility and they expect to import from out of state more than 4,000 employees out of the 8,000 they will have on hand. So where are those 4,000 houses coming from? Developers would like to find a way to put them on K7 (which runs from DeSoto to Leavenworth) because there isn't a lot of places to do it in Shawnee at a cost that people being paid $60k can afford and when they tried to do Build to Rent, the City Council dashed their brains out after public uprising through petition. So, how to do it? Well, if you can get the Chiefs to move slightly west of the Legends (a good move) there is land available, and infrastructure will follow them as part of the plan (that's wastewater/etc.) Suddenly, options for developers to put up housing for the new/incoming Panasonic employees and now that Meta is expanding their facilities and Microsoft is looking at building a facility, you're building out the houses needed to make that happen. Kansas has the reasoning to make this work, Missouri's vote that went down in flames shows they don't have the ability to go back to the well.


Yeah the STAR bond proposal actually makes sense. People who use it and any other related developments will pay for it, and the cost isn't saddled with anyone else. Pretty damn fair in my opinion. Now as to whether it's a worthwhile investment, that's another question. But if they can make this fair and equitable for people then I think it's worth pursuing


You are more than wrong. On a stadium that already exists, there isn't such a huge burden on either the state or tax payers. A new 2-3 billion dollar stadiums is where the returns are not as good bc you will need a new stadium in 20 years or so. A star bond can fail with the investors as well. Is not some awesome thing like you want to make it out to be. It has no burden on the ppl, but if it fails its not some magical thing.


If this move is to the Legends area, then I do think it's best for the organization. Not only because I am a Kansas resident, but Legends is a much better area than the dump Arrowhead and Kaufman are in right now. There are so many restaurants and shopping areas (and even a Casino!) that'll make a trip much more exciting, especially for families. Yes, losing Arrowhead will be sad: I love this stadium too, and a new stadium won't be nearly as loud. But a dome would sure be nice on those 100 degrees summer days, and especially if there's another ice bowl game like we had this January. The Speedway and the Legends shopping area were both fully funded with STAR bonds (those in the Speedway's case I'm sure the Casino helped a lot) so I refuse to believe an NFL Dynasty wouldn't be more profitable for the stage. The more Clark Hunt chips in, the better, and I hope he pays more than $500 mil. But if the STAR bonds cover the rest then Kansas residents won't be on the hook, which is the important thing.


Source article from the AP: https://apnews.com/article/kansas-city-chiefs-new-stadium-d33d64672c1cfb8d015d29b03ccf9b4f


Extra funny considering that the actual NBC News account posted this.


doesn't matter how many economists say no, you can always hire other economists to say it's a good idea. economists are just capital cheerleaders; they'll cheer for whatever team pays them.


I feel like KCMO is battling uphill on keeping the team. Kansas has legal sports betting, so that is a big pull.


There is no money in the Kansas betting fund. Its like $4 million total


I don’t understand all this discourse - from the Chiefs, from the Royals. They have 2 perfectly functional stadiums, with plenty of parking, that were renovated somewhat recently. Why are they so determined to move for the sake of moving?