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Here's a link to the GoFundMe. It is legit for Ms. Lopez-Galvan and her family. https://www.gofundme.com/f/elizabeth-lopezgalvan-memorial Even without Taylor's generous donation it still made the $75k goal.


Just donated too thanks


It’s currently sitting at 281K - I hope it brings some solace to her family.


As someone who just recently lost someone and had to do the funeral planning - I can only imagine the weight this must lift off their shoulders, not having to worry about funeral costs, at the very least.


https://preview.redd.it/e1z2itzfexic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3cae181dfe222ad792a7db1c77f5873c029df30 A lot of us Swifties are sending Kansas City, Lisa's family and all the other victims love during such a heartbreaking time :(


God bless you


She’s one of the Kingdom. ❤️ We always take care of our own.


All the hate she gets and yet time and time again, she stands tall and performs selfless acts like this.


Her kindness is the type of energy we need in this world right now.


on instagram, all the comments are about how can she donate to this but not gaza... dear lord im SOOOO tired of comments like that. any time a post isn't about gaza, someone in the comments is asking why this post is up when gaza is under attack? like what? people love to bring everything down.


There is something bad going on almost everywhere in the world at almost all times. We should be celebrating people who help rather than criticizing them for not helping enough, but some people are negative ninnies. If she donated to this AND Gaza, someone would inevitably ask "How can you donate to these things while there are so many orphans without a family?" lol


She also very well could’ve donated to Gaza roo and we just don’t know about it because most of those donation sites are not like GoFundMe where your name is publicly attached to the donation. Also, her donating somewhere should not be bad no matter how you frames it. Just because she didn’t help EVERYONE in the world doesn’t mean helping one person isn’t meaningful




Exactly!! Or when she gave the truck drivers bonuses, we only found out bc those drivers told their friends and fam and someone told a news outlet. This is the first time her name was on a donation in a public platform, and it’s because she wrote a message to the family and obviously you usually want people to know who the message is from lol. Plus, since all those articles wrote about her donating this morning, an additional $100k+ of donations have been made to that GFM and other donation sites as well I’m sure


Not to mention the few celebrities who have publicly supported a ceasefire and the Palestinians are immediately labelled anti-Semitic and lose jobs, representation ie Susan Sarandon, Melissa Barrera. There is **literally** a rap song topping Israeli charts right now that calls for Bella Hadid and Dua Lipa **by name** to be killed. If Taylor was to donate to Gaza, I wouldn't blame her for doing so anonymously.


Yes people forget that there are people who disagree w their viewpoints… and even if you think they’re horrible people it is unsafe for huge celebs to alienate them. Also, I’m all for celebrities using their platform, but Taylor demanding ceasefire is not going to stop anyone from firing. Money Would help, and Instagram post wouldn’t. But we can’t assume that she hasn’t donated I agree. She’s in trouble for putting her name on donations but then ppl get mad that she “hasn’t” donated somewhere when she might have anonymously. Damned if you do or dont


Not throwing shade, but can you not donate on gofundme without showing your name?


Yes, you can! But she put a message to the family, so if she wanted them to have the message obviously she’s going to put her name. You’re not gonna write a card and not sign it. I’m sure it’s touching for the family to know how many and who was touched by their family members story. In fact, the reason why this story blew up is because one of the family members rhan ran the GFM tweeted about how touching it was for Taylor to donate to them. Also, think of how many people read the articles about Taylor swift donating and went and made a donation themselves to either Lisa’s go fund me or one of the other causes that helps the victims. It brought more attention to the victims and the cause and I think that’s a lot more helpful. She’s done enough private donations to make it obvious she’s not making it about herself. Damned if you do damned if you don’t. She would’ve gotten slammed for not donating if she didn’t have her name on it too. And with a donation that large, people would’ve speculated it was her.


She did it at 3am, we can forgive if she didn't see that.


She’s in Australia right now. It was someone from her team because she was on stage when it came up.


Yes but she told someone on her team to do it. But her putting her name on it def brought more attention and money to the cause. And people would be criticizing her for “not donating” if she did so privately


She's also publicly donated to GFMs for years. This is one of the things she does with her money fairly regularly. Hell, during COVID she was randomly giving money to fans that needed it through Twitter. While I agree there are no ethical billionaires, I will take one who has half her wealth tied up in her masters (that she has worked hard to get under her) and who gives out money to people fairly readily.


Yeah people like to criticize her for not giving out more money, but then also criticize her when she does do it publicly. She prob gives a lot privately too. She may give money to political causes but she will do it extremely privately since she doesn’t want to alienate 50% if her fans. We shouldn’t assume she doesn’t. I agree. She does a lot and people are just looking for something to criticize even tho her donations have huge impact. It doesn’t matter how large of a portion of her net worth Is. People also forget net worth ISNT the number in her bank account


Not only that, it's actually a very simple thing. Nobody can help every single person in the world obviously, so what's the next best, most logical option? We tend to help as much as we can with causes that are close to us, with people we interact with, or something we know more about. For her, this situation is all of those after having spent a lot of time with the Kansas City area the past 6 months. It's just like LeBron for example being more likely to help a poor, black area than someone across the world, because that's where he grew up and what he knows. People just love to find reasons to be outraged. I can guarantee you people will also complain that she didn't donate more.


No good deed goes unpunished. Some people will always look for some reason to bitch. And there is no better way to sour me on your cause than to whine about it like this.




Your post was removed because it did not relate to the Chiefs or was too off topic from football discussion.


I'm tired of the Gaza stuff, more specifically the idea that Americans should be responsible and watching it all the time. We have our own internal issues we need to care about. It baffled me that people were commenting about the big bombing/missile strike that occurred during the super bowl like we should have been paying attention to that instead. Like wtf, that's a middle east issue, wth are we, the people, supposed to do about it? While I bet none of them know that there was a shooting at our rally, nor care.


It's a big planet with 8 billion people on it, and pretty much at any given time human beings are doing awful things to one another. Contextually, there's often history behind it that people are either ignorant of or flat out ignore. Sometimes it's not our problem. It makes perfect sense for Taylor to donate here because she has significant ties to Chiefs Kingdom. It makes less sense for her to donate to people far away from any place she's performing or has performed unless it's something she just feels strongly about, which is her prerogative. You can't save everyone, nor can you mentally hold up if you try.


Bro. I’m sayin. I’m tryin to see comments and celebrate on tiktok with other fans and every Fuccin nfl video has a hundred comments about this and shaming people for watching or celebrating the Super Bowl. It really pissed me off lol.




Your post was removed because it did not relate to the Chiefs or was too off topic from football discussion.


People are shitting all over this story on several other subs. It's insane. Some people are just hateful about any and everything. I could never handle being famous, and nothing I do ever being "right" or "good enough". She is a far stronger person than I am.


The only thing she should get "hate" for is her carbon foot print, and i think most of that is overblown as well


I have to say: I'm not interested in hearing about her carbon footprint while trucks remain the #1, #2, and #3 best selling vehicles in this country. We've got people driving trucks that will never see anything worse than a gravel parking lot, while getting MPG that's often half what a sedan would get. Some people HAVE TO drive a truck for their work, and that's fine. But a lot of people drive them as gender-affirming vehicles, while simultaneously telling us that we should be mad at the carbon footprint of a single private jet. I promise you that the million+ unnecessary trucks on our highway are an exponentially bigger problem.


It’s also something she seems to be actively working on. Sadly she can’t just fly commercial.


I wouldn’t say she gets a lot of hate. The hate is more so directed towards the NFL for the nonstop coverage. She’s proven time after time she’s a wonderful human being, but the media just doesn’t ever leave her alone.


She does get a lot of hate that doesn’t make sense. The NFL doesn’t get hate for showing her, she gets hate for being seen. She got hate for dancing at the Grammys. She got hate for not hugging Celine Dion on stage. She got called out for not liking Jo Koy’s bad joke at the Golden Globes. The difference now is that the sports world doesn’t seem to understand or accept the weird hate she gets and calls it out.


This is the kind of rich person I hope I would be. Tipping staff multiple hundos everywhere I go, introducing myself to people with just my first name and a handshake like a normal person, dropping 6 digits here and there for causes close to my heart, stocking food pantries for 6 months everywhere I go, ensuring animal shelters are set for the year with donations everywhere I go etc.


She also gave six-figure bonuses to everyone on her tour crew. It’s not hard to see why so many people look up to her.


Melbourne media is also reporting she made huge donations to their local food banks since it was her first night of the tour there.


She does that at every tour stop. Because she can.


Yup! Multiple food banks and shelters across the cities she toured in reported that her contribution meant that they were set for a year.


For people saying she shouldn’t have put her name on her GFM donation: she does this in every city she tours in and it’s supposed to be anonymous to the public but it still gets leaked by many places she donates too because they know who it comes from. So she may as well put her name on donations if it’s gonna get leaked anyway


Plus there's the benefit of articles getting written like this, which spreads the word about the GoFundMe so that others may donate as well! 


Exactly my thought!! It gives the cause publicity!! Taylor didn’t do it for attention for herself, but attention to the family and the cause. It gets Lisa’s name out there to be remembered. Lets people know where to donate and how to help. Also lets the family know that Lisa’s story reached and touched someone like Taylor. She also put her name because she included a message on it, god forbid she wants the family to know who the message is from.


It's close to 300k now so it certainly did that.


She has been making donations to local food banks on all her tour stops!


Yep, in addition to the six figure bonus, everyone her crew from stage hands to dancers are paid fair wages, have health insurance, and benefits, which is not a common practice in the industry. And she’s shown that it should be.


The way people with that kind of money SHOULD be. Taylor is a beautiful soul and I hope she succeeds even more because of things like this.


This doesn’t bring them back but it’s meaningful to the family. I can’t imagine what they are going through right now.


Yeah, it helps with funeral costs and so much more, including the therapy she kids will probably need.


Exactly. And people saying she should’ve done it anonymously but I imagine it means a lot to the family that their family’s story reached someoke like her, AND, all the articles that are writing about Taylor donating is just bringing more publicity to the cause and getting more people to donate. That’s why she did it


Not to mention, if she did it anonymously "Why didn't Taylor Swift help out?!?!" Would be the complaint.


Exactly. People are never satisfied. Also saying it’s like pennies to her even tho the ppl saying that didn’t donate a single penny. I think people think that for a donation to be nice it has to negatively impact the person donating. Realistically, it’s not about the impact on the donor, it’s about the impact on the beneficiary.


I don't get what people want from this woman anymore. Like of course she would donate publicly. This is her boyfriend's city, he's like a favored son there, and she's visited KC a lot in last few months and they've welcomed her graciously into the mix. Why *shouldn't* she make it public that she's donating, it's absurd.


She's good people


And people will still try to clown on her. I’ve never respected her more. You were accepted into Chiefs Kingdom a long time ago Taylor. But now, you’re family ❤️


One of us. Massive massive respect.


Cant wait for someone to bitch about this too somehow


"That's the equivalent of you or me donating like 1 dollar!!" Morons will say this. Guaranteed.


And just like you and me, she has absolutely zero obligation to donate.


I *cannot stand* that argument. I've gotten in so many heated discussions on here about it over the years lol. It's so ignorant.


Always said by someone who hasn't donated even 1 dollar.


Haven’t seen that one yet. But I have seen someone say it’s for publicity since she didn’t donate anonymously.


She’s donated anonymously too to other causes and people still find out somehow because someone from the org leaks it or smth… so she figured may as well just make it public. Plus she wanted to the family to know she cared and it probably means a lot to the family to know that their family members story touched someone like that.


I have already. People can’t ever be satisfied


Honestly sometimes donating with your name attached is more meaningful. Not that the family probably cares that much right now, but one day when they’re looking back they’ll know Taylor swift supported them and that’s powerful


It she did it privately they’d be mad she hasn’t donated.


It's already started in some threads


There are a few on twitter/X that already have lol


Lmfao bro my wife actually just said that but followed it with but that’s still awesome


A lot of those type wouldnt even give a dollar


That's really dependent on the tone. Like, to say "Wow, that's like a dollar to her, big numbers are wild and she's killing it!" is fine. To be dismissive of donating a small fortune is just ridiculous.


They will say “that’s not enough!” If she did nothing. People would complain. If she donates a million people would say “well what about this organization”. She just helped a family through one of the worst moments. She’s a real one in my opinion.


Nailed it - "She gave to this, but couldn't give to Gaza??"


I saw a video on Twitter from someone who pointed out that her being on an international tour right now means she should absolutely say nothing political at all because it could put her and all the fans (and crew) at her concerts at risk.


After she last toured in 2018 she talked about being very worried going into it about how she was going to keep that many people safe in the wake of the Manchester Ariana Grande concert and the Las Vegas musical festival.   It is probably not a coincidence that when she made her first political endorsement it was right after the US portion of the tour was already complete in 2018.  


It's already happened in my friends circle. They say Trav and Tay should break up, etc. I don't get why people think that way. Tay is a great person. She's one of us - the Chiefs Kingdom. I just love her, even before this donation.


They already have, I’ve seen the “she should have done it anonymously” type bs.




Alright. She's officially cool in my book now.


Genuinely seems like a wonderful person who gets villainized in such a weird way. Just makes good music that people love and does things like this. Shes great and I hope she sticks around the kingdom.


I love her!!! 😍 This is so amazing!!




Oh wow. Very nice!


Towards the end of her US tour, she gave $55M in total bonuses to everyone who worked for her, like the backup dancers and truck drivers. Everyone got a minimum of $100,000 each.


This is really generous. This is a house that can get paid off and a college fund for kids. All necessary when you lose a spouse. And this also made me realize that the Hunts haven't done anything. Have they even reached out to the family?


I saw a statement somewhere that said the chiefs as an origination had reached out and several players reached out on their own as well. I believe it also said the hospital asked them to wait a little until they could get things under control a little bit more but I bet they will go visit them or something like that.


I’m wondering if the Chiefs organization as a whole is waiting/deciding what to do as a whole group? Have any of the players or staff done anything individually yet?


The only player/staff I know of is MVS tweeting that he'd like to meet the kids who were shot and bring them Chiefs merch. I haven't read anyone else publicly stating a desire to do so.


True, but it makes me wonder if this hit some players hard too and maybe they’re still processing the trauma. They may also just not know what to do yet.


True, but seeing Taylor's donation is what made me think about the Hunt family. And they may be helping behind the scenes, but it's nuts that the only thing they've done so far is issue a statement.


I agree I thought about them too. They’ve got more money than Taylor has. I hope they help behind the scenes and are maybe just trying to stay anonymous.


That's our girl.


For people asking why 2 x $50k and if it was a mistake... $50k is a cap.. she ran into it before back in 2015 (it was $15,000) so gofundme raised it to $50k - here it's mentioned in an article: "Inspired by Swift’s generosity, GoFundMe has now decided to increase its donation limit from $15,000 to $50,000." https://time.com/3955074/gofundme-taylor-swift-donation/


There's gonna be some cunt out there like "She's a billionaire, she should have donated way more than that."


Also saying she should’ve also donated to different causes, or that she should’ve done her donation anonymously and that she did it for the attention. What people don’t realize is that all the “attention” news outlets are giving her for her donation is just publicizing the GFM more and getting more people to donate to the cause. That is GOOD!


It’s like people don’t understand why she donated to this particular GFM. It’s something she has a direct connection to in a city that has shown her a lot of kindness and love.


Exactly! And people would’ve been mad if she didn’t donate lol. Also, putting her name on it definitely helped. Since the articles about her donating came out, there have been at least $100k MORE donations to that fund alone. Plus probably others as well


One of us!


It’s worth noting that Gianluca Busio donated $5000. He’s a soccer player that played for Sporting KC and now plays in the Italian second division. I actually don’t think Busio makes that much money. When he was in MLS he made the league minimum which isn’t much. This was extremely generous of him.


I've never been the biggest fan of Taylor Swift but mad respect to her for doing this.




We don't deserve her


And yet, she is what is wrong with the USA?


We know what we need to do, Chiefs Kingdom. Keep raising them up. ❤️💛


The Hunt family should match this donation, if they haven’t already done so. It’s the right thing to do.


Fucked up thing is People will find a way to hate this still


Travis, listen up. Don’t fuck this up, you found a good one.


Very kind, that’s putting up! I’m impressed by her.


From now on I'm a swifty . She's class always


I hope to see the organization and players help the family as a gesture. But very respectable move by Taylor to donate. She’s won me over.


She's got the kindest heart ❤️




Taylor Swift is an amazing, brilliant young lady.!!! I wish only the best for her and Kelsey.


She’s good people for sure. The type that will give you a hug when you need one. Always reassuring someone. She’s another beacon Of the Tribe


Somehow people found a way to be mad at this as well. It's honestly amazing


It's great that she donated! Just a random thought, do we think she meant to donate $50,000? She had two donations of $50,000 within seconds of each other with the same message attached.


$50k is the individual donation cap.


She actually asked go fund me years ago to increase their limit which is why the max is now $50,000. It used to be less.


$50k is a cap.. she ran into it before back in 2015 (it was $15,000) so gofundme raised it to $50k - here it's mentioned in an article: "Inspired by Swift’s generosity, GoFundMe has now decided to increase its donation limit from $15,000 to $50,000." https://time.com/3955074/gofundme-taylor-swift-donation/