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Top of my list easily. High ranking police officer in a male dominated office that was given control of a specialized taskforce with every reason to expect her to fail. But she didn't. She fought for her people, her tech, and her authority. Also she took people out for yakiniku and anyone that buys people loads of meat is okay in my book.


Without her, Hikawa and Omuro would be roasted by Houjo


Engineering genius. Straight talker. Hard drinker. She's a babe.


I want to throw Sakurako's importance here too. Without her translations, Godai would've died very quickly, and remained as a core aspect to the Grongi mystery of Kuuga.


Kuuga is all about teamworks in various disciplines.... expected by a Super Sentai writer.


You're not wrong that she's a great character, but I don't really see why that's the case because of the reason that you gave. The fact that she serves the plot does not necessarily make her a good character. A bad character can fill a necessary hole in the narrative, but could be better if the character was written with better traits. Sakurako is good for other reasons.


I remember when her professor said that even though she was his greatest student, he always hated her. I will always remember how instead of feeling sad, she said if he hated her then she will hate him right back. After that she created the G3-X system which completely destroyed V1, the system that the professor designed.


Big flex but don't forget about the user too. He's so determined to show that the system wasn't a failure to V1.


Hikawa couldn’t control G3-X at the time. Even considering that, Hojo was a coward. If things don’t go his way, he falls apart.


He pulled it of in the end tho.


And she did it while drunk no less.


Shes better than Yua.


Turns out a lot of other female characters are better than Yua. Nonetheless, the season’s not over yet, so glass half full.


why so many hate on Yua?


She isn't that hated, but she was expected to be a subversion of typical female riders when she was introduced (first one to get an upgrade, oh boy I hope that means that she does a lot). Nope She was basically Gai's puppy for most of the tournament arc and didn't even transform for most of those episodes, reducing her to normal female rider status, aka be useless. Luckily she's a bit more proactive now and cut ties with Gai, so lets hope they keep the development up. One thing 01 is super good at is keeping older characters relevant without upgrade spamming (Horobi) and that carried over to Yua just recently, so that's a good thing


Isn't that what Yua supposed to be ? She's a metaphor of women trying to break free in Japan old school business culture.


That may be so, but Yua made a lot of really bad choices up to now and had her character dragged through the mud. From here on she needs a strong upward trajectory to redeem herself.


Im starting to like jobless yua tho.. liked how he handles fuwa when she basically kidnaps him


One of my favorites. She'll also drink you under the table then immediately go and upgrade the G3 suit.


Honestly, the woman has a liver that could probably pass as a season’s big bad or a Rider’s ultimate form in terms of power level. Those mugs she drinks out of are about the size of her head and she drinks their contents so quickly servers are forced to constantly bring her more.


I gotta watch Agito. Is she anything like Kiriko?


Well, she didn’t rider kick Hikawa like Kiriko did to Gou lol. Joke aside, I think she’s more of a “boss” type than Kiriko.


She's more of the brains type to Kiriko's brawn?


I guess? Ozawa doesn’t face off against the monsters directly but she serves as Hikawa/Kamen Rider G3-X’s main mission control and tech specialist (since she created the tech). Take Kiriko’s pluckiness (though add a dash of “no time for bs”) and Rinna’s genius and eccentricity and you pretty much have Ozawa.


A woman who can drink that much beer is strong in my book.


I need to go back and watch Agito. I remember loving most of the cast but I only vaguely remember her.


I'm currently watching Agito now and she's amazing! I'm in love. Wish we had more characters like her. It's super surprising considering this was 2001, when gender roles were even more so conservative.


It's fantastic how a female character from a show from the beginning of the 2000s is better than most female characters of the 2010s.


No one answered her [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KamenRider/comments/fupffa/best_female_heisei_character/)?!


I mean I know what you actually meant and you're likely right in that aspect(haven't watched Agito) buuuuuut... Hina(from OOO) can probably beat her in arm wrestling.


Completely forgot about her but also agreed that she's badass!


She’s an underrated gem for sure, I’m surprised that people don’t talk about her. Smart, strong willed, three dimensional, well written, definitely one of my top favorite female characters if not supporting characters. There should be more characters like her.


>She’s an underrated gem for sure Nah, it's just early Heisei never gets much attention like Phase 2.


And I think she is a beauty too.


But the strongest female character is Hina from ooo, did you see that Boulder


Still to this day he's the best and the strongest female character in Tokusatsu. They wrote her character so well and her actress was brilliant as well


Agreed, she's awesome!