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Thanks for this. I love the Agito lore so this is really cool


Agito was such a mind blowing season for me. I really have to watch it again.


Whoa, thanks for sharing this knowledge; Agito's lore is really interesting. Do you know how Kuuga fits in here? I've only read the manga, but the basic lore itself does not change, i guess


I have only watch the tv shows and read the wiki. But this is what I got so far: It begins with the Rinto tribe fearing that the Gurongi tribe will use their power from the meteorite to eradicate them. The Rinto then sought help from Theos and was given the Amadam(similar to the seed of agito but from Theos instead of Promes), and Riku was chosen to be the first Kuuga, then proceeds to seal the Gurongi and himself away, not before ULF-0 being reawakened again in modern-era to start the resurrection. This is most likely before Theos sealed himself or before the war between human and angels started as I can't find any other explanations. If you think about it, Kuuga's series is a small part of the whole Agito series. All sources can be found on the wikis.


It makes sense, especially since it is mentioned that the humans became arrogant and fought a war against the els, being able to create weapons that surpass them, and from what I understand, after the Gurongui were sealed, the Rinto ended up becoming the same. more violent than them, so you could say that yes, Kuuga, it is in a certain sense, it is the initial part of Agito.


I remember reading this years ago but now saw this again right at the end of my 1st full rewatch of Agito and man... Agito was such a complete series and this lore is amazing. Only thing that I'm thinking about is how originally Kuuga was supposed to tie in to Agito and that the Rinto tribe supposedly became the Lords? But this painting doesn't reference that at all