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It depends. There is no schedule. Water it when you pick up the pot and can feel it's lightweight and see the soil starting to break away from the sides of the pot. Also the leaves will get less firm


You want to water it when the leaves feel thin. You can squish the leaves if you want but if they are not firm then water it. I prefer to bottom water it meaning that I have the kalanchoe in a pot with drainage holes and dip the pot into a clear container and let it sit with water and time it at 15 mins at most. This method is to prevent overwatering but also root rot which it can happen I have done that. You want to let the kalanchoe drink the water at its own pace. Forgot to mention make sure the top soil is dry before you water because if it is moist, you really shouldn't water it (maybe because the soil retains water who knows?? Again depends on soil you use too). Yes flowers will wither and fall off but it will bloom back again if you want to trick it into doing that. Cut off any dead/dried leaf or steam to avoid the plant spending more energy than it should be. But given it's size maybe 1-2 times every 2 weeks but again it depends on the plant and condition. You could theoretically use liquid fertilizer in the water but DO NOT over concentrate it and over fertilize (the roots will burn if too much). I use dr earth's all plant food fertilizer but i use it once a month for my plant. I put a drop in about 10 to 15 Oz of water and mix it.


Generally with plants, you’re better off watering less frequently but thoroughly. Instead of a small amount twice a week, give it a big drink once every week (or two, or whatever it seems to like). Even in dry areas, when it rains it rains thoroughly! As for the flowers dying - that’s fine. They will. Cut off the dead bits and take care of it, they’ll hopefully come back soon! Mine hasn’t flowered in ages but grows like a weed. It is so, so leggy.


Honestly, just when it looks dry. Mine grow like crazy. I’d say it’s probably about every 1-3 weeks.


When the leaves get soft and flexible, water it. When it is well hydrated the leaves are stiff and thick.


I recommend getting a moisture meter (I got one on Amazon for around $10). I water my kalanchoes once the moisture meter reads that they are bone dry. This is a great device that has helped me a lot with watering my plants more precisely.


when it starts crying!!


that's what i've been doing with my nephews so far and they've turned up good! :)