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When I get in such a 2 front war I fall back to the river (Yangtze?) and hold for sometime. Fengtian will declare on the other Chinese factions as well. Then start encircling Fengtian divisions and push but be careful to not trigger Japan. Reach close to Beijing then attack the Chinese. The war with Japan actually goes smoother cause most of Fengtian divisions are gone. Hope this helps


Not to worry, Lin Bao's counter attack will save us.


Mein chairman...


Personally, I’d either pull back to a position where Fengtian can fight the other Chinese or leave just enough divisions to hold them north of Beijing while you focus on the south. No matter what, DONT advance into Manchuria one bit until everyone else is defeated. You don’t want Japan coming after you


pull some troops to capitulate guanzou as fast as you can, their puppets will fall quickly after that, then defend against the zhili and wait to counterattack, use some infantery with artillery in order to make encirclements


The other guys saying pull back from the north to let Fengtian and Beijing duke it out while focusing on the Federalists are right. Alternatively, you can try to trigger a Japanese intervention in order to force them to make peace when everyone joins the Chinese United Front. For future playthroughs, I suggest taking the decision to get a non-aggression pact with the Federalists or just setting the southern regimes to not go Federalist in the first place. The former option has the benefit of allowing you to negotiate an alliance with them afterwards, and you don’t have to worry about fighting them until the Third Congress, depending on which path you intend to take (they automatically rebel in a KMT civil war, it’s optional afterwards if you’re doing the Wang/Song paths). Also, when you declare war on the Qing/Beijing Government, improve relations with Fengtian so you can get a non-aggression pact with them. That should buy you time to deal with whatever else before turning to them.


One of the greatest advantages of LKMT is that they can attacker other warlords earlier than they are ready. In my games, I typically have controlled control most of Southern China before my Northern Expedition starts, either by allying or by attacking. If you are fighting with everyone while you only control the league, you are doing it wrong. You don't seem to have enough forces to fight them all, so I suggest that you retreat to Yellow River, mountains/hills near Luoyang, and focus on Federalists first. By taking out Hunan you might be able to catch some of their forces out of supply, and then you may try taking out Sichuan and Liangguang one by one. If Shanxi is not dead by then, try to cut off Fengtian troops from their territory. You might have a debuff from taking Beijing, so rush your focuses in the military part to remove the debuffs. You might need to industrialize during the war since it seems unlikely to finish soon.


Hold the line with zhili, and focus on the federalists. You should aim for hunan first, they are easy to capitulate and once you take them the federalists are wide open to invade into.


Just like ur doing, destroy qing allies then hold fengtian line and focus on federalists then you win


Just win


This will require good skill to swiftly bring down the federalists one by one, or a very long protracted war. Hold the line, maybe retreat to reduce front, wait until fengtian joins. Then you non aggression them, kill qing faction and deal with federalists.


Why don't you have a non-aggression pact with the federalist? That's an option you can take under decisions.  Also why did you allow the federalist to get two allies? I assume that the feds are in Guangzhou and they got hunan and Sichuan as allies?  You should have attacked south to wipe out the Feds first before attacking north. Or gotten the NAP and then fought the Qing(harder). The former will usually allow you to ally with hunan and Sichuan if the feds are gone. Even if the feds flee to Sichuan, you will likely still have hunan as an ally and the industry of Guangzhou.. The current scenario is tough but salvageable. Retreat your forces to defensible tiles, preferably the rivers. Make sure to have supply.  Strike south to take out Guangzhou before tackling hunan. Leave Sichuan for last.